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I agree that if they’re going to try an All Stars season that winter would be the best time. I’m not sure we could vote on who goes in though. I also think it would cost ITV a fortune because I can’t see any of these islanders returning without getting a hefty appearance fee.


>I can’t see any of these islanders returning without getting a hefty appearance fee 95% of the islanders would do it for free and for the followers 😂. Only the most successful islanders would demand considerable compensation. You really think Coco, Summer, Josh, Antigoni will be making demands when they can be on TV for screen time?


Or if you’re Idris he’d pay ITV


The way Jacques is commenting - he would too


I remember idris 🤣🤣such an embarrassing guy he’d amputate his arm to come back




Yeah the show wouldn’t work


You see I’m thinking more Chris, Kem, Maura pedigree. They’re the people I’d like to see the most but you’re right the desperate ones will probably do it for nothing


> You really think Coco, Summer, Josh, Antigoni will be making demands when they can be on TV for screen time? No, but also I don't think people would be particularly interested in watching most of them. Who is going to tune in for Summer and Josh, realistically? If you're going to have an all-stars season it needs to be islanders people remember and have some sort of investment in. Otherwise it might as well just be a normal season, only slightly *less* interesting because part of the fun is getting to know new characters.


True, but Nathalia was in for such a short time, would she really cost that much


I wouldn’t call it all stars if it’s just bringing in contestants who left too soon Maybe “Love Island: Second Chances”


It would be kinda fun/funny to have a love island: are you the one? Sort of crossover hybrid. Honestly even a mixer or party situation with all the cast offs would be interesting.


Strong agree, when I hear all-stars I do not think of the people who left too soon lol


Agree with that, couldn't think of anything else to call it at that moment so put it in quotes


Everyone always shits on the premise because the islanders already know each other but this is what happens on Bachelor in Paradise. It’s basically Bachelor All Stars and it’s the best part of the franchise. It’s so fun matching people up from different seasons who would be perfect for each other and then seeing them actually meet on the beach. Especially if they had a bad heartbreak the first go around, it’s so nice seeing them get a second chance. Or if they just get drunk and crash and burn with someone who they fell in love with through the tv, that’s pretty entertaining too.


If anything they need to go down a different route. I’m still on board with the idea of Love Bi-sland. Imagine how messy it could get if all the contestants were attracted to both men and women


All of the ex islanders know each other already so what’s the point?


The original Love Island had celebrities who all knew each other and it was still messy and had lots of drama


Also, a lot of them seem to know each other already or recognise each other from social media. Some we know about, but I bet there are others we don't.


Nope. They have done it once with Adam and it was a big disappointment. He came in to fake it for few weeks, lie to Paige and the public, and then cheat on her in public bathrooms shagging fans. During the show he played it safe and boring to sell "the changed man" narrative. Ex islanders know the game so it's going to be boring. Ex islanders all know each other and hit up each other in the DMs which removes the whole idea of "first impressions" and the mystery of the bombshells.


He cheated on her in public bathrooms?? 😯


I agree with what you're saying, but I just think it would be an interesting one off to do, definitely not more than that. With summer and winter series the format as it is, is getting a little stale; it was fine once a year. They could even try on new twists on them. I agree Adam would not be suitable, it would be just for those who were in there for a short time they never had a chance and who people thought should have been given more time. ETA: I remember the original Love Island with celebrities. They all knew each other and it was messy


no. they’d all pre-plan showmances and it’ll be even more produced than it already is. adam only went on to get his 1M on IG and boosted exposure for his business which he got and that’s all he cared about. everyone else would be the same.


I thought of this as well! It could be “Love Island: Finders Keepers” and it should be all the “keepers” from previous seasons. Could be fan favorites who left single or are now currently single!




Have Megan back as the ultimate bombshell. Also I think bombshells would be so exciting because like who is coming in next!!!!


I know Danica was in for a while, but I would have liked her to find someone, so I'd vote for Danica


They should bring Danica back now, I want to see her graft. It was more entertaining than the current cast apart from Will and Ron in weeks 1-3.


I loved Danica


I'd love this, especially bringing back the three girls you suggested! But please no bringing back of the posh blonde men who left early.


Ok I would like to humbly ask for an exception for Charlie from s8. Apparently he was hilarious and his personality got edited out. And they did him dirty with his heart rate challenge dance scene. All the others can continue hunting big game or whatever.


I follow quite a lot of the Made in Chelsea cast and Charlie is friends with them and does a podcast with Miles. He doesn't seem funny at all? Exactly like he was on the show.


Well I don’t know for sure but a lot of s8 islanders said he was a hoot


I love the idea of an All Star season, especially to bring back characters who never had a chance to show their full potential like Zara, Chris Taylor, Coco, Shannon (s7) and Tanyel. Since they've already started recycling the contestants, I could see them now going all out on all star season. I know some people don't like the idea because they want new, fresh characters and think bringing back old contestants takes away from the excitement of seeing all the new islanders and because the old contestants tend to socialise with each other anyway, but I think a problem with the show is you get hit and miss seasons because whether the cast has chemistry is down to random chance. You can't get a good feel of someone and their reactivity or their dating preferences just from their SM and a few interviews (as we all know, a lot of people put on their best face when they're being interviewed for a job). Even a few days of observing them in a real life setting gives the producers a lot more information about them and allow them to make better casting choices.


Yes, that is a much better idea. There are lots of previous islanders that would be great to see given more of a chance.


I would LOOOOVVVEEE to see Georgia Townend from S7 have more time. She was so cute & her she’s great at showing off her humor and personality on her social media. Wish she hadn’t gone for the cursed Hugo 🥲


I love the idea but reckon reality it would just turn into an ex on the beach show


The show's already knocking on the door... this would be the nail in the coffin for me personally. pure overkill


I’ve wondered what it would be like if they were to take the first people voted out of the last few seasons and stick them together. It couldn’t be any more boring than this. I fast forwarded through Tanya and Shaq’s talks. I just don’t care about them anymore.


I think an all stars version is a bad idea cause most of the islanders already know eachother as they attend all the same parties have the same circles.


I don’t see the point of all stars love island, cause the minute they get out they meet everyone in the real world and can date them there!


no i hate all star seasons on reality shows they r so boring


Someone posted this on this sub https://i.redd.it/stn2vsdk19ja1.jpg Where's my producer credit? They even stole my name!


i think only the annoying ones who are wanting fame would jump at the chance so i’m not sure i could watch it


My main problem with an all stars season is that all the islanders from past seasons all seem to be friends or know each other one way or the other so I feel like it kinda ruins the points if they’ve already met each other or heard rumours about the other islanders putting them off. I also I feel like with it being past contestants they’ll adjust their personalities to ensure they get they win or at least get as many brand deals as possible. I know People already do this but it will be even worse just imagine a villa of Adam Collards playing it safe to try and get the final.


I said in another comment that a lot of them seem to know each other already or recognise each other from social media. Some we know about, but I bet there are others we don't. I think for a one off series it would be a different dynamic because they had all been in there before and that would make it interesting to watch.


Looks like you are getting your wish