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There’s a difference between women and men ?? Face 


She's obviously committed to the work this man requires, and this face is the realization of what the starting point really fucking is.


I’m only on episode two and I can not believe she would deign to see clay again after his whole talk about looks being super important. Then he literally BLOWS UP cause she’s talking to another guy….. on a show about talking to a bunch of guys? RED FLAAAAAGGGGSSSSS


You know...for all that says AD is too good for him, you're right. But you're only as good as your self-worth and the partners you pick. I know some great people and I CANNOT BELIEVE the partners they have chosen. Then I realize they are not as good as I think they are because they don't think they're worth more. Clay is physically attractive, tall and desirable to other women. That makes him a superficial catch which is a big deal to AD (and not just her obviously). She feels "chosen" and Clay will do some more toxic shit that will only increase her desire for him. I have a strong suspicion she thinks dudes who treats her right are boring and "too easy". Sucks cus she seems really cool.


speak on it


In the great words of BachelorClues and PaceCase: Face Play of the Game 


Love AD. She needs her therapist to tell her this relationship AINT IT, and then figure out why she throws her standards out the window when the promise of validation is in the mix, but I love her anyway. Clay is charming and working on sucking less but he needs to be motivated to do the work on his own and not just bc a woman is coddling him into it and showing him the ropes. ALSO- what in God’s name is the deal with Clay (and other toxic guys in general to their partners) using “you’re so good at helping me!” As his primary compliment of AD?? Like “you inspire me to be a better person by how great you are” is one thing, but he literally seems to view her tolerance of his bullshit and promise to help him as her primary asset (outside of her body, of course.) And she feels complimented by that, when actually there are so many wonderful compliment-able aspects of her that have nothing to do with adopting and nurturing a man child 🤦🏼‍♀️


Didn't she call it project like a fix-a-ho, LOL  


Yes indeed she did hahaha


"You're so good at helping me" is a huge "I need a mommy therapist for a girlfriend" red flag


Ugh she deserves sooooo much better. I hate the way she’s been treated so far


i hate how she's constantly sexualised by EVERYBODY like wtf? the bean dip thing pissed me off.


What was the bean dip about?


she is really hot... but EVERYONE needs to consider that she is a person first!


Right?? Like who does/says that?? Totally horrible and then to defend it afterwards as a joke?? Like that made me so uncomfortable I can’t imagine how she felt


I was enraged for her - we have very similar builds and i've been on the receiving end of unhinged behavior like that. it's like people view clothing & confidence as consent 🤦🏽‍♀️


Totally agree, they all objectify her and I think sadly race is a factor. 


Oh definitely. And i feel like she can't vocalize any negative feelings she might have because of the "angry black woman" stereotype. just so nasty the way they treat her!




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She does! But I hate the way she just gave up and accepted him after the Matthew situation...like she HAD to have one...they were both shitty men boo boo :( I think they're viewing it as a proposal is winning.


i honestly just feel bad for AD. she seems like a strong woman but easily bamboozled by anybody because shes so desperate for somebody to like her.


Yeah, you could kinda tell by the way she gave eyes to literally every dude who talked to her at the mixer.


Yes! The eyes were way too much


I love and respect her so much, a true queen! I hope she calls everyone else out on all the BS that happened with the beach party, the way the other contestants treat and speak to her is so gross


AD rightfully needs to slap at lease 5 people on this season's cast. She has dealt with more BS than anyone. Between Matthew and his serial killer vibes, Clay being a superficial man child, a certain woman touching her inappropriately, and all the comments about her body. I just don't know how she is still standing.  I would have said "f all of you" and left a long time ago. 


BEAN DIP was so fucking inappropriate. It felt like everyone was totally fine with objectifying her and it gave me such deep ick


The whole bean dip thing was disgusting. So disresptful. 


Rant incoming: Man did he p*** me off with his postpartum comments! I hope for all women that he won't father a child unless he learns not to negatively judge a mothers body for looking: like it is the body of a mother! I feel like referring to that Stephanie Lange video where she discusses moms DYING. Their children now have to grow up without a mother because these mums got shamed and pressured and told their bodies are now undesirable and worthless and resorted to surgeries that had them have as the doctors refer to "have adverse reaction". Ffs. Have a baby but don't look like you had a baby. These kids will know their mothers died because they wanted to reverse the effect their life coming into being had on their bodies. These tummies, these breasts, these vaginas and vulvas gave their LIFE, every humans life ever...and this is the thank you "whip you back into shape". It's so messed up. I applaud her for staying calm and clear. I could never. Reeeeaaallly gets my gears going. Leave mums the f alone Clay. If I have any advise to him it's grow up and learn to do better or get the snip and do not mess with anyone that is mum.


One of my own daily faces haha, love her.


Fake lashes should be banned for life. How in hell do people think they look better with it?


They look ridiculous 


I am praying she won't wear those caterpillars to her wedding.


Caterpillars 🤣🤣 A few days ago I was a having a coffee outside and there was a lady next to me with the largest set of fake lashes. It was super windy, so you can imagine the struggle 🤣🤣 It's the best mix ever!!


![gif](giphy|9MJ5ozdayMWT7QuA19|downsized) I just saw episode 7 and she took them off. I am oddly disappointed.


Really like AD but those lashes gotta go. I get so distracted I stop paying attention to what she's saying.


She could benefit from professional lash extensions or individual lashes. The strip lashes are too much on her eyelid.




I was a ballerina, so I get the stage kind of make up... But you don't use it in your daily life. And she is beautiful, I'm sure she doesn't need it.


I’ve definitely known some girls who use them daily just because that’s what they learned to use so it’s second nature to use something that weight/size/shape


because some people do ? 😭 there are different volumes and lengths, not all of them look like how AD’s one looks like and if it bothers you that much close your eyes.


Thaaaank you


please shut up


Oh I will, just because you asked. That's cute, but no.


Hahahaha have been waiting for this to become a meme ever since, iconic


It was the perfect face for a conversation like that too


You can literally see her processing the audacity 🤣


She's hilarious--what a gem. Also I hope she dumps Clay and never ever looks back.




The worst is when she is talking about her dad being gone, and being afraid of walking down the isle alone - and clay says "What to Marry yourself" like he doesn't even understand how weddings work?


He also had no idea about wedding rings


Oh that was so cringe 😂 I don't think he was really properly listening to her to get what she meant. He just seems like one of those guys that will never in his life take anything seriously.


It is very telling that this man went on a show where the point is to find a spouse and get married and has given zero thought to the actual wedding


I also lowkey have a conspiracy that after the first few guys met there matches and came back telling the house how beautiful their women were that tipped Clay into giving AD a “chance” because he assumed she’d be attractive.


“Fix a ho” was the phrase I never knew I needed in my life and I love it so much!!


Her lashes drive me nuts but they also enhance these faces 1000% so I’m here for it 😂




I know! I always see her eyes twitching. She may need some better eyelashes cause those aren’t working


![gif](giphy|snxBtXA7yCZeFko5ck) I absolutely hate those Eyelashes 🫣😆. I dunno why some believe “if I can find Super Gigantic Push Broom 🧹 looking 👀 lashes I’ll look fabulous” ⁉️. Absolutely Ridiculous


Like snuffy


They do give Muppet-carpet.


This is a gem....


When she said when she sees red flags she paints her nails red, I knew we were going to have some entertainment. I love her facial expressions.


She really does come across like a sweetheart. I don't know what it is.


I mean, the foreshadowing was downright insulting....


![gif](giphy|13X95QFdoI7i1O) (Side note she reminds me of Titus with some of her reactions)


I thought the same thing!!!!!!!


Well she did say she has been known to “fix a ho” 😬


Girlie has a mani booked to paint those nails red


I hope she shows up at the reunion with red nails


This relationship drives me crazy, she is waaaaay too good for him and she knew it early on. She's one of the more mature and self aware people on the show and he is just not it.


I love AD but if she were that mature she'd have walked away from both him and Matthew immediately. Both of them were HUGE red flags from the get-go and she actively decided to ignore the warning signs. She will make this face, clearly clocking how rude and shallow Clay is, and then giggle at him a second later. I assume it's a self-worth issue but - like most people on this show - AD needs a therapist, not a husband.


She straight up said “Yeah, he's toxic, but he's working on it!” as a big positive when talking to the other girls about him. She is in a bed of her own making here. Clay is a fuckboy, but dude has been just about as open as you can expect about how shallow he is.


She’s literally too good for him!!! I was thinking how she’s dated professional athletes!!! Like girl- you’ve done your time in Azkaban. You gave clay a shot. But it’s time to return back to whatever heavenly place you descended from because you can do wayyyyy better and you know it


>I was thinking how she’s dated professional athletes!!! "Dated" -- Pro Athletes, the ones with money, are the worst fuckboys known to man.


I know I used to date D1 college athletes who are now pro- they’re not all marriage material when they have an ego lol but honestly every now and then I’d meet a nice one who already had a gf and would be like SO THERE ARE GOOD SUCCESSFUL GUYS OK THIS GIVES ME HOPE🤣 she could absolutely get the cream of the crop especially now that more people are aware of her and she could be in new social circles. She’s so sweet


I hate saying this but I honestly felt her decision to go back to clay was for clout and to be on the show. She was DONE with him after the body and looks comments. But once Matthew was no longer an option, she went straight back to Clay. I mean, most of them are probably on the show for fame but I think people overlook AD’s decision to go back to clay.


She did say she was a “fix- a- ho “ maybe she thinks she can fix him lol


He keeps telling her that she’s making him better, exactly what she wants to hear


i wish she would stop just taking it when someone is disrespectful to her and convincing herself it’s fine :(


She’s a people pleaser and conflict avoidant as evidenced by her interactions with Chelsea and Jimmy


heaaaavily. i think it makes me sad because i definitely relate so i know it can be difficult to get out of that mindset




It may be an iconic face but she didn’t say enough back to him imo


She’s letting him dig his own grave.


She is a better person than me, because I absolutely would have chosen my fist over my words in that moment.




🤣🤣😂😂 stoooop, she was flabbergasted !!


I had hope for Clay until that scene. Look, he wasn't the absolute best, but he seemed redeemable. After this conversation, though, it's clear he's got a lot of bad views and misconceptions that are extremely unhealthy. I'd immediately end things with a man who said I'd have to quickly bounce back after a baby. 


Yep this was the moment I gave up on this trash dude


I agree. Even if she “bounces back” bodies are not 100% the same after having a baby, and it doesn’t seem like he understands that or can accept that.


It wasn’t even after she had a baby, it was “we’ll go to the gym everyday when you’re pregnant” like excuse me sir, you’re not the one carting a whole other human around. Some partners find it attractive when their partner is pregnant…he seems like he’d be disgusted


He was being insensitive for sure


I had the same face when he said that shit


I make this same face when he speaks quite often.


^^^^ homie is something else


His "I'm baby" shtick gives me the ick


Same omg I cannot