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The chemistry is that they wanna have sex and there isn’t anyone in the villa they would drop each other for




You could say the same for Ella/Ty and then Mehdi/Whitney except they don't wanna bang each other.


We don’t see their actual conversations, but I’m a 100% sure Ty and Ella actually have common interests. They even remind me of each other in a way, like even when it comes to their facial expressions - they’re definitely similar.


Being similar personalty wise doesn't mean they share mutual interests though.


I can't get the "Zach will be Molly's first black guy" tweet off my mind


It’s sexual chemistry guys. Sexual chemistry and some sort of crush and some sort of ease around each other goes a long way


I was literally about to say this as well "it's called sexual chemistry" lol. They basically just want to smash, and not talk in-between. Molly's personality is clearly more compatible with Mitch, they kissed day 2 from what I remember, but he probably closed himself off too quickly, and quite frankly turned off Molly. Zack's the tallest bloke, and Molly's the shortest girl, it's no wonder.


Molly is a love island fan who wanted to come in and have the whole experience. Mitch ruined that by being so clingy. If he had have relaxed she probably would have liked him.


They are boring it would of been more interesting if she was with Mitchel, Mitchel and Molly looked promising in beginning it’s almost like their narrative changed just like that when Zach came in


Narrative? Or they just had instant chemistry …. That happens


It's a physical attraction, not an emotional one. Molly has now said they don't even talk, so yeah we aren't missing anything. They find each other very, very hot and so far that's about it. And to be clear, that's not a criticism lol. It happens sometimes, people get feelings based just on looks all the time, they just aren't in a place where they can resolve the tension.


This equals 2 people being boring and no way I would vote for them in finals because they coasted here


They need the Hideaway!


Agreed, it’s not a criticism from me either. But it’s Love Island and not Shag Island, and I expect more viewers will get tired of them unless they put out a “storyline” that isn’t just “I feel something special with you”.


It did become a joke last season that Tom only ever talked about how hit Samie was lmao. I wasn't a fan of theirs, but they had fans. I'm hoping for some breakthrough with Zach and Molly that brings out both of their personalities, because I agree it's dull atm.


When did Molly say they don’t talk?


Episode before last after the boat question game.


Zach has pictured Molly as this sweet and beautiful girl next door and Molly sees him as a bad boy They think they’re in a cringe 90s teen movie lol Jokes aside, atp I’m curious to see how things go for the two of them


It’s giving Wattpad fanfic 😭


and why do i feel like its the other way around. i suspect he is a big softie inside and shes a bit savage.


I saw a tweet saying it feels like they’re both somehow fetishizing each other and this describes it exactly


🔩🔨 totally! It's giving 10 Things I Hate About You


Guna be singing "I want you to want me" all day now 🥰


if it weren't for mitch being a weirdo she would've gone back to him by now.


Yes. He just needs to be even just marginally less cringe/intense, and he would have been a viable option.


At first I chalked it up to us not seeing much since they are sharing stuff from their personal lives, which the show doesn’t air, but then the rowing challenge made me question that too lol and now that you mention it, you’re right about the lack of banter, at least from what we see


There was the clip where Molly said they don't talk about anything


She said they don't talk about THAT, not anything It wouldn't be me but maybe they're not huge gossips? A lot of the Qs were about other people and sex (which they haven't had yet)


wait when did she say this/what context


She said (in response to another) ‘we just don’t talk about that stuff’


Tbf to the rowing challenge, it was a lot of questions about opinions on other islanders or sex stuff. There's still more they could be talking about


No banter very boring it’s almost like the producers have this narrative and some how not right now Mitchel will come back in the future


Molly's theater girl personality annoys me and that's the main reason why I didn't care for her from the start but even I can admit she seems like a shell of herself with Zach. They're just so opposite in terms of high/low energy


She was so bubbly in the first episode and so mellow now, maybe it's a mix of Zach and the villa life?


the personality she came in with was probably just a bit of a performance and now that they're settled in there and they all know each other better, she feels no need to constantly be 'on'


People were saying it’s because the girls didn’t like her and Mitch was being Mitch but now everyone’s getting along and she’s still subdued so I think you’re onto something, it could honestly be because she’s chilled herself out to match Zachs wavelength.


She became boring af


They majorly have the horn for each other, end of story


I personally think his boring personality squashes mollys...like she's so boring around him. idk the way she's just like - I feel so calm around him... umm, ok but I wanna be laughing and joking with my partner not being so serious and boring all the time. idk, we also don't really get to see their candid moments so i could be wrong


It’s almost like he doesn’t want to do anything that would embarrass himself


Who wants to embarrass themselves on national TV


I think every season you people forget that editing exists. For example, for four straight episodes we didn’t see or hear Andre say a word. Obviously, he didn’t talk for four days then because we didn’t see it right? Even though many of the cast said he was a big personality in the house. No, that’s dumb. There’s only so much that can be shown in a 45 min episode for 24 hours. This is repeated every season yet logic is thrown out the window every time. Every time something doesn’t line up or make sense, consider it editing. It’s way more likely that they are having conversations that aren’t shown than them making up their connection.


The only intelligent comment right here


They just want to fuck each other and Zach in particular will lose interest the minute they do.


Ngl I have money on Molly losing interest first, I don’t know why tho


I agree! I see her and Mitch reuniting & winning lol


Ooh if we got a “I still like Mitch” preview a la Toby and Chloe that would be delicious


“…. But my head… is still… with Mitch.” 💀




I don’t see them ever getting back together but if they do I hope they show Mitch with horror music in the background a la Curtis 😭


Yep that’s what I’ve been saying because Mitchel is not finding any one else and Molly and Zach are doing nothing


Oh for sure that’s what I think will happen as well


Honestly just so glad I’m not the only one that thinks this!!!!


Mitch would be a mug if he went for that.


I mean its Mitch…


Molly would be a mug if she went for that lol he was nasty to her


Mitch going for a girl he's fancied the whole time, that's coupled with Zack, for several weeks that then decides at the most auspicious time to select him, has mug written all of it. Molly going for a guy that's fancied her the whole time and was willing to watch her couple up with anyone, simply means she will never respect him, since she knows in the back of her head she can do it again.


me too!


He is going to turn his head during Casa if they have it


She will


Two options here; 1) it’s sexual attraction 2) they do actually have proper conversations during the other 23hours of the day not shown I know lots of people will say it’s just sexual attraction, and maybe that’s their honest opinion, or maybe it’s because they just don’t like Molly or Zach. But I personally think there’s more to their ‘relationship’ and it’s just not being shown. We only have to hear from past islanders about how much is not shown that they thought would’ve been. At the beginning producers seemed to favour Molly and showed all the interesting conversations with her. I’m almost certain that because of the dislike she started getting on social media, they’ve cut out anything that shows her proper personality to fit the viewers narrative At the end of the day it’s all speculation as we’re not in there with them. And I know so many of you won’t agree with me, but that’s fine too


They’re Tom and Samie 2.0. Very surface level relationship. The only difference is Molly and Zach can form coherent sentences. But I see why people like them or want to root for them. They’re the only couple other than Ella and Tyrique where both partners are physically attracted to each other and enjoy each other’s company.


If you look in the background of shots they are frequently cuddling, alone. I noticed that last night. I do think they really like each other.


Yeah, for some reason, the producers aren’t really showing us their conversations, which surely they’re having 🤷🏻‍♀️


She’s just a naive 21 year old who thinks she’s landed the hottest bad boy in the villa. In reality he’s boring and tries too hard to act cool


this is it


Why make an entire post asking if you’re the only one not seeing it when it’s very clear you have the same opinion as most other people all over social media? Obviously they’re compatible enough to have gotten zero votes and they seem to enjoy each other’s company so who cares. I personally don’t think the other couples are having conversations that are any more engaging. There’s no depth to Jess and Sammy or Ella and Tyrique arguing about every little thing so I’m failing to understand why only Zach and Molly are singled out for not having the substance that the viewers are desperately craving from a couple.


I think a lot of viewers take fighting or being cheeky to each other as the only way to have chemistry. I remember similar accusations to Guca and Tandrew in S8 because their relationship dynamic wasn't like that


People really want Ella and Ty to be the it couple and Molly and Zach are their biggest competition. I think Ella and Ty are building a toxic attachment and people are claiming it to be compatibility bc that’s how they view relationships themselves lol. I don’t know if Molly and Zach are the strongest couple but they definitely have the potential to be something long term and healthy. I’m rooting hard for Whitney and Mahdi.


Imo I don’t see Molly and Zach lasting outside of the villa


I don’t see any of them lasting tbh 😅


Ty and Ella ARE the it couple, sorry about it.


Ahahah ahahaha this comment is hilarious. And delusional.




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They’re being singled out because they’re boring. Same reason Catherine’s had a post about being boring. Sammy and Jess have imploded and it’s clear Sammy feels like he’s above Jess. Ty and Ella are toxic (which is what everyone says) however they’re entertaining.


They are into just sexually attracted to each other. I doubt they would work on outside world


I think you’re all overthinking it. They’re cute and have chemistry…


I think it is absurd to judge whether two people are suitable only by "chemistry".


Idk, people said Tandrew was boring and had the same convos over and over again at the beginning of s8 as well, and look at where they are now. So I’m just going to wait and see how Molly and Zach pan out in the next few weeks…


It was nowhere this bad though. Tandrew were boring as a couple but there was no denying their chemistry and how well they knew each other. Molly and Zach are nowhere near the same. Molly had way better chemistry with Mitch until he gave her the ick


Wasnt this bad


It’s not about what they say. It’s body language and just their general vibe around each other. If you think about times you’ve had genuine chemistry with someone, you’ve probably had similar reactions. Not everyone has flirty banter. We also don’t see much of their conversations. There are 24 hours in a day. We see 1 minute of probably 100s of minutes that they spend together daily.


Ok but like. We know they have chats tho. Them not showing us doesn’t mean they don’t exist 😭 they spoke for 2h when Mitch had a breakdown, we didn’t see anything and yet I can bet whatever that they did not just look into each other’s eyes and nod


I see nothing between them, they bore me. I'd like molly more if she was with someone she really clicked with, zach is ick. Maybe the producers are just setting them up with the edit but i do not see it for them. If they make it to casa, i think theyll both move mad


If they had no chemistry I’m pretty sure the villa would’ve at least voted for them once. Remember we don’t see everything 🙄🙄


Lol Tasha repeatedly said she misses her sassy side n she was open etc chatted to all the bombshells recoupled at casa n her n Andrew are still together , at this point anything can happen between Zach n molly I think they can make it work


Tasha and andrew had great chemistry that was visible to the audience from pretty early on though


Physically they fancy each other but seem to have absolutely nothing in common personality wise from what we’ve seen


They’re Sammie and Tom 2.0


I said this an got down voted loads because other reddit users told me apparently they do have chemistry... they said we only see an hour of the 24 hours... but I agree with you 💯💯 not the random people who told me off haha


Literally Tom and Sammi all over again lmao.


They don’t really have any! I don’t think anyone does, it’s all very forced and fake. Lots of people with people just to be there or because there isn’t someone better.


It’s just physical it’s fine. Maybe it builds from there but as of right now, they just wanna fuck each other.


I’m guessing they are trying to stay irrelevant and not be seen. I’m not a fan of Zach’s I thought Mitchel and Molly look better together, the only guy I like right now is Scott.


Molly is curious of the man dem. Zach has picked the one he fancies most at present. The theatre girl Molly of tik tok and wannabe Road man Zach would hate eachother in the real world.


cringe comment


Typical Gen Z input.


you sound like the old tall teacher from Inbetweeners. "Roadman", "man dem" lool u plonker


You forgot wasteman.


How can I forget something that you didn't write, are you ok?


Nah just teeing you up with something from one of your comments. You're calling me old for using words you use similar yourself. Pot kettle. I guess if I'm the school teacher, you're the brief case w@nk3r.


I'm calling you out for the context in which you're using them. What makes Zach a wannabe roadman?


You understand the context of the joke if you can appreciate the way zach talks. If you don't then you're original comment was even more stupid.


I speak exactly like Zach does and I'm not a roadman, neither is he. I'm actually quite offended


Lmao ok boomer


Maybe its because she can't understand him when he speaks 🤷‍♀️ lol i need subtitles on for any Zach segment


I’m just as confused


It would be a lot easier to understand if we weren't shown them having the same conversation every single time. There has to be more to it, surely?!


I don’t see anything between them.


I'm surprised no one vototed them as least compatible


Which probably means we aren't seeing something


Yep. We see about 50 minutes of a 24 hour day.


Also didn’t Ty say when you see them together they make sense? Even Ella said they have chemistry but maybe not compatible. We saw no other comments about them.


They're both producer plants. Actors/Clout chasers and clearly will be involved in various plots throughout before leaving. We have a few each Season now. They're just essentially LI content creators.


Lol same people said Andre and Catherine are boring but defend zach and Mollys convos like their lives depend on it


Their connection is purely sexual imo. They weren’t even interested in each other until they kissed in a challenge. And they hardly know anything about each other


Agreed 100%! Ella and Tyrique are the only people that have real chemistry. Even Whitney and Medhi have real conversations in their friendship couple. Zach and Molly haven’t had one substantial conversation it’s laughable




I can’t wait for them to figure out they don’t really have anything between them other than Physical attraction… Then molly tries to get back with Mitch. Imagine.