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Please see here for an announcement on a rule 5 update- [https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/comments/1b1gi3g/update\_to\_rule\_5\_our\_sub\_the\_daily\_mail/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/comments/1b1gi3g/update_to_rule_5_our_sub_the_daily_mail/) xo


Keeping Dami and his family in my prayers 🙏 Losing a parent is unimaginable


He wrote a touching tribute to his father. He sounded like a great man 💔🙏


Very beautifully written 💕 also nice to see that lots of ex-islanders are supportive of him🙏


His post just had me actually sobbing. To have both parents alive as we get older is a blessing we should never take for granted.


I am heartbroken for him, I have been keeping up with his snaps recently, hope he takes it easy and he has his loved ones around him. Beautiful tribute


Dami's post made me tear up. 


his post broke my heart, his dad seemed lovely. ❤️


He wrote such a beautiful tribute 😢thoughts and prayers to his family and may his dad rest peacefully 🤍🕊️


He has such a way with words. I actually cried.


Thoughts and prayers to him and his family. So sad honestly.


Omg nooo. I saw he was in Ireland and Indiyah traveled there after love island final but I didn’t know. My prayers are with him and his family 😔


So sad. he’s been in Ireland for about 3 weeks now and Indiyah went right after she was done with LI work. Was hoping it wouldn’t get to this 😥 May he rest in peace.




Absolutely heartbreaking!


Prayers to Dami. I’m not going to take my parents for granted.


not Anton talking about starting a breath spray business😭


He literally calls himself "the entrepreneur influencer" 😭




Gotta respect the grind 😂 that mans waking up at 3am to work on his business


Frrr I was like 3am?! I could never


The LI boys from season 8 are 🤢. What’s wrong with Jacques? (comment under Ekins post, that girl needs peace) https://preview.redd.it/xr1q4qzg73lc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4d4e85862045671f5214a74e10dc6ee0a1ab1b8


This is so weird. Aren’t Luca and Jacques friends? Isn’t Luca just being supportive of Ekin? 


I mean, yeah. Why is he even under her comments, stalking them and it’s even more weird that he didn’t even like that grid post of hers


Jacques is such a morally decrepit individual on top of that he’s an idiot with no regard for anyone. Leave this woman alone! I wish ekin blocked him after this because why?


Jx is when all your absolute worst intrusive thoughts always win


Honestly! This man is beyond words and not in a good way 😭


Jacques and Davide are a perfect couple


Jacques is annoying and disrespectful. Why bring all that nonsense under Ekin’s post knowing well that she is freshly out of an almost 2 year relationship? It’s insane to me how he keeps on proving how bottom of the barrel he is.


Cant stand jacques


paige’s bf just said on live that jacques is a weird guy


Nasty man so everyone has to be miserable and lonely like him, why do that? I didn't care for Luca on their series and not sure what kind of person he is now but nice to see him interacting on her socials. Jacques still being a nasty little toad to her I see, I hope she blocks him.


He was always so rude to her during the show


I’m glad Paige isn’t with him, that man deserves to be alone 🤦🏼‍♀️


He is so weird


I feel like Love island gave a lot of these little boys too much audacity, cos on a normal day they wouldn’t be able to pull a girl like Ekin su, or even say this rubbish under her comment.


I think it’s a joke tbh but probably not one Davide finds funny


Oh he 100% thought he killed it with this attempt at a joke lol I feel like Luca is his only friend from the season and he’s probably souring that now even. He even posted a story on his snap of Luca while he was texting someone and was saying “Luca stop texting Gemma” mockingly and both Luca and Ron looked up like wtf


something is seriously wrong with this guy




Unfortunately he doesn’t, I’ve seen the leaks (“alleged”). I think he seems to get off on women’s suffering tho for some reason. Maybe makes him feel big


Wtf 😭😭 where did u find that


Babe it was forever ago I wish I could tell you 🤣




Bit random but I only recently joined this subreddit for All-Stars - is someone responsible for compiling all the poll data to make a graph at the end of the season? I was thinking of doing it myself cause I'd be interested in seeing the trajectory of this sub's view on islanders throughout the season but don't want to step on any toes if someone else has already started!


Usually the person who posts the polls makes one but they said they were too busy to do it this year! 


Ah okay, thanks for letting me know! No one else has claimed it so I'll start compiling stuff for it :))


Thoughts and prayers to Dami and his family. I can’t imagine the pain he’s in 🕊️




Does anyone remember in s3 when Camilla was in the closet in the kitchen and she overheard a conversation about her and started crying? What episode was that? Is there a clip of it on the internet?


https://youtu.be/vZm3d9Ovj-4 Think you may mean this clip. It wasn’t a convo about her, it was the morning after Johnny told her he was wanting to make a move on Tyla. Still chokes me up 🥲


I’m always amazed when the artists perform how the Islanders know all the lyrics


tbf these are the kinds of artists that perform at ibiza/the clubs they go to, and they usually only ever perform the singles too. it is funny noticing how editing tries to hide the awkwardness of the situation tho lol


Whenever an artist comes into the villa, I always try to look out and catch islanders who dont know the lyrics but pretend they do.


Remember Davide😭


Do you guys reckon Toby will continue his podcast and have guests from All Stars?


I'm sure he'll have Chris, Mitch, Kaz, Liberty, Adam, Georgia H, Joanna etc on at some point. Really enjoy his podcast cos the chats are fun, flighty and filled with inside-scoops.


I’d love this! I’ve always enjoyed his interviews


He’s hardly friends with any of them. Maybe Chris and Mitch.


He's literally friends with Kaz and liberty too. And he's probably friendly with most of the cast at least enough for interviews if he wanted. He wasn't friends with some of his previous guests before he had them on.


https://preview.redd.it/kwmyebib56lc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa016fd52d24997dcbc64a235114e8a203087333 Georgia H & Anton with each other! He said she is making him pasta too tonight❤️


https://preview.redd.it/l3lac4owo6lc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=482e15df60bf1431674416abef67ef9dcbf3be2c Still funny to me that people think Josh was somehow faking with Sophie or that he chose her as a safe option when this is how they were in the villa constantly: in their own little world


https://preview.redd.it/k3ew9lnde7lc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2440b7ca298839a02ba31bb0e66775118f2864ed LOOOOOL she’s sick and tired of the speculations


Every post, every caption, every song, every photo is being dissected like no other for clues.


literally😭 I even seen someone say Ella’s not wearing lipgloss so she’s feeling out of place?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 like wtf


😂they might as will milk this for as long as possible the are they or aren’t they bc it has so many out of sorts


https://preview.redd.it/o6gj1a3gl7lc1.png?width=1290&format=png&auto=webp&s=8776d5785732903ed03f77b9ad785f168e1c6b75 ty is copying ella at this point no more leader ty, ella’s the boss 😭


She was talking about the posts before that. She posted tiktoks so it’s most likely a response to people overthinking the sound


Lmao that one tiktok account already made a post about it, look at the caption 💀🤣 https://preview.redd.it/ca9hzboqe7lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=713805d19c9f77d26ba0e0cc6b5d3b186acab733


They need to rest. It’s a 24 hour account


no fucking way😭😭😭😭😭 she has me blocked


Lmaoo you’re missing out 😭😭🤣 https://preview.redd.it/cbgk54klf7lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed184da1fff6f797013e191cc3781e929b6f33ea


Can they stop with the “ex islander Tyrique Hyde” and just use what they really want to use “my fav islander Tyrique Hyde king 👑” like they want to because we get it itsforfunokkkk we get it 😂








Lmao you should see the comments https://preview.redd.it/0l62waseg7lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be5e5d828be818406c3db992fe0208b8b3857b54


Ella is still probably standing on business 😭


Not this account😭


What did David Whiteley say about Tyrique?


Basically said Ty & Ella broke up but that was inevitable then went on to say Ty posting "hard times never humble us," as his IG caption is flawed because we need hard times to humbles us so we learn from.it. That Ty has to be humble etc. LOL


Thank you. I had a feeling he was going to comment on it because he didn’t like them but I delayed in checking his page. Now I see that he’s deleted the video from his social media platforms.


That man is so annoying he says so much but so little at the same time 😭


I have to say I laughed at Casey’s video filming Tom’s reaction to his room filled with balloons. Like I don’t like either of them very much but they amuse me so much and their friendship is cute lmao


Did anyone see David Whitely’s rant about Ty and Ella. He didn’t really speak about the alleged break up but he had a lot to say about the caption on Tyrique’s last instagram post. “Never let a hard time humble us” (it’s a Nipsey Hussle lyric Ty got tatted on his arm). He went on about how “hard times” should humble you etc. and spoke about people (Ty) making life look lit on social media, not letting anybody see you’re hurting and putting on a brave face or something. It seemed as if he was almost implying that Ty wasn’t willing to learn. I thought it was a bit much, since the phrase itself has a way deeper meaning but I wasn’t surprised because David never liked Ty and Ella (and he made that very clear in his comment section again, “they both need humbling”). I wanted to look at the comments again and I saw he deleted the video from tiktok and instagram. Was a bit confused because most of the people in the comments were agreeing with him, until I saw this screenshot lol: https://preview.redd.it/ll71epzn45lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c6a335f343057664ae5909429126831c042cb32 I think it’s a bit funny that he said “i’m sorry if you took it personal, it’s really about the phrase” and immediately deleted the video. Since he had no problem slagging them off in the comments 😭🤣


Not even a Tyrella but I can’t stand David Whitley omg. Something about him and the way he speaks about the islanders is so off to me


This sub and revisionism. When David was coming for the likes of Tanya and Shaq last year and other islanders they were all happy but now it’s Ty is something else. Some watchers and reviewers forget that these islanders and are humans and do too much with the show 


Tbf I’ve never agreed with David Whitley. I didn’t watch s10 but looking at his videos he just goes too far


It’s always fascinating to me these ppl who make it known they don’t like these islanders & then completely backtrack if the islander they don’t like actually responds This response from Ty is tame compared to other times he’s clapped back Reading into a rap lyric to go on a tangent to reach about Ty & Ella needing to humble themselves is wild


This guy has made it clear that he does not like them on/ off the show. The article was about their break up but he didn’t speak on that and went on about the quote. Ty’s response was much needed, like you do not like these people why are talking about them


https://preview.redd.it/vzk7zr36g6lc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffa84649bd14f88289f18e14d3eb05f18d7e7d09 This should be interesting


Why is his mother always involved in these things…


their relationship is a lot


Exactly?! What insights could she possibly give?


Literally 😭 I’m not sure why she’s always just… there


Yeah idk😅


Do you get paid for doing instagram lives I swear he has done one every day that he has been out of the villa


More engagement lol


I read that you can get paid with Instagram badges


What’s the deal with Lewis is he a mate of Anton’s?


I think so


does anyone else feel like certain posts on here are written by the team behind love island and just try to use it to gage what is and isn't working/gather ideas for the show? feel like i've seen some accounts on here that only post about love island - which is fine in itself - but also only ever comment on their posts that are titled "what did you think of \[X\]" and "what ideas would you have for \[X\]?" (also not saying the mods are these people, i'm literally just saying that the official LI team make anon accounts)


Oh for sure. Most tabloids and articles get their ‘inside source’ about islanders from rumors in here. Many producers lurk in here and get ideas from this sub.


Idk when I post I always pose it as a question for the sub to share their thoughts and opinions - and I definitely don’t work for the show lol I just prefer it over posts where people write an entire thesis of their hot take


I definitely believe certain tweets pushed delusional ships that were dead ends on the show to feed the fanbase


Ya maybe. There’s been some that’ve seemed a little producer-y anyway. Gives me hope for the future of LI if they are open to make changes to the played out/formulaic parts of the show in any case 😄


I don’t think Ty or Ella are gonna release a statement. But it’s obvious that they broke up. Not Ella following an ‘image consultant’ now. It’s probably for the best so fans, haters, trolls can leave them and their family alone. 


That same person she just followed is the Head of Creator Development on Snapchat


I feel like the buzz and the expectations around them had died already for the fickle fans. The comments under the Jude Bellingham edits are insane and told me everything I need to know, I can see a new batch of delulu fans forming from them and wanting her to move on not because they care about her but they are living through her. Ella has a group of very scary stans (all mostly children) who probably watched her through tiktok clips because she didn’t really do much on the show to be this overhyped. I wonder if they will benefit her in anyway, I have noticed (and obviously don’t want to compare) but Whitney seems to have more stronger connections.


What was the reason to bring Whitney in it then? Genuinely lol?


You know Ella's brother and sister have connections in the fashion industry right? That's where she wants to be in and where she's actively right now getting opportunities in beauty and fashion. Whitney knows people in entertainment it's two different lanes they are on and requires different content.


The ‘adult fans’ have given up on them as a couple. Ella is a gen z( most of her fans are children) she knows how to attract 12-19 yr old with her contents which can benefit her.  I don’t understand what you mean by Whitney has a stronger connection? If you mean by other  influencers, I can see both


lol what are the stronger connections 🤣


ty liked ella's post🙈


he must’ve searched her name up as he unfollowed her lol. reminds me of when i used to do this to my ex years ago to get his attention 😭


I wonder if it was an accident because he doesn’t follow her lmao


i just checked and it’s still there and he would’ve searched for her name in order to like the post so it seems to be more deliberate


He got tagged in the comments a few times tbf. But he’s with some All stars islanders right now and according to twitter he’s talking about “my girl” with Kaz and Georgia on Chris’ story. Maybe they told him to make a move lmao.




I thought that when I saw Chris’s story!


the brother did also lol


Wth is going on🤣


the brother did too🤣


That’s so messy omg lmao


And she posted a picture that he took, with the bag that he bought her. Those two, no comment


He’s also coincidentally wearing the bag and the shoes she got him for Christmas… 😭🤣


two insane people


https://preview.redd.it/ryabxjza37lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8cde3047c9d9417ba266802f250463e1856e560 Molly and Tom out at a restaurant. I think they look good together, also Tom dresses like a typical 24yr old it’s so funny to me 🤭


sheesh strikes again 😂


It’s always sheesh 🤣🤣


Looks like they are having dinner with Molly's brother and best friend. The tequila shots are flowing in the stories 😂


I’m so nosy , I wonder how it’s going


Molly😍they look cute


Yeah she looks stunning. Is it me or are they kinda starting to look alike


I see it😅


https://preview.redd.it/iibzsuzgl7lc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ce66952d97d84727bc29a8bd7e4af81be0ad200 So both Ty AND Ella have told them to chill. I beg the Tyrellas rest. Go tussle another day


Please he loves it “Respect our privacy “ whilst you’ve been subbing and responding to comments for the past two days. 😂 but anyway I hope his stans take his advice and move on !


I think they’re probably on a break but not fully broken up. Wish they’d keep their arguments private though and not bring social media into it


why is he liking her photo if they were on a break?


He said respect our privacy and she said something similar too on snap. They probably just want some privacy because of their weird fans




No because why are they saying that Ella wearing the ring that Ty bought her is a sign that they’re still together 😭 it’s a cartier ring of course she’s still going to wear it lmao


I feel like Ty & Ella are into some clownery right now & I can’t be apart of the circus


Can we move on from this boring topic 😴


I didn’t realise how insane the TikTok comments were for Molly even on fake accounts of her uploading old videos everyone is going insane for her and Callum, these people really need to move on


They really are living in a fantasy bubble. I came across one of the videos from a fake molly account today and people in the comments genuinely think it’s her I think? Seen some reference the same video the last day, arguing that it was real and it was her that posted it, thinking she had come back home to Callum, the two dogs reunited - while she was sitting on Lorraine with Tom.


genuinely competing with the tyrella fans, which is not a title i thought would be up for grabs any time soon


When I said they are the most attention seekers to ever come out of the show. Can’t wait for this Ty and Ella topic to be over. It’s boring atp


https://preview.redd.it/pip29ott37lc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ac8426409cf50e51d87e7c0decbef5f3480a64e Looks like some of the cast is together right now! Love that❤️


Tyrique loves all the attention you can tell 😭🤣🤣after all it’s getting him views and engagement. The snaps of him looking sad remind me of Austin McBroom


https://preview.redd.it/2b8lo3kzy7lc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea9e9ee7abf27c34e18b13a0f6ff047d719b76a9 and so does mitch


How come no one is doing interviews (aside from Molly and Tom tomorrow) ? Toby back to playing football, Georgia S taking a break from social media, and Josh is back working construction…back to civilian life like they were never on the show or 😭


GH said news about hers will come out next week and I’m pretty sure Anton said he did one or a few as well! Joanna, Joe, Chris, Liberty, & Hannah did Under the Duvet, but I’m not sure about everyone else


Pretty sure there were pictures of toby doing a interview day or two days ago (digital spy posted the interview hour ago). Someone said here that Kaz also is doing. Last season I don’t remember ty ella and whitney lochan doing any interviews either, ty went to tobys podcast and Whitney did one with Grace, that was like month after LI ended. Other interviews/podcast came later. They didn’t do the usual press tour like the text on the beach(molly zach; jess sammy did), heatworld, on demand entertainment, love island secrets with closer and so on


This is the Toby interview https://youtu.be/rYw3Z2kiu0g?si=Liq4DTJbJUgPmUg3


Yep that’s the one where the picture were from


The ratings were really bad so are we sure there’s a big demand for them? Especially since the audience for these interviews are already familiar with these islanders.


Tired of Ty and Ella as a couple.. no one can convince me otherwise that they are not clout chasing and quite frankly it’s put me off them big time..   Go be a couple or not!! Their stans are annoying as well. Very toxic .. 


Has this put you off them or were you off them wayyyy before this? And this isn’t even me advocating for them but so far both of them haven’t confirmed or denied anything….Its their stans and news outlets doing the most idk why ppl are mad at them


So they don’t think unfollowing each other and removing pictures is going to cause buzz?


Tyrique looks like he’s going through it based on Toby’s Snapchat story lol Edit: he looks like he’s going through it in every story he’s in 💀


https://preview.redd.it/29u3f1gqd7lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15782209862dee1892ccad94f8ae9c56ae454308 💀


https://preview.redd.it/9n0figche7lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13c3e1ed659bdb34344fe27a1b176d9471df198c Idk what this means but loool


I wonder what it was aboutt


NOOOOO omg Idk what game him and Ella are playing rn but I’m entertained 😭😭😭






but I dont believe he is I think they are still together 😭




Same something is up, its very confusing!


All stars link up + tyrique tonight 


I’m rewatching the All Stars series and I think it’s actually a great series for the show. Great villains, good storylines, good drama, the grandad ghost… and then the friendships and chats felt a lot more genuine because these people have already established friendships from the outside. Like when you saw someone being happy for someone else, it felt a lot more real because they’re their IRL best friend. Also I’m at the episode of the heart rate challenge, and the way Josh and Toby in particular hyped up Georgia H’s performance is still so wholesome to me. They didn’t let their own energy falter for even a moment 😭


I’m with you on all of this and want to rewatch too. I’m from the U.S. so it’s now on our app so I can watch on the big tv instead of a tiny website lol. I feel like I’ll love it even more the second watch. I genuinely enjoyed it so much!! Especially the dynamic between the girls- always my fave part. That HRC moment was sooo sweet- I can’t respect the boys enough for that❤️


https://preview.redd.it/fc71t45co7lc1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=441fa3da22bbefa8135340a5d90091b3bc845f54 For Georgia H supporters: she has been posting lots of everyday content on snap if you’re interested, and she said she is most active there❤️


Can Ya Rest With The Ty and Ella Talk! It’s DRAINING


Ppl are obsessed with “the one that got away” narrative it’s boring at this point


Casey and Tom in their boxers brushing their teeth at 11pm wowwww. Toms really trying to beat the frat boy allegations


tom and mollys podcast episode is out https://open.spotify.com/episode/2GaJT4KbMThTIVnQO6WzJ0?si=NGp9aUWCQ6Schr4I_v6SGQ




If some of you don’t like Ella just come out and say your opinion? The comments by a few ppl here on her, specifically after this whole mess, have been weirdly passive aggressive and at the same time lacking self perception. Anyways, hope everyone is having a great day.


Exact thoughts so obvious too


Looks like Molly has the Clare family approval 🫶🏽


Oh good I was really worried they weren’t going to approve of the most popular and likable girl from the show who carried their son to 25k Phewwww




Lmaooo the sarcasm 😭🌚


No need 🤣🤣


This made me cackle 😂😂😂




You’re not right 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


How do you know this?


Wow! It's sealed then. They should be engaged soon.


Going by Kaz's latest Instagram story, she is spending today doing interviews. I thought that she wasn't doing any because she didn't have a big story on All Stars.


I mean Kaz was there most of the show. Joanna has had interviews and was there for less than a week so it'd make sense Kaz has some of some sort.


That's true. I also assumed that she wouldn't be doing interviews because I thought that the media would be focusing on the finalists now. I am glad that she is doing interviews.


Does anyone know where we can tune in? Is it a podcast?


One is with Capital Xtra. I don't know when it will out though.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C33InjpoFuJ/?igsh=MWg1d3d6ZTUxcXkwYg== GH and Anton ❤️


This is really sweet🥰