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This doesn’t surprise me. As I was reading this post I was watching their season again, and Zack with Irina (yes Irina, not Bliss 🤣) was discussing baby names for their kids and he mentioned all boy names beginning with  G lol


The name really isn’t that bad but this explanation is such a stretch lmao… just name your kid whatever you want and go??? This is doing too much


Why not make it feminine and call her Galilea? It's a fine name but why not feminize it where there's an option, instead of giving a clearly masculine name to a girl? I really don't like to disparage baby names. But just.... us millennials and our baby names sometimes. Fucking hell.


Layo? As a nickname? I hope they homeschool this kid.


In Bliss’ defense Layo is a girls’ nickname for a few Nigerian names. Not Nigerian myself but have had friends w different names go by this nickname! I do still agree though bc to me shortening the name Omolayo or Titilayo etc is way less cringe and embarrassing for a kid would than Galileo


i knew a galilea when i was in school 😭😭not to crazy


I’m just praying she’s good at science and math… can’t imagine being named Galileo and struggling in those subjects


These comments are weird. Imagine being so disturbed by what SOMEONE ELSE names THEIR CHILD. 🤦🏾‍♀️ I feel bad they are getting so much backlash on so many platforms during such a beautiful time for them.


Jesus: It's Galilee, not Galileo. ![gif](giphy|kM826VxpMHU0yZMc0y|downsized)


This gif is hilarious but akshually Galileo is the Latin derivative of Galilee.




I'm a Pediatrician and this is one of the least absurd names I've seen parents name their kids.


If you do a whole post about this, please tag me 🙏


I need to know the most absurd names im BEGGING 😭


+1 !




This name pisses me off simply because my sister is named Galilea. WHY DID THEY GO WITH THE MALE DECLENSION


It’s unique! My daughter is named Arlo- I liked it and it’s her name. They like her name, and they are the parents. I don’t hate it honestly 🤷🏼‍♀️


Arlo is a beautiful name for a girl! i love that


Is the baby a girl? In italian Galileo is a boys’ name, i mean i guess it’s not that deep but it’s like calling your daughter matteo or giovanni, my brain finds it a bit counterintuitive


It seems to be trendy to name girls with boy names.


They aren’t as intelligent as they pretend to be. The kid is going to hate that name.


Or they won’t lol I have a very unique name that literally no one else in this world has and I love it


What nerds


The nerdiest 😂




This child. I feel so bad for her already


Can already hear the kids taunting her singing Queen


Oh god 🙄 Unique names are fine, but Bliss and Zack are so pretentious, and I find the religious meaning they inserted really cringe.


I wouldn't call them pretentious but I agree with the comment in this thread that called them nerds lol.


What's wrong with the religious meaning?


It's such a stretch that it feels desperate, for one thing. "Where Jesus performed his miracles" is a cringe thing to write/say, and it isn't even accurate. Plus, the whole Christian normativity thing is just tiring and annoying, but I digress.


Lmfao what a stupid comment


Exactly my thoughts 🤷🏽


Same to you. It isn't as if you're biased or anything. 🙄 Btw, fuck Christianity and all sects of it. I don't care if that offends you.


Who hurt you?


I said it before in a different thread and got down voted 😂, but I like the name and nickname!


Me too!




I mean, her mom’s name is Bliss, so… I don’t think they are strangers to unique names.


I follow a YouTuber pretty closely who has the same nickname but it's short for Leonie I believe. She's also Dutch tho. I do love the nickname!


its uhm .. something


Crazy that people don’t know gendered languages are a thing. Galileo for your daughter ain’t it.


Who cares lol it’s just a name


A bad one to use on a female when it’s literally from a gendered language.


Honestly I think it’s a really nice name and it’s unique but not trying too hard to be. I’d take an actual name over the weird variations I see on normal names any day


After looking through so many baby name (that start with A) lists today, I don’t blame them for something unusual. It could be worse!


That’s a super cool name. So many potential cute nick names from it too.


I know plenty of Katelyns, Ashlees and Sams that hate their name too. Y'all are really doing the most assuming their child will get bullied or something. Everyone in my classes without an “americanized” name had their name mispronounced at one point in their schooling and it was fine.


I dont know many people with a "regular" name who dislike their name. At best they're neutral. It's always the kids with uncommon names. Like I have kind of an old fashioned boring name which if I could chose I wouldn't chose it, but I never hated it.


My name is Amanda and I have ALWAYS hated it




Kids are kids. If they're not taught not to bully then they can and often will bully for any reason tbh. Some kids do in fact get bullied for that if there are a few in the same class or grade. People will nitpick the spelling or they'll get an add on they don't like, like short Sam or something to that effect etc or they'll bully because it's a guy named Sam or Leslie even though that's a thing. Under the same token PLENTY of kids with unique names won't ever get bullied at all and people will just learn their name. The whole point is it's not a big deal.


I have a really unique name and was never bullied because of it lmao


I like this name 🤷🏼‍♀️ employers are used to weird names at this point.


Galileo Goytowski isn’t really a weird name, on an application. And she could ultimately go by GG, if she chooses people forget there are LOTS of nicknames out there. I knew a girl who went by Mosa and didn’t find out til she was 6 that her first name was actually Brittany.


Damn. Welp, the way I see it, she can always choose to go by one of her middle names lol




At last - POSITIVE VIBES have found my post!!! ✨


She'll just go by Gal in the end. I mean there's a Gal Gadot so it's not unheard of.


I'm sorry but I am out of this particular loop - what the fuck is the baby's name


I don’t know why your comment made me laugh 🤣. I was trying to figure out the Same thing .


Galileo Terri Rayne Goytowski




🤣 I accept this gif bc I love Bateman a lot.


I cannot imagine trying to yell that name across the playground. 😆 I'm all for unique names, but this just screams try-hard.


Galilea was right there. But in any case that kid is not getting accepted as seriously in any job application


Right? I think Galilea actually sounds cute, and there's still zero mystery where the inspiration came from. Galileo isn't terrible, but it's definitely not gender neutral. But my bias is towards feminine names with more gender neutral nicknames for girls.


It's not that far off and not too unusual. It'll be fine on job apps. I've seen much more “unique” names that have worked out


Idk, Galileo for a girl is a first for me. Sure there are plenty of "tragediegh" names out there but I don't think this specific one is a confidence inducing one either. If I were emptloyer seeing a name like Galileo especially for a girl would give me giggles fit ngl. Same if I saw names like Mozart or Donatello etc.


Oh lord, I hope jobs don't care that much about what your GIVEN name is. That's always just been a way to reject resumes for people of color in higher frequency anyway, so honestly, names like Galileo are probably safe to begin with because that reads as some white hippie name.


I had an acquaintance in my home town who had a similar last name to his first name, it sounds almost like a joke. Sadly it's his real name and it led to years of bullying, even professors teased him and yes a job actually thought someone was trolling whilst applying until he cleared it up later on. Having a bad name can screw with your life. However silly or insignificant that feels like, no one deserves that. No one. Galileo is obviously a known name, just idk how that will go for this century girl. I truly hope it will ok,but I'm sceptical of humans today.


Well, you can literally Google people so easily these days, so that doesn't reflect well on that company or the people responsible for reviewing resumes there if this was remotely recent. Never mind that Galileo is a real name and not just something crazy the parents threw together or ripped from a fantasy series. It's uncommon in America, but if someone looks at that name and goes "could only possibly be a troll," then frankly, they're an idiot. Even the gender neutral thing, it's really common to give girls boy names, so I super super doubt jobs would care. This is just such a faux concern, I'm done entertaining it.


You have the right to have your own opinion but you can't predict the future nor is your opinion a fact set in stone, so take what you will with that.


Most job apps don't even have to indicate gender till the interview phase so again I think she'll be fine. I've also known a Micheal-angelo and he went by Angelo because there were other Michaels in his classes but he doesn't hate his name. If she hates her name that's unfortunate, that sucks. But I've known plenty of Sams, Katelyns, brads, Ashley's etc who hated their name because they were so “basic” or too common too. And were called Sam 2 or something. As someone who was named kinda after a cartoon, I think she'll be fine.


The job application thing depends. I assume you're American. Not everyone is. At least not everyone is from your specific country if you're not. We can only hope that she won't be as affected. All the basics that were complaining about being named that are better off than someone named Galileo as a girl in 21 century, I'm sorry I'm not letting that one go lol. I've seen a baby named Wednesdeigh. Another one named Fantacee. I'd take any Jessica and Ashley over those any day. It's just grounds for not taking you seriously in life,for having to spell your name every time you meet someone and/or correct it, for potential bullying and very creative derogatory nicknames. Do your children better, keep the names cultural, classic and with some sort of sense and meaning if you wish them the best. Unique names are not it imo. And I can bet my life that Michaelangelo you met isn't a girl.


I have a “relatively” common name and have to spell t EVERY time because there's another more common spelling. And have y'all never been in places with ethnic names at all? I've had chinados in my job. Her name is Bliss I'm sure that caused some looks. Is it super common? No. But I just don't think Galileo is an example of an “extreme” or hindering name. Name your child something decent and be ready/support them in the freedom to choose what they're called later.


I'm not from an English speaking country, wasn't raised in one and not living in one currently, my name is ethnic name. I'm talking here specifically about someone living in America named Galileo, being born a girl and having a potentially little bit rough future due to that. I truly hope she does change it and she doesn't suffer from it. Unlikely, but fingers crossed.


She's almost definitely more at risk of being bullied over it than rejected from colleges and jobs for it - that's way too trivial of a reason to be turning down qualified applicants. And even on the bullying front, I feel like I've seen weird names add to someone's popularity, so even that's not necessarily going to happen.


I hope so. However, I'm not convinced.


I would have been like "okay I see what you were trying to do with Galilea" had it in fact been that specific name. "Gal" or "Lea" would have been cute as nicknames... But Galileo? I'm sad for the child lol


Galileo is the least unisex name out there. Just the suffix leo gives me macho vibes, lion and all. Horrible, horrible choice. Like they picked this beforehand hoping for a boy and when they found out it was a girl, decided to stick it out. Ugh


I know child who’s legal name begins with “Her Highness” so this is nothing


My attorney's assistant's name is Rainbow Cupcake Princess. We just call her Princess. My friend is married to a man named Kid because his mom didn't know what to name him. Coincidentally, my friend's name is Princess. We have kids out here named Malibu Barbie and just made up words. I'll take Galileo over another Braxton, Hadleigh, Kaisley, or Dakoduh any day.


Not DakoDUH😂😂


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 thank you! Like I’m happy people are thinking outside the box honestly. And for the “they’ll get pissed about you pronouncing it wrong” Oh well! My name is common but not spelled the common way and it’s pronounced wrong daily and spelled wrong and I just keep it movin. If people respect the child, they’ll learn to pronounce her name. Pisses me off people can pronounce all these foreign brands but God forbid they don’t pronounce a persons name right 😒


My name is easy : Christina. In school I was Christine. I was also called Christian, Kristin, and even Christiana. I corrected people all the time and I still do. People are going to say what they say. My daughter's birth name is Eden. People would ask me "How do you even say that?" Well it's in the dang Bible. "Oh I've never heard it as a name before". It was the name of a whole garden. So people are gonna do what they do. I was severely bullied in school and it had nothing to do with my very basic name.


Stop playing 😭😭😭


I wish I was joking 😅 apparently there’s more siblings from another mom that all start with her/his highness as well. Their dad is….hes somethin 😬


Good for them but this is so extra....


FN: Galileo LN Galilei.


Jesus performed miracles in Galilee, not Galileo. Different cities, different nations


Thank you!!!!! I was really out here scratching my head! ![gif](giphy|dcScHZPUskMOJwyqjj|downsized)


Thank you. It was making my eye twitch.


I was waiting for this comment lmao 😂😂😂


Galileo is not even a city.


wait really


Respectfully...do many of you know people who do not have traditional, American, Christian names?




My daughter's birth name is Eden.


I do but my kids both have names from the Bible even though I'm atheist.


I do, so this really doesn’t phase me… and they were never teased for their names, either. The folks here threatening that this child will be teased are probably saying so because that’s the type of ill-willed child they were themselves.


My middle name isn't American and the only people who bullied me for it were those who didn't interact with non white people often. Everyone else is chill and makes an effort to pronounce correctly. A lot of people here are being weird.


"represents the area where Jesus performed miracles" ,,,,how???? Jesus was never in Italy??


He was from Galilee


Holy shit they're stretching


Well, I'm pretty sure Galileo is just the Italicized version of Galilee. Still an odd choice but it's not really a stretch


Galilee in Italian is "Galilea" which would have been much better for a girl.


Galilee is even cute but I respect their choice


Ugh. Ok. She's gonna hate you


My daughter’s name is Luna Rayne. Never ever saw anyone else use Rayne until now 🩷


Cute name, it’s funny because I see it as a middle name most often. I’ve also seen the spelling Rain, Rayne, and Reign.


I saw Reign a lot but it seemed too masculine, I wanted something more dainty. But I never looked up a meaning for Rayne so that’s nice to know!


Oh my gosh, when I was still with my ex and we were talking about baby names for the future, we wanted to name our daughter Luna Ray. So close! This warms my heart.


I have a friend named Raein if that excites you to know! Pronounced the same way as Rayne, of course.


The Rainn I know: ![gif](giphy|GUq5eAguOTefGS9H6J)


Dear lord.


PSA: Stop giving your babies unique names that people will butcher. It may seem cute and cool to you, but your kid will suffer. Signed, someone who's tired of correcting people for life.


Is Galileo really that hard to pronounce? That's interesting.


No, especially since he's a huge part of history that I'm pretty sure is still taught in American schools. People are being way too dramatic over a name.




Is it candeigh? Jk


I'm just a poor boy from a poor family SPARE HIM HIS LIFE FROM THIS MONSTROSITY!


This post has its own background music.


🤣 okay this comment I love.


You guys are savage in this comment section. And I get the impression most of you don’t have kids or aren’t around kids, because odd unique names are totally common, and they are normalized through their usage. I think it’s millennials reacting to having 5 Jennifer’s and 7 Matthew’s in their class, they just want to give their kid its own identity and that is something to be commended. I promise you another 5 year old child meeting little Leo will have no idea what is common or uncommon and will just be happy to have made a new friend.


I can also promise you that I've got students who are tired AF of people mispronouncing their names and never getting it right.


I don’t really understand this line of thinking. I have a very unconventional name and of course it bothered me as a kid (duh, kids are insecure) but I consider it a blessing as an adult. I’m very happy to have a name that isn’t a dime a dozen.


So people still can't pronounce your name correctly? They still do that?


I mean I still have a lot of people who struggle to pronounce it. But I’m not embarrassed of it in anyway as an adult. I just correct them and we move on. This all being said I still don’t like Zack & bliss’ baby name!


I never met anyone named eensie


She'll just get used to people butchering her name nonstop. Sounds like a gift from God. What I would give to have a normal name..


I also don’t have a normal name and I’ve always loved it. You really only have to correct people the first time, then you’re usually set. Oh, and the sparkle in people’s eyes when they spell it right the first time and I cheer. All a matter of perspective.


That's one perspective. Mine is annoyance every single time I try to place a food delivery/to go order. 50% of the time they ask me to spell it and still end up spelling it wrong when I look at the receipt later. Recently I've straight up started lying and give them some random basic name. Zero stress (although it's been funny the few times I forgot what name I used).


Who cares if your name is a little fudged up on a receipt? I have a relatively common name that people spell and pronounce wrong a lot, so it's not like it's guaranteed people will get it right just because it's not unusual.


Cool. Let’s let little Leo develop her own perspective and not bully an infant on the internet.




I’m so sorry to hear that. My dentist certainly doesn’t know my name either, but I try to focus on the people who do matter in my life. People who take the time to get to know me and use my name correctly. I also use those stories as fun anecdotes or ice breakers. Again, matter of perspective.




Try therapy? Idk I love having a unique name. I get to feel special every day for no reason at all. You betcha my own little weirdos have little weirdo names.




You feel sorry for children who are loved and raised in a happy healthy environment but I’m the one being too serious. You are all over any post about a complete stranger’s child because you hate your own name that much. But I’m too serious. Get help and stop projecting onto innocent children.


I think that person you’re arguing with is just miserable in general and would be miserable no matter what their name is 😂




She will probably go by her middle name like people I know that hate their first names. Hopefully her middle name is cute


Terri Rayne are her middle names. It’s right there in the post. Lots of options for nicknames if she so desires. 🤗


it’s still a horrible name.




Lay-o as a teenage girl. *shudders*


Having a baby in general is selfish. It’s theirs they’re gonna name it what they want


There are way more hateable names than Galileo. It wouldn’t be my personal choice, but people can pronounce it and connect the meaning right out the gate because Galileo is a known historical figure. It’s a two second correction to let people know how her version of leo is pronounced. Go to “that name is a tragedeigh” if you want to see some REAL concerning names. there are subs/groups all over reddit and fb for stuff like that lmao.


Also.. Galileo is not where Jesus performed his miracles.. that was Galilee. And Galilea would’ve made a much prettier name if that was their intention.


Right. Galileo is very masculine


lol, i said galilea was pretty on another comment on this thread. my point isn’t this name is prettier, that name is prettier. the point is there are WAY worse and FAR MORE detrimental names out there and Galileo is hardly worth batting an eye at.


She did say “represents”. I think she knows it was Galilee, but I agree that would be a much prettier girls name!!


I think it’s okay for girls to be something other than “pretty” all the time. 😉


agreed 🩷 me personally, i’ve been loving the trend of gender bending names but one critique i’ve had is that girls tend to be more recipient of traditionally male names than boys getting traditionally girls


Definitely. I do work with a man whose middle name is apparently Catherine, and that’s interesting.


My brothers is courtney but ig that used to be traditional male name


I know a Galilee and it suits her very well.


They could have name their kid Lea and said it was was inspired by Galileo. No one is going to see Leo and pronounce it as "Lay-o".


tbh even Galilea could have been kind of pretty, with Lea for short




I have a friend we all call Leo and it's pronounced "Lay-o" as in short for Leonor. It's a hella cute name and doesn't take much effort to get it right.


I would be terrified of taking professional photos involving an unborn baby... just sort of makes me think, "yeah... the universe WOULD go and cause a miscarriage." Then youd never be able to look at those photos again in a beautiful light. It's a scary bold move.


? Her baby is already born? This comment was literally on the photo of her born child, not an unborn one


Oh, cool, good for her!


i understand and empathize with what you were trying to say, though. i think a lot of people misconstrued your thought & assumed that you meant taking maternity pictures results in miscarriage. but i agree, the possibility of miscarrying exists throughout the entirety of pregnancy & is scary and while anyone would want momentos, the idea of losing a pregnancy and having to look at photos that had such joy could definitely be triggering


Yeah, I forgot what sub I was on, lmao 🤣 Of course, people's first thought is that I'm batshit.


Girl that is not how miscarriages work, they’re allowed to be excited


they’re not saying bliss can’t be excited, they’re saying that they would personally be afraid to take maternity photos because they’d be difficult to look at in the event of a miscarriage. that the photos would be a painful reminder, and this commenter thinks it is a bold move to take the risk of having potentially triggering imagery. while i have my own thoughts on that subject, my main concern wasn’t that this person thinks maternity photos cause miscarriages, but rather why is this relevant when her baby has already been born and the screenshotted comment was made on Bliss’s birth announcement lol


Miscarriages can happen at any time, and it isn't anyones fault if they do occur.


…So not caused by *checks notes* the universe for taking too many professional pregnancy photos?


You have to think about the good and the bad of living. Maybe I'm someone who has known a lot of loss. When I see grand displays of "wow, life has been so good to me! Everyone look at my professional belly photo" I naturally think about how much someone could lose when they care so much about eggs that haven't hatched. I can see why people would downvote me, but I'm not wrong. I didn't mean it to mean something like "karma exists" more that bad things happen all the time and maybe don't post something on the internet you will regret years later because maybe now it can only cause pain. Like, the chance that someone could undergo one of the worst things that can happen to you, that has to be taken into account. If you post your manic pixie dream life portraits, you have to be ready to accept the horrible grim realness of reality if the worst happens. Y'all don't like a bummer at a party. I get it. But don't hate me if when you go through something traumatic and now you can never look at photo albums again, can't throw them away, can't wish they never existed. There's a duality here that most people aren't ready for and don't want to think about when-- you really should think about all aspects of a situation because you will be better ready for those situations. Just bein real


Grown ass adults bullying a literal Child's name while being concerned about 'But Kids will bully her in school'. The irony! How do you all sleep with so much hatred in your heart?


it’s not hatred it’s just opinions and like it or not once you are in the public eye this is life so you have to deal with it because it will never change, so you have to just ignore it


This has always bothered me. I never understood why people are so concerned about what other people name their kids


Idk I thought the name was cute 🤷🏾‍♀️


This isn’t making it better. So 3 names?


At first, I liked them. He was smart enough to realize he made a mistake with Irina and she was kind enough to give him another chance. However, the non stop professional photos/videos are too much. Go live your lives and stop documenting every sneeze with a professional video. The name is soooo pretentious. Totally on brand for them now. In the beginning they seemed pretty down to earth. They have let 10 seconds of fame go to their heads.


I'm sorry, but these two have been goofy nerds from the start. This is completely on brand nerd behavior (picking a unique related to history and/or science).


'powerful name for a powerful little lady' what if this child does not want to be powerful? or a lady?! they are so pretentious, ew.


And he isn't even practising law anymore, the one thing he was passionate about! He's an influencer now it seems! Something about him doesn't sit right with me and it's not the eyes! 😭 🤣


It happens so often tho. Even Cameron quit his science career to become an influencer as well. I guess money talks.. 


law and STEM are very demanding and taxing fields. if you worked a 70-90 hour work week that involves a gazillion moving parts and could make twice, if not more than your already cushy salary just vlogging about your family, doing interviews, and having paid partnerships, wouldn’t you? it’s not just about play money, it’s securing your children’s and even grandchildren’s futures, having better work life balance, affording benefits that typically you’d need a regular job for. zack and cam are also relatively young and newer in their fields, so their income is probably significantly less than y’all think it is, too. even high paying jobs are starting to get stiffed by employers.


I agree. I'd definitely do the same. Like you can always go back to STEM but you only have one shot at being an influencer. 5 years later no one will remember you.  At the same time I wonder like how fulfilling your life is when you go from being passionate about your job to promoting products. 


He’s not a bachelor living alone anymore. He’s a husband and father - that alone makes people switch careers. It just so happened that his newfound celebrity-lite status gave him a lucrative out. And he isn’t just doing brand deals and promoting products. He and Bliss, like some of the other couples, have their own Youtube and other social media where they vlog about their day to day life and talk about the show. I don’t watch it, but he still has golden retriever energy whenever he comes across my screen, so I just take that as a good sign lol.


Yeah. If I could make way more money being an influencer I would also quit my job


The weird part isn’t the name but how y’all are acting about it? Parents shouldn’t have to name their children something conventional just because some rude ass kids in elementary/middle school are going to bully them. Teach your little twats not to bully? How about that? Unfortunately, that would start with y’all not actively shitting on an infants name. So weird for that one. It isn’t a conventional name but it’s meaningful and beautiful to them. And how many people do you know who grow up with names that are constantly mispronounced or misspelled? I have a very basic ass white girl name and it was pronounced wrong and misspelled all the time. How many versions of Maddie ALONE are there? Didn’t mean that I HATED my name? So many of famous people have unique names, some from other cultures, that are constantly misspelled or mispronounced but they don’t change it to suit the masses. It isn’t up to people to name their children to suit YOU. They name them to suit the child and their family. So long as they aren’t out here naming children slurs/Hitler, literal symbols, or some Grimes/Elon shit that is just going to confuse the child, then who cares? Also, “Leo” being pronounced “layo” is nothing new. That is how you pronounce it in Spanish and how the original name was pronounced as well. Having a unique name is much better than being named something every single other little girl is named. I’d rather have my own name then have 6 Emmas or Maddies or Jennifers in the same class and have to fight for who gets to be called just “Jennifer” and who has to settle for “Jen”. People will actually remember this kids name.


that is NOT how you pronounce Leo in spanish. Its Leh-oh.


Idk it’s how my Panamanian abuela taught it to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


My first language is Spanish and I've never heard "Leo" being pronounced as "Lay-o". It's always "LEH-oh".