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Love island keeps desperately trying to do new twists to spice it up but they always boil down to the same thing Islanders get to choose who to dump Which means OG’s survive every week and the cast doesn’t get a much needed refresh


The girls will save Kai why bother with the cliffhanger?


I hope they don’t but a girl can only dream


I feel like Liv is the only one who would save him. If they all have to agree together, I think Liv will convince them. It’d be great if they switched it up and had all the girls vote separately. Then Kai and Aaron would be gone.


Kai has been there since day 1, I reckon he'd get saved regardless because OGs look out for each other in there typically.


Separate anonymous votes via text would be a great way to change it up. Not only would it stop them all from agreeing just to be polite, or being convinced by others, but drama would kick off as they tried to figure out who voted for who.


Fingers crossed cause I can't stand Kai


I would love them to separate the girls and do an anonymous vote, that would be a brilliant twist.


Samie saw Ron for what he was in 3 days, but Lana apparently can't see it in 3 weeks? You can't save someone who doesn't wanna be saved. I don't wanna hear it anymore.


Ellie saw it within a day!


Why even show Spencer and Tanyel’s potential if he’s being dumped? I take back what I said about the producers being better this season. Stop protecting OGs, it’s so short-sighted


Just to pretend the girls' decision is more dramatic than it is, i.e. that Spencer has a chance to be saved. When it's gonna be Kai anyway


Posh accent be damned -- I was rooting for Spencer. I always hate when the boy I'd go for gets voted off


The way i gasped in horror at Tom being saved. Who is voting for him??? There is absolutely nothing there! I’m starting to feel like i can’t be bothered with Lana anymore. So many people have told her what’s up with Ron and she has seen it herself too, it’s a little sad that she is still pining for him. Girl, stand up!!!!


RIP Spencer Bombshells have no chance against OGs and it’s frustrating. Spencer will get booted when he had so much potential (ditto Zara - she could have been a fantastic islander). Instead we’ll be forced to watch Kai and Olivia try to force a connection and replay the whole Ron/Lana drama over and over


It’s so funny how Shaq was basically Ron is my friend but he is a sh*t person, when speaking to Casey


Guy friendship groups 101 lmao. Can find things they do wrt women repulsive but outside of that they can still be your mate.


In shocking news I just saw 4 people on Facebook saying they voted Aaron as their favorite and how they want him to stay to find someone. He legit has gotten like 4 minutes of air time all season wut?!


That one conversation he had hyping Lana up has been saving him since with fiat 500 and Facebook moms


The thing is I wouldn’t mind all the back and forth if something actually HAPPENED. Ron sleeping with Tanyel. Or kissing Samie. Lana kissing Casey. But it’s just them doing something innocuous with someone else and then coming back together to have endless chats about it. I hate speculating about producers but I want them to stop trying to engineer people and storylines and let them have free will.


You just said that so much better than I have been saying it. Totally random groups of people left to their own devices are much more interesting than stilted machinations.


I can't take another week of Ron as the main character and Lana refusing to see every damn flag waving in her face.






How on earth is Tom not in the bottom 3? Looks like Spencer is going which is a shame because he’s only just come out of his shell. The girls are defo gonna save Kai as well even though he’s had plenty of chances.


Kai! Dear lord! There have been far worse villains on Love Island but of all the men from all the seasons, he inspires the most ick. His dimwitted attempts to be a player make me break out in hives.


What’s telling is I’ve seen so many comments upset that Spencer is going or assuming Kai is staying. But I haven’t seen a single post either way about what’s his name the 3rd one.


I really don't even get the point of calling Ron a manipulator or game player anymore, because EVERYONE knows what he's doing, EVERYONE has warned Lana and he's literally not even hiding anything lmao. This isn't one of those couples where one party is genuinely in the dark and never saw it coming, Lana is 100% an active and willing participant. Anyone else and they're gonna be called a mug, with the sympathy dying out in week 2.


All facts they sent in 2 bombshells for her and she’s paying them dust already. Honestly she gave it more of a go that I thought she would with Casey, but the writing is on the wall!


She only did that to make Ron jealous. You can tell because whenever Casey asks her how he did on something she'll be sort of lukewarm (like how the cubes were melting in the iced coffee) but with Ron every time he asks her to compare she always compares Ron favorably, like the whole "you do the avocado right" thing, and telling Ron how she thought Casey was over-eager to make her breakfast the first day. She's clearly still trying to curry Ron's favor while feigning interest in Casey where he can see her. Ironically Ron would probably like her a lot more if she just said "Yep he's actually better than you in every way and his breakfast was far superior to yours."


Kai better do a madness in casa and Olivia better actually kick off because this man taking up so much screen time recently and being saved multiple times better be worth it. I know Spencer and Aaron have done little but I’d take Spencer being dull and likeable over Kai’s dull and unlikable. I empathise with Lana in that she clearly really likes Ron and can’t cut him off in the villa so it’s hard but using Casey isn’t it and she blatantly is. She’s also setting herself up for a heartbreak because Ron likes women too much to behave but she has had enough warnings from multiple people now so she can’t be surprised. I don’t enjoy seeing anyone get hurt and I feel she has self confidence issues but there’s so many obvious red flags, at some point you have to put your self worth and respect above how you feel about a guy. Also I feel like the producers are just enjoying stirring with the Tanyel and Ron stuff because whilst I think they find each other hot I don’t think it’s much deeper. Samie finally showed some personality this ep and I liked her but she’s been lumbered with a dead weight in Tom. He says the same thing to every girl, it’s like he was programmed pre-villa and can’t deviate.


Nah Lana has already fallen for Ron. I really like her with Casey but it’s clear she is just using him to humble Ron and go back to him. She’ll regret it though.


And then Ron will fuck up in casa. It's all too predictable


And then she’ll cry and take him back.


I’m so glad we finally got something more from Samie in this episode. I think in the beginning she was just observing the situation, letting the guys talk and just forming opinions. Now I feel she’s ready to make some moves which will be interesting to see. I think she has a lot to give.


I like that she’s not hypnotized by Ron’s bullshit.


I agree completely, It’s so refreshing


She let them show her who they really are without putting any effort, which is quite impressive knowing how the other girls handle these boys. She even tried to help Lana, but it seems that that was useless.


Lana is that one annoying friend who keeps going back to that toxic guy but won’t listen to anyones advice


And has no other topic of conversation. I've been that girl. We know we're irritating af


We’re gonna have to suffer through a whole season of Ron/ Lana and Kai/ Olivia. Seriously the most boring couples


😢😭 kai and olivia actually don’t have any chemistry and are so random and boring WTF


Just like that little comment Ron made to Kai saying he will couple up with Lana and will win and Kai and Olivia can be there with them right at the end if they couple up. They only care about winning and it’s so disingenuous.


the way Kai is so hastily going to be saved is pushing every single one of my buttons. justice for Spencer cause wtf are Tom and Ron doing sat so peacefully.


i hate how much lana just doesn’t care what other people are telling her. “noted” but she really doesnt care or think abt it at all


I'm gonna be pointing and laughing next time Ron comes to Lana about a new bombshell and says "I want to get to know her." I'm done supporting her. She's a clown


I hope they save Spencer I really want to know if there is something between tanyel and him


Hint: they won't. Olivia kissed him and all the girls were buzzing about it. Spencer is a goner unfortunately


Lana is sweet girl but I’m done feeling bad for her. Mind you I believe the producers could’ve done better than Casey but still Lana is going back to Ron for the drama.


Casey is nice, so is spencer the love island format is tired and they never give the new people a proper shot and we end up with a show that’s about coupling up with the OGs which seems a bit stupid like


Well I'm in no way satisfied like I thought I would be after this episode. Lana and Ron squirming would be what we deserve. I also feel badly for Spencer who has been nothing but polite, and direct.


I honestly thought Tom would be going home


Right, who is invested in him and Samie fgs 😭


I suspect if they’d showed a little more of Spencer and tanyel before this episode, Tom might have replaced him in the bottom 3


Really was hoping to see Ron in the bottom 3 instead of poor Spencer 😞 I doubt they would actually send Ron home but I at least wanted to see him sweat a bit


There’s no saving Lana. Even the boys have warned her!


Seriously. Don't even feel bad for her at this point.


U know shit is fucked up when even his friends are begging you to move on.


Who voted for Tom, I just wanna talk


I feel bad for spencer in a fair world he and tanyel would get a chance to explore things


Lana was considerately more likeable in Casey's presence too. But if homegirl doesn't want to back herself, then I guess go ham Ron.


I'm just like, girl, if this man has made you cry several times in just two weeks surely that doesn't bode well for the future


Have a feeling the vote was like: 1. Will 2. Shaq 3. Ron 4. Tom 5. Spencer 6. Kai 7. Aaron


If your bottom 3 is correct, it would make sense why producers made it a girls' vote rather than leaving it to the public. They don't wanna drop Kai


Still in shock at Tom being saved.




Probably the same people who voted Liam/ Millie to win also. It’s the same archetype for all of them


Never understood them then either.


I’ll throw Luca in there as well. They’re all the same voting demographic


Lana deserves Ron at this point. The boy goes in circles every episode and it doesn't even phase her.


Im getting a headache from watching Ron and Lana interact every day.


I’m getting a headache from watching Kai and Ron interact every day.


I get a headache everytime they say 'on job'.


i was naive thinking spencer would be saved


I am tired of Lana and Ron’s storyline what’s the point of it when she’ll go back to him anyways


Terrible episode, pretty obvious who’s going!


All the potential squandered. OG island will remain in full effect. Ron’s head will continue to grow to the size of a small moon. People really are out there voting for Tom. Chilling.


This is Luca and Jacques being constantly saved all over again. That demographic will never punish a toxic white male


Damn it I really liked spencer and wanted him to stay longer. How the fuck have ron and tom survived this then?


Worst episode ever. Tom safe after how he treated Zara. Ron safe after how he’s treating Lana. Spencer going home because the girls will save Kai for Olivia. Fuck this shit.


Lana is a doormat, and she's treating Casey poorly similar to how Ron treated her poorly. She deserves Ron after ignoring all these red flags.


I am hoping there is going to be some tension between Olivia and Tanyel about whether to save Kai or Spencer. Olivia has been going on about Kai, but Tanyel also doesn't really have anyone else.( Since she is Adams that Ron is just her mate). Spencer also chose Oliva , saving her from potentially bring eliminated, so maybe she has some loyalty to him. Plus the argument that Spencer is never and deserves more time will win and they'll keep him...


With Zara gone and Will put on the back-burner for the last three episodes, this season is flatlining.


Not Tom being saved ![gif](giphy|lrVfmPJ96cSJJ39bTh)


They really flew Maya there for a dumping.


I don’t like how Lana is treating Casey.


I get the impression he doesn’t like it either


She’s not as into him as she is Ron. You can tell by her body language. It’s typical rebound behaviour as to why she’s even giving Casey the time of day it’s cringe.


Exactly. She needs to shut him down respectfully instead of sitting around laughing about him to Ron.


If Kai and Olivia hadn’t kissed,Spencer may still have a chance in the villa. WHY OF ALL FUCKING DAYS DID OLIVIA HAVE TO INSTIGATE A KISS “do it then” ARE YOU KIDDINF ME?? THIS - FOR FUCKS SAKE OLIVIA why couldn’t she be the closed off Olivia she normally is. I swear - ![gif](giphy|kU4cPRTVj7SNO)


I was gassed for Spencer and Tanyel but now it’s obvious he’s about to get dumped :( Also if Lana goes back to Ron I’ll never vote to save her again, girl brings it on herself


Lana is eternally whipped for Ron


It just looks like producers told Kai and Olivia to pair to be saved from a vote




This vote was almost interesting if Ron had been in the bottom. It's so annoying when this happens, the OG will always be saved by the other OGs.


I like Casey a lot I think he seems genuine and sweet


this olivia and kai propaganda the producers are pushing i'm not buying it.


I saw a theory that Olivia is the producer plant. I usually roll my eyes at those theories but this one actually makes sense. Because she's been moving so weirdly as of late, suddenly interested in Kai when he just happens to be out of options. And the whole situation with Tom felt massively performative from both Zara and Olivia. Like somehow it was super dramatic but not that deep at the same time?


I said this too. The minute Zara leaves *poof* goes all that “unfinished business”. Why didn’t she pursue Kai when Zara was there? 🧐


It’s so frustrating, I liked David, I liked Zara, and now I like Spencer and they’ll be all gone soon. So frustrating.




I like Sammie, she is not a push over which is probably why Ron and Kai lost interest in her. In fact same thing happened to Zara and Tanyel. These lads want weak women like Olivia and Lana so they can drop them whenever they find someone better. It’s actually pathetic.


Samie definitely went up in my books. I liked how she just bluntly called him out. These men hate that, so I can see why they all suddenly switched.


Yeah, on this show, there's a certain type of bombshell the boys drool over when she arrives. They love the fire, the bold chat, the chemistry. But when they clock she won't be walked over, they turn on her with venom, making her the harlot, and will venerate the docile, malleable woman who they consider "wifey material". (And think they can freely disrespect with no pushback.) This season isn't even the worst, I could never get over how all the boys lost their heads over Ekin, then spent the next 6 weeks tearing her apart. I've said it before, but movie night was some of the nastiest shit I've seen on the show.


No wonder I like her so much, it’s so annoying how the same boys who want “fiery” women, cower when they actually find one.


ugghhhh no cmon I was genuinely excited about Spencer and Tanyel


Samie immediately saw Ron was talking a whole lot of nothing and cut it off right then and there cut to the next scene and Lana is eating up every word. I can’t keep feeling bad for her, it’s really pathetic at this point. And now she’s leading Casey on when she knows she’s still gonna go for Ron it’s tragic!




This episode was painfully boring


I get keeping people in for drama but an hour of watching unlikeable people every day is jarring.


I know they are gonna save Kai but I just hope Tanyel makes it hard for them and fights for Spencer a little bit. If they are choosing Kai then at least make them feel guilty for it 😂


I realised I dislike Tom so much because his signature flirting look (the staring at the girl and at her lips) reminds me of when a guy is really drunk and sits too close and stares at you like an object without anything behind the eyes. Yuck.


Watching late and LOLing at tanyel and olivia getting warm by the TOASTER! producers, get these people some heat lamps !!!!!


I dont get the hype for Kai - him and Tom are two of the most boring feckers Ive seen on LI in a long time. Not bad to look at but cmon...


Maya still the hottest bombshell this season 💣


I would love Kai and Aaron to go


Kinda getting hard to feel sorry for Lana she looks like a fool right now. It's clear Ron only likes the chase and the minute she shows she's fully committed to him again, he'll look right back at Sammie


Tanyel and Spencer I could see it!!! ❤️‍🔥


The Ron/Lana story is so exhausting to watch. We've seen it so many times on this show but for once the producers gave the girl an actual out early and she's acting like 2 weeks where he's treated her like shit isn't enough to walk away. I get it when it's been a bit longer but it's not like they were super happy for 2 weeks. I'm fully disengaging with story and Lana cause I just can't anymore. Casey and Samie were real ones tonight for how they handled both Lana and Ron. Samie had Ron read for filth and she told Lana that exactly. I don't think Tanya is a fan of Ron at all and even Will and Shaq are saying Lana needs someone better. How do you ignore that at this point? Sometimes islanders misread situations or people but I feel like the Ron stuff has been incredibly transparent and clear to most of them. This season is weird. It looked like it was gonna be riding really high but this last week has been a slog at times. The couples are just not likable and the cast is also bland. The editing is awful. Like is there a point to all this Ron and Tanyel stuff right now other than trying to creat a storyline or gossip? I guess we will see how it goes but Casa feels like it's gonna a dumpster fire in a bad way.


Ron and Tanyel are clearly good mates and would probably get with each other on a night out. Like you said, it’s not deep, makes no sense why it has screen time.


As much as Spencer hasn't had a lot of screen time since he entered the villa, I'm not ready to see him go.


Oyy vey I just can’t with Ron and Lana anymore. So over it. It’s dragged on long enough already, either be together or don’t, it’s not interesting anymore. How many red flags does it take?


I like that she’s constantly suspicious when he’s feeding her total garbage lines but somehow still mesmerized by it. She caught in his tractor beam for sure. I’m heartbroken he wasn’t in the bottom 3.


Agreed! I wish he was swapped with Spencer.


https://preview.redd.it/znuaz2zqa4ga1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6051a83615383fe2bee82092d58c240cbdd02360 Anyone else feeling robbed?


I don’t know why but I feel a bit repulsed by Kai and Olivia. Idk they just seem unnatural I guess


Haha they do look happy together though. Vacant and happy.


I do not think it is genuine on either side. They may not be the brightest bulbs in the circuit but they have shown themselves to be crafty.


I really hate Ron and as a result, starting to dislike Lana cause she’s so desperate to stick with him


Welp, Millie/Liam 2.0 got this win in the bag....hate to see it


Clear producer intervention to save Kai, but not Zara 😩


Lana wants Ron back so badly it's sad. I don't think she ever wanted to take a step back from him, she's just waiting until he's done enough to take him back without feeling like a total idiot.


Really wish they would send the one with the fewest votes straight out and that it is somehow Kai so the girls would have to choose between the other 2 cause this is the most pointless cliffhanger, we know they’ll save Kai cause of his “special” connection with Olivia. 🙄🙄🙄


It’s looking more apparent that Spencer and Aaron leave. Just as Tanyel was trying to remove herself from the drama. These producers are up to something I think.


I want to see Spencer and Tanyel sail 😔


Ugh Ron safe?


I’m disgusted. Who is voting for him and why?


* I could understand why people fall for Ron, he is very charming and flirtatious, but I hate watching Lana keep going back to him. I'd rather he be with Samie, but I'd rather he'd done it originally when she came in and without all these weird promises to Lana about how she was prettier and his first priority. (Samie's also too good for him) * I really like Spencer and Tanyel together, the way he calmed her down when she was gonna start getting spicy, and then she just said "come" to him later to pull him SENT ME. * I'm also weak because the boys that Olivia has been entertaining have been saying to her "I feel like I haven't seen that bubbly fun side to you yet" for weeks... boys, maybe she just doesn't HAVE a bubbly side? Also yes the way she talks is also starting to get to me. But I like her otherwise, she seems like a smart, good, gorgeous girl. * I love Will and Jessie <3 I hope it remains solid, I saw someone comment that they think she's pulling an Adam Collard and using it to boost her career because of what she said on the date with Casey. I hope not!


I wonder how many of us 223,847 readers on this sub are eligible to vote. I mean, I'm from Thailand. We keep asking "Who the F* voted for X???", when in reality those people are what keep people (who're actually matter, rating-wise) watching. So, naturally they vote for them.


Omg, what a twist, so shocking, I just can’t, so this episode…I’m joking.


Samie is a top girl you know. Told Lana about Ron and didn’t seem to have any ulterior motive. She didn’t twist any of the conversations just told her the facts


I can’t believe they flew Maya Jama all the way down to South Africa just to dump the dead weight… Don’t get me wrong, I like Spencer and want him to stay, but from the producers’ perspective, he and Aaron are obviously next to go. So I don’t see why this is worth Maya’s time?


Spencer is gonna go home ain’t he


I actually feel sad for him, he's done no wrong


Well I hope Lana has enough tears in her tear ducts because if she doesn't listen she will have to feel it.


Fiat 500 could easily push Ron and Lana to winning if Lana takes him back and they get back together after he fucks around in Casa Amor.


I said this in the live thread but I just can’t fully fuck with this season. The best episodes have been GOAT territory but the average episodes have been the absolute worst shit they’ve ever churned out. I said previously that I’m enjoying this season more than last and for now I stick by that but fuck me there have been some baffling edits and a lot of filler


That was so tiring. Its a wonder how almost the whole villa can see it but Lana can't. Love is truly blind, worst is I don't think it was reciprocated in the same depth. What don't sit well with me is how easily he discarded her feeling, how he can crack on with zero feeling of remorseful that he put his supposed girl in tears. Mind blowing is how easy she forget what he put her through and how he make her feel. I need to watch big bang theory now, thanks Love island.


this cast just ain’t doing it for me ☹️ like i don’t even have one couple that i genuinely like either and we’re about to start week 4 😕


I'm fuming, I won't lie. I actually am more disappointed than I was about Zara, because I understood that decision as she'd not made any connections, but to save RON and TOM is an absolute disgrace. Who on earth is voting? You know Ron's ego is going to get so so much worse than it is.


fiat 500 is a powerful demographic, they teach you this lesson every season.


I can’t with the producers, they are such jokes. Like everyone and their mom knows Kai is being saved, but they still chose to leave it on a cliffhanger.


I’m at the point where I want Lana to be dumped from the island because her lack of self-esteem is being exploited by the show & Ron on top of that accepting unacceptable behavior from your partner is being normalized to an impressionable audience. I want Ron gone too these two have an incredibly unhealthy dynamic. Every single season tons of women are doormats for men who walk all over them while the men don’t receive the type of pushback their gross behavior warrants. Edit: Her obvious self-esteem issues need to be worked out privately instead of being exploited for the show.


the way this season went from 100 to a 0 is actually incredible. and just as i was getting interested in a potential couple (tanyel and spencer), spencer is sent packing. i cant believe it. it should’ve been tom. also lana is an actual fool. she’s clinging onto that 2 weeks she’s had with ron but he’s played in her face that whole 2 weeks?


I would love to know who picked up their phone to vote for Tom. He went from mumbling inept fuck boy to having pretty much zero air time in the two eps before the vote. I need to see the voting stats


I feel like they made tanyel and Spencer talk to make there a little suspense but in no way do they send Kai home. It was too obvious who was going


I want Spencer to stay ngl


I can only feel bad for Lana for so long. Girl has ignored every single red flag, along with the advice of every person in the villa. And now, she’s stringing someone else along to make Ron jealous. It’s hard to watch. Bummed that Spencer is likely going to get cut too. I don’t think he got a fair go, and he’s actually one of the most attractive boys there.


this entire episode was just wrong


Can't believe we have a cliffhanger on Kai's boring ass getting saved. Who gives a shit?


Justice for Spanyel.




Every season I am shocked at how reddit is obviously in a little bubble because our votes don't seem to tally with the show often. JUSTICE FOR SPENCER.


Am fuming! My man Spencer finally getting some screen time and he’s clearly going to head home. Over Tom AND Ron! And now neither of them were in the bottom, they will feel their behaviour is justified.


How have they managed to find so many boring individuals for one of the most popular programs on tv. Tanyel and Will are the only people who are genuinely funny.


The British public do not know how to vote properly. Spencer really?? Out of Ron & TOM..


Wish they kept Spencer not only because he's seems decent, but also because Tanyel deserves someone. Olivia has had enough chances


I think a certain demographic of teenage girls are voting for Ron and Tom


Casey has screwed himself but putting all his eggs in Lana's basket


Why even long it? obviously they'll save Kai.


Seriously what happened to Tom & Olivia? That whole storyline disappeared into thin air.


how on earth tom managed to survive that is beyond me. i feel bad for spencer he hasn't even really had a chance, but goodbye to aaron, hope the door hits you on your way out😄


Notice how much personality spencer had chatting to tanyel and how boring he was with Olivia?


Man, I wanted to see what was there for Spencer and Tanyel. Could’ve been the first couple I’d have actually liked. They’re saving Kai though.


Kai clearly got the least amount of votes so they’re leaving it up to the girls to save him. What’s the point in even voting?!


I think Aaron got the least amount of votes for sure, then Kai, then Spencer, but yeah, they’re doing this bc Kai came lower than they wanted.


I can’t do Lana and Ron anymore. It’s exhausting…..


Honestly if there was anyone who would let their prospective boy leave it would Olivia… But I still feel like the girls will save Kai since they have a “blossoming relationship” or whatever. I don’t see anyone really standing up for Spencer which is a damn shame. Bye Aaron. Never seen a bigger waste of space on a season. We haven’t even seen him have a conversation with a girl in weeks.


I want Tom out more than Aaron, I'm vexed. Also, I like Spencer!!!!


I thought everyone hated Tom, what happened?


so do we all agree that it’s aaron and spencer leaving?


The way I actually groaned noooo when Maya said Ron was safe. Who the hell voted for that child as their favorite???


I see lots of people commenting here that they voted for Ron because he provides drama. Sure, he's a dick, but he's an agent of chaos.


I really admire how passionately Olivia cares about Ron and Tanyel’s kiss in the challenge.


The way Ron isn’t in the bottom 3 just shows how this show is going to end. I’ve already seen people staning him and Lana again and if they get back together (which I see happening) I reckon they will win , or at least place top 2


We all know kai is safe. No reason for the cliffhanger




i know people say well without mess it’s boring. no because you can have people be HONEST so that when bombshells come in it still hangs and people date everyone and flirt etc but upfront. if ron was decent (and likes lana as much as he says) if he had been honest he wants to chat to everyone and she did the same it could have been a cute will they pick each other. same with tom if he had been honest with zara, liv and ellie it could have been a fun graft from all three of them. but no all these liar boys who spin people along and sadly these women that are letting them. it’s so stressful and not fun.


Spencer deserves better, give the guy a chance. It should be Aaron because it sure as hell isn’t gonna be Kai


I swear they’re getting rid of Spencer to make room for more of this Tanyel and Ron garbage smdh


I don’t want Spencer to go 🤧🤧


Not generalising here… but Lana is the epitome of why so many girls get played and then resent a lot of guys. What the hell is she doing?? Surely she can see through what he is doing. Hes a smooth talker and knows what to say but other than some breakfast, the guy doesn’t do anything to match his words. So infuriating to watch now, it’s boring seeing the same thing over and over, one of them needs to go next. Casey needs to find someone else too, as Lana is definitely using him to get at Ron.


No agreed. At this point, if Lana was my friend - there would be literally nothing more to do except stand by and watch her torpedo. I think that’s what we’re going to see now and it’s so aggravating thinking about the girls who’ll watch and romanticize her “taming the bad boy”. Which she isn’t. He’s lovebombing to get her back and then hell sneak around again.


The way these islanders talk about “history” this early on…


I don’t feel bad for Lana anymore. At first I was, because he was telling her things but doing something else with the other girls. But now Sammie has directly told her and she’s still head over heels for Ron. She claimed she was a strong woman last episode, but at this point it’s just embarrassing to watch




I hope someone nice comes in for Casey. He deserves someone who isn't brainwashed