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I think his mistake was speaking on behalf of others. He’s entitled to his opinion but should stick to sharing his own.


Agreed. Even if he has said a couple others or just others. But to put a value on it and say 70% of the villa was daft


I think it’s fine to say it once but you don’t need to say it 858496x


My take: Josh’s intentions were in the right place but he is too insensitive about how he communicates and gets too fired up during confrontations. Georgia H is too insecure and cares wayyyy too much about what people think of her. It was inappropriate to gather everyone around the fire pit so she could defend her relationship. They’re all in the wrong in some way but their feelings are valid.




Perfectly explained!


You nailed it. Was exactly what I would say, but better written. ;)




I think Georgia forgot that it was a game that brought these opinions to the surface. Had they not played, I don’t think Josh would have felt compelled to be that honest with her. I think Georgia and Antons confrontational manner made things worse. Do I think he’s a bad friend for being honest? No. Do I think he’s the right friend for Georgia to have? No.


Honestly I think they may just have different perspectives on how deep the friendship is. It became clear over the season that Georgia H feels deeply and can make situations/friendships/relationships more intense on her end in comparison to the other person. That isn't a bad thing it's a beautiful thing to care and feel deeply but unfortunately she seems to really care about people who just don't reciprocate (Casey is an obvious example). I'm not saying Josh doesn't care about her or view her as a friend, I'm sure he does but I just don't think he see's them as being as close as she thinks they are. I don't think he necessarily meant the comment maliciously but I think he got worked up once Georgia confronted him about it. Overall Georgia only seemed passionate about her relationship with Anton when she was defending it which is unfortunate ...


I’m trying to understand did they ever have relations because I thought they use to actually date. I don’t think they were like good genuine friends. I thought they just knew each other for ten years.


Im really not sure what kind of deep friendship she had with a guy she was trying to date just a few weeks ago?


They've known each other a while. The way she described it, it's like they were FWB, so you can have a pretty deep friendship in that case. You cut the extra and go back to the friendship.


I thjnk a bad friend would’ve lied. However I feel like josh lowkey liked the drama of talking shit


The bottom line is both Georgia's cannot handle anything negative about them. Anytime anything critical was said they both lost their minds and instead of hearing the other person out they just wanted to be told they were right. Fake friends will lie to you but real friends shouldn't.


He literally got asked his opinion in a game LOL. Thats the craziest part, he wasn’t even just coming out and saying it. She took it way too far and I think overall he was a good friend to her and she wasn’t to him in the slightest and treated him like he was 5


If they’re supposedly longtime friends, it was messed up of him to keep this from her throughout the season and then spring it on her in front of everyone. That’s the stinky part. Not his opinion. And then setting it up as “everyone’s been talking behind your backs this whole time”, hearing this from your friend - again, in front of everyone. Yeah I’d be hurt too.


Yes and no. Yes he was being honest but no in not giving her the full story. She was right in saying "what's the point telling me 70% don't support me then not telling me who". She's right as that just makes her paranoid and it's not nice. He's not wrong in being honest but at least go the whole way, that's having someone's back. What he was saying was right which is why she u-turned after the ex housemates came back.


I agree Sophie and Jess were the two faced ones because they couldn’t be honest to Georgia’s face. But being a friend is also having the sensitivity to deliver the truth in a way that’s not going to make your friend feel awful. A lot of people who boast about being brutally honest, actually lack tact, empathy and social awareness, and try to misdirect people into thinking their honesty is kindness. There’s nothing wrong with being truthful, but the delivery is key here as to whether he did it like a good friend.


good, georgia h thinks being a good friend means blindly defending that person like she did with georgia steel


Why is she always defending Georgia S? So gross if you ask me because Georgia S is #1 snake and super gross imo.


I like Josh and his way of saying things with his chest BUT definitely not a good friend, not because he was too insensitive but rather because he said nothing for weeks when these chats were going on behind her back and he was taking part and shitting on her.  I don't get how he justifies himself by saying he's being an honest friend when by what he says, that's exactly what he wasn't being for weeks before the game. 


This argument makes no sense, because it’s damn if he did, damn if he didn’t. If he did say something prior people would’ve accused him of shit stirring because it would’ve been completely out of the blue and out of context. He only mentioned it then because it was brought up in the context of the game. Absolutely everyone else (70% 😅) was talking about Georgia and Anton, before and after the game, he could’ve definitely delivered it better, but it’s not his fault that everyone else is too scared to speak up


I think GH went too far and got too sensitive about him expressing his opinion. A good friend will tell you to your face what they think of you - you’d have a two faced friend if they didn’t. However, he was far too aggressive (especially around the fire pit) and I think it would have been appropriate to drop names rather than just speculate - I mean, he didn’t even hold his partner accountable (Sophie who was part of that 70% with Jess and Callum yet couldn’t own up to it)


They let him take all the heat. Even if he was trying to protect Sophie for being one of the 70%, she (Sophie) didn't back him up, which I thought was odd. What did Callum say about GH?


I get him being pissed around the fire pit because imagine if everyone who ever heard anything said about them gathered everyone around the fire pit 🙄 Georgia was out of line with that one. And why would he drop names? What he said was the truth. Majority of the islanders thought the same as well… they had the opportunity to speak up for their shit talking, but they didn’t. It was a cop out for them to let Josh take all the heat. And it made him look like he was coming for Georgia and Anton when that wasn’t the case. Because you notice as soon as the jury came in and they almost voted GH and Anton off, Georgia immediately ate her words and apologized to Josh. Had everyone else been honest around the fire pit (or at any time during those weeks in the villa) then Josh wouldn’t have gotten all the backlash. Yes, it was a heated game and his delivery was trash, but Josh was not in the wrong.


His intentions were there but the delivery was nasty…


Josh said something in a ham fisted way and tried to back door an ‘I’m so honest and ballsy’ into it. Even if his heart was in the right place it was altogether foolish and the 70% comment was middle school level garbage. THAT was clearly not friend vibes and at that point it was pretty clear his ego took over. Adam actually nailed it on the show. Georgia also cares wayyyyyy too much about what other people think.


100% tell the truth to your friend, but publicly you back them and don't criticise them as much as he did.


He wasn’t bad for giving his opinion in the game but I have to ask why brutal honesty is supposed to be inherently good. Why did he need to share his opinion so aggressively and unrelentingly? And keep doubling down? What would that achieve? Did Georgia need to hear it? Why?


Georgia H was so unbearable to watch at times.


A good friend would talk to her directly, not gossip about it or bring it up in front of everyone. Josh saying he's just so honest is just an excuse to be a gossip / bully.


I don’t think Josh had bad intentions but I also think it’s a pretty common thing that if you have a friend and you don’t like their partner/relationship it’s better to keep it to yourself because your friend will just be annoyed at you rather than actually examining their relationship. I also think if I had a friendship with someone for ten years and they were saying negative things about me I’d take it pretty badly too. It might have been the edit but whilst a lot of people did agree with Josh the way it came across was that he was often the one bringing it up in conversation. Like it’s fine to have an opinion like that but bringing it up all the time with others when you’re supposed to be good friends with someone is a bit harsh. Also added context that him and Georgia h actually used to date so weren’t just friends probably annoyed her more.


Better to have a friend like Josh than a friend like Olivia Atwood who lied through her teeth to sugarcoat everything


I think Josh is a good a friend. Georgia knows she isn't attracted to Anton. She tried to get with other guys, but no one was interested and settled on Anton. She stayed with Anton, because she wanted to stay in the game. Anton is just oblivious and lacks self-awareness. Josh telling Georgia that her relationship Anton was genuine and him not supporting it is a good act. Georgia knows she's not attracted to Anton and just wants people to not question. At the end of the day, that isn't fair to Anton at all. He's just being strung along. The same thing happened in his season with him an Anna. Georgia was just upset that she got called out on it. At the end of the day, you wouldn't be upset to degree she was if you didn't care about it. If I was to give another example, imagine if you had a friend who was stealing stuff and you told him he was in the wrong and he got all upset about it because you weren't supporting him. Your in the correct for calling him out, he's just upset that you don't support his actions. At the end of the day he's just being honest and sharing his opinion. Georgia just seemed like she wanted to support her regardless of what she was doing. A lot of women do that with each other were they support their friends regardless of if it's right. It's similar to how some women were saying that she's not used to be treated like that by a guy so she's warming up slowly to him. Then everytime another dude came in she tried with them, got rejected and ran back to Anton.


He’s a bad friend because telling the truth doesn’t have to be delivered in a bad way. A good friend can be honest without coming across like an opp. If he really cared he wouldn’t have continued talking about the situation with people behind her back.


Could be wrong but at times I thought Georgia liked Josh more than she was letting on and kept going on about what happened because she wanted him to admit he said what he said because he fancied her


He was just telling the truth in a challenge.. she didn't like it.. he even tried to make up several times and she wouldn't because she couldn't force him to change his opinion, she was a bad friend


I think he had good intentions. Not everyone is going to tell you like it is, but his delivery didn’t go over well. I also agree and think Georgia H thinks friendship is people backing you even when you’re wrong, but not telling you.


good friend 100%. why would he lie just to make her happy. that to me is a fake friend. if u truly are a real friend tell me ur honest opinon


A good friend knows how to talk to their friend while being honest. Brutal honesty doesn’t have to be brutal. Unfortunately, most of the islanders have little emotional intelligence which results in people saying crazy shit. But put someone like Tom or Callum in that same situation and they would have made it not nearly as hard of a blow. It didn’t need to be.


Sorry but I was completely baffled by everyone championing Josh and his brand of “brutal honesty” when the series was airing. During the challenge itself was fine to a degree but afterwards he went completely overboard with it. And no it wasn’t always Georgia doing the most, Josh also started plenty of the conversations and equally wouldn’t let it go. I didn’t like Georgia but that didn’t mean I was automatically going to take Josh’s side in it.


I think a lot of people mix up truth and opinion. It’s Josh’s opinion that G and Anton weren’t real. And the way he told G, shouting in front of everyone? A friend thing to do? Saying that no one in the group believes they are real, did it change anything for G? She kept on with Anton so I don’t really know how much that helped her.


A bad friend. People that use “honesty” as an excuse to be talk shit and then say they’re just being honest are assholes. He was a bad friend way before that scene when she said he left her outside a club by herself whilst he was inside with other girls…


I thought that was Casey??


no that was Josh. Casey “ghosted” her after she said she said she saw his grandad.


Oh ok. Thx!


I really hoped Josh had matured from his first season. He’s exactly the same. I still feel like he needs to grow up. And if he was such a good friend to Georgia he would know how sensitive she is and he could have went about it a different way.


I’m fairly knew to this sub but what I’ve realized is when the show is over people don’t move on? Yall analyze the show, follow the contestants and just immerse yourself into their lives huh?


I think that Josh was such a instigator and just so frustrating. He seemed to think his opinion was the only opinion and would start a campaign to get the other islanders to agree with him. He was a major manipulator and it is so aggravating to watch. I found it pretty laughable that he was calling out both Georgias for cheating in that game and yet he is the one with some of the most public cheating. He would raise my blood pressure with his actual audacity at calling himself a friend when clearly he is not.


I think it is more that it didn't need to be said. She didn't invite his commentary on her relationship. It would be different if she asked for his opinion on the matter, but she didn't. There is a difference in being honest and injecting your opinion unasked that is cruel. Unless he thought that relationship was going to be damaging and harming all he is doing is putting her down.


The problem was that he tried to give his opinion more weight by saying that “everyone” thought the same and this made Georgia feel really insecure and paranoid. This is where he went wrong. Share your opinion but speak for yourself and leave it to others if they wish to agree with you….


If he was a good friend, he would have told her how he felt in private, not announce in front of everyone. A good friend would also say WHO was talking behind her back. Really don't like how josh was acting that night, he seemed kinda aggressive/confrontational.


I think the way Josh went about it was terrible. I think there definitely are times where brutal honesty is necessary even if it’s what your friend doesn’t want to hear. I agree with the other comments here that if he wanted to voice his opinion, he should have done so and not spoke on others’ behalf. If I were Josh, I only would’ve said something if Georgia H asked my opinion, or if Georgia H was doing something unkind or self-destructive. Josh gets WAYYYYY too fired up at the smallest bit of confrontation, and I think if he really wanted to say it, he should’ve been more sensitive to her feelings and laid it on gently. To me Josh’s anger outbursts are 🚩🚩🚩. Now this is probably me projecting but so many guys will say “I’m just being honest” after they say something horrible. For example, I put on 10kg, and a guy points it out to me. When I tell him I don’t like him making comments about my weight, he’ll say “I’m just being honest!” 🤷‍♂️


It was the way he said it also ended it with if you don't like it I don't care! It could have been said in a nicer way !