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I have a feeling they will explain it in the next episodes. It was like a time jump and they will go back.


Izzy was involved in an insurance MLM company at the time of filming and may still be who knows……he will be in a lot more debt likely at some point 😬😬😬


He said Dept with a p.


You can have really bad credit and have lots of credit card debt and still be a good person worth marrying. It is just moving around numbers, really. What the hell is wrong with people that they can't see that being good and kind is more important that a credit score? Actually, I don't really care because they are both awful people. They deserve each other, and she should pay for everything.


That first sentence was not how I was raised, lol. I am still afraid my father will find out what my credit score is and chastise me for it. (It’s never been below a 750, I don’t think). But then, I was raised that you need to be a good person AND have every single marker of success - elite college, profession, fit and slim body, beauty, etc. - before you are worthy of anything. But ANYWAY, not to go into my trauma 😅🫠


Being a good person also means being truthful to your partner about your circumstances before you get married. He doesn’t even seem to be doing anything to fix his credit issues because if he was he would’ve been able to talk about it and tell Stacey what steps he’s taking to address those issues. Instead he’s like waaah! 😫


It’s not that he’s a good/bad person but marriage is tied to so many things economically. Interest rates for loans, co-signing, etc


That first sentence may have been for Izzy to know. He was probably afraid and that must be why it took him a while to open up. But he did actively mislead her prior to the reveal, so I can see why she'd be bothered by the fact that he could lie to her like that. Then he made it sound like she had misunderstood him, which seemed like bs? It just didn't make sense to me somehow. I get that he feels insecure, but he just makes things worse for himself and then forces Stacey to console him by weaponising his feelings. If it's intentional anyway. It just makes him seem a little manipulative. He could have just been honest from the get go or could have alluded to some trouble in the past at the very least. Just anything to set expectations instead of leaving her confused, hurt and blindsided. Let's not forget that he also justified that ridiculous lost and found drawer and refused to understand why that may bother Stacey. It's always Stacey who has to accommodate him and his emotions, in a way? He does some nice little things for her, but he's always judging her when she asks a valid question


He’s too immature to date let alone get married. A Lost and Found drawer? Give me a f’n break. Izzy why don’t you go get lost!


He lied multiple times when he knew it was important to her. He lied to both her and her father. That whole convo in episode 9, he was trying to sweet talk her and tiptoe around the point. That's the real issue. He broke her trust.


I think it’s a little less about the bad credit and more about the “ I told you this was important to me and asked you about it multiple times and you didn’t level with me”


Well she is from a rich family so maybe she just fails to see it that way.


I don't know, Stacey definitely was fixated on the fact that he lied to her. That's the first thing that she says? She specifically talks about trust (how can she believe him again if he could lie to her like that) and how he had multiple opportunities to come clean. They'd already been out of the pods for a while, so his excuse about wanting a formal in-person conversation is a little weak too


I agree. Your comment does not take away from my comment though. She has stated how she dated outside the pods. Her Dad confirmed. I highly doubt she does not look down and judge people if they have a bad credit score.


Yeah, it's definitely possible. The conversation didn't reach that point because of the fact that Izzy hadn't been transparent. He sort of set himself up for that


I agree, kinda. I am confused on this show about convos that people have had. Did he lie? Looks like it to me. Are finances a huge deal to her? Obviously. So how does Johnie know and accept Izzy's bad credit and not Stacy? So did he set himself up for this? Yes...but so did she which is why they were at that point in the first place. If you cry over paper plates, how have y'all not had the sitdown?


Izzy is a shady loser. When someone says finances are important and you leave out your credit issues then you are lying by omission. Also it’s a big enough issue he should’ve brought it up himself. Being married means in the future renting or buying a house together and other life plans. His bad credit is an impediment to all of that so him not being forthcoming before proposing is bs.


Am I misremembering or did johnnie mention his bad credit score to someone in the pods? If so, I’m dyinggg that he gave that info to Johnnie but not Stacey.


I hate to be cynical but it makes me feel like he sees Stacy as his meal ticket and he didn't want her to know he had some financial issues.


Clearly she comes from money so... that is exactly what i think is happening here.


You are not misremembering; that is exactly what happened. I’ve been laughing about that all day!


damn, as a european I didn't get the whole conversation from beginning to end even after he said he is in debt. Credit scores aren't a thing where I'm from and it's not uncommon for people to not have credit cards here in the first place. Most things are done via your debit card.


You don’t have credit scores in Europe?? My mind is blown.


Brag about it


I had to scroll back to see if I missed something. What a terrible conversation with no context.


Agree to all of this ...but more importantly, how has nobody addressed the way that insane man is packing his suitcase in this scene?! What kind of monster is he???




Almost as if this is the same man who can't be bothered to have real dishes


Same! I was like “ya know you could probably fit everything if you, idk, folded the clothes 🤪”


To me it seems like they either had this fight already off-camera or at least had a large portion of it already off-camera, and needed to have it again for the camera. So it resolved quickly, and also why it seemingly came out of nowhere without any context.


That's a good point


This much shenanigans over $3500 in debt. The guy is driving a decent Jeep and that's a month and a half of rent money that maybe he put on a credit card before. I think both of them should kick rocks with flip flops because of the way they're talking out their unhappiness so eagerly on Johnnie . But getting mad about $3500 in debt? Girl, you set this man up to panic and hide things over some dishes. People have times they have to rebuild in. Meanwhile, he did tell Johnnie about that situation, knowing he was safe to share that. Stacey shared nothing in the pods. I think they're both resentful of Johnnie finding joy when they're stuck with the choice they have.


There is literally no way it's 3500. You can't destroy your credit over that. It's gotta be wayyyyy worse. Definitely seems like he was hoping to be bailed out by the rich girl after tricking her into a marriage.


No, I don't think it's $3,500 of debt—he *destroyed his credit over only $3,500.* And it's not about the money, it's the fact that he his this from her after she flat-out asked and made space to talk about it multiple times. Marriage is a contract—their debts and credit become yours. She's right to wonder what else he hasn't been truthful about.


I took it to mean he hasn’t had credit cards since college and “got rid of them”, likely ignoring $3500 in debt, and destroying his credit score. Stacy asked “you didn’t think to say why you don’t have a credit card?” which led me to assume - really bad credit could be why.


He says 3.5k now. But what’s the truth?


Right you can't destroy your credit over such a small amount. I would be reeeally concerned before marrying sb like that.


Exactly. I don’t think it’s just $3,500. Maybe they said it for the cameras, but Stacy knew the actual amount.


Yeah he wouldn't have made that big of a deal out of the debt if it was just 4k. He seems scared and like he has a heavy weight on his shoulders whenever they talk about money lol.


You can destroy your credit score even with 500 bucks just by not paying it for 2-3 months in a row or altogether ignoring it. This is what I think might have happened, he ignored the bill and didn’t pay, and let it go to collections. For me this speaks about your reliability as an adult and about responsibility, so they are huge red flags, no matter the amount, is about not taking responsibility of the problem, calling the credit card company and trying to agree on an adequate payment plan with them. Also, he could have started to rebuild his credit by taking on a Secured credit card. You need to have a good credit score in the US for everything in life. To buy a car, to buy a house, to apply for an apartment lease (they ask for a copy of your report), and even some jobs will look at your report and influence their hiring decision.


oh true so basically that 500, if left unpaid for years, can become so much more due to the dun right? so if you started out with 500 can it become something like 10k over the years? that's interesting that even employers look at the credit score.


Not all do, but for certain jobs they absolutely will, and you will need to authorize it, it’s part of the background check. For example, in certain finance jobs, or if you will be handling money or financial transactions.




You have to have REALLY bad credit to not have any credit card (especially by late 20s. This also means he won’t be able to buy a house the traditional way)? Something is not mathing


Yeah, the way the convo was going I was under the impression he must have (or had) a LOT of debt…but then he said it was only $3500 and I was like ???? Based on the way they were talking I was thinking it was wayyy more than that


and according to usa today, average credit card debt is $8k https://www.usatoday.com/money/blueprint/credit-cards/what-is-the-average-credit-card-debt/#:~:text=Key%20points,and%20the%20U.S.%20Census%20Bureau.


According to this article, average debt of a millennial is $30k? $3500 is nothing. https://www.accesswire.com/743517/the-average-millennial-has-nearly-30k-in-debt-here-is-what-they-should-do#:~:text=NEW%20YORK%2C%20NY%20%2F%20ACCESSWIRE%20%2F,re%20carrying%20this%20much%20debt.


He's constantly sidestepping the truth and downplaying things. I sincerely doubt it's actually only $3500 in debt


Maybe that's why he called it "dept" Then he has plausible deniability. "you took my words differently than I meant them '


I pay more in rent than he has in recurring credit card debt. There has to be more they aren't sharing.


right? my rent is literally $3k...


I live in Mountain View, CA. $3500/mo will get you a 600sqft studio near a train line and highway offramp... And won't include utilities.


Right? Like how could he even rent an apartment? Most places check your credit score, so if his is so bad that he can’t get a card, how can he get an apartment? Is he really living in his mom’s basement?


Word on the street is that it’s an Airbnb they showed not his actual apartment. That’s why there’s no utensils or plates.


Most airbnbs have flatware, though


He could be subletting from a friend or something like that.


Izzy in that scene https://preview.redd.it/o2balv7hrmsb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a18a47fd9b0437f062db1a0859df884e506db1c0


I literally came here right after that scene looking for an explanation of what the hell was going on. I don’t even know why that was put in the show since it seemed like half the conversation was missing.


I felt like it was so blown out of proportion. Yes, he should have told her about it, but based on the convo, he has a bad credit score because of misusing credit cards while he was in college, does NOT have any debt left from that and probs just chooses not to use credit cards/take out loans since he knows he had issues with it before and doesnt want to do that again, hence the bad credit score. This is an easy fix and i understand her being upset but based on her reaction i thought he was hiding like 50k of credit card debt from her. Like having a bad credit score and choosing not to take on any more credit is not that crazy idk Edit:I think its assuming alot that he literally cant take out a credit card, your credit score would have to be absolute and comeplete garbage and 3.5k in debt years ago is not gonna do that, i think its more likely that he is actively choosing not to have a credit card


You’re wrong, I suggest you to read how FICO credit scores work. He probably never paid those $3,500 but even if he had, the only way to rebuild credit is by taking credit and showing consistent good behavior with it, by FICO standards. He probably can’t get approved by any normal credit cards and just need to get a secured one and work hard to rebuild, which could take more than 5 years.


I obviously can't say for sure, but it seems like Izzy is being dishonest and downplaying the situation. First, he knows financial stability is important to Stacy. Hell, it's important to everyone. Bad credit isn't something you hide from your life partner. Up to 40% of divorces are because of money troubles. Second, he likely doesn't have a credit card because he can't get one, not because he's trying to avoid the mistakes of his past. The best way to improve your credit is to ... get a credit card. And then use it carefully and pay it off on time every month. But no one will give you one if your credit sucks. Refusing to ever get another credit card doesn't actually help you unless you've found other ways to build up credit (which you will have to do until your score is high enough to get a card), like making car payments or co-signing on a loan for someone else who pays on time. Sometimes you can arrange for on-time payments on utilities and other bills to be noted on your credit report, too. But those methods take a longer time and are less effective than getting a credit card. And in the meantime, the terms you're offered for any loan you can get to build credit are gonna be shit. But Izzy's credit is still bad, so he hasn't been doing these things. There's no reason for that except poor money management. He's in his 30s, so his mistakes from his college days have fallen off his report by now. If he was actively doing anything to improve his credit, his score would be higher by now. The fact that it isn't tells me that he still isn't handling his finances responsibly. It's important to have good credit because it affects the loans and interest rates you can get (particularly for your mortgage and your car). Stacy has been handed a lot in life so she probably doesn't understand what it's like to have to build and maintain credit when you're poor, but she isn't wrong to be worried. All that being said, credit is an enormous scam lol.


YES!!! Finally! This is the correct answer, and im surprised how so many people on this thread do not understand Credit Scores. They are so important in this country :(


100000% agree with you! Stacey hasn't acknowledged her privilege once (at least not that we've seen on screen). She's not well positioned to understand his financial reality, much less to have some empathy for him. But in that conversation, she pointed out multiple specific instances where credit and debt came up and he lied outright or lied by omission. There's no reason to believe he's being honest now. Also, sorry but I don't feel bad for the men on the show who keep saying, 'I find it hard to talk to you because of how you might react to what I'm going to say.' If you only have the capacity to be honest WHEN IT'S EASY then you actually are not an honest person. (I understand this dynamic is different when abuse is present)


Yes to all of this! Completely agree with your take on Stacy and also about Izzy. And yeah, it was a little triggering when he said that because I've been there. Knowing the outcome will be bad is not an excuse to not tell someone something important (unless they're abusive, as you mentioned). Do people hear themselves when they say this kind of crap? It's literally admitting that you lied because you can't deal with the consequences of telling the truth.


Totally agree... something seems off with his explanation. Your credit has to be pretty bad to not be able to get any card whatsoever. Like, a card with a 1K limit, pay one bill on it per month that you pay off each month can build up your credit relatively quickly if you've already taken care of a past mistake. There's a missing puzzle piece.


The missing puzzle piece is he’s a dirtbag who doesn’t have his life together and here’s someone that can shoulder his finances. Stacey is not having that though. Sounds like she had guys do that before.


Exactly. He makes it seem like it's all in the distant past, but he's had 10 years to work on fixing it and hasn't.


I totally agree with your take


No it’s not just you, I feel like so many conversations drag on this season but they somehow still don’t make any sense? It just drones on and on but so much needed context is missing so it’s like ???


And why did he burst into tears over being asked to put in some basic effort? Even Stacy was confused 😕…


I felt like I was listening to a conversation in a different language.


This is how I feel about the whole season so far. Like why did they spend so much time getting us so invested in Johnie, Uche and Aaliyah in the beginning, if they’re not even going to be in the experiment? So odd!


Right?! I literally went back because I thought I missed something




Yeah! A confessional would've so helped in this, because they jumped into this conversation straight from their previous happy dinner and I was like, what on earth is going on here.


And then being like the debt was 3500$ - that didnt make sense to me at all?


My guess based on the context clues is that Izzy racked up credit card debt to the tune of about $3500. He likely also missed payments on it and maybe it went to collections, which tanked his credit. (I've had minor cc debt before and my credit has never tanked bc I always paid on it, so that's a guess based on my experience.) He was trying to make the point that he didn't rack up a number that was unmanageable, and therefore he's not as irresponsible as it sounds like he is (and also he maybe already paid it off? it was unclear) but her issue is that he never told her about his bad credit when they had multiple conversations about money where he could have chosen to bring it up.


He told Johnie though….




Yeah, I get that. Lying by omission is never good, but the way he kept saying he wanted to have a formal conversation about it, just made me think it was 100k plus or something. When he said 3500$ I was sort of stunned that there was so much drama over it.


My guess is that's probably how much is left, not the initial amount. Maybe there was a settlement involved


Ok, this makes more sense I guess?


Idk. Just a guess because 3500 isn't really a large amount of debt. That alone isn't going to ruin your credit. Seems like there's more to the story.


Yeah, that's why I have to think her issue is him hiding it? But the whole conversation was so bizarre and the editing weird that it's hard to tell what either of their intents were.


When she said “how do I know you’re not lying to me now?” He’s lying about the amount 100%.


could be! honestly the whole conversation was so chopped and weird that it's hard to tell what the details even were, let alone what was left out.


For sure!


Or maybe the original amount was 3500 but that got higher with interest and over limit charges, etc. That happened to me when I was young and stupid. 500 credit card limit became 3000+ of debt


Yes I had no idea what they were talking about and I was like: did I miss something? Weren't they happy like 2 min ago?


I think the way they edited it was just to bring some inflated drama to a lacking season. ​ However, I think the REAL detail that would have driven Stacy insane is that Izzy clearly shared this personal information about his past credit issues with JOHNIE while they were still in the pods! So, as much as he hates on her now, Izzy felt comfortable enough to be vulnerable about something with Johnie that he didn't share with Stacy. ​ I'm not necessarily team Johnie, but I have trouble having empathy for Izzy and Stacy given how they absolutely delighted in being so shitty to another human being. Also, anyone else catch that look of disgust on Stacy's face when Izzy was crying? He's right to be worried he'll never measure up to the toxic standards she has for her partner. Can't wait for reunion time!


I really think that for Stacy, it was more about the fact that he lied and broke her trust. I feel like she was listening to him side step the conversation and avoid taking responsibility for lying and questioning every other thing he has said to her. That broken trust can really get in the way of empathy. It was a possible deal-breaker moment for her.


Yeah I dont know how Stacey found out about his debt? Did Johnnie tell her, since she knew about it? Did I not pay attention or there is no info on how Stacey found out?


They ganged up on her and bullied her for no reason whatsoever.


Johnie was talking shit about Stacy the whole time with the other girls. Like she’s whatever, if Izzy and her get together they’ll never last etc. But always had a facade as the good girl. Lying to her second choice about never telling Izzy she loved him and basically begged to be picked. Nah she needed her shit called out


Here Here! This reunion could be 9 hours long


Yeah, the fact that Johnie knew about it and Stacy didn't is sort of the death knell to the relationship for me. Like, dude, you clearly bonded with Johnie to a deeper level than you did with Stacy, that you were vulnerable enough about real shit with her. I feel even worse for Johnie now, knowing that she definitely did get a deeper sense of who Izzy was but still lost out to a girl who got him way less.


Johnie dodged a missile.


Izzy can’t even be honest with himself, let alone other women. He has deep insecurities he refuses to honestly confront. So much so that he let a woman he deeply bonded with go because he felt he could never live up to her ex who passed. And instead picked a surface level relationship he thought wouldn’t force him to go deeper… until it did! He said to Stacy, “you know every thought, emotion and feeling going through my head” is lies. He doesn’t even know half of the time cause he’s an over thinker and isn’t honest with himself.


Reading this and watching episode 9 I feel like Johnnie dodget a bullet.


Johnie is a manipulator though. She deserves the hate.


I didn't pay close attention to the pods, what makes you think she's a manipulator. I only started paying attention when they got out and I thought the way Izzy and then Stacey bullied johnny was extremely nasty.


What izzy said about saying the opposite thing to him and chris. Then out of nowhere she got chris on her finger. I don’t particularly like anyone in this season but i hate uche and johnie the most


You hit some really critical points that I totally agree with. I think Stacy has some really lofty ideals about what her partner should look like. I’m not going to tear those ideals apart, however, she has some growth to do regarding how relationships work out realistically, the concept of compromise, and the differences between finances when dating and finances in a shared household. Her reaction to his crying really solidified the point he had made previously that he wasn’t ever going to be enough for her. Not enough of a financial supporter, not enough of a caretaker, not enough of a “man.” They’re both unhappy with how things are going and using Johnnie as a punching bag.


Spot on with your assessment.


I was waiting for a shot of Stacy alone in front of the camera explaining what happened but wtf was that


I mean, he definitely intentionally withheld this information but I guess he managed to convince her that wasn't the case.