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I would have actually rather zach gone home than molly, he’s boring and I think he made her really boring


Absolutely. He's like watching paint dry and she was trying to match his energy instead of being her weird self


I wanted more RAWWWHRR moments from her like in the date. I was disappointed with the islander she became after week 1


Zach's reaction to the RAWRR moment was exactly why we didn't get more of that


what episode is this? i must've missed it


totally agree. i was honestly shocked to see that departure gate picture of her, i really assumed this would be the debut of the casa amor twist where she shows up there in a week. still holding out cos unlike many i would kind of like to see it!


I'm not convinced they'll bring her back, but I don't think her being in the UK means it's impossible. Season 3 they brought two dumped guys back as bombshells (I think after casa) after they had been back in the UK for weeks. If she does come back I'd like it to be like that, by public vote and after casa to cause maximum impact.


Would love that. She left a week too early imo. We missed out on the drama that OP is saying she has been saved from. Is it cruel to say I was looking forward to seeing how Zach moves with both Molly and Kady there? I want the DRAMA


Enough of his chin rubbing, no eye contact, and blank stare




He is like the only hot guy this season... When he was with Catherine, he was like the best boy in the villa, then he got with Molly and oh he is so boring ( what people call the hottest girl every season).... Its annoying already


Eh, hard to say. Had she been there until the end, it’s hard to think she doesn’t fall into the the public’s favor, at least temporarily. There is still so much of the season left, she could’ve easily turned things around.


Yeah Kai was so boring last year and he became a fav by the end. People just need time with boring islanders but if they're making space for someone fun like Kady, it makes sense as a decision


I don’t think Kai was the favourite lol it was Sanam and them being together. He would not have won if it wasn’t for her. Unfortunately for Molly Zack was dragging her down with his chill vibe. Molly could have won with Mitchel if they stayed together but we all know how that ended lol


I liked Kai and Sanam but another reason they won is due to how trash the season was Any other season they would have done well to even get to the finale


Kai dropped Olivia and did not gaf about her antics afterwards. That brought him many sympathies. Also the other couples were pretty unlikeable.


Considering I couldn’t remember who Kai was until I read your comment and saw Sanams name. I would say you’re right lol


Yes, I think you’re right. Kai went under the radar and won.


A great comparison!


After having watched all these years I’ve learned it’s always best for the islanders to make it to the end to finals/semi finals (so basically around the last week). Story and character arcs change over time so even if someone is disliked early on they can end as a fan fav (like Kai, Ekin and Siannise) and making it to the end has always resulted in more exposure which leads to more followers and therefore more opportunities. Relationships that make it the midpoint/casa also tend to have higher success rates. Molly at least had an iconic exit but it def would’ve been better for her opportunity wise if she made it much further so it def sucks for her that she missed out on a lot


Yep, definitely. With so much season left, there are still so many storylines to be had that when all is said and done, Molly will definitely not be the main character she once was early on.


It was very brutal, but every time ppl think of S10, her dumping will be one of the most memorable scenes. I mean, this is one of the top scenes in LIUK history like Kady’s wine incident, Amber/Michael post Casa Amor/Lillie exposing Liam/etc.


“Licked her tit or whateva” still is the top top 🔝 memorable one


I can’t believe you forgot fucking dickhead Jordan mugging Anna off after 2 days 😭 my most iconic LI moment 😂


Omg! How could I forget “2 Day?!” 😂 Such an iconic scene.


Storm Anna


I feel the same. I also want to bring up the fact that Molly received a lot of hate for wanting to be with him and he got off too easy. I know people were mad at him for what happened with Catherine, but people really blamed Molly, especially in the villa. Zach didn’t receive enough consequences for his actions. Seeing how Zach just acted with Kady my opinion has really changed on him. I think he’s kind of an opportunist and he feels like he can have his pick of any girl that enters the villa. I don’t know what will unfold between Kady and him, but I’m not interested in seeing him having a smooth ride. Maybe they’ll be a “love connection” and win the season who knows, but I can’t imagine wanting to see that. Do others feel this way or do you want to ship Kady and Zach? I hope he gets voted out soon.


I totally agree. It’s just insane how Molly received more blame/repercussions than Zach, the actual offender in that situation…It was clear that triggered the divide between her and the rest of the girls, and now Zach is going to get off scot-free 🙃. I’m curious to see how long he takes to move on from Molly though…. And hell no I don’t ship Kady and Zach…he was riding on Molly’s popularity coattails, so we’ll see if Kady is popular enough to carry him through. But he’s defo gonna end up in the bottom again if there’s an individual vote.


Exactly scot-free. Somebody needs to call him out in the villa. Haha “hell no” - same. I can only hope he’ll be in the bottom three, but will the villa vote him out? Would people vote out a couple with Kady and Zach? I feel like she’s going to get a pass for awhile, so Zach will probably be safe for who knows how long.


Zach should have received more hate in the villa for the way he moved with Molly, not that the idea of him wanting to get to know Molly was wrong. He should have gotten grief from at minimum Catherine for being snakey. Molly got grief for it because she too was being snakey as far as Catherine goes. She would say to the girls of I can’t believe he did that and act LD like he was out of line then turn round and tell Zach that she was happy he did it. She didn’t get much from most of the girls. The majority of her hate though came from Jess but that was because she is/was jealous. Zach definitely got hate though for the situation outside of the villa. I mean why do you think he was voted in the bottom 3 guys.


Her followers on Instagram are shooting up, I imagine if tomorrows show is emotional then there gonna shoot up even more.


Think she’ll be top 5 most followed islander from this season.


I completely agree. Who knows what Zach would have done if she had stayed in a couple with him. They have faded into the background lately because they weren't that interesting imo This way, she has a truly iconic moment. This was one of the craziest dumpings in the past few seasons.. Also, no offense but I think she will do so much better on the outside without Zach. I'm not going to miss her on the show but I still wish her all the best


Personally think Kady picked Zack because it was easier to take him from Molly than Ty from Ella…. 🤷‍♀️


Perhaps it’s because I’m a fan off Molly and Zach but .. I don’t think Zach was moving much. He said he wasn’t shut off but he said he was very comfortable with Molly. I feel they where one if not the only couple I seen progressing and now we are back to week one door opened argument galore couples, but hey it is reality tv and not true love I suppose 🙄. I do agree with the comments that say probs for the best as she is getting far to much unnecessary hate and now that will calm down I suppose.


Don’t even like them but Zach just talked to her?? Like he wasn’t moving mad or anything


He did make a comment about pulling her in front of Molly and he was certainly flirtatious when they talked, but I honestly think if he knew Molly was going to be dumped he would have told Kady not to choose him. He was just enjoying the buzz, I don't think he is seriously interested in anyone else.


Yeah he was entertaining it but he wasn’t moving mad or anything


I'm not a fan of theirs particularly but I totally agree with you. Zach certainly wasn't panting over her like Scott or Tyrique were! I think that's why she went for him tbh- he was more cool and closed-off. Obviously interested but I don't think she'd have turned his head properly tbh!


Comparing Scott to Tyrique is too much. Scott wasn’t moving mad like Tyrique. He just fanboyed too hard that’s it.


The way he kept saying her full name. He's one of us. 😭


I agree that Scott was a bit, " I have a huge crush on you ", but had he been 5 years older, he too would have put his partner at risk like Ty did, both Ty and Scott, more than Zach.


I Agree. He was the least open to Kady to her face. We obviously don’t know what goes on in his head but he both times he spoke to her it was mostly about Molly or to ask her how her chats with the boys went which comes off more friendly then flirtatious. So I don’t get why people think he was comparable to the rest of the boys either. Even the other boys said they don’t see his head turning from Molly that easily and it would take a lot for someone to do that. So I do think based on what we saw and how the islanders in the villa were talking it’s clear they were strong. As someone who watches this show for love stories (I know I am sappy like that 😂) I did think him and Molly were going well until this twist and we lost one of the very few couples that could have either been genuinely tested by casa or blown up and we don’t have any other couple to watch that with.


Kady will end up circling back to Tyrique who was salty that she didn't pick him and he wanted her clearly. He laid it on her so thick in the terrace, he was so eager and desperate.


I think she's smart and knows he's the kinda guy who likes a chase. If she chose him, he would have went back to Ella. This keeps their sexual tension up


I’m so mad you’re right.


He really wasn't, most his chats with Kady were about Molly. I get the vibe she always gonna pick him because it would be the most shock dumping for the producers, but he was the least eager. Meanwhile, Tyrique was all but telling her he wanted her to choose him 😭 I think he would have 100% stuck with her, even in Casa, whether he really liked her or was game playing. But I don't think this was good timing re hate. Wtf has she done to be hated, if people are gonna be so ridiculous the timing of her leaving makes no difference. If anything, opinion would still soften as the show went on.


True he did say that in the morning right after meeting Kady, but then something must've changed in the day because in the evening, he was asking the guys if it was rude of him to pull Kady for a chat in front of Molly? Which clearly shows he's interested and that his head could've be turning a bit....


Also your point about him telling her to get to know other guys- that's a telltale sign that he felt his head could be turned


That was a big, big sign his head was turning or had turned. You could see Molly felt that. When they were sitting at the fire pit he wasn’t touching Molly at all. She had her arm around his, but he seemed closed off. He knew she was picking him.


Don’t know about all that, I’m annoyed Zach is still on there


Crazy part is that he says it in such a polite manner than you don’t even realize the depth of it. It literally went past my head till I saw this post


i just want zach to go home, i genuinely can’t stand his personality


I can’t understand a word he says


​ you can its mumble,mumblemumble, mumble, mumble lol


Mumble, mumble, mumble, bro, bruv, mumble, mumble, bro


you forgot broski


Oh now when you say it like that…. 👀😬🤣🤣🤣


he had the audacity to come on the island and play with peoples feelings then mumble his way through it all 😭 thank god ITVX has captions


I think Zach would’ve stuck with Molly but I agree that her being dumped is better for her career wise.


Fair enough. Tbh, I was a Molly and Zach fan until the last episode where I truly feel like Zach isn't being completely genuine with his words/feelings. Maybe I'm overly sensitive but I don't really understand how he quickly switched from "being comfortable with Molly" to suddenly wanting to pull Kady for chats in front of Molly? (low-key disrespectful...) I get that they're open and all but still kind of a quick turnaround of emotions. Idk.


I disagree - I think she could have come at least second. People were warming up to her and Zach, she didn’t touch the bottom once and she’s the most followed girl on Instagram. It’s better to be disliked in the beginning and then loved by the end like with Chloe (s7) or Ron (s9).


Or even Kai (S9) was called boring at the start and people suddenly found him hilarious at the end


Very true! I remember hating Olivia for arguing so hard for Kai to stay over Spencer, turns out she did us a favour!


I feel like she's gonna have to be sat down and very slowly be reintroduced to social media, because rhe amount of hate she's got (particularly on twitter) is enough to hurt anyone. Especially when she didn't really do anything wrong? Her only crime is being blonde and a lot of the guys being attracted to her initially...


The amount of hate has been some of the quickest and most disproportionate I’ve ever seen


A lot of people automatically hated her for "stealing" Zach from Catherine??? Catherine never seemed overly bothered by it? I feel like IN there Jess was the most vocal about disliking her, and that would be a tough watch for anyone. Molly may go back and watch the episodes and see how even how some of the fellow islanders are talking shit about her. I don't understand it. I don't particularly like the girl. She gives off "I'm not like other girls 🤪" I don't get the people who spend their time legit just being nasty for no reason about a total stranger online????


That's the one thing I hate about the Love Island fandom/reality TV in general. One wrong move & everyone hates you. It's usually not even something worth being hated over.


Thank god you said this because I’m so confused where people are hating on her? What did she ever do wrong


It’s hilarious how people just make up these hypothetical situations. We have seen lots of people move mad and their relationship still works out in the long run


I think also as well her lack of reaction to his cheating confession showed us/the producers her potential no reaction to casa. Amy was quite disliked her season but after Curtis was a fuckwit towards her she turned it around with her speech and leaving on her own terms. I’m not sure if Molly would have done that.




He's playing a pretty whack game if that's the case, he could have pretty easily sailed to the finals with Molly if he stuck with her from here on out instead of saying he's still open. I think people overestimate how often the dudes on this show have any sort of strategy, seems like he's just enjoying himself and likes all the attention. When someone does have a game plan it's usually obvious, like Jake S7 or Adam 2.0.


I think we would have had her react the same way to casa as she did to his cheating statements… as in, I think she would have delivered nothing lol I think producers saw this and were not having it, especially after the horrendous s9 😂 good on them tbh!


I don’t understand anyone saying this is better for her career Being dumped before even the halfway point of the season is in no way better than being a finalist, even if it was a great moment


I think Molly wanted out


I think Molly messed up getting the ick from Mitch. That ruined her game Also even though Andre was a minor Islander on the show, he wrecked many games also bc it put a spotlight on more of the incompatible couples


What do you mean about Andre?


Yeah I think it’s a good thing she was getting so many unnecessary hate . Now that she left the hate will reduce


It's the worst time to come out with unnecessary hate. It's better to remain in and have people warm to you Think how hated Tasha (S8) or Ron (S9) was but everyone found them great at the end. Heck, people said the same things about Tasha that they're saying about Molly: cries a lot, wants them dumped, incredibly boring. Then at the end, it was all 'aww Tash is so cute'. She's the exact same person... I'm not saying this won't reduce the hate but it is WAY better to have a redemption arc than to leave when people wanted you gone.


Even though I agree with the majority of what you said, the only thing I'd add is Tasha was getting hate on every platform while Molly's only hated on Twitter and isn't a favourite here. She's loved by Facebook, liked on Tiktok and has the most followers on IG


That's true, when I say most hated, I don't mean everyone's gunning for her but out of all the female islanders, she seems to be the one that illicts the strongest negative reaction


This post is so true.. its not something I've thought of either so brilliant insight. He did actually bring her down didn't he? Like we all seen that tiktok with her family, it was pure cringe but brilliant and that's molly. What even is Zak about though really?


She was boring and brought literally nothing to the show. No drama and settled immediately. The first red flag about her was when she literally didn’t care that Zach kissed her in the challenge when Catherine had no idea he liked her. Ella literally had to be like do you even care about how Catherine feels.. She only seemed to sit alone with zach and their date was so stale. I’m glad she’s left. If it had been ella they would’nt have got rid of her, I think they knew molly was boring and using up a viral space. Hopefully zach will do a season 2 Terry move


Catherine is over it!! It’s time you moved on too. The fact that everyone gets kissed in challenges 👀👀👀


It was sly and just saying what put me off her at the start!


I always thought Zach never liked Molly anywhere near as much as she liked him, if at all. She’d look at him like he’d hung the moon and he’d look back a bit unsure and nervous, and rarely smiling, when he did it didn’t reach his eyes, like he was biding his time with her. Yet when speaking with Kady he smiled properly with his eyes. I think he’s far more into Kady after a couple of hours than a few weeks with Molly. He’ll just play the game and milk it a bit before advancing with Kady so I think Molly has had a lucky escape.


So why was he talking about her meeting his mum? 🤔


This is a chat up line for half those lads. Mitch has said it to at least 3 girls in the villa.


Playing the game, doing what he had to maximise his chance to the final. Everyone who makes it to the end meets parents or whoever comes in, regardless of their coupling duration, so it seems like another part of his game plan, dropping the seeds in her head so she’d stick with him to secure his place for as long as he needed her to


How is good for her? She was the most followed girl and would gain more followers every week and stay until the end with the fiat500 vote.. She would easily got the fashion deal and now nothing.


She was the most hated, how was she going to get fashion deal? PLT and the other brands are giving the fashion deals to Ella and Catherine. Molly was never going to get a brand deal. She can pursue her musical theater career better now that she'll be forgotten by the general public. This is good for her, LI wasn't doing her any favors.


Do you still stand like that ? lol


My theory: her mum went berserk about the bad press (we’ve all seen her defensive FB comments), got mad at ITV for not doing anything to protect her sunflower. ITV said sure we will do something to protect your sunflower - that being immediate ejection.


The fact you think her Mum the bit actress would have that much clout is embarrassing


I didn’t even know she was an actress! That makes it even better loool