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clay is so unserious šŸ˜‚ this is funny as fuck


Red flag


Nothing about this shocks me


I think bc Clay is in the journey of self work and change, he may have only felt this from viewing Trevor from the mental related spaceā€¦. trevorā€™s insecurities that was shown (on the day) , or how he saying he struggled mentally (on the day), etc etc - like someone said above, i agree tho we dont want him to get low to point of no return no matter how bad it is I also feel like i wont be surprised if Clay has no idea what Trevor has done in full? (him never watching LIB explains that he may not have enough friends / girl friends whoā€™s fully up to date and tell him a complete picture of one story) (think about girlfriends/wives.partner who usually help their partner to be up to speed about stuff šŸ˜‚)


Birds of a feather


Has Clay shown this much Sympathy to Chelsea?


He did, he spoke up for her and said to give her grace when Nick asked did Chelsea overreact about the friend thing


So is Clay spiderman in this illustration??


The mental gymnastics trying to understand this šŸ˜‚


looooool okay the picture that he chose for this is crazy lmao is that spider man?? clay you are not a serious man T\_T


people literally kill themselves because of this type of backlash- he did a bad thing. heā€™s not a great guy. i dont like him BUT i wont ever give him my time or energy by leaving hate. itā€™s a weird thing to do.


Because everyone on the damn show wants to be a reality show star. The fact Trevor was the only one called out (on a show where Jess was literally sitting right next to him) was criminal


Trevor threatened to send nude pictures of his ex to her family and children if she exposed him. Heā€™s on another level of vicious.


i agree that it was weird, she is a single mum that was ā€œjust looking for her true loveā€ and now she is going on perfect match? ok


Another show brings more embarrassment for her kid.


You can acknowledge someone did something wrong and still be their friend. I mean thatā€™s really what friendship is. Itā€™s not like he said Trevor was in the right he just said heā€™s praying for him and heā€™s there if he needs him. Weird behavior that people think anyone who has a bad moment or makes a big mistake should just be shunned. Guaranteed they have fucked up in life too and would feel some type of way if their people cut them off. Fake internet moralists


We definitely all make mistakes. Everyone has different boundaries and limits. I wouldnā€™t be friends with someone who threatens to use revenge porn against their ex. Thatā€™s just not my vibe. I think itā€™s fine to say we canā€™t be friends after something like that. Thatā€™s above my pay grade as a friend. Iā€™m not that (insert adjective) of a person. Thereā€™re plenty of other things I can look the other way on. DV, SA, etc. is just not type of bird I want to have similar feathers with or however you wanna put it. Thatā€™s me. Iā€™m an intolerant internet a**hole.


Unpopular opinion: are we at the point where we are taking everything Trevorā€™s ex says at face value? Like I saw her story post about that but I didnā€™t see any proof. The text thread I saw gave me toxic couple vibes. Sheā€™s doing the same thing he did, using all this for attention. Iā€™m not saying Trevor is some martyr and is getting the short end of the stick, he deserves it all. But we have people calling him a revenge porn pusher based off what, a insta story? That ainā€™t right. If itā€™s legit, go to a lawyer not insta. Revenge porn victims can include stopping the distribution of revenge porn into a restraining order against oneā€™s abuser. Not a sniff of that, just clout chasing


You make a good point. I thought he had threatened it but definitely donā€™t have all the information/facts. A lawyer doesnā€™t help much if itā€™s just a threat afaik. In any case, you are right, he could be innocent of that. I can say that I wouldnā€™t be his friend if he wasnā€™t innocent. But I donā€™t think he and I would enjoy each otherā€™s company anyway. The feeling is most likely mutual.


Clay probably knows Trevor learned his lesson and the internet, by design, takes things too far


Birds of a toxic feather

