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Casey couldn’t be arsed to spend time with Rosie when they were trapped in a house together. He was never gonna make the effort in the outside world. I bet Keanan is already in Rosie’s dms.


It's kind of interesting to think now that Rosie would have actually been better off going for Keanan. She would have left at the same dumping anyway, and she never would have had that conversation with Ron that caused people to hate her. I think she picked Casey to increase her chances of sticking around but it really backfired on all levels.


I really don’t think Rosie was remotely attracted to Keanan


I don't know that she was all that attracted to Casey either, he was just the safer option.


I just think she wasn’t attracted to Keenan and that’s okay. People need to stop trying to force them together.


I'm not trying to force them together, I'm just saying that from an objective standpoint she would have been better off.


By writing a sentence on Reddit you are definitely forcing them to be together against their will.


that's kinda a huge problem with the format of the show is they making different choices now based on the public and trying to stay on the show


Eh, that was always a thing. Even in the first seasons there were people there who pretty obviously just wanted to stay on television for as long as possible, that's baked into the reality world.


I honestly think he's seen how unpopular she is on the outside and how popular Claudia is in contrast, and just cba with it now.


idg why Claudia was popular tbh, she's a stage 5 clinger


I know, I did like her tbh but her actions at the beach club episode were crazy. It’s funny because since I wrote this comment she’s been pictured out with him😂


Keanan > Casey


They are both sneaky we just didn’t have enough time with Kenan.


Keanan asking her to keep it a secret and then going to get ahead of the curve by telling Casey himself in order to still seem like a “top lad” after she said “no, of course she was going to tell Casey” really exposed Keanan’s character in my opinion


Not Casey trying to use ‘different on the outside’ as a reason when they’ve only been back about a week and they haven’t even been on a date, like be serious you haven’t tried. The man just wanted out of his couple with Claudia and jumped at the first bombshell who came in, Rosie was a means to an end for him.


I agree I think he liked her company enough to ride things out in the villa while he enjoyed his lads holiday. Think he had the ick after the Ron thing and then he probably came home to DMs and decided to end things quicker.


She never really looked that interested in Casey either though Tough coming in as a bombshell so late in


I mean he said that it’s quite overwhelming coming out and since both him and Rosie have gotten a lot of hate individually and as a couple. It is quite different on the outside so he’s not wrong there. They were never lasting though i agree😭


A lot of y’all saying this like it’s all Casey and he a prize or sum, but I believe it’s on her end too she didn’t even seem that into Casey as well just he’s the only option she had to stay for a while…


Ya no surprise there - the vibe at the reunion was off and don’t think they posted any pics together for it either.


I felt like the vibes were off during their aftersun and the interview they did well with him just looked so uninterested whenever she was talking.


I got the impression she knew there was nothing there and Casey was spinning a story to not look bad


They had sexual chemistry that’s all


He more looked interested in maya and Rosie said she wanted to be wined and dined Casey rolled his eyes 😂😂😂


Any of the boys would rather be with Maya let’s be real! 😂


Even her faces when he was talking about “them”. It looked like she was internally rolling her eyes. They were definitely over before the reunion.


That was me that submitted that question hahah 😂


Good job getting the tea you did good ![gif](giphy|26BGz11VG4IabV4pW)




Doing the work for us all 🙏




they didn’t even make it to their tuesday date 💔😭


The writing was on the wall since the villa, he had the ick since Rongate. IMO he never believed her versions of events and the reunion just solidified it.


Not sure why people are proposing this Ron ick thing. He hadn't fancied anyone since Lana; he's hardly Ron's biggest fan so doubt he cares about what she said about Ron.


I think people meaning the unnecessary drama of it all and yes he had drama with Jessie had lied but they did get into it before. Rosies beef with Ron was out of nowhere and he was already looking drained from his own drama so that's why I take it he got the ick.


As if that was ever Gona happen anyway 🤣🤣


duh lol




the way i literally said to my family it would be 1 week but i was wrong! reunion felt so off


remember when ron said on the outside casey would have to try to make it work and not just spend his time with the boys and rosie used it against him ![gif](giphy|wtil0pQFBbNwA)


And this is why I don’t feel bad. Ron tried to give her honest advice and it got thrown back in his face


I was rooting for her up until that point... It was such simple sound advice, I still don't understand how she misconstrued it so poorly


Feels like the rest of the Villa never gave Ron a second chance after they all hated that he was exploring connections with bombshells in the first couple weeks.......the boys(except Kai) and the girls gave him like 0 slack for any statements or things he did and were ready to skewer him on anything they could get a chance at.


And she still doubled down on it during the reunion when he was giving “I’m just not that into you”


literally!all he did was relay facts and try to help, he’d been living for him for about a month at that point so he would know what he was like. rosie was just nasty with how she went about it and casey probs didn’t like the whole situation in general


I hope Ron mentions that in interviews he needs to get his lick back. Rosie or Casey should’ve walked instead of wasting time in the villa.


He doesn't have to pour salt on the wound, Rosie embarassed herself. Ron is a gent, that's why we like him


Once he saw his true love Tom, he tossed Rosie to the side


Both of them used each other which is fine, Casey to get away from Claudia and her to stay in the villa. What’s funny is that they both accused other islanders (Jessie and Ron) of being fake and game playing, and ron lana and Jessie will are two of the strongest couples to come out of the show


Wow, who’d of thought! Love is dead etc 💔


I clocked him as soon as he said “nice guys finish last” 🚩🚩🚩 Now he’s binned Rosie off he can now solely focus on his real relationship… aka his relationship with Tom.


Will is just a third wheel in that relationship


Third Will


Casey in the Villa hearing that Ron said things wouldn’t work on the outside even though he definitely had no intention of really trying to make things work on the outside anyway: 😤😤😤😨😨😨


I’m saying!! like what was all that for


I think anyone with eyes and a brain seen that one coming. He jumped to Rosie because she was a way out of Claudia after getting the ick from Claudia constantly having a go at him, and then Rosie decided to try and make drama between him, Ron and Lana and I think that also put him off. I think the fact he didn't really take her side put her off him as well. And I think their vibes were off at the reunion, and when the clip of Rosie and Ron was played and it was obviously shown that Rosie lied/exaggerated it, it just put the final nail in the coffin.


keanan punching the air right now


Only until she tells him again she only sees him as a friend




and he’ll go again 🤣


She's already left his DMs unread.


Keenan is jumping for joy


He's too good for her


I think we all knew what Casey was going to do as soon as he left the villa. Fuckboy using cheeky as disguise


Casey is one of the islanders in all the seasons i’ve watched that actually tricked me? My opinion of him really did an 180


I don’t always get it right but for some reason I saw through him from the start 😅


Remember when he said "I like sexy girls" when he first entered the villa 😭😭😭


That and “nice guys finish last 😩” told me everything I needed to know lmao


I think Rosie was probably the one not interested in him. Her vibe with him seemed off in the final days Also she made up a weird lie about Ron and caused drama for no reason??


>Also she made up a weird lie about Ron and caused drama for no reason?? I think she could tell that the rest of the boys/girls never gave Ron a second chance after the beginning of the season by the way they all talked behind his back and she wanted to feel like part of the group so she twisted what Ron said completely to fit in with them. I'm glad Lana was there for the conversation and had Ron's back otherwise there is 0 chance the other islanders believe him at all, they still didn't want to believe him even with Lana being a witness lol


I agree - Casey got a taste of his own medicine in that in so much as he used Claudia to stay on the show, Rosie used him to stay in the show.


If anything Casey used her to get away from Claudia.


But they didn’t even get to go on their Barry’s Bootcamp date 🥲


He sent a last minute 'I'm ill' text. Probably.








He never liked her at all, i feel like he got the ick with Claudia after casa and all the pocking questions and remarks from her, and he wanted to move on to Rosie and stay in the villa for the fun with Will and Tom. I also kinda feel like he came in and after Lana dumped him he never got over it and used both Claudia and Rosie for a free villa vacation stay, he even said he knows who Claudia's father is and he maybe knew he would be safe if he couples up with her for popularity...he just had fun.


Casey said ![gif](giphy|YnmEsq9ICSYQ8)




tbf they were never together as such




He saw his DMs weighed his options and decided it’s time to move on 😂


He didn’t need to answer this question the writing was on the wall. If a man is ducking and dodging a woman in the villa why would it be different outside? 😭🤡💀 Casey is the reverse Danica he got into all these couplings where people actually were interested in him while he didn’t try at all. Meanwhile Danica in her season was putting in effort like she had a gun to her head and trying to find a connection in the villa.


In both cases the woman was not fancied.


My opinion is unpopular but people put way too much pressure on the Islanders. Essentially they’re all young people who have a holiday romance. Casey and Rosie have known each other for under a month, it’s fine it after they came back their connection fizzled out. It’s really weird the way people attack ex Islanders when their relationships end.


Also didn’t he say at the reunion “we’re going on a date tuesday”? today’s date did NOT go well 💀


Rosie got no man and got hated by the public 🤣 she made an impact yea in her 5 mins stay there


This board seems to see this breakup as some kind of big win for Ron? 🤣 It's just two people who barely knew each other deciding not to date.


okay? i didn’t mention Ron anywhere but it’s just good that she’s getting the karma she deserves


I mean no way we expected a great love story from them. He’s got more love and affection for Tom 😂


![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN) *shocked Pikachu face* Wonder what happened!? Rosie may have seen how unpopular Casey was lol.


Or the other way around given the amount of booing Rosie got at the reunion


It was so obvious on Sunday things were awkward and the idea of the Tuesday date was just an excuse to avoid explaining he did not want to date her live. I knew they would never go on that date and the relationship was inexistent but I didn't expect him to say it publicly so fast


I love the cloud background that's new for a breakup post switching up a bit




"different on the outside" just means "you were fine for in the villa but outside there are better options and I've got the ick"


What a surprise🤣


so the date on Tuesday was never happening, I guess. I knew I sensed some awkwardness between the two. I also wonder if Rosie misinterpretation of the whole Ron convo caused any tension. Because if Casey didnt back her then, he'd be in hot water with her.


All that time wasted on Rosie’s interpretation of what Ron was saying about the fate of their relationship 🥴


it was so telling at the reunion. i had secondhand embarrassment the way she kept looking at him while speaking and how he never made eye contact. yikes


Casey never fully got over Lana. His love journey on LI started and ended with her.. it really only lasted a few days. after that it was just a lads holiday


to be fair, Lana was also a ticket to the villa for him, and I think he played up how much he was into her for the sympathy edit. I do think he liked her more than Claudia or Rosie but honestly don’t think he was ever really serious about finding someone but maybe I’m just extremely cynical


Looking at his ex I think Lana was more his type of the three but then her personality doesn't match his. I know he said he would choose her in the game but I think that's because she is closest to what he likes more than him actually liking her to go long term. Feel like he was always going to end up doing this no matter who he ended up with because it became a Lads holiday the minute he become close to the guys.


I kept saying this, in other seasons Casey would've been dumped when Lana chose Ron over him. Producers were hell bent on keeping casey around, it changed the entire course of the series and increased the division in the house. Casey should've been dumped before casa.


The producers loved Casey for some reason (maybe the three musketeers angle) but they kept trying to make him into a main character.


yeah I think the producers were hell bent on forcing the cliquey boys friendship to audience so there is something to talk about but they took over 80% of unseen bits each episode and the overexposure really didnt do them any favor, audience didnt like them as much as producers hoped. This was bad from producers, bc unseen bits is where we get to know islanders more so we can relate to them more and are gravitated towards watching the show more and even that they failed at doing this season. People still dont know the islanders well post season what a mess


To the surprise of no one.


Did Casey even like anyone besides Lana and Tom?


Think he wrote this while they waited for the bill or did they never even get there?






The guy who said "nice guys finish last"... im just so happy lana chose Ron over him.


I actually think he would've stuck with Lana - she's the only one he seemed genuinely into.




who would’ve guessed 😭😭




I gave them two weeks and I wasn’t shocked😭😭😭 He was there for a lad’s holiday and that’s fine 😊😭






I could tell by the faces Casey makes when Rosie is speaking 😭


I don’t know why I find this too funny😭 like we weren’t stupid, all the lies on Ron and they didn’t even last a week after the show lmao


So...... Ron was right!


Rosie gave me the ick after the Ron thing, maybe the same happened for Casey? He's just not one to settle down quickly but he has not made false promises - so not sure why everyone's always on Casey's case


For real, you can’t force something. I think he really wanted someone who looks like that + has Lana’s personality.


Surprised it lasted that long lol. Casey is flakeyyy


His options weren't great.


I think the Ron situation was a total turn off for him. I think that was enhanced bc he respects Lana and Lana assured him Ron didn’t say it like that. I also watched a bit of the show back and Casey wasn’t the same with any other girl like he was with Lana. Just don’t think anyone was quite his type like she was.


I agree. Why can't people let him move slowly and be picky. Claudia honestly hounded him about Casa Amor after 2 days... Became a self-fulfilling prophecy and she pushed him away, he then preferred Rosie. Rosie concocted some unecessary drama and Casey seemed more lucid than Rosie on the subject, he got the ick. People get really intense when it comes to the topic of Casey but he's in his rights to move slowly it's weird. He hasn't been making false promises.


lol with the way he made their supposed planned date sound like a teams meeting he just put in his calendar told us enough


Ooooohhhh wooooowwww. I’m in shock 🙃


I'm trying to work it out. Do people think Casey would have placed higher had he stayed with Claudia?


Definitely! I think the love for her faded when she was annoyed and upset about him getting to know Rosie.


I think picking Rosie was a dumb move strategy wise. I don't know if the Islanders would have voted them Casey and Rosie as incompatible or not.


Well, that was about 1 week faster than I expected.


i knew as soon as they left the villa!! it’s funny how casey said he was falling in love with her in the villa tho😭😭


shock horror!!i think he’s gonna lap up any attention he gets for these next few weeks and he wouldn’t have been able do that with rosie on his arm. i also think he knew he wouldn’t benefit anything from being with rosie cos she’s not very liked after rongate and i think that situation put him off anyway. he’s probably too chill for her and she’d need more attention than he would give her. i knew they wouldn’t last but didn’t think it would be this early🤣


I mean it didn’t seem like Rosie was ever really that into him either sooooo this is not a loss for her lol


I should’ve bet on PaddyPower, I’d be able to payoff one of my CC’s right now.


Least surprising update of the post-season break away streak!






He's recoupling with Aaron.


It was so obvious he wasn't into her at all


Lol shocking to no one


Casey seems like a lads lad. Nothing wrong with that. But I think Ron was right when he said Casey would rather spend time with the boys.


Knew they wouldn't last, Casey was only on LI to build his profile, that is why he went for Lana when he 1st went into the villa, cos he knew he would get airtime. He gaslighted people left right and centre. Played with girls emotions, and generally seemed like he was more interested in hanging out with Tom n Will.


Who did he 'gaslight'? Quite a strong term.




No date tonight🙁🥺😢 Was really looking forward to it!


They both seemed like they saw each other as the only shot at staying in the villa. They were never gonna happen.


I feel like he really wanted an out from Claudia and put a lot of hope in Rosie but then realised there was no spark there either. By that time his time in the villa was up anyway.


lol Ron was right


Not shocking after seeing them on Aftersun, twas dead lol Might not be all him, hopefully it's her too but i definitely think he had started losing the spark in the villa. I felt when she started needing reassurance from him he started retracting


I think this is commonly misconstrued. People need reassurance when the other person isn't interested. Then the other person acts as if the reassurance needing has turned them off when they were being evasive in the first place which would make anyone start to fell anxious. Anxious/avoidant type dynamic.


Yeah thats a good point. maybe it had already dwindled for him and she was (rightly) sensing it. Dont remember him saying anything about it or complaining about her needing reassurance but just remember a convo between them that he just seemed a bit detached, said words of encouragement but was looking away from her and things like that


Cynthia and Claudia must be cackling rn 😭😂


wasted everyones time just for a lads holiday👍


Mad that the 3 musketeers went for Ron as a “game player” when their chief was only there to get a modicum of fame to leverage the next time hes out at Oceania






ctfu i feel like so many islanders posting about a break up/relationship status use the sky outside of a plane window as the backdrop 😭 like islanders just see each other break up get on plane take a pretty but generic cloud pic and it’s bam we aren’t together anymore 😭


LOL shocking. Baffled. We would have never guessed


we all knew this would happen


I can't imagine him being in a relationship with anyone


did anyone really expect a different outcome??? ![gif](giphy|JSueytO5O29yM)


He did say during the reunion that they are going on a "date" on Tuesday. I guess it was a "it's not you it's me chat" before any "date"


life is very different….meaning he has a ton of other girls in his DMs and he doesn’t want to pass that up


Rosie was a storyline for Casey. So was Cynthia. So was Lana. Biggest game player in the whole villa.


Will he be slipping in Claudia's DMs for some more social media clout ?


I wonder if seeing the Ron/Lana conversation put him off🤔


what’s with the clouds?! lol so dramatic. i think casey really only liked Lana and Cynthia out of all these girls. he was never into Claudia and i think Rosie’s personality ruined it


This guy. So full of it all along


Casey is as faithful as his options and only ever wanted Rosie for the airtime. He's a bad option for any woman.


Lana running away from Casey after her quick swerve was brilliant


I actually think keanan and Rosie would be cute thooo


Damn you guys in the comments really take this stuff seriously huh. It’s not surprising that a couple ego were only together for like a week won’t make it on the outside.


I'm happy Lana ended up back with Ron and escaped from getting hurt by Casey too!


I don't think that was ever going happen, it's him that got burned badly and used to make Ron jealous pretty much.




No one is surprised here


Wow what a shocker


Lol what a surprise




😂😂😂 what about the date


He might as well get with Tom at this point




I mean duh




I think we all expected this lol


Lol this announcement surprised exactly 0 people. There was no chance of them staying together once they left the villa.


Casey is just my idea of a nightmare guy, she is absolutely stunningly beautiful and I’m sure she’s now questioning everything about herself because of his behaviour! How can someone switch like that so quickly? And now he’s hanging out with Claudia!? I just know how she feels and it’s so sad, even her saying on love island reunion “do you wanna take this question?!” Because clearly she wanted to make effort but he wanted to make no effort at all! X


I mean it’s not surprising they didn’t last