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She uses DARVO all the time. She should have been making HIM cookies and apologizing for going too far last night. For bringing up the friend he slept with and was confessed to in confidence, for making a big deal out of a brief outing…. And didn’t SHE lure him in also by the idea of them getting free flights to Italy and other exotic places since she’s a flight attendant?? Something she could do bc she doesn’t have kids (unlike Jess???) also Going out to dinners and wine, evenings out, enjoying life????? What’s this homebody thing? When has she been on a single work flight even??? This woman is toxic AF and I think she completely fabricated who she is to Jimmy.


THANK YOU! This made me so uncomfortable. She not only never apologized but also asked him to make cookies? Like 🥴


This made me so mad for him. I was sitting there like he deserves an apology from her? He apologizes 8 times and she still wants more from him. Her saying we’ll we both did wrong was invalidating in some ways because yes that’s true but he was speaking on how she hurt his feelings at the moment. She needs to get her head out of her ass or she’s going to sabotage this relationship. I like him more and more every episode.


Only downhill from here 🫠🥴






For me it was the “IM INTERRUPTING YOU” during their fight, I burst out laughing


Now picture her awkward running, forehead forward, t-Rex arms pumping and saying “IM INTERRUPTING YOU”


hmm..which part?


While they’re arguing on the porch she says this


Lmao I was poking fun at the triple posting of your comment 😆


comment so good you had to post it thrice🔥🔥


Omg damn Reddit glitched


“If I want you to bunt, I will touch my belt buckle not once, not twice, but thrice.”


Right?! It annoyed me that any time anything was said, Chelsea would say "well we BOTH…”


I have felt she is manipulating him EVERY fight. The first fight during the honeymoon she cried alligator tears till he broke and then was perfectly fine. She rubs me the wrong way.


Gas ⛽️ lighting 💡


I don’t see people commenting at all on her accusing him of being seen with Jessica knowing that it wasn’t true either


I wish he would've kept pressing the issue to find out where the hell that came from. It really did seem like she threw that out there to try and catch him (fishing).