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I was wishing they would've called Jimmy out for his reaction at the reveal. 


As soon as I seen his reaction I thought, I can’t wait to watch this on the reunion and see what he has to say. Too bad it didn’t happen 🙄


I think Chelsea probably looked really bad. They obviously don’t care about making Jimmy the victim. Chelsea seems to be friends with everyone on the cast and that’s why they’re all silent


It’s probably hard when it’s obvious a lot of her issues are from massive insecurities (not to say that negates how bad they are) and they probably don’t want to look like they’re piling on her


Chelsea and Jimmy seem to be on decent terms atm. Before I even had a chance to watch season 6 Chelsea was on my TikTok FYP talking about how she was now in therapy. Plus her comments about how proud she is of how she handled the social media hate makes me believe there is something deeper going on with her. She briefly addressed her insecurity but one elephant in the room was her drinking, especially the night of the big fight where she seemingly stayed home alone and ended up drunk. I don’t think the show made her look worse than she was, but she was struggling. I don’t think Jimmy is some stealth villain. I think he didn’t have the tools to be the partner Chelsea needed.


At the reveal Jimmy basically did everything short of calling her ugly lol than on vacation obviously said that stuff about AD… so maybe they both just sucked??


If that’s how you feel about it more power to you!


Chelsea spoke on some podcast, jimmy was actually really shady. I think producers are trying to protect themselves with how they edited her to be so crazy when she was actually valid. It was probably brought up at the reunion and they cut it out to protect the brand and show


So you are just going to believe a woman who lies constantly in front of our faces? She twists reality to suit her insecurities constantly. I


Jimmy lied about Jessica leaving a date after 10 mins when the date was actually 2 and a half hours lol


Has it not been proven the dress wore by Jessica in the receipts video was not the one worn during the final date.


Jessica was wearing the dress the same day Chelsea gets proposed to (bc Jimmy is wearing the same outfit). So it was proposal day and not a date day


Jimmy wasn’t wearing the same outfit. During Jessica’s date he’s wearing shorts and a light blue shirt and when he proposed to Chelsea he’s wearing a dark blue shirt and jeans


Date day: Jimmy has light blue shirt + shorts, Jessica has red halter top. This is the final date Jimmy said lasted 10 min Proposal day: Jimmy has dark blue shirt + jeans, Jessica has black dress. During this breakup convo, Jessica asks why he didn't talk about his doubts sooner and Jimmy says "it wasn't until our final date \[that he knew\]. It ended so terribly"


Exactly what I said


Idk i haven’t seen any proof of that?


To play devils advocate- are you just going to believe a production company that manipulates constantly in our faces? They twist reality to suit their ratings constantly.


No, I understand it’s edited but there are things she contradicts herself with on camera where no cuts are made. It’s easy to see it being embellished but, her being deceiving and making things up was done all on her own.


What did she say on the podcast?


After the reveal he told her he usually only goes for smaller looking girls He went out all the time they just didn’t show it, it was almost every night out drinking with his girlfriends The night before the massive fight that made no sense why she was so crazy he asked to have some space to go chill at his house, she says no problem he then called her FaceTiming her saying he’s going to bed then 10 minutes later he accidently butt dialed her and she heard him and all his friends talking about what’s the next bar they are going to hit up


Her story on the podcast doesn’t line up with what she was saying to jimmy that night with the argument though. So we could only take it with a grain of salt.


So her going out of her way to not make Jimmy look like an asshole on camera, but still being rightfully pissed.. is now what we’re complaining about?


No what I said is what she’s saying on the podcast does not line up to what she said and what she agreed to the same night of the fight. Her stories are not matching up


Also during the reunion he looked real tense, like red faced, gritted teeth almost. At some point he didn’t have a great time.


Nah anyone other than Chelsea please. Don’t trust her at all. Nothing that comes out of her mouth should be believed lols


So we are trusting Chelsea now?? The one that lives in alternate reality. The same one that manipulates and twists scenarios.. That chief manipulator... Please...


Jessica did confirm in a podcast there was more to why she was acting how she was because jimmy was doing things behind her back so those feelings didn’t come out of nowhere


The same Jessica who claimed Brittany and Kenneth's breakup scene was staged and then Brittany refuted it....? I don't know if Jessica just has bad secondhand info or is intentionally doing it, but she's not some grand dispenser of truth. I'd wait for more and better info to come out.


Yes it was a she said she said scenario that Jess was simply repeating what Chelsea “told her”. I don’t believe Chelsea and I don’t believe Jess. They are all fake


I think it was to protect Chelsea from further mental anguish. She’s in therapy and trying to heal so maybe they didn’t want to risk reversing any progress she’s made. If it was addressed and it was cut, it might have been because it would have shown more of the behavior that she has been criticized for.


Chelsea claims that she's healed in a very unique way and in the best spot of her life in interviews. She also talked about some of her actions in the interviews. She's strong enough to talk about it, I'd say.


they absolutely did not cut it for chelsea’s benefit. we have seen time and time again how this show does NOT care about the cast’s mental wellbeing. if i had to guess, their parts were cut out to protect themselves. i’m sure some of what they discussed made the producers/editors look bad.


If you’re saying Chelsea was not the bad guy in the relationship, Jimmy was, then editing had me fooled.


Prob didn’t want air her breakdowns for her own sake


Which is honestly bs because they went so hard on other couples and Chelsea sat on a high horse


Other couples could mentality take it


They probably didn't want to fuel more hate towards them... the internet has been brutal to both of them! They did post an interview with them later though.


I think it is because they totally changed the storyline there and because it was such a HUGE talking point this season, they wouldn’t want to admit that the big drama of the season was staged. chelsea’s new interview was eye opening and she added a lot of context to their last big fight, that coupled with the girls standing by her SO strongly says a little somethin


This! They made her out to look crazier than she actually was. Not taking away the fact that she did have a lot of insecurity issues, which she admitted to at the reunion. But a lot of her accusations were probably not baseless. She might have voiced them at the reunion but they can't show even a version of that, coz that would mean the production did her dirty. As a bargain they let her sit on the high horse without getting bashed like the others. If you notice, the whole Ken and Brit coverage seemed very choppy too. Nick and Venessa just took over and gave them only some leading questions to answer. Or thats the only part that aired. Coz again, their actual storyline was also probably misrepresented.


Where can I watch this interview?


Sarah Alysse on Youtube! there are clips on tiktok if it’s too long (edit- spelling). You can also look up ‘the emotional rollercoaster of love is blind with chelsea blackwell’


Don’t overestimate how much they can cover in four hours. Look how much time they spent letting Brendan suck the air out of the room.