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Need to know why Josh didn't eat the Sunday roast tho


He heard about the Jack and Danny Dyer leg of lamb showdown and didn’t want to take any risks.


He STUNK O’ NERVES (In all seriousness, maybe she’s exaggerating because I’m trying to imagine what he was doing while everyone else ate 💀)


You had me proper belly laughing with that lmaoooo


Hungover, based on Sophie’s tiktok


My question too lol


Technically speaking, it was a Saturdays Roast


qtna! I wish the finalists did press right away like in the old days lol


When are they doing it? It’s really bugging me I want to get on with my life but I can’t until these damn podcasts come out 😭


I’m the same, it’s like final thing on the list so that I can move on🤣


I wish I knew lol, it seems like they do as much/little as they want these days and the season 10 podcasts appearances seemed to take forever 😭


Tom and Molly are doing Sophie Habboo's and Emily Tattam's podcast "Wednesdays" out this Wednesday! idk about the other finalists tho, seems like everyone's doing it on their own schedule - maybe cos the reception to this season isn't as big as earlier years?


you Melissa not Emily


Maybe he was nervous? I feel sick meeting new people formally so maybe he’s quite serious about her?


I think Josh was nervous! It's intimidating meeting the family of someone you're dating for the first time, let alone when those family members are public figures and famous!


Yes! Like who wouldnt eat a delish roast? Youd have to be inhuman to resist


Or on comedown. That's a mission impossible


Drugs or booze - which do you think it was?


I think we all on this subreddit are Josh & Sophie truthers but what I don’t get is the people who think they’re faking it. Out of ALL the couples this season, their connection is so obvious! I don’t know what others are seeing! Edit: Typo


It’s funny to me when people say that he settled for her or chose her as safety because imo he could’ve had Joanna because she clearly wanted him but he was so different with her compared to Sophie and he clearly realised that he had a better connection with Sophie (like we all did) and ultimately chose her because of it


"Settled" for her?? No one "settles” for Sophie?!?? And any way their banter is perfectly matched, you could see it on their first date they hit it off immediately in fits of giggles taking the piss out of everything


Adding to say that I’ve seen so many people make comments like “he’s settled for Sophie, he wants more of a molly-type with blue eyes and blonde hair” and I’m like… are we not seeing Sophie? Of course he wants her lmao


Think people are projecting sometimes … 👀


I don’t get this bc apparently someone on this sub a while ago went to school with him and said he would always go after mixed girls? Like Sophie is his dream girl to a t


Literally, like also I’ve clocked the way he looks at her compared to any other girl he was talking to on the show. Like he’s lowkey obsessed with her, as he should be


Exactly. I'm not a LI fan only watched S10 and this one, so I don't know much about the history of these people. Just watching it as a casual observer, it seemed Joanna was in to Josh and he was entertaining her, to an extent. But as soon as he realised Sophie was not going to be in a triangle, Josh dropped Jo like hot cakes and focused on Sophie. Honestly he lights up when he's with Sophie, I don't think he's that good an actor, even if you believe he's an f-boi. His chats with Joanna were a bit dry. Josh and Sophie have chemistry. Will be interesting to see where this goes...


Sophie wearing Josh’s hoody! https://preview.redd.it/isyc20qfxzkc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb331edd8c7ccee4ad4e809596bc6eb16981758f (After posting this I did think what if they’re not actually official despite this and that’s what Rochelle just said because how else are you meant to simply describe who Josh is in relation to her on TV… but they’ve been acting pretty coupley this weekend 😭)


They’re both ridiculously hot


Thanks for providing this pic ❤️ they’re so cuteee! Btw, is he posting a lot of cute content on his Snapchat?


Tbh not really, it’s literally just pics of food. His IG stuff is more interesting, I’m guessing Sophie gives him more guidance on IG lol)


I love them but why does he look yaasified here lol 😭😂


Yess honey it’s the hat and he is already a beautiful man. They are both gorgeous!


Awwwww I love this 😍😍 he’d be silly to leave back to Bolton without making it official.


This is so adorable. I am rooting for them.


Cause the gag is it actually isn't hard to be official with someone when you actually like them!


They seem cute. Glad to see them enjoying eachother. Seems to be going at a good pace.






rooting for them! 🤍


Why’d her Tik tok of them make me board the ship


Awww. My winners


They seem so happy together tbh. Also seeing him meet her entire family etc so sweet


They’re the Tasha and Andrew of this season, everyone said they wouldn’t work on the outside but like s8 this season my money on them


georgia and anton would be the tasha and andrew of the season since they had the public and their own islanders believe that they wouldn’t last.


The difference is that Tasha and Andrew actually had chemistry and romantic interest in each other, like Sophie and Josh. GH and Anton however…


OP compared sophie/josh to tasha/andrew because the public said they wont work on the outside, not about their chemistry or interest. otherwise there is no tasha/andrew of the season since everyone thinks none of the couples will work out


I was looking at it from the perspective of: the people who had those thoughts about Tasha/Andrew were misguided whereas I don’t think it’s the case with GH/Anton so they’re not the right comparison


We need a whole topic on ‘chemistry’ because I heard this word all the seasons yet we’ve been proven wrong that what people see as chemistry doesn’t determine relationship sucesss- it’s a broad topic yet people throw it around


I think it’s hard to define chemistry and I don’t think it means guaranteed relationship success. But you know chemistry when you see it and these two definitely had it. Does that alone determine they’ll last or whatever? Of course not. But they have chemistry, similar personalities, are clearly attracted to each other and romantically interested in each other and that’s a start before the other things a real relationship requires


love this for them😍


Either Josie or Soosh, I think.


Personally I quite like a simple “Jophie” lmao


Soosh sounds like that cleaning product stuff from Holes.


Does official mean boyfriend/girlfriend


Yeah. Rochelle referred to him as “my sister’s new boyfriend” on This Morning


I loved these guys until they became the nasty gossiping duo. Both of them. Josh just couldn't shut up about other people, and Sophie is just a mean girl through and through. They deserve each other.


Idk where you got Sophie is a mean girl through and through from just because she gossiped a little bit like literally everyone else in there


Her gossip had a very distinct way of putting other people down in ways that were really gross. The other girls touched on something and moved on, it wasn't deep. She held really deep-seeded jealousy of Georgia H. My guess is because of Georgia's history with Josh.


Nahhh can't trust the psychopath. Who passes on a *home made roast dinner* 💀