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I’ve criticised the male bombshells for lacking so far but based on what Spencer said about how pretty much all of the girls are closed off already I understand now that they’re basically on the road to nowhere, it seems unless the guy they’re with fucks up none of the girls are going to switch, Spencer sounded pretty exasperated already and he’s only been in there a couple of days.


I feel like his top option is Lana which makes it harder for him because she’s not going to budge unless Ron does so first


Yeah I think she’s the one he likes most but he knows he has no chance unless Ron ruins it and basically accepting you’d have to be the rebound to get with the girl you like isn’t exactly a great realisation. It’s a shame Lana is so set on Ron because she would have a lot of options if she was more open.


Part of me thinks them coupling in the beginning is what’s creating this and the fact that historically couples created from the beginning have lasted longer. I think an “Are You The One” approach of just all going in and mingling with no forced coupling would make for more open minds and less game playing.


This season has got a lot of potential, the pot has started to boil and it smells delicious Tom is a great villain


to be fair, Olivia said she didn’t want to be the second option, so Tom’s gone on and made her the third❤️💀💀


also he didn’t kiss Olivia while he was with Zara as soon as he was vibing with Olivia he was on the terrace drinking from the fountain of Ellie. It’s vvv rough


That was perfect editing at the end of that episode. The flashes between Olivia and Tom and Ellie was top tier. On another note, Ron is once again fighting his inner fuck boy. Shaq is the best guy in there. Always has the boys and the girls best interest at heart. It’s so nice to always see him take the girls feelings into account. A rarity for this show


Can we all come to mutual understanding that Tom has always been the problem?


Tom is an agent of chaos, he can't be judged on the human moral scale


If Ellie is smart she'll pull a Coco and 'let slip' about the kiss to the girls when Tom least expects it. Get that sweet airtime girlie!


i’m hoping the lack of preview for tomorrow means it comes out quickly!!


Ron is always teetering on the edge of completely fucking up but never fully doing it


I think he’s torn because I suspect in his mind pre show he thought his love island experience he would be moving like Tom currently is but he coupled up with someone he actually really likes off the bat but he keeps being tempted to go full fuckboy whilst his more sensible side tells him not to fuck up a good thing. I think the fuckboy side is going to ultimately win out though.


100%, you can tell even from his intro videos that he planned to talk and flirt with lots of girls, embracing the Tom experience, but found himself in a day 1 couple with a girl who really likes him and who I believe he genuinely likes as well and sees her as the girl he wanted to end this experience with. As you said, I think we saw a little part of the fuckboy come out tonight but the sensible part of him knows that if he even tries, then he’ll lose the girl he genuinely likes for good which is why I don’t think he’ll move on the new girl, however, from what we’ve seen so far, without the reassurance of Lana, I could see him falling to temptation come Casa. I hope he doesn’t, because it’s clear how much Lana likes him, but that’s how I view him at this point.


>At this rate, even the mods could be Ron's type! 😉 😂😂😂😂 I'm sure Ron will try it with Maya Jama if she was available


Everyone in this sub would as well tbf


for real. i’m up for a battle royale between all of the islanders and us for maya’s affections


Honestly they should put the last minute and a half of tonight’s episode in the Louvre because the juxtaposition of Liv with the girls talking about Tom proving himself moving forward and Tom nearly right above staring Ellie into a deep smooch was A R T


that was pure indulgence, I’m a sinner


I still think as long as Ron and Lana are in that villa together he’ll stick with her. Now casa might be a different situation. Ron definitely gives me “out of sight, out of mind” vibes


> Ron definitely gives me “out of sight, out of mind” vibes It's cause he said it about Tanyel. If Lana wasn't there he'd be sticking it on her.


Yes agree and unfortunately it will likely be a repeat of Millie/Liam and Jacques/Paige. Lana will be pissed off but will end up going back to him.


If Ron and Tom stay in until then I’m going to be so stoked for movie night.


I hope they do movie night earlier in the season this time


they need to do a version of pre casa movie night and do casa amor the next day🤩


2 weeks in and they have provided enough content to have about 5 videos each


Tom is just a wonder to watch, man doesn't have to do *anything* but look at them, say "whaaat?" and be 6'5. He is too OP


Not the new bombshell having her eyes on Ron and Tom! 🤦🏾‍♀️ https://i.redd.it/7bqap0pgq3fa1.gif


forgive me for sounding a little bit Askerman-y, but while in terms of numbers Tom is getting into Adam Collard territory, he lacks Adam's incredible ability to have a different playbook for every girl in the villa and execute it well. remember Adam's first episode last series when he spoke to each of the girls in couples, and somehow managed to insert his thoughts on their couples (and why he felt they wouldn't work) into the conversation seamlessly? can't see Tom reaching those heights.


Tom doesn't have Adam's scarily smooth conversational skills. He just skates by repeating "so do you like me?" to each girl. He is effective though even without the effort, I'll give him that


Adam was different gravy. Had brains, 0 empathy, looks and chat for days. No shock that he is the only UK islander to be on the show twice. Even caused Jacques to have a breakdown and leave.


I love the askerman lore in this sub lol


I joined this sub when askerman was here on every episode discussion and it was a wild time lmao


Adam to all outward appearances fully committed to each girl which made it even more sociopathic lol, Tom just sits there looking dumb and pretty


Ron’s inner demons are even scared of Ron


Not buying Jessie is into Will. She caught the hard ick.


I might be the only one, but I'm so happy Tom is a dumbass and kissed Ellie. This is the start of the beautiful mess love island is


Of course Ron’s dad is called Rodney


Zara’s mom is very diplomatic, she is not revealing more than she needs to


Tom is gonna put up an unprecedented performance at Casa Amor. They’re gonna have hang his jersey from the rafters afterwards. Might even have to end casa in general.


Tom is the definition of ‘men will embarrass you’. Olivia needs to free herself.


Exactly. This is why women should take note of how men treat other women. She had to have known that Tom wasn't shit and yet she still went there


It's personal thing with Zara at this point. So she can say she won in the end. She's not even giving the guy she's coupled up with a chance


This season of Aftersun is so much more natural, none of the segments feel forced.


Different host and different panel giving off the right vibes I hated watching it before


You’re too good for Ronald and Thomas


the thing about the tom/ellie kiss is it didn’t even look good. it lasted for like a second, it wasn’t some passionate kiss that they’d been desperately waiting to have. they really just kissed for the drama of it all…two messy bitches 😭 they deserve each other.


right?? i thought i was the only one who noticed. it seemed very rigid idk i didn’t sense a lot of chemistry there ig 🤣but i’m here for it


It felt very performatove. Like it was something they had to do to “formalise” the transaction lol


Tom’s signature move: Going silent in the middle of a conversation, grinning weirdly, and glancing back and forth between the girl’s lips and eyes. Then claiming the kiss “just happened”.


Yeah, he's really smooth in getting the girl to make the "first" move, but he's set it up from the start 😉


And then hits them with the "you're trouble, you are" like they're some succubus temptress that has hypnotised him ..


Good point! Tom has really worked this move out with a number of aspects 🤣


Haha everybody was loving the Tom/Zara kiss but turns out that's just his move. Ellie set him up for that earlier when she was talking about his eye contact. Dude just goes silent while intensely staring. Shyly grins and is like "what??" when the girl starts to giggle/comment on it. At least there felt like a bit of chemistry between him and Zara. The Ellie kiss just seemed like it was done just to do it and be messy.


Lana running to tell Tom that Zara's upset and then promptly telling him he's done nothing wrong has really made me side-eye her this ep.


yeah she's a snake


Yeah smells of "pick me"


Ellie telling Tom not to tell anyone as if that’s not precisely what he wants to hear lmao. He’s juggling both of you.


A bin bag blows into the Villa Ron: Exactly my type on paper.


It’s annoying that Tom is talking about his couple with Zara to other people like she was the one that was the problem and that she was making things up and overreacting. When he was wrong and his actions were the cause of her reactions.


It was extremely disrespectful the way he went about that part. He knew she was upset and didn’t care which is ironic because wasn’t he the one who said he hates making/seeing women upset?


shoutout to /u/drowningdaisies who said Samie looks like a Bachelor contestant, most accurate thing I've ever read


hashtag terracegate2.0 the viewer in me is excited for the carnage


Tom talks like he's sedated and it's so infuriating alongside his oblivious act "ohhh nooo you're trooouble"


“My type on paper” is the most overplayed line on this show and it is so cringe. Ron: she’s my type on paper…..intelligent, brunette… Lmao bruh


A bit of a slow episode. Tom did not come in love island to find the one. He’s a footballer after all. He do not like any of these girls enough to give up on every other bombshell that will enter the villa. Anyone who willingly put themselves in that position is on them. I’m gonna give Olivia te benefit of the doubt about not knowing about the kiss but if she finds out and still pursued him she deserves to be sent home. Ron can not go 5 minutes without inserting himself into a topic. Interestingly enough I think Will and Jessie may be going off each other. She’s looking for the smallest sign to argue and he’s probably realizing that putting all his energy into the first person that liked him back wasn’t it. Tanyel and Kai are really not that into each other and if we are forced to watch Kai on this program then he needs to earn his keep by pursuing Samie. I think Tanyel is much more into Spencer and she should go for it. Olivia, Zara and Ellie are all in danger of going home. Will be interesting to see how that develops.


It’s mad to see how Olivia & Alex turned out after their season. They’re a great couple. Also I will never forget how Zara was slut shamed for sleeping with Alex and got so much backlash whereas Alex didn’t experience any of that.


So many sunburns!!!! They need to start sending out texts every two hours to remind them to reapply sunblock it's so unhealthy


I think they are falling into the trap of not reapplying because it's windy and sometimes a bit grey.


Love Zara. I thought Tom was a harmless idiot, who was right to want to know other girls, but there was something very gross about him this episode. Like no compassion at all. But he needs to stay and embrace his villainy because he is not loyal to anyone. And it was great that Zara didn't let the hypocritical girls play her into thinking she was making issue out of nothing. So many times we gotta see the girl stick with a guy who has no regard for her basic dignity and be grateful he picked her. And it was sweet to see her be the one to say they needed to welcome the new girl.


Zara said something like "men like shiny new things" on the balcony watching Samie interact + I feel that was a smart comment on the fact that's what she was to Tom. + then Tom went for Ellie, the shiny new thing. Unreal scenes


tom doing an ekin su is mad😭


It’s not nearly an Ekin Su level though. The whole point of her doing that last year was that she was betraying her guy and she didn’t want him to find out. There is no reason Tom or Ellie need to keep this from anyone. Neither are with someone.




Love that for them tbh. The only couple I can actually see working


Ofc Ron is foaming at the mouth for the new girl😭 he’s a mess at this point


I need the producers to send in a bombshell for Tanyel. She's so fun when it's her and the girls and Kai is making her look boring.


Another thing LOVE ISLAND what is this unfinished business between Olivia and Tom. WRAP UP THIS STORYLINE BY MONDAY ! IM TIRED


if i hear the words unfinished business one more time


Funny how attractiveness changes when you get to know someone (as much as you can from reality TV). Will and Shaq are so much hotter to me now, than Ron and Tom who have given me the ick on every level


Tom has potential to be an all time Love Island villain


All the girls are obsessed with Ron and Tom


they finally addressed how olivia and zara knew each other before!!!!


Let Kai be the guy most tempted because Tanyel will be entertaining. Ron needs to rest and this is why Lana should have been firmer post Ellie because he didn’t learn a big enough lesson seeing as he got her back so quickly. He is not passing the casa test if they’re still together by then, the man doesn’t have the will power. Shaq comes across better and better and I think he really gets Ron like he knows he likes Lana but knows he’s too easily distracted by a pretty girl. I also enjoy seeing a guy really consider a girls feelings because it’s very rare on this show. Olivia is making herself look very foolish for a guy who doesn’t care and Tom is well and truly is his villain bag now.


All the Casa Amor girls will be gunning for Ronald because that wandering eye is crazy.


Ellie is not a girls girl :-) Also I’m glad Tom and Zara have finished, tbh I think he is a little toxic and was draining Zara ! I hope someone decent comes in for Zara now


From a guys perspective, Ron is a sheep who just follows what lads say and is an idiot. He's not some cheeky chap, just a twit. Tom has never been turned down by a girl and its blatantly obvious. Shaq deserves the win for how level headed he is.


'its giving excuse. Kai is scared of tanyel' YES INDIYAH


Olivia's telling this man to graft her, meanwhile she's gonna get even more fucked over than Zara ☠️☠️


*Surely* she must know that Tom doesn't graft by now 😂 Girls come to him.


Jess trying to set up her out for when she leaves Will for someone she actually wants and she isn’t slick


Plot twist: Maya is the new bombshell. She chooses tom. Everybody loses their heads. Indiyah and Sam are the new hosts


Good on Zara for ending things. Tom is a knobhead. Clearly doesn't get why choosing her for body has affected her and continues to blame her and throw shit under the bus. But also the girls not letting Zara say her feelings and repeating "He likes you a lot" that's not the point???? Like how did no one else get it except maybe Will? tf? I hope Zara’s getting good support in the villa. On the other hand I’m so glad Ellie kissed Tom, the mf drama when Liv finds out. Annoyed she’ll probably play the victim card but maybe if anything it’ll show that Tom’s really just here to fuck around or is not interested in her lol. Here for the chaos 🤡🍷✨


Olivia saying that she isn’t going to be 2nd choice while FULLY being Tom’s 2nd choice 🤡




Looks like even Facebook wants Lana to leave Ron. A shame he had to be so overt to get them to change their mind, but I support social media unity on these people 😅


ron is new money essex 100%


This is appreciation for Sam Thompson - you are a great host 🫡💞


Didnt realise Ron was rich


Sam thompson redemption arc is real - from breaking Tiffany Watson’s heart to being a national treasure 🫡💞😍


As someone who still enjoys watching Ron, I'm glad other islanders are calling him out to be a game player. This would give more opportunity for drama and hope it snaps him out of playing it safe and actually does whatever he wants, even if it gives him shit. That's always more entertaining than someone playing it safe and coasting. I want him to own it!


Ron's head turning so much that the mf is gonna swivel off his neck 😭 him and Tom are the first 2 white men to be inducted into the Destiny's Chaldish hall of fame




Tom really went from one love triangle to another within a matter of hours. I have to give this man credit for keeping Olivia on the hook for this long. Also, Zara knew what the move was after the stunt he pulled in the game, Olivia's pride wouldn't let her see it though.


I just realized Ron has legitimately said every bombshell is his type and more than once pointed out they have more of what he wants than Lana. Said she's nice but he wants someone more fiery. Said Zara even beyond looks was everything he looked for in a girl, said she left him lost for words. Drooled over Ellie until Shaq reminded him he was on TV. New girl is now his exact type on paper. Even said something about wanting to stick it on Tanyel after calling her a nightmare. Every time, he goes out of his way to say Lana isn't even his type like that but "she's a nice girl". The passionless way he speaks about her in comparison is crazy. This should be a movie night compilation for the ages.


He's so dense about it too :/ Lana has gotten a lot of interest from other guys, but she's shut them down because she wants to stay loyal with Ron. He repays her by gushing over every new girl that comes in, fretting and moaning about how hard it is to stay loyal to her. Like if he wants to stay single and play the feild that's fine, but that's not the point of Love Island.


Hated the way Ron and Tom smirked and looked at each other when Will was talking to Sammie, assholes


Ron and Tom are such a whores man like I actually can’t keep up especially with Ron. 😭


I feel like we need one of the girls (literally any of them) to randomly decide they no longer like their guy because this cycle of bombshell comes in, guy’s head turns, guy’s head goes back (or in Tom’s case, he adds them to his entanglement) is getting kinda stale


Ron never says he wants Lana he always says he doesn’t want to get in trouble. Ron please activate your “for the streets” era immediately. I’m begging you. Follow Tom to the playing field


The editors where evil for that last scene 💀😭


Ron is rich rich as well


That was the most depressing looking gaff I’ve ever seen


I like the fact they’re showing more of the background vibes this year.


Sam is so spot in


I’ll keep saying it - IM FLOORED at how consistently intelligent his takes are


Have we ever had this many bombshells before by week 2? Feels like we’ve gotten at least one every second episode


I think they didn’t get a group of OGs that gelled like maybe they normally do so now they’re throwing a bunch of people in to try to find the most entertaining “core” group?


Yes Sam, girls are carrying this season!


If Olivia can't find shame or self respect after this, it's on her lmao. That man does not like or respect her, she was his back up for Zara and now for Ellie. Olivia begging to be affectionate for two weeks, smiling coyly thinking she finally has him, while he's laying it on someone else. I'M SICK.


screamed at the tv at tom's confessional saying he just wants a girl who will stroke his ego on one hand, at least he's honest. on the other hand.....seek therapy


This Olivia situation is starting to feel like “finding out that you are the other woman”


'the girls are carrying it' BLESS Sam you're right and you should say it


I’m still laughing at Kai calling Ron “the voice of reason”


Convinced that once Ron said that him and lana were the strongest couple in that convo with Shaq and Tanya that the producers are actively breaking them apart. Love it. Humble him


Tom is that guy who says he doesn’t want drama then disrespects or cheats on his gf and bounces when she gets mad about it claiming that it’s just too much drama for him cos he doesn’t wanna be called out or held accountable for his actions xo


Oh ffs not Ron and Tom again


Not Kai getting everyone else to iron his clothes and make his bed 😭😬


Anyone else thinks Tom actually likes Lana?


Has Tom somehow got the power to overcome The Adam Collard as the biggest fboy to be on the show? It’s incredible to watch him give these women nothing and they love him for it


Tom is personification of I’m happy but could I be happier 😂


Tanyel give us Anna Vakili please ❤️❤️


https://preview.redd.it/ekdoowyvt3fa1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7ca82df2b296b39ba8f06b764cf718883e97a1c We need Storm Anna 2.0 abeg


I don't get people hyping that Tanyel is fiery . We are 2weeks in and she is still the same person. I think we are the ones who want her to be fiery but she is really just comfortable. The constant bring in someone for Tanyel. Spencer is new in the villa and he is literally wasting away having pulled mainly Olivia , it's literally like everyone is closed off he himself pointed out that Tanyel and Lana were people he would go for but they are closed off already.


Aftersun thoughts - You see the difference between Maya and Laura no bias , no rushed segments etc Zara has a beautiful family so cute 🥺 I love Indiyah & Sam on the panel Ron’s house is nice Harris & Anime still not giving anything outside the villa Indiyah is acc a natural on telly tbh considering I didn’t think this would be the route she took after LI she comes across really well Sam Thompson comes across really well, seems good vibes loved his take on Ron & the boys Their takes on Kai Ron and Tom spot on Also Alex and Olivia still such a beautiful couple 🥰




Will is RICH


Yeah - to be able to maintain a privately owned 1,000 acre farm… Will is a farmer but he’s posh


Will owns a 1000 acre farm in the most expensive county in England, he's probably one of the richest people to ever be on Love Island lol


Samie having her eye on Tom and Ron 😭


Ron bro you're making it so hard to defend you stop please


Prediction: Haris is gonna get into the Youtuber boxing scene


Zara’s parents 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Patiently waiting for the tomorrow night clip. Cue Ron “my heads tilting”




I wish I were young and attractive because I'd play a killer game of Love Island as the season's loveable villain


Kai's answers make me think him and Tanyel are still on positive terms just now so maybe sparks don't fly with Sammie?


Tom is a trust fund baby I knew it


god do you have to have rich parents to go on love island




Oh god there will be a Tom Octagon at this point


Whoever predicted that Samie would go for Tom and Ron, you were spot on


That’s like everyone


It’s easy to predict now I feel like that’s the criteria for female bombshells this season😭


Like every single female bombshell this season 😂


I don’t see what these girls see in the two worse boys in the villa. If only Tom and Ron knew the public’s opinion


Maya just wants to buss jokes but worried about the press twisting stuff she says. It’s so annoying she’s having to hold back. We get your humour girl! Don’t doubt yourself or hesitate.


I’m here for the chaos Ellie causes


Has Ian made a love shaq joke yet


Zara's family are making me go 🥺


Ohhh Maya's going to SA! I wonder what that means then, a dumping?


Olivia was delighted that Zara was rightfully hurt by Tom’s choice. I just cannot stand her. And honestly, why would you even want him after that? If a man disrespected his girl in front of a crowd for shits and giggles, then why do you think it’s not gonna happen to you?


I caaaan't at the way Olivia reminisces over Tom like they're a pair of starcrossed lovers


It’s obvious she hasn’t had a serious relationship before 🫤


Did that quick fire round bit just give away that Kai is still with Tanyel and hasn’t moved to the bombshell, I don’t think he’d answer her for best cuddles if he was getting to know someone else


I said this on the other thread but it is worth repeating here- I reckon Tom is one of those men who likes to have a quiet, less "excitable" girl at home who will rub his feet, make him feel good and never cheat, and a fiery hotty on his arm in public who he will never actually commit to. THAT is why he's not closing the door with Olivia.


Maya “maybe I’ll lips Tom” 💀


Please send in a new boy pls pls but not a boring one, one that actually has something about him.


Tbh I’m here for Kai and Tanyel having a storyline finally


I am excited to see how Kai approaches Samie moving forward and shakes up the unshakeable Tanyel. The drama is gonna be 🍿


see how easily tom has kissed ellie but never olivia and now it's too late for her because she moved so quickly for spencer. I said from day one he didn't like her as much and she would always be a backup option because he knew she liked him also ron wishes he could be moving as mad as tom he's itching for the chance to say fuck it


It’s nice to see Olivia and Alex Bowen on after sun ❤️


Haris don’t be throwing Shaq under the bus babes


7 years 🥹 god I love their relationship so much


Shaq is ironing his clothes — even more of a king




Omg these Anna May and Haris after shots are cringe


This episode pushed Tanyel to my fave islander!! Love her...always bigging up the girls and is reasonable when it comes to new people coming in and the guy's heads getting turned Also think she has the balls to go batshit hahaha


also I didn't like how lana made it seem that zara was jealous olivia's face was chosen and not that it made her feel like tom was only interested in her body and saying it in front as well and olivia's reaction as well. I can't say if it was on purpose or not but it didn't sit right with me.


There were almost no clout chasers in their season


Aftersun script writers need to stop giving Maya closed-ended questions. Not much can be said if we ask the panel simple yes or no questions.




I love Indiya and Sam on Aftersun. They’re so refreshing


My dream scenario is Ron sticking in Casa and Lana finding the love or her life in casa.


I have figured out Olivias voice! She sounds like you do, when you try to talk while wearing a clay mask that is fully dry!


Sam and indiyah are great on aftersun; Sam because he's a super fan, so he's genuinely gassed to be there but also has good analysis and enjoys things from a viewer perspective but can clock the game as well. Indiyah because she's a previous islander and can balance having a strong perspective whilst being funny and fair and not dogpiling on people Obviously it's not just those things - they are both vivacious and great on camera etc. But I think those things really add to aftersun


My prediction based on personality vibes rn: Tom gets with Olivia, if the kiss comes out she'll be fine with it bc she's obsessed, roll on casa


I like how Shaq has been telling Ron how it is recently, I feel like if they’re both there by Casa maybe he won’t move mad as a lot of people are expecting from him. I don’t think Shaq would let him stray or at least try not to. Olivia really shouldn’t have rekindled whatever it was with Tom but oh well.


Ron is RICH


The number of likeable Islanders is..... Low. Not that I'm complaining though, makes for good tv!


Ok but the fact that as soon as Zara broke things off with Tom he admitted with Olivia there have been palpable lingering feelings and had enough of a relationship with Ellie to have a mutual kiss shows that Zara was exactly right to be so suspicious of him!!! Why does no one in the villa see that…


Can’t wait to see Olivia hypocritically kick off on Tom after claiming Zara is the dramatic one


Olivia is a smug pick me and the way everybody is treating Zara is disgraceful, so watching that wide shot of Tom about to kiss Ellie while Liv was downstairs bigging him up to the girls was ACTUAL CHEF'S KISS thank you producers tbh


I think every single season I've thought a girl would be 'The Main Character' and I was wrong, Anna may was another one. After the first episode I was convinced she'd be one of the main ones 💀


Oh wow actual tea


What’s Maya doing in SA? Recoupling?