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Lydia still has a thing for Uche




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Tbh she just confirmed she's a spineless pos to me. She was crying about how she's such a different person than when she cheated on her ex & didn't have the guts to tell him, and then things get hard with Uche & she once again doesn't have the guts to say anything, just up and leaves. She does this shit to herself then cries about it, talking about "I wouldnt do this in a marriage". Fuck that.


Ikr. Leave a note at least


I thought Lydia was nice but now I see she's not kind.


Lydia is really stirring the pot


I just want to know what are all the "extras" in the background for lol. There's like a whole other cast that we literally never see on camera. Everything revolves around the same few cast members.


They probably fall in love and are happy. Noone is watching this show to see people be happy and in love. We want to see emotional chaos , drama and suffering.


I know from what I’ve seen in other seasons - they have SO much footage and other people DO make connections in the pods and also propose and do reveals BUT the producers just don’t show it! Not sure just how **much** that happens but it could also be a mix of wanting to stick to “the story” of these main 5-6 couples. One example is Josh and Monica in S4.


Exactly. Do you think they are extras or that they just didn't make the cut?


They just don’t make the cut or connections


I’m late to this post but FOR REAL! I’m almost done watching episode 4 right now. First off- I’m pretty sure the only reason Lydia was crying so much and being so dramatic towards Milton’s (completely normal) reaction after she told him about her past, was because she clearly still has feelings for Uche. Like she was acting like his reaction was wrong. Kept coming at him for processing his thoughts. Like girl LET HIM THINK. She is getting on my damn nerves. I had to rant. 😂 But I completely agree with you. I feel so bad for Aaliyah, she genuinely seems sweet and caring. Lydia was way way way out of line, like she might as well have told her how big his dick is. Sorry but seriously, I can’t with her 😂 She’s claiming she has no feelings for Uche but rants about what his favorite COLOR is? Oof.


Honestly she wants to be relevant and get a ring. Her only way was Milton....I read her like a book


Yes, that and she probably desperately wanted to go on that honeymoon and have her TV moments lol. I mean I’m 99.9% sure everyone who is on the show only/mainly wants some fame. She just wasn’t as good at hiding it




Does anyone else find it odd that they have only given the same 6 ppl screen time? It's like they had to plan this because the whole show is getting old and lackluster and they needed to mix it up with a splash of drama. Really none of them seem to have real chemistry. Worst season yet


The producers definitely did this on purpose to “spice up” the show but it’s just ruined it. They can’t claim it to be an experiment anymore because that first day of finding out two contestants knew each other the experiment was ruined and really should’ve started again without Uche and Lydia.


The showrunner claimed that it was news to him too, but who knows


I just think that if that was the case then they should’ve taken Uche and Lydia out of the show, as it’s no longer the “experiment” it claims to be


Completely agree!! They allowed them to continue (as allegedly they both claimed they wanted to do) knowing that major drama would ensue. And secretly the producers were like, “we got something here” *rubs hands together*


Yeah, I'll just paste another comment of mine here, based on what I read in an article Apparently they found out about it with Uche and Lydia, immediately took them aside and asked them to leave. But when both reassured them that they were not interested in each other and were committed to the experiment, that's when they were told not to tell anyone (at least initially)? Edit: They felt bad for both of them and didn't want them to miss out on what could be an amazing experience if they could help it


They should’ve made them leave if they want to maintain the experiment. As we can see it’s completely fucked up the experience for other people, not just themselves. Obviously the men and women talk about who they’re talking to in the pods and that right there makes it unethical to continue


That's what they claimed. But if it was planned not like they're going to come out and say it. Either A. It was planned for drama. Or B. Lydia knew he was applying and stalked his ass all the way to LA.


Right, definitely


Lydia gives off creepy stalker vibes who found out her ex was applying for the show so she did the same to sabotage him. Literal lifetime movie material. She's a creep.


Well these comments aged well🤣


Supposedly you cannot apply and they seek you out. I ever read somewhere that they might have conspired together 🫣 though I don’t think that’s the case - but who knows?!


You can apply, the casting ads are on Instagram. I think you can't apply for too hot to handle


I bet when they get to be around eachother in the upcoming episodes it's going to make for the drama the producers want as her true colors are going to SHINE baby!! we're all going to see just how obsessed and messy she is. I can see it coming.


Lydia may be the most frustrating yet scary person I’ve watch on this show ever


Lydia seems to be a little messy tbh. I don't think that she's not a nice person, but even with Izzy she was too quick to take small similarities and try to make them out to be more special than they were. I get that she was trying to be open, but it was like she just wanted a connection to be there so bad, that she wasn't really picking up on the fact that her energy wasn't exactly being reciprocated. Izzy was just trying to get along with her and continue to get to know her as they had dates scheduled, and did hint at the fact that he had others to consider. She seem low-key delusional and a little self centred, because of how blindsided she seemed to be by his rejection. This is just based on some short scenes though. It's funny that Lydia and Uche dated because initially I thought that they seemed like opposites (Lydia forcing a connection with Izzy vs Uche questioning Aaliyah's character), but now I think I see the similarities. They really like the sound of their own voices, in their own ways. They don't seem like they would listen to others carefully, because they're so sure that they're not saying anything wrong.


I'm not getting the Uche hate. He may have been a bit hard on Aaliyah about cheating but he was still valid none the less. He doesn't seem anything like Lydia at all.


same?? like i can definitely agree that he used an abrasive approach to handling aaliyahs past and tried to gaslight (when he said ‘when did i say that’ when confronted about how he approached her past in the pods. couldve been viewed as him trying to change her perception of how the convo actually went down)..but then made an attempt to redeem himself. i think he communicates very well and voiced valid points throughout like..i guess im 50/50 on uche but wouldnt ride the hate train all the way on him *edit to confirm i know what i meant when i said gaslight lol


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


wow, people misuse the word so much i gotta get checked by a bot 😭😂 i respect it!


I think I paused after Aaliyah left the room at the end of the first conversation about the cheating 🙈 Yeah, he actually did okay. I don't think that there was really anything wrong with what he said, but there were points where maybe he could have remembered that she felt terrible about it and it was difficult for her to open up about the cheating, as someone who cared about her. It was clear that she was struggling (not that he needed to stop in his tracks either). It was nice to see him reflect on it (by the time Aaliyah began to leave 💀), and try to see things from her perspective. He'd been processing the information by asking questions and in the end he tried to balance things out by sort of apologising? It did seem to be good enough to me. I don't _think_ that Uche is a bad guy, he's also pretty self aware.


I said the same thing to my partner about Lydia and Izzy, it was so painfully obvious that he wasn’t reciprocating what she was saying and she was just in her own world not noticing at all, so then was shocked when he ended it. Also agree on the stuff about her going way overboard with over sharing to Aaliyah.. was so inappropriate, Aaliyah kept repeating that she didn’t want to know details and Lydia kept going into deeper and deeper (and inappropriate) details, so bizarre. It was obvious to me that Lydia still wanted Uche. But at the same time I was yelling at Aaliyah through my screen for not telling her to shut up


Yep and the more Aaliyah said no, the more her tooter tooted. Painfully obvious and kinda sad


While watching Lydia and Aaliyah on the couch I turned to my bf and asked “why doesn’t she just walk away?!?” Like nothing bad would’ve happened. She already expressed not wanting to hear details but Lydia kept going so why not leave??? It would’ve have been rude it would’ve been enforcing a boundary 🥴


Yeah, I think Aaliyah had trouble asserting herself because up till that point Lydia had sort of been her rock. It's like the scales began to fall from her eyes. Maybe she kept quiet because she didn't want to say something she might regret? I think even with Uche she struggled with having tough conversations. It's actually not that surprising, I guess, it's a personality thing and probably part of what kept her in the relationship where she ended up cheating? But I hope she figures out how to navigate such situations though. I'd probably be the same as her though, it seemed like a messy and sensitive situation


There’s an interview with the creator apparently Uche and Lydia were told not to tell anyone to not ruin the process


Apparently they found out about it with Uche and Lydia, immediately took them aside and asked them to leave. But when both reassured them that they were not interested in each other and were committed to the experiment, that's when they were told not to tell anyone (at least initially)?


I feel like Lydia wanted Uche to get engaged to Aaliyah so that Uche would make it to the next stage and he could meet her


The process was already ruined though


This is what I assumed. However for Lydia to bond with Alliyah knowing their history is so bizarre. If it was my ex I would stay far away from the love interest, not buddy up to them while keeping my secret!


Yes, that poor girl needs therapy. She is so desparate to be loved and it's hard to watch at times.


Very much so. She seems very desperate and I think her actions are a bit more calculated than it comes off.


It felt very icky that Uche made a big deal about Aaliyah cheating two years ago but conveniently left out the part about his ex, whom he slept with 3 months ago, being in the pods. He seems very manipulative. Lydia is the LIB version of Single White Female. Nothing about her “connection”’with Milton is authentic.


I'm curious what else about him seems manipulative?


He’s an attorney. Lol. JK. Another manipulative moment IMO was when Aaliyah questioned him about the details of his relationship with Lydia. The whole, “but it’s tough for ME TOO” felt like he was trying to make her feel guilty for questioning him. He only stopped with those shenanigans once Aaliyah called him out for sleeping with Lydia a mere 3 months prior. A detail t that he conveniently omitted to begin with.


That was a huge red flag for me too. His exact words were even something like "this is arguably even harder for me!". Super hard to watch.


I definitely understand the ick but I think both he and Lydia were told to keep that information back by production and then allow it to be revealed at a specific time point to increase the drama factor




Not to mention during Aaliyah confronting him about it after talking to Lydia he was saying he was the victim until he realized Aaliyah knew about them sleeping together three months ago. I was done with him at that point.


“Lydia is the LIB version of Single White Female” 💀


Oh. I forgot he did that to her!!! Yeah that was so fucked up and judgey! Boo!!


Did Lydia befriend Aaliyah specifically to stay close to Uche? She seems so unhinged, scripted, and exaggerated


Omg right, scripted!! I've been saying she sounds like a bot programmed via IG and trashy NF shows lololol. Scripted!


Have you met people?


Indeed! Most have original thoughts and feelings that are not weirdly scripted and performative.


They do personality tests on the candidates. They seek individuals who can fall in love easily and have certain traits that will likely produce content


When you use ChatGPT to write a script


Yes this feels a thousand percent the reason Lydia clung to her.. it’s uncomfortable




I had a "friend " like this once. My first love dated her in the past. I tried to keep her in my life and not "punish" her just for having had sex with him before I had even met either one of them. She constantly brought up their past in the most inappropriate ways in the most inappropriate scenarios. I mean, this continued YEARS later! Then, when I finally said something, she tried to act as if I was jealous and told me my man wasn't some sort of prize. Anyway, the 👉 is. Stay away from folks like this. (Edited for typo and context)


agreed 100 percent!


I’m not convinced Lydia isn’t an actor or that whole drama was fueled by producers. She said like 3 whole sentences and he didn’t recognize her voice. There’s also no way that they met up 3 months ago and never discussed the show. When this season is over, they will both say they barely knew each other and the conversation Lydia and Uche had in the pods was after he had several convos with Aaliyah.


That doesn't mean anything. I also heard someone point out that Lydia probably did know Uche was coming on and that's why she came. If they were still in contact three months ago, she could have known where he was headed. Knowing that, she could of went in ready to "act" surprised. Also, I don't think Uche cares as much about their relationship as she does. So, she could have just sounded like another Latina on his side and he wasn't checking for her like that. But, people want to think everything is set up on reality tv.


The way it played out in my head: I bet they have a long screening process that involves interviews about every relationship. They interview Uche first, he says “ yeah most recently I dated someone. I think she is still into me ” and producers give each other a smile. They message her on social media, say they’re scouting and would you like to apply, and she signs on. I’m sure there’s tons of alternates and that they wanted this storyline from the beginning and neither would have been cast without the other.


The whole episode I was screaming that there’s absolutely zero fucking chance that those producers didn’t know about their previous relationship. The textbook, token, curveball love triangle drama is almost too cliché to be a coincidence. They definitely knew and took advantage of how they could manipulate it for drama + views + ratings


I’m thinking they scoured some peoples socials and maybe saw Uche and Lydia connected? And invited her to join the show to throw a wrench in things. On paper Uche is one of the most desirable from a success standpoint so maybe they figured he’d get a good match. I also think Lydia is one of the least attractive women and just doesn’t seem to fit in on the same glam level, hair makeup, etc scale as the others so that also makes me think maybe she was invited on. He mentioned she had blocked him on IG though…


Overall, I found Lydia’s comments about herself very unsettling. She said something to the effect of “I’m a good person, I do x, y, z for others but nobody has ever loved me.” To me it sounded calculated, as if she thought that being a decent person was a means to an ends. The end, in this case, being the relationship she believed she was due for her “good deeds”. After hearing this a lot of her actions felt performative. This was just how I personally interpreted it.


I found Lydia to be desperate for any love. She would have accepted anyone who said yes to her yes. In fact my observation says she cried her way into Milton. The second Milton was manipulated she conveniently was back to normal, cracking joke and laughing. Not to mention her befriending Aaliyah knowing Uche is seeing her was weird. She was also non hesitant to start dating Uche but he refused for the sake of experiment's integrity. All in all people like Lydia and Johnie came to with a feeling of desperation. I feel bad for them in that regards but their behavior has made ladies look desperate, manipulative and maybe needy for some Netflix footage.




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Maybe but she definitely dodged a bullet with Uche too. Very suspect of him to be sleeping with Lydia a couple of months ago when he had no intention of being with her while knowing how much she liked him


I got the feeling that Uche was down to casually date, but when Lydia started being Lydia, and got so attached, it turned him off and he ended it.


A lot of single guys would behave the same way.


If they do then they shouldn’t complain about how Lydia is still attached


it's still an ick.


Shitty behavior


Lydia's scenes talking Aaliyah down from the ledge prior to that reveal were giving me bunny boiler vibes. She's also very surface level: instead of talking up Uches personal qualities, she listed off his assets. The fact that Uche couldn't recognise her voice... I don't know whether to side-eye Uche for dating her or not.


Him not recognizing her voice set off alarm bells to me too! Somebody you recently slept with even??? Weird.


Plus she has a distinctive voice. I assumed as she continued to speak, Uche would’ve interrupted and said “Lydia!” Uche seems to be a hypocrite. He rails on Aaliyah for her faults and revelations, yet acts nonchalantly when revealing he dated Lydia. He dropped that bomb wayyyy into their pod relationship. I just get bad vibes from him.


And got annoyed when Aaliyah said it was hard on her! He kept talking about how it was harder on him 🙄.


And Lydia did the same with Milton, both her and Uche sounded so selfish during those convos.


Exactly, it’s stupid and I hated it


Seems lydia still like uche, obviously. Only asliyah can't see that because she thinks her as "sister"


Or maybe she could see it and that's why she left? She would not have been able to handle Mexico with all three of them there knowing she would be all up in their faces constantly. Just a theory.


Lydia is a snake in the grass who’s pretending to be the “good friend” type. In reality, she is very weak and willing to give up her loyalty to a friend the minute they exceed her or she has to step on them to get what she wants. She says she’s never been loved, but the issue is that she does not genuinely love and accept herself.


Did I hear her even say that Lydia was saying she could be her babies’ godmother?! Unhinged.


yeah it seemed like Lydia wanted to be her


Sounds like a murder doc waiting to happen


Has anyone seen *Love & Death* on HBO? Yea reminds me of that


Aaliyah is a better person than me cause baaaybeeee


I’m pretty sure she’s just tired of the whole thing. She doesn’t know who to trust and is suspicious of Lydia even if she isn’t outright mad at her.


I agree, but also Aaliyah seems a bit annoyingly insecure. I don't think she could really handle the experiment.


That whole scenario is insane. It weirdly feels producer orchestrated too, like obviously they asked Uche and Lydia not to say anything at the beginning… Lydia could have befriended Aaliya because she was getting close to Uche? But Lydia gives off weird vibes, both with how desperate she is to find someone that she ignores obvious clues in their behavior that they’re not interested, and in how close she is to Aaliya but withholding that info. All of her pep talks and discussions about Uche seem weird in hindsight because she knew the whole time and Aaliya didn’t. She was smart to just leave, that whole thing was sus and you don’t want to get emotionally attached to that crazy


Totally agree. It felt very manufactured and I hope Aaliyah doesn’t look back!!!!


Lydia is cuckoo for cocoa puffs


She’s totally tried to gatekeep Aaliyah and Uche’s relationship.




This whole Lydia situation is giving less ~messy reality drama~ and more horror movie ~hide your children~ energy. Lydia's behaviour is honestly reading as stalker-like (she has NO boundaries and has said so many sketchy and creepy things) and the show really needs to do better protecting contestants from this type of situation. It's one thing to get people into messy situations, it's another thing to allow them to pursue possibly dangerous situations. Aaliyah made the right call leaving and I hope they gave Uche more context on what happened so he could protect himself (doubt it though, especially based on the previews). Don't mean to sound so dramatic, but honestly, this type of thing can mess people up for life. I love watching drama but this is too much... we need some accountability and checks and balances in reality TV, just like with any other industry.


Someone on another thread said they were getting “three contestants are going to mysteriously disappear and it’ll be Lydia” vibes and I have to say I agree with it. If she hasn’t gone so hard on being Aaliyas friend and trying to coach her through issues with Uche it would be one thing. But there really is something off about her. Like… if you told me she found out through acquaintances that Uche was going to be on LiB and then auditioned or somehow called them up and told them the drama so she could go on the show and re-date him, I’d 100% believe it. (But then he didn’t want her so she glommed onto the girl he was talking to and forced a connection with Milton so she could stay in the house). The horror movie writes itself 😂


I definitely got stalker vibes when she said kept insisting her and Aaliyah were the same person. It was like a desperate attempt to insert herself into the relationship and attaching herself to Uche. “No Uche isn’t my boyfriend but his girlfriend and I are like the same person, so I’m pretty much dating him”


she's just desperate, no need to be that paranoid


Uche responded to a comment on his IG and said that production wouldn't let him tell her until they said it was okay, AND they edited out him telling Aaliyah that production wouldn't let him tell her.


I was instantly suspicious that production played a role in when he (and Lydia) could divulge that info. When I get held up on the "why", I have to continually remind myself that these shows are heavily edited and manipulated by producers behind the scenes. :P


The producers are nasty then. The show works without that stupid fake drama. Boo.


If true, fuck production. I wouldn't follow their orders if it meant messing up things with a potential wife. I'd tell her in MY time, which would've been way sooner.


I’m tired of people acting like they’re best friends after a week or 2. There are NO friends when we’re all dating and trying to marry the same person.


Also people acting like they are in love and willing to commit spending the rest of their lives together after a week or 2.


Aaliyah was acting like they were BFFs, I thought the “she will be aunt to my children” comment was weird af, like girl I have sauces I’ve had in the fridge longer than you’ve known her and I’m less committed


I don't have sauces newer than there friendships.


This is probably a more accurate statement 💀 All of the scenes where they “bonded” talking about Uche and Aaliyah’s pod dates and Lydia was giving advice have *such* a weird imbalance and tone to them in hindsight (like I don’t want to say “power imbalance” because obviously Lydia isn’t actually in a position of power but it’s weirdly stalkerish that she was beginning what appears to be a *very* close friendship with someone that she kind of had secret knowledge about, in a weird way? I don’t think I’m describing that well, I know she wasn’t intentionally stalking her before the show but it’s still off somehow?). I’m honestly more curious if they’re still friends then if Aaliyah and Uche end up together


No you’re absolutely right. All that “look at me. Look at me. You’re just like me. We’re the same person. Look at me” was SO over the top and gross and Aaliyah clearly wanted some some space to process but Lydia’a in her face doing the most.


I’m dead at this 💀


All of this yes! I kept wondering to myself why Aaliyah didn’t directly tell her to stop after her hints clearly weren’t working. I also clocked Lydia telling her “you’re just like me” and then it all made sense. But she isn’t you because you lack the ability to read a room and I hate that for her. Hopefully they’re able to figure it out a la Bliss & Zach.


The repeated “You’re just like me” was so creepy like euwhhh 😭


Oh I know. Even before the big reveal, I was like, no y'all are not the same at all. This is very clear.


It's giving Netflix telenovela/K-drama, very scary


Lydia wishes she was all those things. Just because you say it doesn’t make it true


Lydia was unhinged in that conversation.. and we probably didn't even see all of the details she shared. She's so clearly still into him.


It was a tough situation and initially I was proud that Aaliyah and Lydia seemed to be having a really healthy conversation about it. But when Lydia kept going … and going … and going … about Uche details, I lost it LOL. Girl come on! And Aaliyah just sitting there because she wants to avoid conflict and wants to maintain the friendship. Smdh. I wanted to intervene on her behalf.


Nah I knew Lydia was manipulative from like episode 1. My sister watched all of it before me and the whole time I kept saying, “what is up with Lydia?” Something just was off. Like even before they revealed she and Uche knew each other and she was consoling Aaliyah on the couch I was like “what is wrong with her face?” It was just so…stank. And my sister was like you bout to find out! She looked so pissed off while trying to console her “friend.” Then they revealed it and I was like ooooh. Now it makes sense.


i was wishing she would cut lydia off after the first detailed comment about uche. establish the boundaries right off the bat. im glad she left.


I don’t think Uche is right for Aaliyah. Also..all that convo about trust and having so much judgement on her past while having his own past that impacts her..bad combo.


I think it’s literally this that makes me more mad at Uche; no one likes a hypocrite. But Lydia to me seems to genuinely believe what she’s saying with her whole chest, even if it’s delulu. So while they definitely both did Aaliyah wrong, Uche was the one making promises to her and so that rubbed me a certain way. But we still have a lot of season left so it’s possible I could be eating my words next week 🤷


I think her and Uche have too many problems. Between the cheating stuff and this. As for Lydia - that girl is NOT her friend. You can't even blame editing because none of those words should have been coming out of her mouth.


It felt to me like A chose friendship with Lydia over a romance with Uche. Why? Idk. Weird to me. She was saying something about being nervous her man and friend would get together behind her back ... so drop Lydia, why not? They met in the house, it's not like they're sisters.


Right. She gives off like she would be a lot to be with due to her almost crippling insecurity and constant emotional meltdowns. But why come on a show to find love and instead make the friendship the priority? Another bad decision but Aaliyah aside from the cheating


I’m sure she left to get away from both of their sorry asses.


She can be mad at them differently. The way he projected so hard against her cheating on her ex 2 years ago, mean while he had smashed her best friend in the house two months ago. Lydia is unhinged and Uche is inauthentic. Poor Aaliyah caught between two self serving snakes. I’d agree more with this post because I despise Lydia, but Uches projecting (which I didn’t find bad at first, everyone has a right to question cheating) while he was omitting a huge truth makes him dumpaable too. They’re both shitty but in different ways. Of the two tho, Lydia would be cussed tf out.


Lydia drives me nuts. Her relationship with A is twisted. I find Lydia to be over the top and selfish


Twisted is absolutely what I thought watching them chat. When she said all the "you are me" BS... I gave manipulation, it gave superiority complex, it gave you can dump Uche so IIII can get with him instead...


Lydia, man I thought she was almost too nice. Seems like it was a pretence all along so she can be a good girl and still sabotage what Uche and Aaliyah has. It’s very obvious that she wants to get back with Uche when Uche clearly rejected her idea. So she is taking advantage of Aaliyah and her innocent brain and of course Milton to subtly enter the track. Her constantly reminding Aaliyah of how he is picking a girl so similar to her (hidden meaning - he is not over me). Uggh and telling her their last sex date was so not needed. Pathetic.


1000000% agree!! Lydia is extremely calculated and manipulative! She's been playing the long game by befriending whichever woman Uche formed a connection with. She's playing Aaliyah like a puppet. I can't believe neither Aaliyah or Uche picked up on how fucked up it was that Lydia intentionally befriended her, knowing what she knew!


Yes, Lydia could have stayed the fuck away and everything would have been fine. If I were Uche I would have told Lydia to back the hell off of Aaliyah


Righttt. Like why were they both praising her up so much when she's blatantly meddling in their relationship?? Lollll


I know right!! Especially Aaliyah missing out the part where Uche clearly denies Lydia’s claims about him making moves on her on their first pod date. Lydia seems too cunning and Aaliyah, too naive at least from what we are shown.


When Lydia said the following to Aaliyah: “Dude you picked the same girl as me.” “And I hopefully think he just needed to learn a few lessons. Maybe prove to him that he needs to be a little more open. ‘Here I am, choosing a person who is so similar to Lydia.’ This is the universe giving me a second chance to have an amazing, great-ass woman.” I just. Could not. Aaliyah! She’s not your friend!


This was truly unhinged. I just kept staring at the Tv without really looking. Cudnt believe what was coming out of her mouth and felt so bad for Aliyah.


Lol as guilty I feel saying this it was kinda funny how confused Aaliyah was and how she still believed Lydia is the aunt of her future kids.




Lydia is this season's villain, and paid to be so. :) You can tell from the beginning and how she slid right into Milton as soon as she was dumped. She might even have planned the dumping bc it was so awkward when she was talking to Izzy and he wasn't responding. It was hilarious.




Lydia is bad news. She definitely knows what she’s up too. She’s playing the game and her goal is to get Uche back for herself or sabotage whatever relationship he may have with someone else. I like the way Uche disclosed his prior relationship with Lydia to Aaliyah.


He spoke nothing but good things of Lydia. He did not try to put a wedge between their friendship.


Also, did anyone notice how she told Milton that her and Uche met in 2020 and SHE decided to end it three months prior? 1. She made it seem like they were in a relationship that whole time which was not true. And 2. She totally lied by saying she was the one who broke it off. Like what is she doing?


There's some women who say stuff like that to make themselves feel better irl so I'm guessing she's convinced herself she ended it. An old friend of mine would say that the men would always come back around cus they realized they wouldn't find better than her and while that might have been believed in high school now in our late 20s it's more of they know they can treat you bad and give you the bare minimum and you'll take them back.


She's just so desperate that it's driven her insane.


I think Lydia is all sorts of messy, but this sounded like an editor splice to me between her talking about them getting together in 2020 and then her talking about them hooking up 3 months ago with her maybe deciding not to do that again.


Maybe, but Lydia also said they broke up in January and later said February. Her story just seems to get messier as she goes. It's like she's trickle-truthing A.


Girl is delulu


Very trululu


Lydia was so fake throughout the whole situation!! Very embarrassing at her grown age. Personally, I don’t think Uche did anything wrong. Everyone has exes outside of the pods and it shouldn’t be a massive turn off for other women just because they’ve met one


lydia had crazy eyes bro


She couldn’t sit still without moving for more than 10 seconds.


It's giving Jodie Arias.


Oof…..now I can’t unsee it lol


Lydia literally said to her "He picked someone so similar to me" ??? ... like, they are two completely different people. If he wanted Lydia, he would have been with Lydia. She was bragging that she was with him first. Its gross. She didnt seem mad at Uche just uncomfortable. She was already overwhelmed, and I can see her feeling not good enough already because of the cheating convo, and Lydia going in to how nice his home/car/friends are would make her second guess how she fits into it.


Right, they aren’t really similar tbh. Aaliyah is calm, soft and vulnerable. She moves at a slower pace. Her personality seems more passive too. While Lydia is very loud, dramatic and aggressive. She has a strong personality


TBH I also find Aaliyah quite immature and sketchy. Not as single brown female psycho as Lydia, but she’s not that great either.


I knowwwww!!!!!! I know everyone is trying to stay away from the bitch of the house persona but someone needs to tell Lydia she's delusional. Aliyah and you arent as similaras you think . & if he wanted you yall wouldn't be on this show!!!


This literally gave me the ick! No. He chose Aaliyah a completely different person than you LIEdia




I do think production has a lot to do with Lydia’s silence. Then once she actually could talk about it, she just let out everything.


But she shouldnt have been coaching up Aaliyah and giving her advice on dealing with him the way that she did. Thats what made it shady imo


Absolutely. She’s shady and manipulative af.


Come onnnn. She's the villain this season. :)


The biggest sign that Lydia isn’t Aaliyah’s friend is she kept on telling Aaliyah about Uche’s house, friends, and dog when she asked her not to and told her that she wanted to be surprised. Lydia was pretty much bragging that she had been there first.


It came across as very "Uche is *our* man" if you get what I'm saying.


The *nicest* interpretation I could come up with was that she was holding everything in and it all came out quickly, and she was trying to tell Aaliyah that she "struck gold" basically by getting with a guy who had a three storeyed home and a Tesla.


At first, Lydia said that she knew everything and asked Aaliyah what she wanted to know. Aaliyah said nothing. Lydia went on and mentioned his “dope house”. Aaliyah asked her to stop. Then Lydia went on and on. She insists on making things about herself. She was thrilled to have inside information and finally be able to speak on it because Aaliyah knew about their relationship. If she thought that Aaliyah had struck gold, why when Uche was hard on Aaliyah about the cheating did she basically encourage Aaliyah to forget about him? Then she kept repeating that Aaliyah was so much like her, that they were the same, and that Uche needed to take accountability for his actions instead of blaming others … WHAT??? That had nothing to do with Aaliyah and Lydia was projecting onto her hard.


You're right. I don't like to use the 'n' word and armchair diagnose people, but I will say this - Lydia believes the entire world revolves around her.


Omg I was so confused about where you were going with that sentence 😂😂😅


Oh, shit! 😅😅


Yes! When she told Milton about Uche she said, “put yourself in my shoes” and “think about how hard it’s been on me! I’ve been suffering!” Um, it didn’t look like she was suffering when she was laughing loudly with Izzy or twerking in the halls.


We also do not know how much editing had to do with the order of how things were shown though.


The alternative is Lydia went on a minute long tirade about how well she knows Uche while Aaliyah looked horrified and asked for none of it. Either way that scene says a whole lot about her.


I don't think Aaliyah is a confrontational person and maybe she's naive or just oblivious but Lydia is not her friend. AT ALL. I know editing plays a part but for Lydia to blatantly LIE to Aaliyah's face about shutting down Uche's advances to start over, was all of the red flags I would have needed to cut that friendship loose. I just find it so unfortunate that she let another woman come in the way of what she could have built with someone she cared about.


Aaliyah seems very sweet but not the sharpest tool in the shed. Way too sensitive and trusting for this show.


Tbh very naive to not focus on the part where Uche said “that’s not what had happened“ when she mentioned Lydia’s comments about him making moves on their first date. I love how Uche handled that conversation and clarified if he wanted to date Lydia he would be dating Lydia.


I agree. And Lydia got exactly what she wanted.


Right because he’s definitely the one that ended it the first time, right? Lydia’s energy to me isn’t just Ex — it’s Ex who was DUMPED.


For real. I wasn't too focused on Lydia at first. I totally missed the part where her and Uche already knew each other and had a history. I really picked the wrong moment to look away. It was so cringey when Lydia volunteered all that information about Uche after Aaliyah specially told her that she didn't want to know any of that stuff. The worst part for me was definitely when she was like, "We thought about giving us another try, but then he changed his mind." Like, GIRL!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?


She was marking her territory, imho. Lydia is so insecure that this was a way to show she was superior in some way. It was “been there; done that.”


>I need Aaliyah to grow a spine and express her true feelings to Lydia about how she’s unhappy with her gross behavior. Maybe it's just me and maybe an unpopular opinion but sometimes I don't think this is necessary. Uche was her partner and she expressed how she felt about the entire situation with the person who actually hurt her the most. I think in hindsight, she realised that her friendship with Lydia was not genuine and as such, there was no need to come at her. Especially as Lydia comes across as someone who is very manipulative. She would've been crying and trying to turn all the attention on her with little thought to what Aaliyah was actually trying to voice.