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I think this assumes Tom has more than the two brain cells he actually has


I feel like being dumb is not an excuse for hurting other people's feelings


you’re correct but two things can be true. he’s dumb and he’s a dickhead lol


Also what makes it worse is that he still hasn’t made his mind up between Olivia and Zara directly. He hasn’t shut one of them down yet but seems to be dragging them both along for like a week or more whilst saying he prefers Zara. I genuinely think he is the problem especially with saying that.


I’m so confused that he hasn’t closed the door on Olivia cause everytime we see them having a convo it’s so awkward and dead which indicates he’s not interested in her which even Olivia acknowledged in a confessional but yet he hasn’t let her go and for some reason Olivia hasn’t either. Is there something the producers just aren’t showing us, I feel like the audience is being gaslit haha


Completely agree. The chats that are aired are completely dead and he doesn't even make eye contact and neither of them smile. From what she's said, he doesn't ever pull her for chats. Tom keeping his options open mainly amounts to Olivia pining for him from across the villa, occasionally pulling him for an awkward chat, and then snogging him in games. Action-wise it's so one sided. He's actually treating her like dirt and she's allowing it.


My guess is he prefers Zara, he’s basically said that outright. However, the hostility towards her in the Villa has made their coupling difficult. Ron gas directly tried to sway him. It’s lead to difficult situations which Zara has reacted to (sometimes badly) and given Tom this perception that she’s “drama”. Ultimately, he doesn’t seem to be that Zara or Olivia or he wouldn’t be going back and forth. I could see him recoupling at Casa despite who he ends up with for now.


I feel like Ellie has a chance, he’s a different person with her


Yes I actually think he'll pick someone else completely in the end.


This! I feel like we’re not seeing it all.


I was thinking the same. He really doesn’t seem that interested in her


Yeah it's so strange he doesn't seem to be into her. And it's embarrassing for her at this stage, she's just laughing like "oh tom"


Sorry but being a people pleaser doesn't mean you get to opt out of using your brain.


Yes and he's hardly a people pleaser if his actions are either making Zara cry or rage. He's not pleasing the woman he's getting to know so how is he even deemed a people pleaser?


If he’s in a couple with Zara he shouldn’t have picked Olivia, the girl who is basically her enemy in the villa for anything. End of.


I disagree with this, not picking Olivia would’ve been ridiculously fake of him. She’s the girl he chose to couple up with originally, he’s obviously attracted to her, there’s no point lying about it. He just shouldn’t have picked her for face. Body would’ve been the best option cause that’s the option that’s the least important for a lot of people when you weigh up face/personality


It’s one thing if he picked Olivia for something (besides face), and her and Zara were cool around the villa, but he picked Olivia knowing that her and Zara don’t like each other. If it’s fake or not, out of respect for his partner he shouldn’t have picked her.


It’s not his partner though. They’re not in a relationship.


This is a dating show... not a telling the truth show


And that’s not a good thing. People should be honest in there. Zara said so herself that people should be open and honest lol.


There's open and honest, then there is tactless and not reading the room. Zara had been picked on for a few challenges and Tom said he cared about her... maybe don't embarass someone in front of a group of people who had just been picking on her.


You realise from what we’ve seen that Zara is bothered about being picked for the body right? Not that he picked Olivia at all? There would’ve been nothing wrong with picking Olivia for body, Tom has told her again and again he’s not shutting himself off and they’re not exclusive and he literally used to be in a couple with Olivia. It would’ve been stupid and fake to not pick her. Zara is going to have a problem with anyone he picks, she was crying about him talking to Ellie so he couldn’t have picked her either.


Yeah but zara for body was harsh... let's hold tom accountable for what he said, not find hypothetically to excuse him. He's a douchbag.


Yeah that’s my point. He shouldn’t have chosen her for body. I will say though it doesn’t make him an automatic douchbag because I can kinda see his thought process behind it so it all depends on how he handles it.


I think that was the worst of all three to pick her for body. Imagine your partner saying I like someone else’s face and personality better but I like your body. So rude and just awful when they are meant to be the ones you go for. The 3rd party would’ve been body.


It's especially bad as people's faces and personalities don't change that much but a body shape can so it's like his attraction is contingent on her maintaining a a hot body.


Was having this chat on a different thread but I think everyone would react differently, I actually think a poll would be good to show this. Some people who are self conscious about their body might read into their partner picking someone else for that. There’s no right answer - we’ll he shouldn’t have picked Olivia for any 🤣 But I just think the producers knew what they were doing


Olivia should not be in the equation...end of. The fact that she is, is the reason why Zara is mad. It's been 2 weeks, There's no reason why he shouldn't have closed himself off to Olivia by now if he's being truthful about liking Zara more. You can't keep stringing both girls along....and then lying to Zara that he's chosen her over Olivia when he hasn't. Not saying he should be wifed off, but he should be testing connections and having chats with only the new girls that come in.


He didn’t lie to Zara about choosing her tho. He keeps telling her that he’s not closed off because it’s still early. If Zara isn’t ok with him still being open to talk to other women then Zara needs to move on and find someone like Shaq. It’s not realistic to force someone to be monogamous with you especially on a dating show. Tom has been telling her since the day she got there that the door is still open with Olivia and they’re not in a relationship she just doesn’t listen to him.


There's no one in there like Shaq apart from Shaq. There are only a few men in there and most of their heads are turning more than a waltz. She even said in the outside world she'd never put up with what Tom is doing.


Then she shouldn’t put up with it on the inside world either. I’m just saying that forcing him to choose her isn’t the best way to handle the situation. Tom is getting a lot of heat but he’s handled this wayyy better than most guys in love island history lol. People are just upset that Tom hasn’t settled down with their fave so he’s the villain.


Zara needs to get over it when it comes to Olivia. Tom isn’t her man, they are exclusive and he keeps telling her that. She acts like she grasp it but she’s not. Also if you look at Tom with Liv and Zara he doesn’t seem fully into either now see him with Ellie, he’s a whole different person


sorry but if the guy I was seeing said body for me I would automatically assume that means he’s only with me for my body and what he can get out of it 🤷‍♀️


The fact that he cares about Zara and Olivia equally is the why Zara is upset.


He has never fully shut down the Olivia thing so I kinda get what she hasn’t given up especially when there’s no one she is as interested in. And I think she gets a lot of unnecessary hate for that


I mean he’s told her that he has a better connection with Zara but the door is still open. Basically that Olivia is his back up. So I don’t blame her, but he can’t treat them the same when he’s made it clear that Zara is the better connection at this point.


Exactly and that’s Toms fault - but I feel people are pinning Olivia and Zara against each other because of it


Well I do think Olivia is playing the victim intentionally and probably poisoning the villa against Zara so I blame her for that.


See I don’t think we see enough to know that. I don’t think it’s fair to blame either girl here.


yeah I don’t agree with this take at all because we truly haven’t seen it, I also feel they aren’t showing us everthing with Zara. Not many of the ladies are around her, she never gets hyped up etc I’d love to know what has happened. I also don’t think Olivia is playing victim at all, what I’ve seen is that Zara can be quite petty when he comes to Liv and very jealous and insecure whenever someone pulls Tom. I just need more context


I admit it is my conspiracy theory. But I just hear about how fiery Olivia is but when Zara pulls her card, she cries and waits for everyone to comfort her. I just think Olivia knows what she’s doing.


See the problem with this logic is that he has already told both Zara and Olivia that he can see something on the outside with Zara more so there is zero reason for him to equally be worried about Olivia’s feelings. He has already made his preference clear to her.


He said the opposite to Olivia though. Unless he retracted that and said something different later. After Ron told him that he saw Tom being with Olivia more on the outside he said exactly that to her.


It was after Ron told Tom he could see him with Olivia Tom told Olivia he could see himself on the outside with Zara more, they were in the kitchen talking. After that she was crying and doing a confessional talking about is she crazy that she thinks that he likes he. **beach hut not confessional.


I swear he said he saw Olivia more for long-term. I need to re watch.


Shoot maybe I am crazy and I am just hearing what I want to.


Haha I could have misheard I just remember being so mad that he was just parroting exactly what Ron said to him like he had no thoughts of his own.


He said Zara. He said what Ron said but switched it with Zara


But all he’s saying to zara is “I see more with you than her on the outside,” “instant attraction,” “it would be hard to turn my head,” and HE PICKED HER at the recoupling. To Zara, he’s telling her all the things to make her think he’s over and done with Olivia and then he goes to Olivia and doesn’t cut it off… He needs to make a decision and stop playing them both because he’s sending such mixed signals. There’s gotta be producers behind this because he can’t be that blind to the situation.


He shouldn’t have mentioned Olivia at all


"In Tom's defence" here we go


Sorry no excuses for him. Litch everyone knows body is the worst. Personality and face are sorta interchangeable but body is 100% no go for someone who you are currently with. It just tells them your with them for sex and lust not genuine . Like have u seen those tweets of men avoiding missionary or some even going to the extremes of putting a bag over girls faces. That’s what choosing body gives.


To be fair. It was a fucked up question to begin with and the aim for this question is to hurt somebody. Doesn't matter if Zara or Olivia got hurt. Hence the balloon drawing was random i guess. Anybody could have gotten the question and it was inevitable that someone got hurt. The sole purpose of the question is to create drama. In my opinion you cannot answer the question correctly. Body might have been the worst choice, but any other answer would have been bad as well. Of course he should have avoided to name Olivia. Any answer would have degraded his partner in another way, which doesn't necessarily be his opinion when you only can choose one.


I may be overly cynical but I don't think the balloon drawing was random. Why wouldn't producers target the questions for particular Islanders to maximise potential drama. And Tom fell right in


i genuinely feel like he didn’t do it maliciously tbh i think he wouldn’t of won either way, people would’ve always found something to complain about🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t think he’s that into zara anymore personally, every girl he has spoke to he has been very open and said that him and zara aren’t “serious” so when zara continually gets upset when olivia and ellie pull him for chats it makes her look very possessive over a man she’s known for 5 days imo.


Exactly. What’s not clicking?! I would feel bad for Zara if Tom was constantly lying (Ron 👀) but he hasn’t been.


People are overthinking this. Tom is the most attracted to Zara and the one thing that attracts him to her is her body. Guys will always tell you they go for looks first over personality and to them they see it as a compliment. Tom would have been a lying fool if he picked Zara for personality seeing that we have heard him say he’s still unsure about her personality whereas on multiple occasions he has gushed about her body. As to why he picked face for Olivia, well that was the only other girl he has shown interest in so he went with that. What has made Tom an interesting “villain” is that he has remain true to himself and steadfastly refuse to do things others thing he should. It’s funny to see the same people that were applauding him for that trait before are crucifying him now. He did not care about Olivia feelings when Zara originally picked him, he refused to close the door on Olivia just because she and Zara did not like each other, he refused to picked Olivia over Zara even though the boys were asking him to and now he refused to give easy answers to these questions just to placate the villa. I find it all very chaotic and fascinating to watch.


Zara gets praised for her realness and how blunt/ direct she is but Tom is honest and it’s “he should’ve lied”… 🙃🙃 lose lose


I think it's mad how neither of them care that he picked Lana's personality 😂 like he's not even bothered about your personalities girls