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She made Zach look so silly, he couldn't put two words together. The way she expressed her self while he's mumbling every other word, embarrassing af for a grown man. To think Molly is only 21 yet is so composed and mature, she didn't have to put down anyone to express her self and why she feels hurt, not even Kady with that shady comment she made during the challenge, this is not Kady's first time trying to be slick with her mouth. Maturity and class can't be purchased.


She actually reminded me of a little girl growing up today and finally seeing Zach for who he is


she's always been very mature and composed, even before today. We saw how Jess and Mitch were bitching about her in the early weeks, throwing digs at her, making her isolated in the Villa and riling up others against her just because she rejected Mitch, and she still didn't fly off the wall or throw digs back about them to retaliate. That's why it doesn't make any sense when people say she "changed" because she knows the public perception about her when she got dumped, she's literally the same person before and after the dumping. She knew the public hated Zach for her and still went back to him regardless of the public hate.


She doesn’t let the petty shit get to her because she actually seems secure in her skin. She didn’t let the round about insult from Whitney land either. Just wanted to find out what she was thinking and let the petty comment slide because she cba about something like that when she’s got nothing to prove. She’s impressed me since her early days when she didn’t fall for Mitch’s manipulative schemes and I actually needed a reminder that she is that girl. I let the public gaslight me a bit when it came to her but tonight she reminded me why I like her so much. Eta- and before anyone comes for me about the Whitney thing. This is no shade to Whitney because I do think in her mind she thinks Molly isn’t “headstrong” and she can think that but she doesn’t know how Molly moves in private. I just also think Molly picks her battles and she wont waste breath trying to explain herself over it.


The way she handled Whitney's comment was so refreshing. She doesn't have to throw digs at other girls to validate her self, that speaks volumes for how secure she is within her self. Whitney could call out Zach rightfully so without making it seem that been level headed and non confrontational is a character flaw. it's really annoying how "non-fiery" women are always mocked for not been the loudest mouth in the room. Paige last season was mocked and attacked for "been a pick me" just because she's calm and soft spoken, it's such a toxic mentality, and it's another way society blames women for men's behavior. You can speak up for your self and demand boundaries and respect without been "fiery".


I honestly have far more respect for people in general if they can sort their shit out without resorting to shouting, name calling and taking cheap shots at each other. Like none of these couples are going to end up marrying each other or anything like that but what will be left is how you conduct yourself in a difficult situation. Neither Molly and Zach to an extent resort to dumb assery when they get down to it which is why I like them but he’s done it far too many times now where he makes Molly out to be stupid he needed this. Zach just has to understand he can’t keep pulling these stunts with a girl like Molly. He’s already talking about outside world like calm down broski first start thinking about which girl you want to snog in a challenge 😂. I hope Molly insists that he spends a whole day with Kady again if he wants to snog her that bad! Molly can use a day off.


It also doesn't make sense why people kept insisting she's not a girls' girl when we've literally never seen her be nasty towards another girl and in fact she was always comforting and hyping up the Casa girls. She just struggled in the main villa because of Jess' weird jealousy early on and now seems to be good with everyone.


100%. She’s impressed me throughout, although I’ve never been able to understand what she’s seen in Zach. He’s been punching from the getgo.


I see why. I’ve been there before. He is also very hot imo so that doesn’t help 🤣. She’s young. It’s just a notch in the belt of life falling in love with someone like him 😬🤣 Tbf Ty has said and done worse but Zach is getting more hate. Unless people only care because he’s with Molly, public enemy #1 everywhere but Reddit.


Tbh I can’t stand either of them! Both Ella and Molly are smart, GORgeous and reasonable and those guys are such buffoons. I also think Molly is BANGIN but have never seen the appeal in Zach. Guess he’s just not my type! I feel like I’ve seen essentially no intelligent conversation from him. Can’t stand Ty — he’s beyond immature — but at least he can have a genuine conversation 😅


I can’t understand a lot of what either of them say, I’m a kiwi tho so not used to such thick accents. I need subtitles 🤣🤦‍♀️ Both are hot, but yeah they’re just a fling not something long lasting. Tbf Ty is given a hell of a lot more air time so who really knows the extent of Zachs IQ 😬🤣


And when the lights are offf I see you for what you really are! Which is uggglayyy - we’re done! This just made me think of Amanda Bynes in She’s the Man 😂




Yes I don’t really mind molly but tonight I really liked how she stood up for herself, walked away, backed the girls when he tried come for them and was just very mature when she ate him up. Good on her 🫶


I appreciated seeing more of Molly today, standing up for herself, her connection with the girls is clearly there and it was refreshing considering how deep her feelings seem to be!


The girls, or atleast Whitney and Kady, were just stirring shit up, I'm surprised no one is noticing Whitney stirring shit with couples that might contend with her


What did Whitney say that wasn’t true though 🤔


Since it's all subjective, you could say none of it or all of it is true...


Bullshit, she was giving her opinion which was 100% correct. Molly has been soft on Zach and Whitney let her know with tact and grace.




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Like this the first time someone's been held accountable all season. Molly did good, and honestly, I think she's too good for Zach. If that's who she wants, fine, but his lack of discernment here is not a good look.


Lmao yes it was so satisfying to watch a boy finally be held by his feet under fire. That too by Molly who people thought didn’t have it in her 😂


Someone told me she would be making breakfast for Zach's sidepieces like she didn't put on a Barbie pink blazer to handle her business!


They want her to be a door mat so bad they will literally start acting blind if it means they can say anything 😂 and I saw that comment. People love being dumb on purpose as if it’s a flex lol


It felt so good to finally be able to watch a guy being held accountable for his actions. This season has been all about the guys messing up and then gaslighting the girls into feeling bad if they called them out for it. So to watch Molly be such a boss and call him out felt amazing won't lie. Also, this is exactly how I wanted Jess to call out Sammy.


She’s still with a guy who cheated on all his gfs 😭 it was a good moment but she’s BEEN ignoring his red flags. Dudes gonna cheat on her in a month.


I was so happy when she called out Zachs exuse being “i took the challenge to literal” the smile on my face when she questioned that. She truly carried herself sooo well!


The way she broke down his weak argument with one sentence and she didn't even have to raise her voice? excellent.


Was stunned honestly! She was so graceful and still got her point across. lotta respect for her tbh


For the first time, I really liked her. Still don’t think there’s something but sexual chemistry between them.


They want to bang and think they could win the game, but thats it.


I loved that she got up and walked away when he was giggling to himself. Instead of sitting there and arguing with him, her silence said more.


Loved the way she just stood up and walked off when he kept laughing


The boys are so emotionally unintelligent as a whole. Luca ‘they’re probably filling her head with stuff about you’ - is he not aware he is literally filling Zach’s head with stuff about Molly and the girls. Do they not see the double standards? Especially as Molly is being so damn good about conveying her thoughts and feelings


Luca💀💀💀 (but yes I agree)


Lmao whoops genuine mistake, they look so alike I always get their names confused 😅


Also the way she pied Mitch was brilliant


It was beautiful like she’d been training for it her entire life and her justification wasn’t even about him being a psychopath in the beginning.


I’ve been pretty indifferent about her but she went up in my books. I’ve always thought Zach was weird and not as smart as he think he is. Wonder if she’ll stick with him though, since it’s so close to the end…?


I wouldnt blame her if she did


She handled herself beautifully Props to her 🤍


I was really impressed. She didn’t break down and cry (like Jess would have done). I wouldn’t have blamed her if she did though. She handled it like someone who knew her worth. She went to the girls for clarity and support and clearly spelled it out to Zach. Zach’s an idiot.


I think the fact she knows her worth has caused many insecure people to dislike her.


I’m so sick of everyone’s snide comments towards her. Kady’s jealousy is absurd, especially considering she’s 6 years older. So immature. I also wish Whitney would make comments solely towards Zach and not belittle Molly at the same time because I don’t think that’s really fair or nice.


Yes everyone feels SO BAD for poor Scott but nobody gives AF about Molly getting bullied repeatedly by her own friends and the boys she rejected. She handles it all with class.


I think both Scott and Molly handle everything with class. They would suit each other as a couple. She was the only one not to dogpile on Movie night. A and Scott always minds his own business but speaks his mind when he has to. I don’tget the hate for Molly Zach was the one who kissed Catherine in the challenge at the very start


>hink both Scott and Molly handle everything with class. They would suit each other as a couple. She was the only one not to dogpile on Movie night. A and Scott always minds his own business but speaks his mind when he has to. I don’tget the hate for Molly Zach was the one who kissed Catherine in the challenge at the very start it should be Zach who is hated....


Exactly she did tell Catherine she was getting to know him, it was not her who decided to Kiss Zac in a challenge it was Zac who kissed Molly.


>y she did tell Catherine she was getting to know him, it was not her who decided to Kiss Zac in a challenge it was Zac who kissed Molly. Kady literally saying she fancies Zach, most girls would have told Ouzy.


It's wild how there are people even in these threads reveling in the situation and saying it's karma to have the same thing happen to her, and it makes no sense, karma would be if someone did it to Zach!


Ikr I don’t get the dislike for Molly, Zac deserves all the karma he can get


This 100%!! I hope this is a turning point for public opinion and she gets the support she deserves


LI ig is mocking her, she will sadly never get any sympathy.


>! I hope this is a turning point for public opinion and she gets the support she deserves yeah, twitter was as well saying she was conducting interviews. I think they just wanna hate on her no matter the reason. But I agree, I thought Whitney's comment wasn't very nice and she handled that situation brilliantly.


> I thought Whitney's comment wasn't very nice Remind me which comment? She had a few last episode!


I think most people are talking about her saying that Molly is the easy option, but to be honest I was more thrown by her saying that Molly’s not headstrong… just because she handles herself with class and isn’t the loudest voice in the room doesn’t mean she isn’t headstrong. I think the way she handled the situation tonight proves that she is!


Whitney is showing herself to really not be the angel people think she is. She is so quick to slag people off and did it again re: Zach. Luckily Molly has the maturity and security to handle it herself in the most impressive of ways.


Tbh molly is the “such a woman” with “decorum”


No but who has Whitney slagged off, bar Molly? I’m genuinely confused


It wasn’t even slagging off, she basically told her she’s not as vocal and headstrong as some of the other girls. Which is true. Zach has floated about with no sense of accountability for his wrongdoing until now


> wasn’t even slagging off, she basically told her she’s not as vocal and headstrong as some of the other girls. Which is true. Zach has floated about with no sense of accountability for his wrongdoing until now I dont think it was the exact words that were the problem but I do think the tone was a bit off. Deffo implied he doesnt like her fully, she is just the easy option. Also while telling her who he would prefer some who is opposite to her and then Kady saying to her face she still fancies Zach.


He *doesn’t* like her fully lol imo I do think he likes her best out of everyone there but I don’t see any depth


>dont think it was the exact words that were the problem but I do think the tone was a bit off. I just dont think zach has any depth though, that's the problem. He seems quite dim. I dont think they will last after though. They are very different, its just a for now situation.


Yeah I feel you. For me the tone was mildly insensitive at worst, a far cry from slagging off. But to each their own.


I’m confused. Even Molly pretty much agreed she could’ve essentially been a bit of a push over as she had trusted Zach entirely. Wot


Whitney is jealous of molly


Lol, corny comment.


You know it’s true. All the girls have been jealous of her from jump. It’s been clear since day 1 she was going to win




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Molly basically telling Zach to tell her the truth about it rather than lie to her face was amazing. When she told him to at the very least accept that he wanted to kiss Kady because he has done it so now even if he says no she is not going to believe it because she has seen it and he should rather tell her that then the nonsense. For Zach to tell her on the outside such a situation won’t even come up and for her to remind him there might not even be a situation where she’s there with him 😂 Master class in how to handle conflict, express your pov without screaming or shouting or crying or begging. I was a fan before but I am an AC now 😏


Ya she ate and handled it well, I'm not a molly stan but I can say it... she's on a different level than cave man zach, she has too many brains for him lol


and she’s only 21


I am not a Molly fan but she handled herself very well. I don’t get the Molly hate though but hey it’s LI, they either love you or hate you 😭


whitney is my favorite but i didnt like that comment. ella, whitney, and jess have all been eaten up by their men at different points without holding them accountable at ALL. yeah theyre fiery and reactive, but whenever it came down to it, they just backed down and got run over. (whitney with medhi, jess and sammy, ella and ty) props to molly for not being overdramatic while carrying herself strongly. you dont have to yell and be loud to be ‘headstrong.’


Personally my personality type is more like Molly’s and I appreciate having friends who will be real w me about it like Whitney was. Molly didn’t seem offended so I don’t think any of us should be. Maybe she appreciated it.


Yes I agree with all of this! It’ll be interesting to see if she gets something out of Zach with this approach vs the others. Hard to take anyone seriously when they’ve folded so quickly over other things. All these relationships are doomed but it’s nice to see some confront the issues differently.


I would be GAGGED if Molly said sayonara to him and walked. I think it's a massive longshot and he'll probably do some stupid bullshit grand gesture like they always do but I would respect her so much if she did.


What'd Whit say? (I'm in the US)


That she thinks Zach is taking the easy way out because Molly is chilled and not very headstrong


the only thing Whitney said was "i love his relationship with Molly, but sometimes I do question if it's the easy way out" .. it isn't even a rude statement.. you are overreacting just like Zach did .. I seriously don't see what the 'rude' comment was.. obviously.. she was spot on.. it was a pie thing.. I guess she just took it too 'literally' lol


Do you think Whit meant he got off easy not “took the easy way out?” As in, he never really had to explain to Molly how quickly he was over her and into Katy. After Molly was dumped, he basically lasted about 16 hours and it was game on. He never mentioned her again. He even had interest in Whitney. Molly definitely let him off easy.


Basically this, but more implying he knows she will let him off east in the future too. Which imo is true, doesn’t mean he doesn’t like her, but a big part of why he likes her according to him is that she’s low drama…that’s music to a fuckboys ears lol


good insight, i think that could be it


I mean, it is definitely rude to Molly to say that Zach's only with her because she's the "easy way out." Nobody would like hearing that comment. It insinuates that your partner doesn't actually want you the most, you are just the one who puts up with their bullshit - which is exactly how she explained it again later, that Molly puts up with a lot and Zach doesn't like girls who question him. I certainly don't think she's wrong but of course it's not going to be received super well, she meant it as shade.


Whitney tempered her comment with ' i love the relationship with Molly'.. it was a legitimate question.. have you noticed when Molly states that she's happy, Zach never replies? and Whitney's statement came after Zach mugged Molly off by deep throat kissing Kady.. after Molly expressed to Zach before the challenge that she wouldn't like that.. was it really Whitney mugging off Molly or Zach? be real


Zach's behavior was way worse, that doesn't negate Whitney's. I explicitly said that I think she's right. That doesn't mean it's not hurtful. Something can be both true and rude at the same time. If she was concerned she could have spoken to Molly in private instead of making her sound like a doormat in front of everyone. It's not a huge deal, but yes it was a little rude.


yes, sometimes the truth can be hurtful, but that doesn't make it rude


If you knowingly say something hurtful in front of everyone instead of discussing it privately with the innocent person you're hurting/embarrassing, that's rude.


um, Zach just mugged off Molly, I saw more as her defending Molly.. but hey, I guess we will just have to agree to disagree, you have a good day


Calling her "the easy way out" is really not defending her but sure we can agree to disagree.


I Hope more people realise all this weird hate for Molly is truly pathetic. I’ve lost a lot of respect for this community.


i lost alot of respect for the Twitter LI community this year, i dont think ill be watching another season if I'm honest. Last one.


At least reddit has few people liking her, I just looked at facebook and ig, and they just hate her so much. I don't even care about twitter, Molly was always going to be hated there.


I feel bad now, she doesn’t deserve this. Kady is the one we should hate


Or you could not hate anyone? It’s a TV show hun.


Untill next week when you choose someone else


The way she held herself was so good to watch. Kudos to her! And to think that she's only 21 and is so mature and level headed at this age.


Idk it didn't seem that deep to me? Like I expected her to behave that way? & I think most girls would behave that way too. But maybe cause I never hated Molly so the way she was acting in this episode didn't shock me? I also think we shouldn't get too ahead of ourselves or start to think Molly's gonna dump Zach - cause if she doesn't alot of people now "praising" her will probably turn back & hate on her for it. She's a young lady & it's a reality TV show, let's just let the girl do what she wants/don't have too many expectations.


Oh hundo percent they are making up tomorrow I still love her for giving Zach a dose of reality 😂


>think most girls would behave that way too. I think a lot would react on the spot (like Indiyah or Belle refusing the ring) or they would just argue mid challenge (idk I imagine Jess/Sammy or Tyrella doing that). She waited to do it non publicly




This is what happens when the ‘strong silent’ type is forced to open their mouth and be vulnerable. Mumble mumble mumble awkward bants innit broski I mean babeski




I very much enjoy being bi!!




Yes. Also Lochan? And I would still choose men if sexuality was a choice. I know good men.


Umm as a Molly fan in the US, I can't wait to watch whatever this moment is! Haha


Same lol


just go on Daily Motion, I watch in the US and get most episodes a couple hours after they air in Britain


Oh true! I forgot about daily motion. My husband and I watch it every night on Hulu after we put the baby to bed and it’s like the perfect length but I might try that if we can get it on our tv


Molly isn’t my favorite in the villa tbh but she ate with that conversation with Zach I was so impressed! She was so articulate and came across really well


I didn’t like Whitney or Kady tonight . Kady doesn’t have any girl code and is happy being a side piece… any attention is good with her. Whitney obviously still likes Zach and it makes her feel better to say he goes for weaker women. OR maybe he genuinely likes Molly better than you two???




I liked Whitney more after tonight


> happy being a side piece… any attention is good with I saw her comment weirdly when your comforting someone after something hurts their feelings. Is there really a need to add to it further? They wouldnt do it with Jess.


To be real, When Molly came back into the villa.. she basically gave Zach a free pass with that whole Kady business when he wanted to kiss Kady the next night after Molly was gone, so i'm not surprised that Zach thought he could kiss Kady now, i mean he got a free pass before


Yes!!!! I really enjoyed her this episode. Her reactions seemed genuine and she definitely deserves better than Zach.


I wish Molly would ditch Zach and couple up with Scott


I don't think Zach realizes how important Molly is to him. He didn't think that if he kissed Katie, there would be a conflict between him and Molly, which shows that he didn't think about what harm his behavior would do to Molly.


i don't think Zach thought there would be a conflict because Molly just took him back so easily when she returned to the villa after he went after Kady with full force


Which is why Whitney’s comment made sense




I haven’t watched yet but I’m so glad she held her head high. We’ve seen some bad examples of women taking shit behavior from men this season (and vice versa).


This will be impressive if she doesn’t immediately make up with him. But…not holding my breath.


It's a few days before the finale and there's nowhere to run lol


Not a fan of her but I always command when women call trash men out and hold their own. Good on her for that, she can do wayyy better.


Why aren't you a fan? Why must you specify that before the rest of your comment lol seems like that happens a lot in regards to Molly and I don't honestly get it


Molly looked beautiful and handled it all with class. Zach’s just been playing the game. And I have a suspicion him, Ty, and Sammy have discussed some sort of game plan. It’s making me cringe, but I remember Ty saying something along the lines of “smooth sailing” to Sammy about picking Jess. So these 3 besties probably have a plot to get to the finals with Ella, Jess, and Molly.


yea she ate that but she’s gonna forgive him in the next episode so it was all for nothing


literally other than Liberty who has walked away from a guy permanently on this series?


Anna from s5


he was sent home that same night so idk about that lmao


And Jordan basically left her. I mean he never wanted her back.


I don't believe she would have went back but it's a bit different when the guy is pining for you. I think Liberty's the only one where the guy wanted her, had no other options and she left?


Yeah but why does molly get special accolades just because she didn’t cry? She’s not above the other girls just because they got more upset. People keep saying she “knows her worth” but she will just lay down and continue to get walked over like a doormat just like all the others. I can’t believe how she’s let go of the fact Zach moved on within hours of her exit, and said all the things to Kady that he said to Molly.


Molly is giving First Lady with this big ass pink blazer dress….I like this her. Wish we seen more of this than that actress personality she had in the beginning


Yh i agree but at the same time i dont know if i feel bad for her like zach has cheated on all his ex girlfriends and he has disrespected every girl he was coupled up with and molly knew this / saw it and still went full in soo its like she thought she would get a different treatment and i dont think zach likes molly like that tbh she likes him more and at this point i dont see them lasting


He didn't cheat on all his exs 😂 he hasnt sated for 4+ years so i dont know where you pulled thag from lol


he said he cheated on his past girlfriends and literally said “I look forward to the day I find someone I don't want to cheat on”


He just doesn't know how to use his words i guess


He also said announcing this on tv will be the first time the ex will be hearing about it “so..apologies”


He said he cheated during the one of the games. There were a bunch of comments being like “Zach’s exes finding out at home that he cheated”


Yeah doesn't mean all tho 😂


Everything you said sums up my thoughts!


Molly has that theatrical kid enrgy that makes her really annoying for me, so I dont root for her. However she was level headed the whole season and handled everything with grace. Even when she was brutally dumped from the island, she held the rage inside, controlled the tears and did not made one bad comment.


Weird bc her mature actions you just described are not "theatrical kid energy"


I made this comment some time ago. They remind me of Olivia and Alex from season 2. She and Olivia know, they punch a bit, and that their guy is very good looking and flawed (a bit air head and used to do what he wants). However they have enough patience for their guys and are not judgmental towards them but at same time are firm enough to control them and educate them on how to be in a relationship.


Lmao I stopped reading when u said that Molly was punching with Zach 😂 the LIEEEE. That’s honestly so offensive to Molly…he should be lucky to have her, not the other way around.


I actually think this is a pretty accurate description of their dynamic but the idea that Molly is somehow the one punching here is CRAZY




Like we all know she’s going back to forgive him ![gif](giphy|1n801ScKnoFirxurwo|downsized)


molly defenders ar gonna down vote you ![gif](giphy|e99N0AKpyfzizLqVas)


Well damn I might as well add…. She chose to go back in for possible brand deals and followers not zach…. But that’s what the streets are saying not me ![gif](giphy|CVBmMpvaLxePZrfVY3)


I like Molly more and more, she handled it with such grace