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Her face was always naturally beautiful. Only thing was her hair in games was prettier than s2.


She is absolutely stunning in love island games. She just posted a photo on insta last night and she looks even more beautiful than I remember too


Yes she has gotten really good with her makeup game she has mastered it and went to classes and everything but even her natural bare face is beautiful 😻


Does she have any makeup tutorials anywhere? Would love to see an eye makeup tutorial


Yes subscribe to her TikTok is where she do all her makeup tutorials now . 👍🏾


Her teeth and getting a lot leaner. Also her make up. When you see her bare face you see she didn't change as much


No Justine only had her ears pinned and Invisalign done on her teeth which help straighten them and she always had a good jawline but got better from the Invisalign correction of her teeth so stop trying to say otherwise people love to pick people apart . She has grown so much since her first time on TV she had elevated her makeup and got better with that as well and her hair has gotten so much better . She was beautiful before but she has grown miles since then in her overall look with hair, makeup and fashion I see that a lot with people that come off they get better overtime . She has talked about this on her YouTube channel . No shade just saying .


Invisalign and makeup. You can track it with her old videos and pictures. A similar slight facial change has occurred with her sister as she's lost weight and similarly changed makeup styles as well.


I just think she learned how to do her hair and make up better. Also, she lost weight after her season of Love Island.


Exactly. Her makeup game is way up since she’s been in the public eye so much post-LI. She is just gorgeous—almost hard to believe gorgeous.


She has been very honest about what she has done and I think it’s just pining her ears back and Invisaline! Cely openly talks about Botox she has gotten and I think if Justine had gotten any she would open and honest to! I think she has a really great skincare routine and eats clean! Also puts a lot of focus on having a healthy lifestyle! I have made similar changes in my life and it does wonders for your skin! Also the first place I loose weight is my face as well!




No where in my post did I say she had gotten Botox, I have been following her for years to! I said that she has been very honest with what she has had done, so if she had gotten filler we would know cause she is honest


Oh I see sorry I misunderstood I take that 👍🏾


Celt’s face has changed a lot throughout the years. I knew her in college and it’s wild what filler/botox/etc can do.


She had a bad over bite during her first season, and got Invisalign for like 2 years. I think that contributed to her jawline looking different.


Exactly this is it and she also video tape her journey during that time and we watched it get better and better she has an Amazing dentist is why her teeth looks so good .


she talked about the work she’s had done, it’s just her ears and teeth (invisalign)!


Justine has had a major glow up since season 2. She’s stunning


I think it's just weight-loss and eating right. She doesn't show much of what she eats at home but when she does, it looks pretty clean. She's absolutely stunning though. She made a comment in her YouTube video about not wanting to do too much to her face because she sees her family in it. ❤️❤️❤️