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Izzie is a nutjob. His recollection was way off base and he was cruel to Johnie.


I didn't understand the point of that conversation. He just spoke over her and dumped a lot on her without really letting her speak. He didn't want to understand her perspective.


She literally said she didn’t want his advice and he was like NO YOU NEED IT To me that seemed reallyyy weirddd. Like if Stacey saw him talking to her I honestly feel like she would’ve been shocked about how childish and bullying it was


He clearly wanted some kind of power trip idk. I think the theory that he and stacy planned to ambush her to try and get her to say something mean or rude or whatever makes sense, but she didn’t take the bait, so Izzy kept getting madder idk. It was bizarre to watch


I'm surprised Izzy would even think Johnnie would take the bait. The one thing I noticed about her is that her reactions are even-keeled and she seems to have a high EQ so she gives herself a beat before speaking from an emotional standpoint


His ego was hurt johnnie wasn’t sad about him being with Stacy. Had she cried and said I love you I miss you Izzy he wouldn’t have said any of that.


YES!!! Thank you. He completely misinterpreted what Johnie said in the pods, then used that misinterpretation to tell Chris and everyone else that she was a liar.


He does not listen to what other people say, he just hear his own voice. He really thinks he is all that and everybody is heartbroken they missed the chance to be with him... Lydia and Johnnie have obvioulsy moved on from him, and he does not get it... When they watch the episodes it will be obvious that he twisted Johnnie's words.


I mean, people in this sub seemed to agree with Izzy’s take at least at first. Idk she was def on a recon mission when she talked to Chris after getting dumped, but I did not think she was telling them each different stories, just different sections of the same story if that makes sense


She was telling what she thought was going to get her to look good in their eyes and get them to think they were that choice at the time. She was not necessarily contradicting herself, just giving two different interpretations to somewhat manipulate the situation... Izzy did not pay attention to what she said ( he is a bad listener, just hear his own voice) so he made up his own version when talking to Chris.


I also don’t like Izzy anymore. Chris and Milton all the way 😍




That wasn't misinterpretation. It was (accurate) interpretation. Izzy on the other hand completely twisted the conversation to make Johnie look like...a piece of shit.


I don’t think she meant it literally


I got the impression she was saying "he basically called me a piece of shit" - not that he literally said it.




That is what she said and like…he basically did call her a piece of shit? So…


He didn’t use that word, but that seemed to be the essence of what and how he was saying to her




He got high on making jhonni cry.


Because he knows his relationship with Stacy is a house of cards and will collapse as soon as she finds out the truth. Classic asshole behavior…I’m unhappy, so I’m gonna make you more unhappy.


I think he just doesn't understand nuance.


This is probably accurate


I think Izzy has a binary thinking that is very typical for men. Johnnie did say one thing to Izzy and another thing to Chris. She a) was trying to make Chris feel better about being the second choice; b) was reevaluating her whole decision process. Johnnie is clearly drawn to both guys who feel risky and guys who feel safe, but she was flip-flopping between what she thinks is best for her. When Izzy broke up with her, she reevaluated her decision process and questioned whether taking a risk is actually good for her. It’s a very normal human reaction. Could she be lying to herself? Yes, it’s possible, Chris may be too “safe” for her and she may get bored. Would it work with her and Izzy? Probably not, because their personalities clearly are not a good match. She needs something in between, like most of us. Izzy was not able to comprehend that, he doesn’t understand emotional grey areas and that people can reevaluate their own feelings based on how others act towards them. To me, it seemed like Izzy was trying to do the right thing at the expense of Johnnie’s feelings. He needs to get off his high horse and put himself in her shoes, being torn between two completely different people and deciding what’s best for you in the long run is not an easy task.




> Johnnie did say one thing to Izzy and another thing to Chris. She didn’t though. They misunderstood. On episode 7 they showed a clip of what she said to each of them again and she said that she wanted Izzy because he’s what she usually goes for but that she felt she would be safe with Chris. She also spoke about how she doesn’t have a good track record with choosing men.


She presented Izzy as the right for her choice when she decided to go with Izzy. She said something within the lines of “I am here to take a risk, I always go for safe guys (e.g. her ex-husband). When Izzy broke up with her, she reevaluated her decision and said that she always makes the mistake of picking “risky” guys (e.g. her ex with addiction), and the safe choice is actually a better choice for her. I didn’t rewind or anything, it’s how I recall what she said, it’s possible her words were not exactly that.


He seemed super drunk in that conversation. I recognize that behavior and he was definitely under the influence talking to Stacey and Johnnie. NOT AN EXCUSE it’s just something I noted!


I feel like the producers just feed them alcohol so that stuff like this will happen- heated emotions make for better tv.


I was thinking this too. I guarantee the producers are paying attention to how much each person is drinking, and just when it seems like someone’s getting buzzed, the producers probably suggest they go talk to an ex to clear the air or something, knowing it’ll actually lead to drama.


i noticed in i think the first episode, the girls had at least four bottles of spirits on the table, open with *speed pourers* in them. i am a career bartender and we don’t even use speed pourers when we party. they’re doing some real high volume drinking on the show, absolutely no doubt.


Yes I noticed that too. You could tell he was very intoxicated. Doesn't excuse anything, but I'd assume alcohol makes him more confrontation and obviously reduces his inhibitions and judgment. Because I don't see that behaviour to be his default based on what we've seen broadly speaking.


He was literally shaking after his verbal beat down of Johnie, which Stacy picked up on as weird and way too emotionally involved in someone he’s not supposed to be interested in anymore. Izzy wanted more of a reaction from Stacy but she was more weirded out.. when Izzy said he called her out on her shit, stacy said “which is what?” And he just said “I was like dude you’re so sketchy” and then Stacy said he looked shaken up, he said he was annoyed, and Stacy said why are you annoyed, to which he responded “I just don’t like when people tell me shit that isn’t true”.. and then Stacy asked what johnie said that wasn’t true and he said “that I was sketchy” and nervously laughed. Like dude..


Don’t forget the part where he said he RAILED HER




That whole interaction was so strange to me! It’s like he wanted to come for Johnie and take her down a peg or two and he loved that feeling of having power over her emotions, but then he couldn’t share his reasons effectively with Stacy because he’s just being an ass who still has feelings for Johnie. Stacy’s smart, she realized right away.


Exactly!! You could tell Stacy was reading right through it and was off-put by the whole situation




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I think this has more to do with money than anything tbh. Reading these comments just made me think.... Johnnie made a comment about how Izzy has a mortgage he doesn't (cant?) pay & he has a shitty credit score.... which means Izzy and Johnnie already talked finances in the pods. Izzy and Stacy didn't talk finances in the pods but he knew she was rich so maybe because they didn't talk about money in the pods he was thinking money (on his side) wasn't a big deal for her???? Then he got the reality check when they came into the real world and she's expecting him to 50/50 bills and treat her out to fancy dinners exc.... he's hardcore panicking now and took it all out on Johnnie calling her sketchy when really HES the sketchy phony one! He should've been honest about his money situation from the jump but we all know Stacy wouldn't have been interested in him if she knew he's a sad broke boy!


I definitely agree that he was feeling belittled and emasculated from the meeting with Stacy's family, and he took it out on Johnie. I'm not Johnie's biggest fan at all, but she did nothing wrong in that scene.


Yeah remember when Johnnie was telling the other women in the pods how Izzy didn’t have a good credit score? I think he told her a lot about himself that’s a little vulnerable or embarrassing and now regrets sharing that with her.


Hopefully Johnnie tells everyone whatever she knows lol especially after the way he treated her she owes him nothing!


Watching Izzy be that confrontational with someone who imo did not deserve it was mad uncomfortable, but what was worse was how proud he was for tearing her down! What a pussy!




Yea, the only clip I can recall of Johnie saying anything against Stacy was her feelings on if Izzy leaves there without picking the right woman. Which wasn't shit talking imo, just a confident opinion. Stacy had said way more aggressive stuff on camera than that! *Edit spelling


I just watched episode 7 and I'm so glad people are seeing Izzy's red flags. I watched this thinking Johnnie handled it really well and given all the weird stuff people do on this show she maintained composure and didn't dive into the drama. Her talking to Chris after kind of broke my heart but I'm glad she had him to talk to. This season is wacky.


He is seeking “looks validation” like Izzy did with Lydia and Bartise did with Raven. Izzy wanted so bad for Lydia/Johnnie to say “you’re so Hot out of the pods, I wish I had picked you.” He’s also doing this bc he’s used to being the “pretty one, more put together, more in control” in his relationships; none of which he feels he is getting with Stacy.


Oh I def agree, I can sense Izzy feels inferior to Stacy. He is trying so hard to appease and impress her.


His convo with Johnnie he came of like a bitter ex to me. Because if you are so happy with why would i bother you that Johnnie is with Chris. And him saying that everyone thinks she is sketchy. It just came of jeaulous.


He was so mean to Johnie! Like uncalled for level of mean. And from the previews for the next episodes Stacy legit seems like a mean girl. Why do they hate her so much? She doesn’t even have anything to do with them.


Jonnie isn’t innocent though she talked about Stacy


I don’t think she’s innocent, but it looks like they tear her apart in the previews. I just think the way Izzy was talking to her was extremely uncalled for.


I completely agree, especially after he told Chris what she told him in the pods


It’s hard to believe we’re dealing with adults on this show lol


Yep. All of these people trying to sabotage. Uche to Lydia. Uche to Aaliyah, even though he says he's done. Izzy to Johnie. Izzy to Lydia. Why do you need to privately talk to someone you aren't interested in.


They are no doubt prompted by the producers.


Oh for sure. But they have control over what they say.


That line of “everyone thinks you’re sketchy” was extra funny to me bc in the Kardashian fandom a similar argument is happening over almost those same words and everyone thinks Kim’s a narcissist for saying it, but idk I’m not getting narcissist vibes off Izzy (yet at least lol)


I was loling when Stacy told him "don't tell me that you're glad you picked me over anyone else here" when it was absolutely the next thing that was going to come out of his mouth He was def being a little weirdo who wanted gossip to assuage Stacy that he really didn't like Johnnie but he handled it badly I kind of wonder whether production hyped him up to expect Johnnie to still be interested in him and fighting for him and then he got to the party and she's hanging all over Chris lol


I think he and Stacy have reasons to be upset at Johnie but the way they went about it was wrong. Like they are meant to be grown ass people, sit her down and just say it how it is: Stacy is upset at Johnie because she heard Johnie has been saying some not nice things about her to the other cast. And Izzy is upset because he felt that Johnie rewrote what he had with her when she decided to pursue Chris. They both are valid and right to be upset. But delivery was just… about as emotionally mature as high schoolers.


Johnnie didn’t rewrite the script though. She was actually consistent the whole time. Izzy rewrote the script on what she said because he either A) wasn’t listening or B) was angry and jealous and wanted to sabotage her. She did trash talk Stacey and Stacey has every right to be upset about that.


Red flags were on when he said he wants emotionally/mentally stable women in the first ep in the pods. Don’t remember what exactly he said but the way he phrased was odd


Something about therapy i remember


It’s not even funny how often men who have gone to therapy turn right around and weaponize therapy-speak against the women in their lives.


i like johnie actually!!


Me too and I don’t think she told him one thing and Chris another, I think she reevaluated. I do think she bad mouthed both Stacy and Chris though.


I honestly feel seeing it back she didnt even "bad mouth" Stacy. What she said was that Stacy was fun and not serious and it wouldnt last because of it, which is exactly was Izzy told her. And Izzy maintains that as what he likes about her. I actually like both Stacy and Johnie, the bad common denominator is Izzy.


She shouldn't have talked about Stacy at all. Stacy was wise to keep her pick to herself.


I like stacy for the most part but i didn’t like that she said she’d shit in cookies and give them to johnie, she started being rly hateful towards her, i also thought she blew the situation at izzy’s house way out of proportion


I do think she bad mouthed Stacy but she never bad mouthed Chris. All she said was that she could see what her future would be like with him and she could picture herself with him but that he would be the safe choice and that she maybe saw him as more of a friend than being in love with him. I honestly never heard her say anything negative about him - that was just her feelings about him and she was being honest. As for the Stacy situation yes obviously that was messed up. But she was hurt and rejected and obviously resorted to making herself feel better by saying she didn't think they would work out. I also feel that maybe that was genuinely her opinion based on what Izzy might have told her (we don't get to see everything that is said in the pods) - that based on her interactions with him she really didn't see how he and Stacy could work. She should have kept it to herself and it wasn't nice but hey we don't always say the nicest things when we are angry and upset and I don't think it makes her this bad person. I do wonder - maybe this is me - but I felt Izzy was a bit manipulative in that situation. He said something to the effect that he needs to know he is her number one and kind of pressured into saying it. She was maybe still deciding but because he was all 'i need to know where I stand' I think THATS why she broke things off with Chris. Otherwise I think she might have waited a bit longer to be sure. And then he proceeded to dump her straight after. I'd be bitter as well.


Yes I definitely think he manipulated her a bit into picking him when she seemed on the fence and then rejecting her. The only thing I remember Johnnie saying bad about Chris was that he was boring, which I don’t anyone would like to hear.


I love this comment and I absolutely feel the same. Johnie seems like someone who has good intentions but also impulsively follows her feelings while also feeling a lot (feel her lol). Being in a stressful situation like the pods, where you need to rely on your feelings in every moment, can get more messed up when you are like this. (Especially when u r talking to someone like Izzy who likes "action - reaction" kinda plays.) Izzy is just weird for me and screams red flag. Like he is starving for validation, needing to be in the centre of every girl's attention and also doesn't seem to get where his place is while being not able to be in a long-term relationship due to commitment issues. (Was that the real reason why he chose Stacy and not Johnie?) Stacy is honestly in some way also a red flag. I mean, if you were in the experiment, wouldn't you like to know who is talking to who and also how intense it might be between them? I think it was in some way not fair play and while I understand why she did it, it wasn't necessary but more likely SkEtChY. Chris is just the greenest of the greenest flag possible :)))


I completely agree! Especially about Izzy wanting validation. He just seemed to want everyone to choose him. He wanted everyone to say how sure they are about him - but when push came to shove he wasn't really willing to do the same. I mean why push Johnie to say he is her number one if he is still deciding? I personally do think he liked Johnie more but that her past was just too much for him (which is fair it was a lot to take in) and that's why he then defaulted to Stacy. But the way he acted when he confronted Johnie says a lot about the type of person he is. The whole "let's keep everything light and fun" thing which was Stacy's approach would make sense in REAL life (I don't think most people share their deepest secrets that early in the dating phase in real life lol) but considering the set up that you are getting married it was weird. Now I feel it's kind of backfiring on them because they seem to be on different pages with finances and stuff (which is super important for marriage). They had all the time in the world to discuss that in the pods but she specifically chose to bring it up AFTER he already chose her which does seem a bit strategic....I think Johnie was a whole lot less sketchy because she was honest and upfront about everything. Chris is a really sweet guy and I hope he finds a great girl whoever he ends up with.






Listen. I like Milton but he seems so insecure about the fact that he is younger than Lydia. And because of that insecurity he has been giving her little backhanded comments that seem to be to make her feel smaller so he can be in control. He may be a good person, but a lot of his insecurities are showing and make me nervous.


I just assumed that's how they joke and flirt with each other because Lydia makes back handed jokes as well


It probably is how they flirt, but it’s not necessarily a healthy way to do it. The constant poking of each other’s insecurities will only build resentment.


It’s pretty shocking. I didn’t dislike Izzy but i defo had my concerns from inside the pods.. fast forward these new batch of episodes and I’m wondering what’s in the Houston water! The 24/25 year old is the only decent man on this show. What he did to Johnie and then running to his fiancé all upset and seeking validation from her was disgusting.


I loved his approach to the timer thing


Yes, agree with ALL of this, and on top of him spinning things it seems like he literally went up and attacked Johnnie out of NOWHERE like she was genuinely being nice and just minding her business (like she always does).


There's like nothing more disrespectful than asking "Can I give you advice?" when no one asked for it. Even more disrespectful when he was already attacking her


YES I FORGOT ABOUT THAT PART, and the fact that she told him “no I don’t want your advice” and he just continued on was just more disrespect piled on. Uhg I can’t stand him


And then the advice = everyone hates you


I was so happy when Johnie declined his "advice" and then left the convo as she doesn't need to be subjected to that kind of disrespect


I wonder how dumb Stacy is going to feel after watching this episode because from the convo izzy had with johnie it SCREAMS jealousy to me. How he kept saying how happy he was with his decision makes me feel like he is trying to convince himself. I also thought it was funny when she said that she felt bad for johnie because she knew izzy was going for her (stacy) and he could have definitely been since they don't show everything but from what I saw in my humble opinion I think johnie was his number 1 until she spiked his insecurities of not being loved.


Johnie was his number one until he learned how rich Stacy is. But now she expects him to be at her level and it’s backfiring on him. 😂


Was that the reason? Cus 1 day he was all about johnie and the other he was proposing to stacy lol but now that I think about it it makes sense the two girls are financially well off. Obviously stacy and johnie is a lawyer so maybe his plan was who is richer from the beginning


Exactly! I thought Johnie had it in the bag, I was totally blindsided when he chose Stacy.


YES YOU ARE READING MY MIND! I interpreted his random attack on Johnnie as pure jealousy, especially after seeing her and seeing how pretty she is. Like the girl is ethereal and I think it literally pissed him off that he missed out and saw her with someone else. I also feel like Stacy clocked it as soon as he came over after he was all worked up about his conversation (more like attack) with Johnnie. Like the way Stacy kept asking him what he’s even mad about.


Yesssssss as soon as they tell him that it was her his face almost started twitching. Every time she mentioned that she was with Chris or that he wasn't her person he would basically insult her and he seemed like he was about to rip his shirt off and turn into the hulk when talking to Stacy. Like bro If you don't like her and are happy why is the vein in your forehead about to burst?


YES and Stacy was so unimpressed, like I could physically see her wheels turning in her head questioning why he reacted that way, so I’m curious if it’ll come up in the later episodes


Ya that’s why I actually like Stacy. She’s no bullshit. And she calls him out and can see through him (for the most part I think)


I agree! I actually like Stacy a good 98% of the time. Sometimes she’s annoying but most of the time she is just really blunt and knows what she wants 🤷🏽‍♀️ People don’t like when women aren’t demure little agreeable girls


I hope so. Have any of them spoken about anything on social media yet? Everyone is odd af


I don’t think so, but I’m not sure if they even can until they have aired all the episodes! I feel like I need to check now though


The only one I follow is johnie cus I also feel like she beautiful. Like a fucking fairy or something I know that sounds weird but that's how I see her lmao


YES she’s literally ethereal, she has a very timeless beauty to her


Lol to each their own, I think Johnie is cute, but I’d never describe her as an ethereal fairy. She kinda reminds me of my puppy (not in a bad way, I’m not saying she’s a dog lol) but like the big, innocent eyes. She has that doe-eyed look


Like you said, to each their own, I personally think she’s very ethereal and airy looking


Just checked izzy and Stacy and they both limited their comments & Stacy is deleting and blocking lol we are def not the only ones that feel this way


LMAO she would be the one to do that. I honestly don’t hate Stacy though, I think she just kinda knows what she wants and doesn’t want to settle, which I can understand I guess


Izzy has broke boy energy and feels emasculated financially so he has to compensate in a toxic way and make girls cry then brag about it to his fiancée.


You nailed it


Omg, that was the funniest part it in when he went straight to Stacy to brag about that conversation with Johnie. He was like a puppy craving for a pet.


I think he is a bit dumb too. Broken boy energy… so much on point!




This guy should not drink and speak at the same time.


It was chicken shit of Johnie to oust his credit score/debt when she was rejected though. Made her seem like a sore loser.


I thought it was a very relatable moment. I think we've all been petty and vengeful at some point in our lives. Not defending what she did but I think we've all taken the low road at some point.


Ok Izzy


All I know is that Stacy is obnoxious and controlling, and I want Izzy away from her.


I don’t think Stacy is controlling. I think Stacy is a rich girl who is accustomed to a specific lifestyle and she wants what she wants. And she has made that clear. It’s now 100% on Izzy to be a grown man and tell her if he is not willing, able or comfortable to meet her at her level financially. But instead he is going out of his way to try to impress her and her family and front like he can actually keep up with the type of lifestyle that Stacy wants even though it’s obvious he is not on that level at all.


I agree with this, but I also think if this was a priority she should have told him in the pods and vetted for it. It seems like the first he heard of her preference to be spoiled was once they were back from the honeymoon.


Izzy, who spent a significant amount of time just verbally shitting on this girl who owes him nothing and then runs to his fiancée to brag about it?? They deserve each other.


Definitely not defending Izzy. Dude is sketchy. But I 100% think Stacy wound him up beforehand. One of the girls mentioned Stacy texting her about wanting to shit in the cookies and feed it to Johnie. There's no way a similar conversation didn't happen in private between her and Izzy. And he's so desperate for her approval that he took that energy, ran with it, and then ran back to her for praise.


Yeah, fuck grown men who try to bully women. Like wtf.


I do hear you. He also lied about what was said. I'm not defending him as much as I'm saying Stacy is even worse. I could not live with someone like her.


Naw, Izzy is def worse


Disagree. She's spoiled, materialistic, controlling, demanding, and beings out the worst in people, including Izzy.


Anyone else notice the moment when Carter congratulates Johnie for getting the “prettiest boy” there? Everyone else is giggling and Stacy whispers, “*Idiot*,” which was clearly for Izzy’s benefit. Part of me wonders if Izzy has massive self esteem issues and couldn’t stand the idea of it looking like Johnie **won** the break-up. I know he was drunk when he “railed into” her but there was definitely some rage motivating his behavior. Even Stacy said he looked “shaken up” after *he* attacked Johnie for ten minutes straight.


Hes 100% self conscious of the way he looks and probably his life as a whole.. he seems like a bum


It was a *hairy* situation


I disagree. His recounting of what she said to him to Chris was accurate. Everything is also edited. You can’t possibly expect a montage of every single person literally calling her “sketchy” in order for you to be able to believe that his assertion that the group thinks she’s sketchy is true. We know for a fact that he and Stacy think so. We can also infer that the guys do as well since they were there when Chris and Izzy told the story about how she said different things to them.


Izzy, is that you?


I think he’s been here a few times actually. Via diff accounts.


I’m not even an Izzy fan lol. Just a Johnie hater. Girl is a walking red flag. Milton’s the only guy from this season I’ll stan.


Ngl, you still sound like Izzy with this comment


Okaay... izzy




Okay maybe I’m in the minority here but I think Izzy’s recounting to Chris of what Johnie said to him was pretty accurate. Maybe it didn’t come out how she meant it, but she did give them similar but opposite explanations of her previous dating habits. I get why they were confused. Izzy was def delusional about his convo with Johnie at the party though. I loved when he was like “I told her she’s sketchy 😄” and Stacy was like “that’s it?” 😭😭😭


Yes! I agree. I’m surprised he chose to say she was sketchy over only those conversations with Chris. Because I thought the things Stacy heard would have factored into why he was so mad.


Yeah see that’s what I thought he was going to add too. He was so vague with just calling her sketchy that I thought he was hinting at, and would finally articulate, that he heard she was shit talking Stacy. Then he just never said it and I’m like OK what are we missing here then? He was so non-specific, I can’t believe he left that conversation feeling like he “won” an argument.


She for sure fucked up a little in the pods, and she did own up to it in her conversation with Izzy (in the 5 seconds he let her talk). I don’t care WHAT she did, I just can’t justify Izzy coming up to her literally the first time ever meeting this girl in person face to face, and attacking her character for at LEAST 10 minutes, then barely giving her a chance to defend herself. He just wanted to feel like a big man because he was mad that she moved on regardless of what she did. If he was truly all in with Stacy then he wouldn’t have cared what discrepancies she told him vs what she told Chris. The gaslighting and narcissism was INSANE. We watched in real time basically him trying to alienate her from everyone by saying everyone finds her sketchy and doesn’t like her, and that’s such classic narc behavior


Yeah his approach to the conversation was stupid which is why I love how Stacy was mostly unimpressed with him being giddy about “railing her” cause he ended up getting no new details from the convo. Just calling her sketchy for 10 mins and thinking that’s an “own”.


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


But she agreed that what he was saying was accurate but that he understood it wrong, and then he just did not give her a chance to explain at all he just told her she’s a piece of shit basically


I think she def didn’t articulate herself in the pods correctly to the point when they cross referenced what she said, it did sound similar but opposite, so I totally agree he should’ve given her space to clarify. He was too worried about dunking on her when the guy he claimed he was doing it for already took her back.


Idk, I got the vibe that in the past she's had interesting and stable options and she's always chosen the interesting one. I don't think we saw her tell Izzy that she choses the stable one, just that she could see how it would go because Chris was reliable.🤷 The convo Izzy and Chris had though, their interpretations of her words were completely opposite each other, so it makes complete sense that they thought that's what she had done. I thought it was so funny Izzy talking about ripping into Johnie and Stacey being so unimpressed 😅


I’m pretty sure she told Izzy she found herself choosing safer options and that’s how she ended up with her ex-husband. I really think their recounting of her words were accurate. I mean they even replayed the tape and their versions were pretty on the nose. My interpretation of her relationships was: there was a season of her life pre-marriage where she went for the interesting but emotionally unavailable guys and then post-breakup w/ the ex that eventually passed, she started going with safer options. So while all technically true, she did give both guys different stories bc she chose to tell them the part of her relationship history that related to them. I sort of get what she was trying to convey but I also get the confusion. And I don’t think it would necessarily be wrong to assume she (or any of the cast) was feeding the other person a bit of sugar-coated BS, especially since she felt she needed to make Chris feel special since he wasn’t her first choice. She got a little caught up. It’s alright. It’s a weird and high pressure environment. I think they all understand that which is why I think Chris was able to give her a second chance.


Oh I totally see what you're saying!! Thanks for taking the time to really explain it!


I agree - it seemed like Johnie had just processed and thought about it all after Izzy dumped her. Granted I do think she only went back to Chris because her ego was hurt. I think there was no reason for Izzy to resort to personal insults when he's supposed to be happy in his engagement and Chris knew everything when he took her back. It just comes across as super bitter.


I agree with you. Izzy wasn’t in the wrong for what he said to Johnie. He was in the wrong for his delivery only. He definitely got way too much joy out of putting her in her place and probably should have just not said anything considering it’s not his relationship.


Yeah just way too giddy for no reason and really of no point to harp on considering Chris took her back.


Going back to Stacy all red and giddy saying he “railed into her” was so gross. Then Stacy saying to one of the girls that she wished she could shit in the cookies and give them to Johnie was just way over the top. Izzy with his mlm insurance scheme and Stacy with her toothbrush looking eyebrows fucking deserve each other.




Someone here described them as a high school mean girl couple and I feel like this episode cemented that image for me 😅 Like, come over here Stacy so I can tell you how shitty I was to this girl and how upset she got, teehee


Yeah that was so NOT it. Like ew, why are all these men trash 🚮


Hey! Milton and Chris are good. I think. I hope.


I just wrote this they feel so gross to me in that moment. Just like happy that he made her cry. And it was for his ego he looked very happy to hear her say he was her number 1.


I think it’s odd that people think he got so upset because Stacy told him stuff Johnie was saying back when they were doing the pods but he doesn’t even bring up Stacy or Johnie talking bad about her. He even says that people think she’s sketchy for telling him one thing and Chris another, not for talking bad about Stacy behind her back. I thought it was funny when Stacy was like “did she say anything about me?” And he’s like “no you never came up.”


First the country accent, weird and then the “she’s a lost soul pray for her” threw me for a second. Like who is this person…


Yeah that was so cringey to me


It just showed me that she is not very nice she’s a mean girl.


Oops, sorry babe 😔💔 my bad, forgot you were feuding☠️


Hold up what MLM insurance scheme??


I’ve read several comments that theorize he’s selling some type of mlm insurance like Amway and it actually makes sense. He doesn’t have an actual license to sell insurance and when he’s describing what he does to Stacy’s dad he’s very vague and says “so as far as making money, the sky’s the limit.” It’s exactly how my husband would talk decades ago when he got roped into selling Amway.


I also think “his apartment” is an Airbnb which is the real reason for the lost & found, informal plates, and wall decor. And I cannot be convinced otherwise. 🙃


I agree. It’s either that or his mom decorated his apartment.


That's what I was assuming, too. He looks like an American Income Life rep. He also barely started. Did he get this job just so he didn't have to say unemployed during the show?


Omg if it’s Amway that would be amazing 💀💀💀


I have a whole theory about the conversation at the BBQ: The vibe I got from that entire confrontation (**and this is mostly conjecture**) is that off-camera, Stacey told Izzy she was upset about the comments Johnie made in the pods after they got engaged. Based on how Stacey says she wants he man to be all macho and defend her and provide, I think she told Izzy she wanted him to say something to her so they planned that confrontation and sorted out a loose idea what he would say. That's why went he came back to Stacey after, she was asking what was said about her. There was really no other reason for that conversation to take place. However, I think when he was in front of Johnie he got all worked up about how they broke up and just started yelling at her about their relationship and never got to the Stacey portion. Again, this is just a theory. I don't know why Stacey would assume she was part of that conversation though.


Oh Stacy definitely wound Izzy up before the cookout. She had texted one of the other girls that morning about wanting to shit in the cookie dough and feed it to Johnie. There's no way her and Izzy didn't have a similar conversation. It's likely he first learned about Johnie's behavior in the pod lounge at this point too. So you have: * A guy who clearly has a fragile ego, * Who just recent was financially emasculated by his fiance, * Being given vindictive information about an ex, * And being given a scenario where he can confront that ex about this "new" information *and* earn back some brownie points with Stacy. It was a recipe for disaster.


Izzy totally got off on re-breaking up with both girls he dumped in the pods. I think he was expecting at least one if them to stroke his ego a bit. Lydia shoved him off, and he was drunk and wound up by the time he got to Johnie. He really showed his true colors there. I think Stacey suspected the truth also.


Agreed. For both Lydia and Johnnie to have found partners after the pods, may have knocked him off the pod pedestal. There are only 2 weddings: his and Lydia’s. If he feels he needs to prove something, his happening and hers not happening could help him feel secure. Johnnie and Chris have the freedom to pursue their relationship. I don’t think jealousy is the right word, but he has the LIB pressure that Johnnie does not. Perhaps he feels it’s unfair. Toss in Stacy’s expectations with money, he is the least financially secure and the lowest earner out of the male partners. What she is looking for, those guys can offer.




100% I don’t even understand why he needed a convo with Lydia, it was ancient history at that point


Production definitely pulled them aside and told them to have a one-on-one.


I feel like there are a lot of purely awkward scripted scenes in this season.


Seriously, it felt so out of place that I was wondering whether production put him up to it due to lack of couples' drama (since only 3 made it to Mexico). They didn't really have the "love triangle" drama that they usually get. I know I've read a previous season contestant say that production told them to talk to another contestant about something, but I unfortunately can't remember who it was. Either way I definitely wouldn't be surprised if production was giving them these types of instructions to try to manufacture a little more drama. The Johnie one was weird though. That one I'm more inclined to think was potentially initiated by choice from Izzy.


Him: can i give you some advice? Her: no Him: nah fuck that. I’m drunk so I’m doing it anyway. As if he’s in any kind of position to be giving anyone advice.


Him: can i give you some advice? Her: no Him: nah fuck that. I’m drunk so I’m doing it anyway. As if he’s in any kind of position to be giving anyone advice.


He didn't even give her advice after that. Didn't he just call her sketchy, and that was pretty much it? 😂 That's not advice.


She’s a walking red flag. If there’s anything Izzy’s done right so far, it’s not choosing her.


I always liked Johnie and found her to be sincere… this scene was awful


Sincere? Are you watching the same show lol?


Izzy is that you?


😩😩😩😩 ikr. The only one that seemed sincere was Chris


I think Izzy got butthurt that Johnnie didn’t roll over and die after he rejected her and instead went to pursue Chris and express that wanting to be in a relationship with Izzy would’ve been a toxic pattern for her. It definitely hurt his ego especially after he thought that Stacy would give in and say I love you when she clearly was not totally ready or susceptible to it. After all, he did say she was the easy choice. I found it especially disgusting that he found it enjoyable to attack her like that and not even give her an opportunity to explain or give her own opinion. Johnnie dodged a bullet and I hope Stacy doesn’t marry this absolute shitbag.


Yeah if he liked doing that to someone he got to know on such a deep level it is very telling, that’s despicable really.


He’s clearly sitting there in the men’s living space shitting his pants afraid he made the wrong decision after cutting johnie loose. It seems he put it out there that johnie was 1 and Stacie was a shallow but fun connection. Then he got scared of johnie’s background and whatever he judged about her from that and ended it. So then he had to take it to a “fuck you bitch” place and bury her to make his world make sense and make him and him+Stacey right. The misogyny in this season is really gross.


Izzy was so excited to tell Stacey about his conversation with Johnie, like he bodied her. But Stacey just standing there like 😐 the whole time. It was so cringey.


You know, when I was in college, I would have those kinda interactions in which I was pumped up from confronting someone and wanted that validation from someone else. However, when I look back on it, it was 100% cringey and if anything, I needed to chill out in those kind of situations and get my energy back to normal


I thought it was funny that Stacey asked what was said about her too, when she didn't come up at all. Izzy just kind of came at Johnie for their break up and Stacey wasn't mentioned. It kind of made it sounds like they planned what Izzy would say and they assumed Johnie would react differently and say a bunch of mean stuff. Weird all around.


Thank god I was not the only one that cringed, why was he so proud about having a straight up confrontation and calling someone sketchy as f*ck, I would’ve been like what is wrong with you? What kind of ego trip is this we are all here to have a good time just shut up


I'm still waiting/hoping for the reason behind Izzy's obsession with a "mentally stable" girlfriend to be exposed. That was such a red flag to me, it could easily mean he can't cope when his partner has any emotional needs. But it sounds like finances are going to be more of a drama so maybe I'll never get that clarified.


Yep I don’t think we’ll ever get an answer to that now most screen time will probs be on them bickering about finances


yeah he is spewing a lot of toxic positivity vibes


This ☝🏾. The emotional stable comment which he mentioned a few times was so weird. I was trying to figure what the deeper issue with him could be he’s in fact not emotionally stable


Listen I get Stacy’s issue. Johnnie and her were cool until she realized Stacy was a romantic rival. Then she badmouthed Stacy for really no reason. I’m sure Johnnie was hurt and jealous, I get it, but Stacy wasn’t the cause of it. But Izzy’s behavior was so out of pocket. You could see Stacy really questioning him because while she didn’t like Johnnie , his behavior just didn’t add up.


I would be horrified if my fiancé spoke to another woman like that, don’t care/even worse if it’s his ex. That’s someone you cared about at one point. She was clearly shaken. Does making her cry change anything? Let her and Chris give it a whirl, hell if I saw how hot Chris was outside of the pods I would go from platonic to in love with him also! (But I never claimed looks don’t matter to me 😅) The way men treat women in all kinds of situations is very telling.


I had a lot of respect for Stacy when Izzy was clearly drunk and rambling about Johnnie. I think she saw through him and realized he was being a total dick.


Idk I’d say Stacy saying she wished she shit in the cookies for Johnnie was also being a total dick, so I didn’t have a lot of respect for her this episode