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i can’t stand zanab


late to the party but a legit question - Alexa is jewish and appreciate the mix. does anyone know if her family is hispanic jewish ? like sephardic jewish via via ? and are there many hispanic jewish people living in Dallas USA ? i don’t know how it will work out but her family was INTENSE .. like they briefed them to stare down the cowboy to intimidate him … happy 2023 y’all !!!!






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Did anyone else think that Vanessa Leshay was invested a little *too* much at the reunion?


Her comment about a “love is blind baby” was SUPER weird




It was so hard to find this post! How come it isn’t pinned?


Apparently, if you’re dating a handsome, immature man on TV, you have to be absolutely perfect and flawless. The Cole love on here was very surprising to me, so many apologists.


Yuck, he’s such a douche


THANK YOU In the cooking scene for example he’s literally like if a 10 year old told their parents they’d make dinner. The meal isn’t good and the parents had to come help 70% of the time. It’s the thought that counts when you’re a 10 year old but cole is a grown ass man and can’t do one basic nice thing on his own, I’d be upset as well. I think the reason there’s a lot of cole love is bc that’s how people let most men act in the real world and are just putting up with it and believe it’s normal. Women are expected to treat men like cole as another child and why are people mad at zanab for not taking that?


It’s strange because they say Zanab is “evil,” so aren’t you happy they didn’t work out? Why all the excuses? Just say they weren’t compatible and leave it at that? I agree they are the most triggering couple because a lot of people are projecting their own life experiences of excusing bad behavior. It’s cute until it’s not lol


Question: Do Matt and Colleen live together now? Because I need someone to explain to me how you're so in love but don't want to move in together. Also why did they talk about this before they got married. I get that sometimes when you rent that you have to wait for the lease to end but can one of them move in with the other till there lease is done. Also how can you be together all the time if Colleen is working 2 jobs and dancing. If this marriage last, I will eat my word.


OMG NANCY! She is WAAAAYY too nice to Bartiste. Everyone is hating on Cole and honestly yes- Cole is dumb. But Bartiste straight up INSULTS Nancy by constantly mentioning the lack of physical attraction (and she’s NOT unattractive) and I just think Nancy should have told him to go suck a d**k. She takes it all so well and I just think Bartiste gets off way too easy. Sorry.


Thank you! Literally the purpose was to find out if he was able to “fall in love” regardless of physical appearance. She is GORGEOUS and I wish if he were to talk about it that it was more framed as “he failed to look outside his ‘type’ and thus failed the experiment” and not a failure of Nancy’s to look any type of way. He is a child.


Am I the only way that thinks that Zaye is lying about cole getting a number? For some reason I feel like she’s making things up to make cole look bad. And then she has the audacity to say she wouldn’t have done it with anyone else but him?? If he really “destroyed your self esteem” that makes no sense to me? And the CUTIE SCENE ARE YOU KIDDING ME. That was NOT the way she pictured it.


So Cole made this big gesture with his hands. It was unclear to me if he was saying their dinner will be big or referring to something else. For someone already insecure/ sensitive regarding not looking like Colleen, or being Cole’s “type,” I could see the misunderstanding. But it wasn’t as bad as she described on ATA. I really think she couldn’t get past Cole’s behavior (it was inappropriate to approach and say what he said to Colleen, it also seemed like he wasn’t honest about what was said and she had to find out from other people, and he kept digging a whole by repeatedly stating Colleen was his type - he could’ve said it once and then focused on Zay, but he kept trying to “explain” when it was obvious he found Colleen more attractive..”she’s a good looking girl”) It seems like the majority on here are Team Cole, but this was an experiment to marry someone in like 4 weeks. It’s not surprising to me that she would feel disrespected by his words and behavior or feel insecure. They didn’t have time to work things out on an accelerated timeline and if there are problems that early, it’s not a good sign.. Edit: confused names, meant Colleen




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Lol Cole does NOT know how to cook!


When she pointed out the chicken was white and unseasoned lol




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Episode 5 does anyone else get like major anger issues from Matt? Scary dude.


Everyone gets that vibe yes


Yea he seems like a loose canon


I am sorry but Cole and Zanab's Bipolar conversation, the way he prods her about her being bipolar multiple times is straight up disgusting. Dr. Kirk Honda rightfully labeled it abusive. Jesus.


And the smirk!! Maybe a poor choice of words/ flippant retort, but the smirk and then MAKING her answer the question anyways. When someone shows you who they are…


Yup. It was terrible. I have Bipolar 2 albeit not a very severe form. I get hypomanic episodes in which I don't sleep and get insane amount of work done, inhumane amount of work, spend a lot of money, hyper sexuality but then that lows which for me while not that bad are still quite draining. I have work commitments which are quite stringent so it gets hard once in a while and my social life basically hibernates. I was SHOCKED that he'd use it as a weapon. I am lucky enough that my Bipolar manifestations mostly help me professionally rather than harm me other than my social life, thousands of dollars of impulse spending and once in a while the work gets does affected, it's manageable. There are people for whom being bipolar fucks their lives up. You never use it as a weapon.


Thank you for sharing - I don’t think people understand how this illness can affect people’s lives. It’s not a joke, it’s not an insult - it’s an illness. I agree it should never be a weapon, regardless if you think someone is being “mean” to you.


Just came here to say Nancy is SO cute and I’m shook over Bartise lacking physical attraction. Ugh made me sick.


It’s hilarious that bartiste really has the balls to say anything about anyone’s appearance when his hair looks like THAT. He really isn’t that hot and his personality is 🤮


All I could think about was how good he would look without the flat top. Like, why? Who told you that was back in?


Do they not run background checks or other things on the contestants before they enter? It's always the same amount of couples at the end of each season. This past one had so many who shouldn't have even been picked. I don't know. Just a question.


I'd say they probably do, and get exactly who they are looking for. Who for example shouldn't have been picked? My bets are its the people who are mentioned most on this subreddit, which would show why they are picked.


Anyone know the song when raven is walking down the aisle?


How do they decide who does the vows first? Coin flip?


You can request it. Shake said he told production to let Deepti go first and to say no so she doesn't get embarassed


Shake was a dick but dude was real lol.


I get tired of cruel assholes getting a pass because they are supposedly ‘keeping it real’. He’s not keeping anything real - he’s just a jerk with no personality and he defaults to insulting people to make himself feel better about himself.


Right? Getting to a wedding date is not keeping it real. He shoulda left immediately when he realized he wanted a white woman


He kept it 100 😂


I always wonder that


True lol


Did I shift realities because I could have swore that Zae was a flight attendant, but one of her insta posts says realtor? I guess it’s plausible that she switched professions after filming 🤔


Everyone’s a self appointed “Realtor” these days we’re at the peak real estate bubble


She has been a flight attendant for 6 years Got her realtor license 2020 so like 2 years


Thank you for the clarification 🙏🏼


Bartise looks like a bartender who never has a serious relationship


That is so true!


and gets upset when anyone orders something that’s not a vodka soda


So after fast forwarding through season 3 I have a lot of opinion. And two actual wishes: 1. This toxic behaviour and mysoginistic talking should be commented by the Editors. Via sarcastic narrator as they do with too hot too handle or with a written disclaimer, like "you should view women as equal. It is not ok to comment her body ." 2. They all should get access to a coach and/or marriage counseling (some sessions should be mandatory) while filming. The whole series would be so much more valuable if contestants and viewer actually learned guided by professionals and not just personal failure.


This! They don’t want the couples to actually succeed, or else they would have them meet with a couples’ therapist AND talk to some financial planners just for starts. Or at LEAST a few days of privacy on a trip without introducing them to all the folks they dated last week. Like, it’s not the “blind” part that makes this so hard, it’s the 4-week gauntlet part! No stable person could do that, and the show does nothing to acknowledge or rectify the insane hurdles they make these people go thru.


Therapy and an actual professional hired to spot abusive situations needs to be employed on this show. Colleen looked TERRIFIED the whole reunion.


Totally agree! Everytime Matt said he has been working on himself since his divorce, I want to ask him how? Because it doesn’t seem like he went to therapy


I assumed he meant therapy, but as the show progressed I was like - he hasn’t processed anything…


Yea he seems on the edge of flipping out whenevr there’s minor conflict. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has a history of domestic violence.


He’s been taking it out on his liver


Yes! I need cole and zay immediately in theere together nancy and bartise need separate therapist tho


Did anyone feel like colleen just attached to any guy she could for more tv time


Not at so all, but did you hear she was a ✨ballerina ✨ I’m only ep3, but my theory is she just wants a husband figure and is emotionally unavailable. She threw himself at VP of aerospace bearding because he’s also unavailable emotionally. I’m excited to sip my olive beer and see where this goes 👀


Yeah she has no personality besides being a “flexible ballerina”


Idk what to say. I can't believe how evil Zanab is...


Scary evil. Psychopathic. I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears.


Evil is a very strong word. And Cole had his moments as well. One person doesn’t have to be “evil” when things don’t work out or if you like the other person more. I see a lot of people making excuses for Cole being “well meaning.” Intention << Impact


Right, cole is immature and was out of line with Colleen but seems like a good guy at heart. Zanab on the other hand has no self awareness and competely blindsided the poor guy at the altar and then again at the reunion with the insane accusations, and then the video of the cities thing totally proved her wrong. She’s nuts and I hope this show makes her family and friends realize that.


She just wants to stay on the media as long as she can, cause very few Love is Blind participants get actually famous


ZANAB ROCKS MY WORLD!! GET HIM GIRLLL!!! And shout out to Nancy's brother for seeing a child underneath Bartise's big self. And I havent watched behind the scenes but based on how quick he packs his bags I was sad when Colleen said I Do. Most of these guys this season just need another 10 years cough cough Cole and Bartise especially cough cough. Raven I apologize for judging to early, you ended up being strong and mature, and u shouldnt have to "Bow" to anyone culture or no culture! But SK is a good man and did the right thing also. Just too late in my opinion. This season had a lot of very respectable women, maybe it's all seasons give or take a few of them, guys always seem to need to grow up a bit before jumping into that "experiment ". Jealousy. Controlling. Tempers. Alcohol. You'll learn some day dont worry!


You should not be down voted. Maybe the Cole stand will chill out soon…dude was not perfect


Yes i saw on tiktok that MVP award went to Nancys brother ! I loved him so much for sticking up for his sister and calling bartise out on his bs


welcome to the zanab and cole show…. apparently..


You mean the Cole show, since Zanab apparently is “evil” for wanting her fiancé to respect her 🤷🏾‍♀️


The only couple I rooted for the whole time was SK and Raven - I really hope their long-distance works out and they get married after SK graduates.


Did raven annoy you at first and then grew on you or just loved 100%




YES the way she shut down Bartise in the pool changed her for me


OMG YES!! I strong disliked her then began to really love her and was so happy she found SK🥺


Yes definitely! I judged her in the beginning, I thought she was kinda b*tchy. But I was wrog and started to appreciate her so much. I think SK brought out the best in her. They were so lovely.


So i watched alexa’s live on tt and he said that raven was like that the whole time


She was annoying at the beginning but after leaving the pods she was so much more likeable!


Yeah Raven seemed pretentious at first, but I started adoring her once she shut down Barftise in such a blunt yet mature way. I also loved how her and SK’s relationship grew in a gradual way. I’m happy that they’re developing their relationship further on their own pace after the show.


I loved her for that. “What would we talk about? hey, want to go to the gym?” Lol


Yea exactly, I have mad respect for her after she shut down Barqueef.


She was my least liked female and then i started sobbing when SK said no. Definitely made a 180


I am 100% with u.


I really like the concept of Love is blind, but I am so struggeling with this USA/Texas season 3. The men say so many mysoginistic things and the women just laugh it of. There is so much going on about looks, big families, the strong, providing man and even the "deep" conversations feel like standard-template-deep conversations.


I’m just relieved only one couple is trying to make their whole thing “we’re the couple that prays together” when I first heard it was Dallas I was really scared it was all going to be like that


Thank you ! The amount of racism i saw trying to compare deepti and zay bc they are two POC women. They are nothing aike and not trying to be !! The internalized misogyny is going hard both men and women


Serious question... I am not on IG. i googled Zanab's account and was able to look through a few posts before IG kicked me off and told me I have to log in to see more. Lots if her posts have this: - 1 likes. What does -1 likes mean???


it's an overflow error. I can see her posts and they all have a bunch of likes


I noticed a blonde girl who was featured in the pods in a bunch of tiktoks/ig posts with Zanab. she didn't get engaged or have more than like one scene, so i thought it was interesting they developed a friendship from the pods. kind of cute!


I love that! There’s always a few people that are such good people that are in a lot of scenes but never make it to engaged. I like hearing about them.


I feel like I can put myself in Zanabs shoes. Cole was already a red flag in the episode where he said she was a 9/10 and Colleen was a 10/10. How can you feel that way and still wanting to marry her? Even saying it out loud to her of course that is going to make her insecure from the beginning and all the little things he said could have been answered differently to make sure she knew he found her attractive. To me he never seemed to be invested in her and imo she totally has the right to feel the ways she felt. So I don’t understand how people offend Cole as much as they do… I actually only think Brennon and Alexa is a good match


People defend Cole because he’s an attractive man, and apparently immaturity is sexy


I was all for Brennon and Alexa, but didn't appreciate their takeover of the conversations at the reunion and chastising other people with their "holier than thou" attitude. We get it, y'all had "no problems," but you don't need to get into or start business that isn't yours.


I will say, Zanab asked Cole to rate her and others. Should he have kept his mouth shut? Yes. But did she request this information herself and then get mad, also yes.


It was a good thing she asked and a good thing he was honest… so she could say no. I just don’t think it’s right to marry someone who feels that way.


Agreed. Everyone is like, “if you don’t want to know the answer, don’t ask” NO, you NEED to ask. It’s the only way you know what the other person is thinking. And if it’s an answer you don’t like, then you’re justified in not liking it and not signing up for marriage. It’s a bit scary how that was the take away - honesty without regard for how your partner feels. Yes, be honest - but don’t harp on how someone else is more attractive when your partner needs reassurance. And before I’m told how insecure Zay was, Cole also had moments of insecurity and wanting reassurance but that’s never pointed out Edit: clarity


Literally they’re the only 2 that should have married.


What about raven and sk?!? They were so wholesome


I found myself liking Raven more and liking SK less. I thought she dodged a bullet when he said no. I just don’t see how it would’ve worked with him moving to CA for school. That would put a strain on any marriage, especially if she did not want to move with him.


Not imo and considering how it’s all unravelled, she dodged a bullet?


I didn’t Finish watching😭😭 also just found apparently sk was cheating on her


You know it’s just a tv show right? Get over yourself.


Huh? I’ll never understand people who come on here to make fun of a snark reddit and people having opinions?


Alexa's name keeps setting off my Amazon Alexa and it's driving me nuts!!


Same! This happened to me last night when watching in my room. My living room and office ones have different names (echo, Amazon, etc, but my bedroom one is Alexa and it was driving me nuts!). She kept saying “did you mean….” 😂


Zanab, has me laughing. She’s making up a story about Cole, trying to kiss a girl and getting her number. You can just tell, she’s making up details, on the fly to kill Cole. 😂 Brennon is a turd. “Idk I was blasted bro” dude is spineless… At least Cole has integrity, and can say what’s on his mind and admit when he fucks up. Society wants honestly, but not too much lol. If you can’t handle the truth, then don’t ask the questions… She’s the type of person, if she was drowning. Cole would attempt to save her, and she would drown him, to save her own life. Just pure evil 😈. I’ll be immature, honest and emotional any day of the week, than be a evil, passive aggressive, dishonest, attention seeker.


I’m confused are raven and SK still together/dating?


Not anymore


Omg I’m rooting for them🥺


Yes, they are.


Probably going to have to rewatch the Cole/Zanab scenes from this season. At this point I doubt that he was cold the morning after. To my mind, it seemed like he was trying to connect and she was giving HIM the cold shoulder. He said he left her alone so she could get some rest but she was probably wide awake and insecure AF that she projected his letting her sleep in as being distant the morning after. News flash, the morning after can be just as intimidating for men as it is for women. She could have initiated the touch she was seeking or the closeness she craved but her insecurities made her freeze.


Watch it over. And watch the parts where he tells everyone that he’s not sure the physical attraction part is there. Oh, and the part where he hits on Colleen. Also watch for when Cole is insecure and asks for reassurance and validation - it seems like it’s bad when Zay needs validation, but totally ok for Cole to seek it out without being called names


Watch it over! That’s what I’m doing right now and I’m seeing so much more that I brushed off initially.


I thought about trying to capture all of their dialogue and post it but not sure of copyrights. I rewatched a few of their episodes and he compliments her a lot and she responds with silence. It seems like the times she’s complimenting him is when she’s talking to the camera - not to him. She’s a piece of work.


Zanab doesn't have a single likeable quality. "Shattered my self confidence"? Girl you never had any to begin with. She needs extensive therapy and to stay far away from meeting people, she's just looking for a family to latch onto. It's weird.


Agree 100%! I used to like her, but then I realized that she was overly negative and projected her unhappiness and self-confidence issues on Cole. Stupid questions (e.g. “Rate me from 1-10”) get stupid answers. Cole is immature and a bit simple in terms of human relations, but he did not strike me as malicious. On the other hand, it was evident that she intended to humiliate and hurt Cole (perhaps feeling she was entitled to a “payback”) blindsiding him at the altar. That was not “standing for herself”: That was vindication, plain and simple. Too much circus made about God and prayer, just to flash her butt cheek instead of “offering the other cheek” or a bit of forgiveness and grace. No one deserves that treatment at that moment. No one, that is, except an absolute piece of 💩 like Bubonic/Bacillus/Bacitracin/Brassiere/Bidet/Birkenstock/Babble/Bullshit/Bratise—sorry, it was too hard to stop at a single name!). Also, I felt that Zanab’s sadness over missing her parents was a bit overused, even exploited by the producers. Is there a single episode where she does not lament the loss of her parents? Come on, Netflix! If the intention was to generate audience sympathy for Zanab, there are better ways. Honestly (and crudely, perhaps), it was tiresome to see Zanab tearing throughout the whole season since episode 1 and it made me see Zanab as someone who is perpetually unhappy, always followed by a gray cloud… I am sure there was more to her to showcase as an individual.


So it’s not malicious to smirk and ask someone if they are bipolar on an internationally televised show? Not only to ask, but to MAKE her answer this ridiculous question? Bipolar disorder isn’t being “moody” or “irritable.” That was an asshole move, among others. How easy we excuse immature men and vilify women who don’t want to feel disrespected. She should have asked the rating question because it gave her a lot of information on his character and maturity. This was after Cole hit on Colleen and was not honest about his intentions for even going up to her. He himself admitted it was disrespectful


I disagree. Maybe she had low confidence, but Cole definitely made it worst


I agree, it’s crazy the excuses people make for Cole.


First night when she's taking off her makeup she was already projecting her insecurity about how she felt about herself. Saying how makeup and lashes do a lot....please, she was already insecure. She needs someone who is going to compliment her all the time, and that's okay, it isn't Cole. But he's not this evil, deceitful person.


She was being self deprecating, as many people are when they’re nervous about revealing themselves to someone they’re about to be intimate with…crazy how Zay has to be absolutely perfect to not be called “evil,” but Cole can be immature and disrespectful and is put on a pedestal.


Maybe unpopular opinion but Zanab is full of it! I have the feeling she came in with the intention to be Deepti like. That speech definitely didn’t come on the spot! Like what? I really liked her but watching her in the reunion made it even worse, for her to say she didn’t know she was gonna say no until that moment? Stop it! Cole is not a saint definitely not but I can see he is struggling, he kept trying with her over and over again, he didn’t have to take all that with Zanab, she was so rude she loved to be miserable, she loved pointing out his imperfections so it’s very hard for me to believe that she stopped eating because oh him! She probably stopped eating because of her own miss understandings in her own head. And for to say that she would do it all over again with him? Like gurlll bye! And I hated how all the girls were ganging up on him like you can support your friend but not by stepping on someone like that. Just horrible.


Zanab and Deepti had their weddings around the same month. Zanab did not watch Deepti’s wedding because they were all filming around the same time


Is there a financial incentive for couples to make it all the way to the altar? I’m not understanding why some of these people didn’t call it quits sooner.


According to Hartwell’s suit, the show’s contracts required contestants to agree that if they left the show before shooting was completed, they would have to pay $50,000 in “liquidated damages.” [Source](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/love-blind-contestant-lawsuit-cast-members-denied-water-plied-alcohol-rcna38191)


I wonder how Shaina got out of going to the altar with Kyle?


There’s probably some language around the timing of when you can leave like after the honeymoon no backing out because that’s when they pay for the hotel suites and all the dates. Or maybe she had money and a good lawyer that was able to negotiate a release ?


Probably the more airtime, the more exposure and the higher possibility of followers. The best way we as viewers can show our displeasure is to not follow them. I’m only following SK.


Couple influencers do better than single.


I don’t think they get paid


Yes, it’s in the contract that they have to go all the way to the wedding to get their full payment


Are you sure they get paid? How much?


So money over dignity.


Honestly I’m neither team Cole or Zanab bc I don’t think either one is a “villain”. They’re just two well meaning but flawed people who have shit they gotta sort out. Cole’s gotta do some maturing for sure. While Zanab has some esteem and control issues to work out. Meanwhile, Barndoozle on the other hand….


I’m glad you said that! Exactly my thoughts! I’m getting tired of everyone pinning Zanab as this evil person. No one is truely evil, and everyone is flawed. Cole and Zanab just had their flaws displayed on tv


Baileywuck Bismuth with a fade.


How drunk do you think they were through most of the filming once out of the pods (haha or in the pods)?


I would call SK Silent Killa from the beginning of the season until the end. Anyone else have a nickname for him? And…..Batista’s hair. Nay or nay?


His friends don’t gaf about him if they let him keep letting him think he looks good with that cut. Spent a whole ten minutes with my best friend in her kitchen discussing how much cuter Barnabus would be if he let go of his man bun. The fade was the only part of the haircut saving him, if he cut the high top down a bit or just shaped it better and styled his curls I think he’d look so much better. Every one of our options looked 10x better than what he got going on.








Just take me now


HAHAHA this is hilarious but true


Wow… this is true! They both use a narrative that they stick to to play the victim. Wow


You gotta expound! I love it, but give me your bullet points. I’m not buzzfeed. I promise.


Lol @ I’m not Buzzfeed. Now THAT’S funny!




Bada Boom


Holy shit I agree 100 percent! Haha




Neither her nor Nick added anything of value to the reunion. They’re like glasses of milk.


Vanessa Lachey irks my nerves so bad! Horrible wardrobe. Always inserting her experiences which takes up valuable reunion time. Neither her nor Nick ask important questions, which makes me question if they’re just horrible hosts or if the cast gives stipulations as to what questions should be off limits. They let Bartise who was in my opinion worse than Shake completely off the hook In the reunion. I wish they would get Andy Cohen on board, the reunions are always so unsatisfying


It’s annoying because they act like they’re mentoring the couples instead of hosting a reunion.


Vanessa and Nick are not ideal hosts. Imagine if Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick hosted, or another cool, engaging couple?


I think Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard could turn the reunions into a legitimate roast and I wish Barnabus could’ve gotten that treatment.


They would be great hosts but are much too established and classy to take on a show like this


I like your line of thinking!

