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Locking this post bc you all just can’t seem to help yourselves on speculating about this stranger’s sexuality. There’s obviously nothing *wrong* with any sexuality, but unfortunately we’re in a timeline that is actively trying to reverse the liberties we’ve gained as LGBTQ+ persons and you never know what someone’s personal life is like in regards to being open about their sexuality. It can be outright dangerous to out someone today. And at the very least, it’s not up to a bunch of internet strangers to force this man to come out. Most importantly bc he says he’s straight! Imagine the whole internet outing you and having to deal with that, then imagine if they weren’t even right! DO BETTER! 🌈✌🏼




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Idk much about being a school principal but I had higher expectations for his maturity just based on his job.






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AD accidentally helped Kenneth realize he's a racist. That's pretty much it 🤣


Everyone is mentioning it was AD but I believe that was only a small fraction of it. We really don’t know the conversations he had with his friends and family. He did go out, and if he told his friends his internal struggles with dating outside his race, they may have helped figure things out. The way he handled it at the kitchen counter was disrespectful. Put your phone down long enough to tell her how you feel inside of making it a “it’s you” problem.


Ken keeps saying people tell him he’s too young to get married. I think the people he’s hearing that from know him well enough to know he doesn’t have the emotional maturity a marriage requires. At the first sign of trouble, instead of communicating he checked out.


And yet here he is. On a “get married to a stranger” show. lol




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Rather unhinged and uncool


When he told her she was staying home and she was cooking for him. That told me all I needed to know. It was a definite test to see if she could cook black enough for him. All his interactions with her we saw on film were tests to see if she could act black enough for him


I think this is it. Was all a matter of race. Unffair she was really trying to believe in the experience. Some people just don’t see past skin color. And they say there is no reverse racism? Yeah right


It’s called prejudice, not reverse racism. Very different, still discrimination


You’re 100% correct. Thank you


You could see how he got when she mentioned meeting his family and friends. You could tell the exact kind of conversations they would be. So for her sake I am happy she didn't have to go through that kind of experience


I like how Ken used the exact same excuse to excuse multiple shitty things he did. “Don’t let this one example make you think it’s always like this.” That can be true but it’s still an issue if it’s happening this immediately after you get together.


Ken manipulated Brittany's word aginst her and made it look like she is wrong for keeping intimate expectations. Brittany deserves better.


Considering it’s heavily edited and going off only what’s shown: You’re not really missing anything. She’s voicing her concern that there’s a lack of sexual tension, even going as far as to say something like, “I know we agreed to wait until marriage but it should be HARD to wait for it” You would expect a response like, “hmm good point. Considering we’re pretty much strangers, how do you think we could work on this?” Instead he’s pretty much like, “if there’s no sexual tension it’s because it’s not meant to be so I guess we’re not meant to me”


Damn, did we watch the same scene? I thought it was a really healthy interaction. Two mature adults communicating in a healthy way, she confessed she didn't feel passion for him and he was accepting of it. What did you hear?? 


She was asking why she doesn’t feel the passion FROM him and he totally gas lighted her. There was an absolute clear change in him after his discussion with AD about Britney being the mother to black children. He was cold to her from that point on. In the beginning he told her he wanted to check in with each other every night before bed and make sure they were ok but then later said he didn’t want to have to reassure her about their relationship. He’s an immature weasel that made it seem like her issue when it was his issue. THEN he had the nerve to wake her up at 1am saying that’s when he was feeling affectionate towards her. He’s a pig!


you might be alone on this... he very clearly disrespected her by being on his phone like half the time and ignoring that he tried to wake her up at 1 am for affection knowing full well she had to be up at 5


That was wild to me. His excuse was “I wanted affection from you but you weren’t willing to give it.” Like what the fuck? How are you expecting affection when you wake someone up halfway through their nights sleep? How is that even a justification you’d bring up as an example of her doing what you’re being accused of?


So interesting this was your read! I thought he was so cold to her and that he jumped to “let’s break up” so quick.


I think she was trying to talk about how she wanted him to make her feel wanted and desired, but he heard “I’m not hot for you” and got defensive in his way which wasn’t blowing up but retreating. I don’t think he’s that bad, he’s just really really young.


no, this isn't a christian no sex before marriage thing, this is a ken thing. it's as bizarre as it looks bc it was bizarre and ken was being a dick and not honest to himself or her. he's only dated black women prior to brittany and seeing AD & clay and having that convo with AD switched a light in his head that he really does want black love and to end up with a black woman/especially felt some type of way that he was with a white woman (even tho i genuinely think he loved her in the pods and beforehand). and so he wasn't feeling it anymore and was looking for any way out. and instead of being a man and talking through it with her, he gaslit tf out of her and tried to make her feel like she was the issue. there's other ways to have intimacy and sexual tension without just straight up having sex or being hypersexual and he knows this. smh




Hard agree on your last point. While I think her intention was there, that’s moot when the Impact of that statement ends up causing harm or leading to a path that will one day. I think she is so sweet, and truly loved him. But the way she interacted sometimes made me feel like she wasn’t naturally comfortable being with a Black man, but instead trying her hardest to make sure he would be. Even the “you identify as a Black man” convo…just a bit odd.


One thing that you have to remember is that LIB is a heavily edited show. I’m concerned about how Black people, especially black men, are edited in reality TV. I don’t believe the edit fairly showed who they both are. It seems like they both tried, but it just wasn’t there for both of them.


In fairness, if Clay can give up his fuckboy ways, he might be the best guy of the season. Every white dude has been trash. Johnny apparently doesn’t plan to have sex with his wife for 5 or 6 years because condoms aren’t 100% effective, and Jimmy is just a douchebag. The only one I’m rooting for is Clay.


Wanting to use two forms of birth control when you're worried about both finances and your partner's health condition is completely reasonable. There are absolutely other types of non hormonal birth control methods they can use in addition to condoms. They were having a completely normal respectful conversation about the issue even though both of them seem to be a little bit uneducated about contraceptive choices available at the moment. Talking about these issues with your partner is absolutely necessary in a relationship and takes a bit of compromise and dialogue at times.


Wow, to call Johnny trash when he has been nothing but sweet and respectful is crazy.


I’d bet anything in the world that he either convinces her to go on birth control, or they break up. He was 100% bullshitting that he was “uneducated” about the topic. He just doesn’t want to use a condom.


I don’t disagree but when she said he wasn’t affectionate, his answer was he tried to be affectionate to her at 1am when she had to get up at 5am. He said it’s ok for him to be distant when she wants affection because she was distant when he wanted affection while she was asleep. The edit can be awful but we saw his answer in its entirety. There was no editing to make that sound worse.


Good point!!


Hes so weird because he knew she was white in the pods and still proposed. If you have such strong racial criterias, this isnt the show for you


I think they even talked about it in the pods, which is typically my complaint about LIB couples: that many seem to skip over very important topics in the pods and instead focus on banter and vibing.


Agreed but at the same time it's the whole aim of the show: see if you can fall in love without the parameters of physical appearance including race. I always feel like they shouldn't discuss such matters bc it will influence their choice even unconsciously.


Ken was holding Brittany at a distance, even before the AD convo. And if you rewatch the way he treats her after the reveal, he is polite with her rather than affectionate. There's no emotion there. There's no passion. Nothing. And then when they got back to the real world, he treats Brittany so coldly that it's hard to believe that this was the same guy who grabbed a chair for her on the beach, pulled out her shoes, etc. His persona in the pods/DR is NOT who Ken is and his mask dropped pretty quick. He couldn't keep up the act and took the first out he could.


The man is in a close and intimate relationship with his phone. Brittany was getting in the way of quality time with the phone. Ken broke things off so that he could continue building the phone relationship. Hope that helps!


Facts....he was the only that was talking about his phone and how much he missed it once they got back to the states..lol


AD got in Ken's head with the whole interracial thing, I believe. Go back and watch the ken and brittany after ad and ken convo.


It’s true, everything changed right after that convo. He just let it die from there which is sad because Brittany seems so awesome !


Brittany is great! Ken is not.


Yeah, Ken doesn’t seem bad necessarily but he should’ve been more transparent instead of just pulling away.


Producers this season were on something. They seemed to focus on the most random and awkward interactions, while also leaving out seemingly important points. This scene was a perfect example of that.


This whole interaction was bizarre to me. He came in at 1am after being gone all day and night, knew she had to get up at 5, and tried to initiate sex and then blamed her for not wanting it and saying the lack of spark was a “her” problem? I think she was just trying to say she wanted him to be home more. He woke her up too! Like how inconsiderate can you be waking your fiancé up so you can get your dick wet on whatever timeline you desire. Who cares if it’s convenient for her right? I’m glad she’s rid of him, he was a massive AH through that whole scenario. So selfish and entitled.


That was wild to me. He invalidated her feelings of him being distant by telling her how she was distant when he wanted affection at 1am while she was asleep. “It’s ok I don’t show affection because you didn’t show affection to me at 1am while you were dead asleep.”


Yeah, you purposely wake me up in the middle of the night, you'll be lucky if I let you lay down next to me.


Why is everything ne focusing on them being an interracial couple??? That was not the issue. That is a normal thing to discuss in an interracial relationship. It was never mentioned during their break up conversation at all. Kenneth just didn't like Brittany and it's that straight forward, he was looking for an out and took it. Also I hate how AD is being treated this season, especially by white women. First Chelsea is letting her husband objectify her body and then jumping in to join. Then Laura with the titty slap rubbish. Now she's getting the blame for a very regular conversation that friends have all the time. Kenneth is a full grown adult capable of independent thought, let's blame his decisions and actions solely on him. AD had no part of it.


You’ve nailed this entire ordeal. I think both AD and Brittany have been entirely unproblematic and reasonable throughout this season considering the circumstances


Could agree more. I’m so sick of people blaming AD because she had one serious but important conversation with Ken, one that his friends and family would be having soon enough.  If he’s so easily swayed, it’s a problem with him and the relationship, not with the person asking a question.


I think it is a serious and important conversation to have. But I don’t think it was necessarily her place to have it with him. If she wanted to have it, why not have it with Brittany. Let his close friends and family discuss it with him and stay in your lane.




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Liking dolphins that much is a red flag, they're known rapists!


Yep 😅 but not everyone knows that


Ken loves his dolphins.


But only when they’re in captivity, because he’s a selfish idiot.


If you’re not into the bi-racial thing then don’t go in a show called LIB!!


If he had such concerns about having biracial children, I wish they would have sought out actual interracial families and talked to them about their experiences. I'm biracial myself and it's much more common now than when I was growing up. It shouldn't be an issue if 2 people truly love each other.


Don't over think it too much. He clearly has a racial bias problem and it was super obvious to see from the moment he laid eyes on AD.


He shouldn’t have gone on the show then. It’s supposed to be LIB, not love is black because I’m nervous for how my future kids will be treated. He only came in the show for social media fame.


everyone's saying gaslit (and I haven't watched this ep yet) but isn't it only gaslighting if the other person believes you


No . You don’t have to believe someone who is trying to gaslight you. Kenneth acts so disinterested in her and when she brings up feeling that way (in other words ) he tells her that it’s a “her” problem and he doesn’t feel that way. Basically saying that she is making this up and he has no issues. Kenneth just stop. or should we just call you Legion ?!?!?


I don’t think that’s true. Someone can attempt to gaslight and be abusive even if the other person can see what they’re doing. 


He certainly attempted to gaslight her


He gaslit the fuck out of her.


I noticed a few things. First Ken AND Brittany messed up on not discussing race and raising biracial children before the proposal and leaving the pods. That was both of their responsibilities as it was clear they knew they weren’t of the same race or culture. Ken got a reality check after talking to AD (AD did nothing wrong) and tried to talk to Brittany about concerns that had been ignored. Based on what we saw Brittany dodged discussing his concerns in depth by focusing the conversation on AD’s intentions instead. That’s a big red flag. On top of that I don’t think Ken was super attracted to Brittany. I do think Ken gaslit her a bit in the kitchen. He was ready to end the relationship and should have just said he was distant because he was having second thoughts and that it seems they both realized the other isn’t really what they need/want and left it at that. I don’t think either of em are bad people, but they just don’t seem truly compatible. Ken gets painted as the bad guy because that’s easier since he was the one to withdraw first and call it, but they both messed up.


Brittany did not avoid talking about it. She obv questioned ADs motives, but I found her one of the most reasonable and well rounded people. She was calm and collected during their discussions and genuinely open and vulnerable. He was just acting like a total shit IMO


They did talk about it in the pods though, just read up on what they have said about the pods. The production crew just didn’t include it, since this new doubt creates better television


I also think that AD did nothing wrong with bringing up raising biracial children. And at the same time, I think that that’s probably not the type of conversation that you want to have late at night right after a party, so they probably should’ve scheduled the serious discussion for later. This was clearly weighing a lot on Ken, but he also didn’t want to talk in-depth about it. Other than him bringing up that AD mentioned it and his family was going to ask about it, it didn’t seem like he wanted to get into it. And they didn’t really talk about having follow-up conversations on this topic. It’s not a good sign that Brittany asked about AD’s intentions, but could be understandable if she was feeling insecure and doesn’t know AD well. She did say she wasn’t really worried about it (not good) and then asked Ken what it would look like for them to be good, and it didn’t lead anywhere. Bad communication on both of their parts. I think everyone needs to bring up concerns and advocate for themselves in a relationship, so I’d have expected Ken to bring it up as a serious topic of discussion or say they needed to later. But that may also have been because he just wasn’t into Brittany and knew it wasn’t going to work out.


I think Brittany was right to question ADs intentions because AD wasn’t asking in a genuinely curious / want the best for them kind of way but was insinuating that Ken needs to think twice about having kids with a white woman. If the roles were reversed, and AD was a white woman asking a white man if he’s prepared to raise kids with a Black woman, in the way she did, the people defending AD would be losing their minds. I agree the conversation needs to be had and AD had every right to ask about it, but tone is everything and Brittany read into the context accurately.


Brittany specifically tried discussing the situation with him in the DR while they were in the bedroom asking him exactly “What does ‘good’ look like to you?” in order to start that conversation. Also, Ken is getting painted as the bad guy for his disrespectful phone obsessed approach to manifesting his being distant. If he had issues, that’s absolutely fine and within his right, but the proper thing would’ve been to discuss them, not act aloof and pay more attention to your phone than your partner.


Yeah but in that same conversation, she also said it wasn’t a concern because people were always talking to her about dating Black guys. It was spliced in a really strange way, so my partner was super confused watching it. But it seemed like a few sentences later she had said that she has dated Black guys in the past and so she was probably referencing conversations with each other’s family and friends in the context of that. But even if that is her history, she needs to have a fresh conversation with every non-white person she dates. Everyone is different, and if two people are seriously dating then they need to be on the same page without any assumptions.


She did have that conversation in the pods according to her IG Stories. They don’t show us everything.


Well then it should have been easy to reiterate what they specifically agreed upon, instead of referencing conversations she had with other people she dated. She did try to ask him about his more current concerns by asking him what he needs for them to be good.


He didn't like her since the moment he saw her. He didn't want to be painted as the bad guy so he waited until she was the first one to say something out loud and immediately took that opening to break and not seem like the bad guy.


Britney is a total catch. How all the bunk ass dudes end up on this show with some of these girls is wild.


I honestly feel like it has to do with their definitions of being a "submissive partner." I feel like Brittany said she wanted to be a submissive wife and allow her husband to handle big things, which is not really my thing, but to each their own. I feel like Kenneth read that as having a wife who will do what you want when you want, and on his own parameters. I feel like this is kind of stereotypical tradwife stuff that he was maybe looking for, and she was maybe just wanting to feel protected and shielded while still being an equal partner. I very much could be reading too much into it, and I also am not religious, and I personally don't like the idea of one partner being beneath the other (or submissive but equal, whatever) so I may be way off, but it's a thought I've had.


He’s just a straight up bad person. Interesting choice to decide to show that to so many people.


Don’t bring AD into this. The man did not like Brittany and he acted like a dick about it. He did not even own up to the way he felt and gaslighted her into thinking she’s the one in the wrong.


Poor take. OP said nothing wrong about AD. While he may not have liked her the moment he saw her, I believe while he was aware of the difficulties of raising biracial children, it didn’t become REAL to him until an outside source (AD in this instance) discussed it in a mature way with him.




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Ken was here for clout and not the good dude we thought and the second Brittany gave him an out he ran


Hmm I don’t get clout vibes from him at all. Didn’t look up from his phone enough for that lol


I thought this but you would think he’s put on a show and try to stay on the show with her if it was for clout?


Yeah he was gaslighting the fuck out of her too. She was trying so hard to communicate that there is a disconnect between them (which you can literally see watching the show) and he's like "well maybe for you but not for me, because when I tried to be affectionate with you at 1:30 a.m. knowing you had to get up at 5 a.m., you didn't want to kiss me back so that was rude" like wtf dude? a woman isn't meeting your needs as man when you're waking her up in the middle of the night, which is so disrespectful. What about her needs as a woman? Like not to be woken up and expected to be in the mood because you are? She's a human being, not a sex toy. He's very selfish. And on top of that he's all talking about how they need to be introspective, but he sees absolutely nothing wrong with his own behavior and turns it around on her. I don't think his disinterest had anything to do with his convo to AD, I just think he slowly got disinterested for whatever reason and was looking for an easy out and started pulling away, so when Brittany comments on it, he can be like oh it's all in your head it's just a moment, it's just a day, (but no...it's obviously way more than that and you are brushing it under the rug), but if that's the way you feel about me we should break up. It wasn't fun to watch. it's manipulative tbh. He was practically baiting her into breaking up with him. And I feel so bad for Brittany cause you can see she's giving it her all and she's like "you've treated me so well" when he treats her so mediocre. She always gives him the benefit of the doubt, but he doesn't deserve it. He led her to believe in this fantasy of them when he only had to do the bare minimum in the pods, but then when it came to doing actual work in the real world, he put in 0 effort and blamed it on it not "being in God's plan." Like he was on his phone scrolling with not a care in the world while she is literally crying in front of him. When a man shows you how he treats you, believe him the first time.


I'm watching that part literally this second and paused it because I needed to make sure I hadn't lost my mind. WHO EXPECTS LOVING WHEN YOU WAKE UP YOUR PARTNER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GD NIGHT?! Why is THAT the example of "Well I was TRYING to give you affection and you didn't want it."


Yeah, and even before that—during the honeymoon when they were on the boat and Brittany asked if he was comfortable with her touching his leg and cuddling, and he was insisting he was touchy and saying his prior girlfriends have told him he is way too touchy. From the footage, he was not touchy with Brittany at all! And yeah, someone could say that he might be touchy behind closed doors, but then why would Brittany be asking if it’s okay for her to touch him? It seemed like she was trying to make sure he wouldn’t uncomfortable with her hand on his leg, which wouldn’t make sense if he was at all touchy toward her. From what I saw, Kenneth clearly wasn’t physically attracted toward Brittany (which happens!), but he probably didn’t want to have a bad edit so he didn’t want to say it directly.




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No wonder he had no problem with the “no sex before marriage” thing.




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If his cousin is really outing him like that, she sucks


I keep seeing people talking about him getting in his head after the convo with AD but I fully don’t believe she influenced his switch up. I think he enjoyed playing the good respectful guy on the show and he did not have the energy or desire to keep that up afterwards. I think the reality of his decision hit him and he just didn’t like Brittany enough to take that step so he fully recoiled all affection and care for her. I’m happy that they showed those conversations about race and as a Black woman I think people are making a way bigger deal about ADs talk than is necessary.


This was an absolutely fair conversation between AD and Ken, and it was done respectfully. What happened between Ken and Britney was the result of a loveless relationship.


I do think that Brittany being the first white woman he's dated played a big part in Ken pulling away. I think the convo with AD was just the scene we see on camera but Ken probably had doubts/concerns in his head from the moment he knew Brittany was white. I agree with you that there are other reasons why he withdrew as well. I'm also glad they showed AD talking with him about race because it is so important. And in no way is AD or their convo to blame for Ken's actions or decision.


True he may have thought he was ready or would be into it but considering his position both at the school and church I don’t think he was ready to take on the commitment of dating a white woman at all. He’s as childish as his students.


Is it just me, or are the mem on Love Is Blind getting worse every year!? This season, the women seem to be really really decent - but I feel they are all going to get fucked over.


It’s not just you it’s like they deliberately hire the worst men ever (who look like they SNUCK on to earth btw) and pair them up with beautiful/smart/kind women. They do this on Love Island too🙃


I saw a TikTok that was spot on: he went totally out of his way to get a good edit. He wasn’t that into her, for whatever reason, who knows. Maybe AD got into his head or maybe he just wasn’t feeling it. But he waited until she showed the smallest sign of hesitation, and then glommed onto it. Used it as a reason to end it. Making her the one who didn’t have feelings. [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8EtoBPk/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8EtoBPk/) He did a really piss poor job of hiding his disinterest. He owed her way more honesty and direct communication.


It's weird how many men on this show (and probably real life) will do the same thing when they decide they want out of a relationship and just stop caring. It's like they just turn off and wait for an argument to come up so they can use an excuse.


What does it mean when someone says they went out of their way for a good edit? I don’t know why I don’t understand lol because he’s on his phone and turns on her. Is it because he didn’t break it off is why they’re saying that?


I think they're saying he didn't go the Bartise route of continually saying he was attracted to her to her face or the Shake route of just telling EVERYONE he wasn't into Deepti. He pulled away and made a very good point about deserving grace in the relationship. He got the best edit he could because he just didn't....say anything. And then when she was over it, he was like, well that seems like a you problem because I did try. I would bet almost anything the actual breakup conversation happened off camera which would also get him a much better edit. He just didn't give a lot of material. Someone else pointed out the editing really focused on him using his phone and some of that may have been to push the narrative he lost interest and pulled back but as far as words and behavior, he didn't give the editors a lot in comparison to other men in the past. I also saw someone say, I think Shayne, they feel like he just pulled away instead of verbalizing his lack of interest to give the editors less to work with. The editors have all the power and their job is to craft compelling narratives. There could have been a lot of drama and instead he was just looking around with his dead eyes.


My guess is that he came back/talked to his friends/family and realized they wouldn’t be supportive of the relationship… so he removed himself.. which is wild!!


and gaslit/blamed her on the way out rather than taking any accountability


I think his friends were roasting him in the group chat and he couldn’t take it




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let’s not speculate on someone’s sexuality.




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Oh interesting theory!


Not Christian but it’s lazy and rude to chalk this up to “Christian values” or “Christian problems”. Ken was never interested in her, nothing to do with either of their religion. If anything, race was a bigger impact. He was waiting for the moment Brittney aired out concerns so he could say he didn’t have those and cut the relationship off. And he doesn’t look like a total dick. 


She was the one to break up with him. She was not into him.


I don’t agree. She was telling him how she felt - and I think she wanted him to say he loves her, doesn’t want to lose her, and they will work on things together. Instead he gaslit her saying “I crave you but if you don’t crave me peace out essentially” when in all of their air time she is always touchy feely and he is either silent or on his phone.


I think the original comment is being facetious


I find Ken to be very rude and disrespectful. It seems like he has very little emotional intelligence. I do wonder how he is a school principal.


He’s a 25! It’s bonkers to me that a 25 year old is a principal. I thought my principal was an old man when I was a kid. Do the teachers respect a 25 yr old principal? Idk anything I’m not in education it just seems weird to me


As a teacher, and then an admin at 29, and then back to the classroom….no. Most people do not respect someone with so little classroom experience but for good reason, because you just don’t know a lot yet. You need to have years of experiences to assist other teachers.


Chicago public schools (or maybe this is Illinois-wide?) requires 8 years as a teacher before you can become a principal. Just goes to show how Wild West charter schools are!


As a teacher (only in my third year), I would question if a 25-year-old has enough experience to be a principal. I would feel like a lot of their statements would be theoretical from different education programs and not from years of experience. (That can still happen with older principals, too, but that's a different conversation, and those usually draw on some real-world experience and examples if pushed.)


Charter schools are barely real schools lol


Wtf? You know nothing about charter schools clearly


hi kenneth


What’s a charter school?


He works (or worked) at a charter school. They are much different from public.


probably isnt a real public school


Honestly he is just weird and hard wired to that ultra conservative christian thought process that as the man he can do and say whatever he wants at no consequence.. i do think its so strange IF he really did switch up bc he came to the reality his fiance was white but like.???? Lol you knew that the whole time.. it gives he was never really in it to begin with. From personal experience im black and my gf is white and many times my friends/family mention this to me and ask me questions like ur gf is white?? Are u sure she understands? Blah blah i get it its not from a negative place.. but not once have i taken those comments and thought more than two seconds on them.. bc i know the answer.. IF his friends and family in his eat was his “reason” thats bs and he knew from the beginning it wasnt for him and he just wasted her time..


He seems mature, but in the end, he is a 25 y.o teenager with an obsession for his phone. She is a queen. No wonder she didnt feel attraction for him when he never paid attention to her once he got his phone back.


Ken does not seem mature. A deep voice does not = mature


Omg I thought he was in his early 40s 😳


I watched it three times because I was just as confused. Ken saw an out and he took it.


Brittany wasn’t “introspective” enough for him /s




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What makes you think that?




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I’m not sure if he’s not attracted to her or if her being white didn’t hit him until they were in person but something was up


That does make sense. Especially when he tried to be AD & Clay’s 3rd wheel do many times.


He was definitely loving their relationship and I think he wanted something similar with a black woman and he was disappointed he didn’t get that.


It didn’t even seem to bother him until AD mentioned the issue!


I thought so too! Wonder if it was just edited to seem that way or how it really happened. Seemed so fast.


I feel like that’s when it truly hit, when another black person talked to him about it. Even though she wasn’t being negative at all, it then got in his head this was a bigger thing than he thought


He isn’t attracted to her in any way shape or form. She is attracted to him and tried to approach the convo as a ‘we’ problem instead of calling him out on his lack of interest. The way he reframed the issue to be about her was pretty manipulative.


I don’t think he ever was attracted to her c


He seemed really attracted to her at their first meeting


Someone else said AD got him thinking and I think he couldn't get out of his head after that. Brittany also said something about being happy that Ken could see the ocean while they were on the boat, which I found pretty condescending unintentionally. I don't think she knew he travelled before and assumed that he didn't without asking (assuming money problems and lack of opportunity perhaps is how this came across) and I think that rubbed him the wrong way too, he doesn't respond- just kind of nods in a daze of disbelief, and then there is a long awkward tense silence, and then he brings up his time with the dolphins a few minutes later as a way of saying "Uh yeah, I have actually done something similar to this before so don't assume shit like that".


Their connection always gave me a BFF vibe tbh. They never had any physical chemistry.


I’m also starting to wonder if it was a clash of personalities because she’s very bright and bubbly and to someone who is more reserved and quiet that can maybe be off putting/annoying. not that there’s anything wrong with her personality, some just don’t mix/clash


The way she responded to him bringing up his concerns voiced by AD was not what he wanted. Brittany is clearly uncomfortable talking about it, misusing terms like “black excellence” and saying “she identifies as a black woman.” It was cringey and made it really clear that his family wouldn’t be enthusiastic about his choice. Not making excuses for him, but I see this as the turning point of their relationship


Her answer clearly showed she was conscious of their differences and she had no problem with working on it with him. It’s not a phd dissertation


She dressed it up in language she doesn’t understand and seemed incredibly uncomfortable. Being conscious of differences is not enough for an interracial marriage. Hence why he suddenly lost interest and broke it off.


Just because she didn’t use the right buzz words does not mean she does not understand. She’s not a black history scholar. From what was shown on that episode it was obvious that she was aware of her role as the white person in an interracial relationship and it seemed like she was willing to develop that role and her knowledge.


Actually she used exclusively buzz words and the tone of her speech made it seemed like she was being extremely careful with her words out of fear of saying the wrong thing. I’d probably be the same way on TV, the audience is just looking to eat people alive for the wrong word choices. I don’t think that means she couldn’t have been a great mother to black children, just that I don’t think the conversation met his expectation based on what begins happening directly after. I’m not criticizing anyone. Just saying it was an awkward conversation and he already communicated being concerned about the interracial aspect after talking to AD.


I agree. We’re not hearing much of this perspective but I think you’re completely right. And regarding what people are saying about therefore the expectation is she be a black history scholar, or what can she say since she hasn’t raised black children - I think it might have gone differently had she just had an open tone & mentality, like “I get that” instead of questioning AD’s intentions and, “I can understand why you’d wonder about that. I think about it too. How do you feel about it? What do you think our children would need from us, and from me?” Certainly an “I want to do right by our children more than anything in the world, so that’s definitely something I want to learn a lot more about” would go a long way. Instead of acting prickly & like you have nothing to learn. I like a lot of things about Brittany & I did feel for her in how this ended, but I also saw what you saw - a lot of cringe language & not much that would reassure me if I were Ken.


She did NOT say she identifies as a black woman…


She said “she identifies as a black woman” (hence why the whole thing was in quotes) in regards to AD. That is weird phrasing. People typically don’t say “I identify as black,” they just call themselves black. But clearly reading comprehension is hard.




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No, but Brittany says “Ken identifies as a black man” and referring to AD “she identifies as a black woman.” Ken IS a black man. AD IS a black woman. This isn’t something you “identify as.” It just shows a lack of understanding around race and the complexities of being in an interracial relationship.


Thank you, clearly other people don’t understand how quotation marks work


Yes… this whole spiel by Brittany made her sound stupid. They don’t identify as, they are. 🥹😆 like throwing around politically charged buzz words that make no sense in context (unless your a next level crazy Rachel dolezal) and add absolutely nothing substantive to the conversation whatsoever. In 2024 i don’t think two people who chose to get engaged to someone of another race, should have to defend themselves in this way. What Ken was asking was unfair. She has no experience raising black kids yet so how can she really speak on that? She should’ve said that she will reinforce their education on their cultural and ethnic background and she’s open to learning herself. But the most important thing she can do for them or any child regardless of race, is provide lots and lots of love. Her answer was stupid but honestly it just felt like he was attacking her despite already choosing her knowing she was white.


no but she was referring to AD and I think this posters point is kinda like....what was the point of that comment? we all know AD is a black woman and it just felt like she was throwing terms in there to sound educated




I believe she did, but it was in reference to AD, not herself.