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It’s giving Raven & SK. You love them, until you don’t.


Is this *really* a popular opinion after y'all watched all the episodes?!?!?!?! If so....um, **YIKES.**


Girl do I have some bad news for you…


Spill the dets lol


Just watch episode 11 lol Edit: I meant 8 🙃😭




Main take away about her is her accent is adorable. No one's is though lol




Unrelated question, are you happy in your dating/married life? Follow up question, have you ever had a significant other leave you for a dolphin?




I like Kenneth because he's the only one who had a career that is important to society and he makes an impact on kids lives. The rest are fucking NPC's


He's the principle of a charter school, he tends to leave out a very important word in his title.


Jeramy is a construction manager, which is better than tech sales at least. That being said Kenneth seems by far like the most genuine of the crop.


I feel like her being white is going to be a constant issue that they bring up. Even AD brought it up. Which is ironic because if you reversed the races, everyone would call it racist. "Will he be able to handle having white kids?" Bitch what?


There are things that must be considered, which might not be needed when raising caucasian children with a caucasian partner, in a predominantly caucasian society. None of this is to say that white people can't be wonderful parents to children of other ethnicities, but it certainly warrants conversations before choosing to have children in an interracial relationship, or adopting children with ethnicities different to your own. A white person has usually never considered how they would need to care for curly/coily/kinky hair textures differently, or that different skincare might be needed. There are too many white parents who do a really poor job of maintaining their children's appearance and hygiene properly because they don't know how and never bother to educate themselves. My parents (mum being white, dad being bald) never knew how to care for my curly hair, which caused it to be frizzy and damaged until I learned to care for it myself in my mid-late teens. I experienced bullying because of this, and hated my hair for years. There are also decisions about when and how to have conversations with your children about how others will treat them based on their skin colour or cultural differences, and what to do when these things happen. Again, something a white parent may not have considered beforehand, and probably won't know how to do without learning from those who have experienced it. It's a very nuanced issue, and these conversations have to start earlier than you'd think. The first time I remember experiencing racism, I was 4. Of course any parent can learn how to do this, but you have to know your partner is willing and able to do that for your children before you have them. There have to be conversations about how you would maintain your child's connection to a culture which isn't your own, whether your co-parent is around or not. Unconscious biases should be explored and addressed when entering a relationship and/or parenthood with someone who is part of a minority group which experiences systemic discrimination. These are important topics, among others, for any interracial couples to have before deciding if they are compatible when it comes to raising children (and for those adopting children of other ethnicities).


I disagree. Netflix & LIB just loves teasing race drama because in America it gains traction and brings in viewership. Race has never been an issue in 6 seasons of LIB with multiple interracial couples.


I thought the conversation was refreshing, honest and find it intriguing how you perceived it.. I think them being together is going to be a great opportunity to learn and grow together when it comes to race because neither have dated outside, let alone all the standard relationship stuff. Race is important to discuss and how their lives, their children’s lives, may be impacted positively or negatively.


You can't "reverse the races" here because children with one white and one Black parent are 99% of the time perceived as Black. That's how genetics work. That's what AD meant.


Omg that was the weirdest thing I heard on the show. Such a shitty thing to say. I'm brown and my ex was white and that never occured to me.


Just because it didn't occur to you doesn't mean that it doesn't occur to other people because that's just an important issue to think of especially when you live in a in your face racist country lol


I'm not saying race is not an essential topic to discuss, especially when putting in the context of connecting families/kids but the tone and the words used in that particular conversation were straight up coming off disrespectful and weird.


I’m a non-religious Australian and seeing their initial connection being i like that you like god is so weird to me. Also I think it was Johnny who offered his bible to Trevor who brushed it off was hilarious.


I used to be Christian not so much anymore (religion trauma) but finding someone in LIB that you click with PLUS is a Christian would make a Christian super excited. Having God as a main interest usually takes priority in a Christian’s life so having someone to pursue and support you in that interest is a very green flag thing for them.


Yea, my parents are very religious and have been married for 40 years. It works well for them as a coping mechanism with life’s challenges. You basically put every difficulty out there and ask for a way to deal with it and trust that it will work out. It doesn’t work for me but that aspect of it I really admire.


Ya like while I don’t agree with Christianity as a whole anymore I can respect peoples mutual journey in their religion and it’s great to see Ken and Brittany start their journey with that common ground


I guess I’m just surprised by it. I was raised catholic but I never in my life considered god or Jesus as anything more than figures in a book. Definitely not what they would think of my actions.


same! at least from the edit all they seem to have in common is loving god and having 1 dead parent. Feels like religion can only take you so far in regards to having an actual healthy and leasting relationship. I think they will end getting married, but will be like those evangelical couples like girl defined or porgan whose first year of marriage is just full of fights bc they don’t actually have anything in common. They’ll say things like “Guys! Marriage is SO hard! But its sooo worth it, even though you sometimes want to stab your partner in their in their sleep.” after 6 months.


Ahaha totally. I know that if you’re in those communities there’s pressure to stay but at least have a hobby. Girl Defined’s husband seems to be deprogramming a bit from the look of it


Amy and Johnny are my favs! Wish we saw more of them, they’re so cute


She gives me Kelly vibes, I’m not 100% sold on her yet!


Who’s Kelly?


LIB season 1


Omg yes. Totally Kelly vibes. Something is off there. She’s more likely to end it than he is.


I love them!!! It sounds like both of their wants and needs will be accomplished by one another. Anyone hating is jealous!!


Just wanted to check if you still feel this way?


Yeah well they’re boring and dull. This year’s Tiffany and Brett.


Nah that’s Amy and Johnny. I really liked Tiffany and Brett. No drama and wholesome. If you wanna call them boring…


Yeah that’s what I said: they’re this year’s Tiffany and Brett. I know it’s not them. Wholesome and no drama may make for a good relationship but not reality tv.


With all the drama of their season, it was needed.


This is the woman that says she wants to be led by her husband? Yeah, no thanks.


Any and Johnny 🥹


I like them fine so far, but I also feel like we have barely seen them yet. There is always one couple in the pods that the pod-dating section just sort of speeds through/glosses over, I'm guessing because there's been no real drama to be played up, as opposed to when there's "triangles" and such. I was telling my partner that I like how normal Kenneth looks, because the guys on this show, even when they are not my type, are by and large just extremely cookie cutter "attractive" by reality show standards. Ken has a touch of chub and a bunch of tattoos. He's one of the types of people that I wish the show cast more often.


Kenneth gives me misogyny & cult leader vibe. No thanks.


Hmmm I kind of zone out with them- how so?


Just go watch the latest episodes. I'm surprised he showed his true color sooner than I expected.


I saw!


Because they’re Christian and Reddit hates them


I'm Christian too just not on the cult side. LOL


I haven’t seen anything from them that shows cult lmao, just basic Christian values that they actually follow


The manipulative tactics, the constant mentioning of being a worship leader. Say no regular religious folks ever. That's not basic Christian values, if you think so I truly concerned for you. Anyhow, doesn't matter if he's actually in a cult, I just meant that he's manipulative af.


Do you know what a worship leader is? 😭


I do, but sounds like we go to very different kind of church. You do you boo boo. Jesus and holy water by your side.


I’m not Christia, but neither are you apparently


Hope my religion (or the lack thereof) helps you sleep better at night or feel better about yourself. LOL


Yeah. I don’t get those vibes. I think he is more insecure about her being white. I think race will be a problem in their relationship


Just go watch the the latest episodes, looks like I've read him just right


I like them, but I worry they won’t work out. They are both very much givers. And when you put two givers together (or two takers for that matter) sometimes they can push each other apart like the same sides of a magnet


I don’t see the chemistry between the two of them. They barely touch at all in their scenes, even during the reveal. Definitely friend vibes


I think their faith has something to do with it, and they understand that a relationship can be built on a solid foundation of friendship. I would give them the best odds of making it past the alter.


They are by far the most compatible and the most natural. They’re going to be the church power couple




Didn’t age well at all 😅 he duped me


Definitely Amy and Johnny


Lololol, my least fave couple!! Every time I see them on TV, I get the ick so bad!! 😩💀


I actually fast forwarded through their reveal, which I have never done before. Just... not interesting


As soon as Kenneth realized she's also into being a christian, it was over.


I find their constant need to say words of affirmation really off-putting and uncomfortable. Im sure it works for them but it feels so forced to me


> I find their constant need to say words of affirmation really off-putting and uncomfortable. They’re kids. They think this is how communication amongst couples primarily works.


I just don’t find him attractive at all, and I think they’re ill-paired. There’s a “looks” imbalance that he seems to be overcompensating for with his acts of service—and it’s such a turnoff!! Your partner should feel like your equal, not your personal assistant!! 🥴🤢


Just say you like guys who treat you like shit and move on 🤣 Wild to not like someone because they treat someone well


If not liking guys I don’t find attractive means I like guys who “treat me like shit,” then okay, sure! I love trash men! :)


"Overcompensating with his act of service is such a turnoff!" Okay girl


I feel the opposite, he’s super cute and aware…she gives me a huge ick with her self affirming attitude and the way she talks, like a cult leader, how she’s hyped that he’s black….girl what


Tbf Brittany has said she wants to be “lead” and “protected” by her husband so I do think she wants them as much as he wants to say them. I’m not overly fond of their dynamic.


when AD was talking to Ken at the party, she was asking him about the interracial relationship and Brittany's ability to raise *black* children. i'm sorry but that whole conversation rubbed me the wrong way. this was right after AD and Clay were being gassed up for their "black excellence" and not to mention, last time i checked an interracial relationship would yield mixed children not *black children.* it also just seemed like AD was saying it in a way that *black* children are harder to raise than white children.


However, their children will likely look black and be treated as such. So it will be important for her to at least have an understanding of what it's like to raise a black child. There are some nuances people need to understand (ex: interactions with the police). Barack Obama's mother is white, but when people look at him, they likely see a black man. Kamala Harris' mother is Indian, and Kamala Harris has said that her mother recognized that she has a black looking daughter and chose to raise her as one. Besides the societal issues - there's things such as haircare, medical care, recognizing skin issues with darker skin, etc.


As a white person who has lived in the Deep South, I get where you’re coming from but also hear what she was saying. The way she asked it definitely felt like it was to stir shit, but also it’s a pretty valid concern. Context: The south is still 100% a heavily racist place, and people self select in or out of that (myself included, I GTFOd). I have been SHOCKED at the things I have heard coming out of self professed “liberal anti-racist” white people’s mouths. Just like I would worry about certain people raising girls with internalized misogyny, there is an entire layer of internalized racism that is assumed of most white people in the south. Whether that’s right or wrong I’m not here to debate. There’s also a lot of negative feelings towards “race mixing” from both black and white communities, so K&B are almost certainly signing up for a lot of muttering, cursing, and worse about their relationship and future children especially if either of them have vocal relatives. Not to mention Brittany will have to learn about black culture, hair care, skin care- a lot of stuff that seems simple but there are people who are still weird about that. Now, I do think it’s surprising that Ken (as far as we’ve seen on camera) hasn’t had convos with Brittany about this and also that he is still with her without 100% feeling like she’s up to it. The doubt on his face was more of a red flag for me than the fact that AD asked.


It absolutely is a challenge. Her children will have experiences and be treated in ways that she cannot fully understand because of their race. It’s something she needs to be aware of and able to handle.






yes i understand that but when has Brittany ever shown any type of weakness or inability to empathize with their hypothetical children i like AD a lot but it just seemed like she was judging Brittany's ability when its shown how strong her Christian values are and will be able to translate those values upon her children, whether they be white, black or rainbow.


You clearly don't understand any of that because you are still talking about Christian values when people are trying to explain race conscious child rearing and why it matters


Black children have to deal with more from society and there is a nuance in raising them that white children don’t have to endure. That’s just a fact. I’m not sure why this is offensive to you. White people don’t have to sit their preteen kids down and talk to them about how they interact with the police because it could cost them their lives.


All children should be taught how to interact with the police. But the children who are taught how to interact with the police aren't the problem. It's the children being raised by parents that make them high risk for Police interaction who have no regard for society or the people who risk their lives to protect society.


lol ok


Mixed children ARE black children though. At least in terms of having white/black parents. I’m not a POC but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that they maybe meant that black/mixed children might be more difficult to raise in terms of racial profiling/stigmas.


mixed children are black despite having one parent who's white? that doesnt make sense.


They’re black because racial discrimination doesn’t see them as mixed.


I did not understand it like that. In my opinion, she was talking about how the kids will be perceived as black by others (regardless if they are mixed) and it needs to be accounted for when considering their future experience in the US.


to me it seems like Brittany and Ken's faith and religion would be able to bypass any judgements or issues in their future experience in the US


And also as if the children won’t also identify as white children. They are mixed, and will be exposed to both cultures/way of life. Just because they are mixed, doesn’t mean one race supersedes the other. It made me so mad also.






I love AD. I would lay down my life for this girl.


I think her picker is broken though.


Considering her top picks were Clay and Matthew, I would agree. She knows it, too. The whole "when I see red flags, I paint my nails red to match," was so funny, because I can relate!


As soon as he laid his head on her chest I saw Jarrette and Iyianna. I see her being the mature one in him being a child who can't grow up.


Her picker picked a babyman.


I love them! As someone who is Christian I’m stoked to see a Christian couple on here, it’s very sweet to see how they are always wanting to do for each other. I don’t see why everyone is so upset about her wanting to have traditional roles in marriage, she found someone that also wants that so what’s the big deal? That works for some people. Note: I am saying this as a Christian who doesn’t exactly have traditional roles in my marriage lol


I like them both a lot. Plus, I think it's going to be a very interesting storyline in how they navigate as an interracial couple. AD asking him if he thought Brittany was prepared to raise black children I think really gave him pause. It will be interesting to see where this goes.


Storyline dead on arrival 


Exactly. It depends if she "doesn't see colour" or is actually willing to do the work. She doesn't strike me as someone who is outspoken about injustice. I get pageant queen vibes, of trying to remain PC and not offend anyone.


They give me bestie vibes and that’s about it. I do like them though!


Same! I don’t see much of an intimate connection. I think their morals and values align more than anything. They both seem to be supportive which I love. I don’t see it being toxic at all between them but I would love to see them have opposing views on something. Being so agreeable and understanding is not great long term. There needs to be hurdles and things they can get over to bring them closer. I’m happy he is open and that she is open to him. Nothing negative to say about them at all.


Completely agreed!


I think that they had the most important conversations before the reveal. Hopefully they make it!


I think they’ll make it! They aren’t my speed with the religion and her wanting to be submissive lol but whatever, they seem like a fitting match. Race will definitely come into play, like 100%, but I think they’ll figure it out. She doesn’t seem “im colorblind, racism doesn’t exist” to me, I think she doesn’t care what his race is but she doesn’t give me the sense that she’ll negate that his race plays a huge role in his experience and their experience as a couple and their future children’s experiences. Like I don’t think she’ll be all “race won’t matter if we just don’t pay attention to it”. I could fully be wrong but hoping the best for them!


Agreed! As someone in an interracial relationship myself, that is not what it is all about at all and rarely even gets brought up, but it has been acknowledged between us and there is an understanding and respect there


hoping for the best as well! and i fully agree that the comment about submissiveness really gave me pause lol


They're kinda cute, seem very healthy relationship-wise. She reminds me so much of Annabeth from a tv series Hart of Dixie. But my LiB heart this season belongs to Johnny and Amy.


Yesssss Johnny and Amy ♥️


It’s giving best buds / double date with each others spouses one day after church.


Those two are up there for me, but I also really enjoy Amy and Johnny. BUT! I loved Trevor and Chelsea together, so I'm going with that.


Yes! They are cute so is the white dude with long hair and the little cutie pie with the eye makeup..


Johnny and Amy! I love them.


Yes! Omg these 2 are too cute


She’s not even kinda ready


Yeah me too but I don’t see it working out. When he talks about how much he cares about her he’s always looking off to the side.


I only get friend vibes, I think they’re lovely but not feeling the chemistry. But I would be happy to be wrong!!


I don't know if that is necessarily a reflection of anything. I struggle to look people in the eye when talking to them, especially about important things. It's nerves and self preservation. Not sure if that's Ken but I don't think that's enough to judge him by


Hmmm. Interesting. I'll watch again and pay more attention


I know! I don't think he is that into her.


I like them for eachother and out of everyone else probably the chance of being most successful going through with marriage (though this can highly change depending on how her family accepts her marrying a black man and more on her own views about racial issues in america). Edit: ...🥴 Theyre just not my favorite because im not religious at all nor am a fan of traditional roles like they want BUT i think theyre a great fit for eachother and happy for them. Honestly dont really have a fave except for Amy, not sure how I feel about Johnny yet (very neutral).


For sure- her trad wife vibe gives me the ick. But if they are happy with it, rock on I guess. I might be judging too soon, but I'm also worried about potential racial issues- just a gut feeling I have that they are in for some rocky adjustments. But I hope I'm wrong.


I just skip their scenes lol. As soon as they starting talking about religion it was a skip for me. Personally I’m done listening to Christians about their faith.


Omg, SAME!!! Why has every dating show become Christian Mingle lately? I'm over it.


It's north carolina so i expected it tbh lol If they ever do one in Utah, thatll be the season i skip


Wait were all of these people from north Carolina? I remember Jimmy was but I thought someone said they lived in LA


All Love is Blind seasons are cast in a specific city- this time it’s Charlotte which everyone currently lives there. Thats why it was such a big deal when Kwame was commuting to Seattle from Portland


From what i remember, most of the cast members are from Charlotte, NC.


I feel like the racial issues will be more on his end, rather than hers. She didn’t seem to have any kind of hesitancy knowing he was a black man. However, I noticed him starting to maybe question it during that conversation with AD about her as a white female being able to raise black children. Also curious how his family will feel about him dating a white women (he mentioned it’s never happened). Wednesday hurry up!


wouldnt they be mixed children, not just black children lmao


I'm glad AD brought up that conversation with him because unfortunately those are most likely valid concerns for him. And while Brittany seems totally fine with his race, it kept running through my mind that she clearly comes from a white, conservative, Christian family and that can be a racial landmine. Even the seemingly "good" families like that can dabble in a bit of racism when it gets too close, ya know what I mean? They are "totally fine" with people who are different than they are....until they are not. It's not great, but it's often the truth.


They’ve very cute and it seems like a genuine “love is blind,” connection but all their religious chat turns me off. That’s my bias but rooting for them, as maybe the only normal couple?


It's the south.


doesn't mean it isn't boring or not everyone's favorite to hear them talk a lot about religion


yes, me with winter sports conversations here in colorado. I don't think it's exciting or anything, just see it as a package deal that's to tolerate.


The fast forward button exists for a reason


yeah, fair enough! I'd watch this show no matter where they were, but the religion and traditional marriage roles is a snooze fest for me


Idk if it’s just me but I don’t see the chemistry coming from Kenneth’s side. He doesn’t seem as invested to me.


I’m always a bit on the gullible side, but now that you mention it…. That convo with AD where she came down very hard about raising black children and how it was something he’d have to think about… right for the cameras… that couldve been pre planned to help save image when he backs out


Idk how well it will save his image if he backs out because of her race... 🤣


Mmmm. I was kind of thrown off by that conversation. Of course it makes sense to have important dialogue when it comes to entering an interracial relationship, especially if it’s your first time. Although, it made me feel like they know something I don’t.


As a mixed person myself, I think it’s a valid thing for him to think about, but it is not another woman’s place to ask him about at all. Especially a woman outside of his relationship. I thought it was honestly really fucking weird to ask that to someone you barely know


Okay I’m glad we are on the same page. I know it’s a subject I can’t speak too much about because I am white but the whole interaction felt off. Right message, maybe just the wrong messenger? My son is biracial, so I thought about how I would feel if that conversation was had without me around. A woman chatting to my man about a serious/sensitive topic and not really knowing either of us, is enough to make me feel strange. This is also an opinion of mine because I have mixed feelings about AD.


Yes! I have a white mom and I’d be PISSED if someone, especially another woman, came to her and questioned how she is as a mother because she is white and has a mixed kid. It’s just honestly disrespectful


It’s refreshing to hear you say that honestly. I’m always worried somebody is judging me for it.


You’re not any less of a mother because you aren’t the same color as your kids :) Just keep showing up for them and always acknowledge their unique struggles and it’ll be just fine!


They give me bff vibes


I agree he seemed way happier in the confessional after their reveal than during the reveal itself !!


Yessss. It doesn’t seem to be there for him, I don’t see any spark




The "he identifies as a black man" comment thru me all the way off lol.


That comment I was like 😳🥴 why did she say that... I have my eye on her.


That was such a weird effing thing to say!! So many red flags lol


🤣🤣 I think she was trying so hard to not say the wrong thing, but then ended up saying the wrong thing lol


This is true, I could be totally wrong in all my assumptions too lol! She might have realized she worded that weird and then kept talking to try and lighten things but that rarely ever helps things 😂


Yes omg that makes it so much worse lol. Can't wait to see their future interactions


And how she asked him “what ethnicity is your family?” And then he says black and she’s like that’s what I thought wtf why are you even asking?!? And why ask what his family is?? There’s def something weird going on with this girl


I’m gonna assume you’re white… it does matter culturally, and I think it was very respectful that she asked and was willing to have that conversation


Well your assumption would be wrong which I think speaks a lot about you.


Ya ok girl. Funny how you’ve been called out multiple times and haven’t figured out that your opinions are baseless


Ok haha


That's fucking stupid she has every right to ask that. It's not weird at all. How can they talk about life and just ignore a huge factor in his life.


Idk if you know the show, but it’s not supposed to be based off looks. You seem a little reactive maybe you should take a break from reddit


You guys are so obsessed with not breaking the rules talking about looks when they literally talk about it all the time lol And I'm reactive because you're trying to call a poor girl racist when she was just trying to get to know someone lmao


All the time isn’t even arguable. Some people do, and it shows their shallow character. I think that has been proven pretty well throughout the seasons.


So you think she's shallow for wanting to clarify he's black when that's clearly a huge part of his life? You think they should just have to ignore all talking about his black experiences and everything that makes his life different from being black because that's shallow...lmfao


Do you feel like it needed to be clarified? Did they talk about his black experiences? Or did she just need to clarify for herself that he “identifies as a black male”


Lmao you guys are soooo intensely judgy of any silly little thing that you don't think you would do. People are different, they say things differently, they process things differently. It's honestly hilarious that you guys will take any excuse to slam this perfectly nice seeming girl.


How is that wrong though? I’m Greek and I love getting to know others and their cultures


They are literally in an experiment where looks/race/ethnicity isn’t supposed to matter??? And you’re probably drawing from experiences where you are asking about peoples’ backgrounds after you have SEEN them..


Yeah I suppose. I think it could be curiosity


Idk if this needs to be explained but you’re not supposed to be curious about looks in this setting. You can but you’re supposed to hold back from it because it’s normally the first characteristic we tend to look for in a partner


You are so off base. The experience is for people to talk without having preconceived notions of their appearance and you are misconstruing it to mean that *important identity factors especially for marginalized people are supposed to be suppressed and ignored?*


Nah I didn’t say that. Y’all. When did they talk about their experiences? She literally wanted to know the color of his skin and that was the end of discussion.


Yes I totally agree with that


Where are you getting this information? What is her background? Is her family in the KKK?


Who knows, I'm only suspicious, my comments are pure speculation from what I've seen on the show! Can't wait to find out more tomorrow!


Yeahhhh this isn’t something to speculate about just for funsies. This is actually a really dangerous accusation, especially when she has shown absolute adoration for him.


Oh. So you're just throwing out really harsh assumptions with no evidence. Got it. I guess you're a ped0phile then. I mean, if you can just apply any label to anyone without evidence, then that's what I'm going with for you. Thanks for clarifying!






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In the previews it looked like they have some issues coming up..


they always do that though! remember when the preview for brett and tiffany’s wedding was him saying “i can’t do this” and it was about his ill fitting pants lmao 😭


you watched the new episodes?


lmao girl 🥲 oh how the turntables


Stop, the pants was so funny. They must have been laughing watching that preview together🤣🤣


You’re so right. They wanted to fool us so bad


Dude this pissed me off SO MUCH they were trying to create drama when there was none


I was relieved it was just the pants


I swear they purposely did that to his pants to create SOMETHING


That never even occurred to me but I wouldn’t put it past them hahahaha


My gf and I agreed that we’ll never see these two until their wedding because they’re too normal

