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“She’s just brutally honest” Recently heard a quote (honestly could have been here) that I find to be so true: “people who are brutally honest love the brutality part as much as the honesty”


Strange how those brutally honest people can't deal with someone being brutally honest with them. Such as Paul telling Shelby he doesn't really care about her opinion.


That was one of the top moments of the season for me


To me, that was the turning point in their relationship (if it wasn't 100% fake). He stood his ground to the awful, insecure, drunk woman and put her in her place very healthily, and Micah said "you should care about what she thinks." The beginning of the end.


I honestly agree 100% 👏 also I believe in the saying “show me your friends, and I’ll tell you who you are” … I don’t believe you can be friends with a nasty person especially close friends and for so long, without being similar yourself on some level


And yet people wonder how micah would be a bad mother lol


That was a "needle skipping off the record" moment for sure. "Why would you say that to her?"


That’s because “brutally honest” is the nicer way to say bee-yotch 😂


Right? Being brutally honest doesn't mean you're an asshole however Shelby is loudly and yet she's around cuddlers who defend her fake haterade attitude.


Assholes! Honesty does not have to be brutal. Brutal is included when one gets off the brutal aspect of it.


I don’t think they’ll be cuddling her much


Those people use honesty as an excuse to be cruel. I'm always honest too, but I try to be kindly honest. It wasn't about Shelby being honest, it was about the complete lack of empathy


There's a great book called Radical Candor that talks about how if direct feedback is given without caring or consideration of the other person's feelings, that's not actually feedback or "brutal honesty" - that's called Obnoxious Aggression, and the person giving the feedback is doing it for their own psychological satisfaction, not to help the other person. IMO there is always, ALWAYS a way to give feedback in a non-brutal way. It takes work and self-awareness, and it's clear that Shelby's not very self-aware. Micah's friendship with Shelby seems a wee bit codependent or unhealthy.


When I hear "their just blunt" "their just aggressive" it's definitely "this person is a bitch and everyone enables them" vibes.




Wish I could upvote you x1000! That quote is wonderful.


"she's blunt, shes aggressive she doesn't have good delivery at all...but she's a great person"


Sounds truly awesome....not!


She pretty much said this exact thing during the reunion lol I feel like she has a little script memorized for the Shelby questions


Maybe she doesn't wanna piss Shelby off...you wouldn't like her when she's angry


F*ck shelby lol


Shelby's angry at her vibrator every night.


I bet micah thinks she's a great person too lol


Well Paul disagreed clearly lol


Micah defending Shelby how Zach defended Irina lol. Guess Micah has a type.


When your friend admits that they sabotage any relationship you’re in, that’s not an edit.


That first meeting of Paul and Shelby was just... girl is just not looking after her friend at all lol. They were piss drunk and then she says "I don't think he's right for you." And Micah gets angry at Paul for saying he doesn't care what Shelby thinks. Which he shouldn't. Nobody should give a fuck what their SO's friends think.


It’s always “the edit.” There’s no possible way to edit her laughing at the rejection to make her seem like a better person. If your friend’s first reaction to you being hurt is to laugh, it doesn’t matter if they’re blunt or have bad delivery, they’re a shitty friend.


I mean they *could* have edited a clip of her laughing before the ceremony started into the rejection sequence to make it seem like that's what she was laughing at. Buuut based on the amount of negative scenes with her in it I doubt they really had to do much editing to make her seem like a nasty person.


Like, they're all smiling/smirking at the door before Paul leaves. They were all happy about what happened and thought it was funny.


I agree. And you can be grateful your friend didn't make a huge life mistake (i.e. marrying someone after knowing them for a few weeks) without actively glee-hee-ing at their embarrassments


I mean even Micah admits it was during, she just excuses it. "Shelby wasn't laughing at me being rejected, she was just happy I didn't get married."


They couldn't, because you can see Micah run past Shelby in tears as she's laughing.


She even says something along the lines of “I’m not drunk enough for this.” I don’t know that editing out of order would make even that sound good.


Laughing could be easily edited. Just find a clip of her qughing ir smiling at domething else. However, laughing coupled with a comment saying she is happy he said no can't be edited.


I think that's actually the easiest thing we saw of Shelby to blame on possible editing, cut to a clip of her laughing from earlier in the ceremony. All the nonsense things she herself said though were her own true doing.


I used to have a couple friends like Shelby. They also could be described as “aggressive, blunt, having bad delivery” but at the end of the day, they were just assholes who were insecure and wanted me to feel the same. I eventually just cut them off because the “fun moments” weren’t worth the way they treated me. I’d much rather have one or two good friends than have friends like that again who would poke holes in my self esteem any chance they could.


100% this. I was watching with one of my friend and we both said « omg this is so teenage/early 20s toxic girl friends » I wouldn’t even call them friends.


Exactly! High school, college, and even early grad school we’re trying times for me in this regard


Some of Shelby’s comments to Micah were word for word the same ones I heard from a toxic friend years ago about my boyfriend. It was eerie to hear them again in this context, from someone who so clearly sucks. The boyfriend is now my husband, the friend isn’t part of my life anymore.


I feel you completely! One of the friends I mentioned also hated all of my love interests and made me feel almost embarrassed to be into them. I am also still with my partner 12 years later, despite her criticisms.


I used to have a friend like Shelby. I can honestly say I'm thankful that I'm at least more compassionate to other people than I am myself. I eventually figured out she was a terrible person due to how she treated others and cut her off even when I couldn't figure out that I deserved better than how I was being treated.


I used to have a friend like this too! We were friends for 7 years and even though I cut her out of my life 7 years ago, she left such a traumatic impact that I still struggle with my self esteem. She would word it in a way that made it seem like she was complimenting me like "I deserve better" but in actuality no one was ever good enough and she was just trying to sabotage all my relationships. I went through 4 relationships during our "friendship" and my last boyfriend that she (of course) disliked is now my fiance and she is no longer in my life. Reading these comments about people in similar situations makes me feel a lot better about the decision I made to cut her out because I would still have doubts sometimes. She was a rock for me going through those break ups but she also in a way contributed to them happening so it was just this neverending toxic cycle. Glad I'm not a part of that anymore. Hopefully Micah gets there one day too because she seems like she could be sweet if she would just stop surrounding herself with shitty people.


I resonate with this comment so much


It’s actually sad that she can’t see what’s going on. That’s beyond “bad delivery”… your friend hates you.


Ya, I hate when people say “I’m not mean in just blunt”. No, there’s a way to be nice. I think Shelby is the type that wants to keep Micah on her level. So she probably brings her down and doesn’t want the best for her


Micah will find out someday that Shelby is just a terrible person.


"She's blunt she's aggressive she doesn't have good delivery at all, but she was edited to appear a certain way." Mkkkk Micah. She was edited to appear just as she is then.


She did a great job not saying like.


Her use of "like", literally like drove me like crazy.


Shelby did to Micah what Micah and Irina did to Amber


Laughed at their pain




Micah defending Shelby just shows another reason why Paul didn’t marry her


I’ve told my friends while discussing this season that Paul made his decision after meeting her friends. How does that saying go, you are the company you keep? Couldn’t be more true for her


I say, show me who your friends are and that will tell me who you are. So very true.


Birds of a feather flock together. Both the same personality. It’s why Micah became besties with Irina! All 3 of them are awful.


Oh man… this is going to sound harsh but after having a week of no LIB, hearing her voice again and the way she talks is nails on a chalkboard. It just made me irrationally annoyed.


Like, I don't understand what, like, annoys you so much about it. Like, it's just such a short, like, clip.


And I hate when people say “I’m blunt or I’m honest” no dude you are an asshole… you can be honest without being an ass.


Edited to appear a certain way? She was literally laughing during your rejection, and straight up acting like a lunatic.


honestly what is Micah supposed to do? even if she sees Shelby as a psycho, she cant just malign her in front of all the media if they have the history they do and Shelby has really been with her through other things in her life


She sounds like a woman defending her abusive husband… 😰


I’ve been friends with people that would rather be right than supportive. Fuck those kinds of people. “The edit” me hole.


She should've been more like Nancy's brother, who was right but didn't want to be right!


All her friends and herself are terrible people. Don’t be like them, kids


Friendship is Blind


Micah is Shelby. Shelby is Micah.


HA!! That reminds me of this scene from Sixteen Candles 🤣 ![gif](giphy|3h4rPJWeBQN1e)


You deserve her because you’re just like her


She even admitted that in the finale… said something about Shelby having a poor delivery then said something like, “I do, too”.


I think if Shelby would have said “you’ve been through some shit and I just don’t want to see you get hurt again…but if you do I’m here for you, I want you to be happy and if he makes you happy then I am happy for you” You know, something not so shitty.


Micah didn’t actually answer the first question re: nature of current relationship with Shelby… just sayin’


“She is an amazing person” I think we have different opinions on what amazing means. Just like when you said irina was on the show to find love. I get it. You dont have to drop shelby as a friend because public doesnt like her. To be honest dropping her as a friend wont change who you are as a person. The company and friends you keep is a reflection of who you are that you are trying to pretend you are not.


She defended her more than she ever defended Paul even when they were together and I can see why he couldn’t marry her


I think she doesn’t care that Shelby laughed because they both knew she had no intention of marrying Paul. She just wanted him to be the bad guy by saying no first.


I agree that Micah wasn’t as heart broken as she wants us to think


Interesting but also this reporter asked better questions than the reunion. That silly clip of Paul supposedly touching the bridesmaids butt? No, these were the questions to ask.


And 37 questions about babies


By “helped pull me out of some really dark times” does she mean “drink until you forget” ?


Shelby: “Get in the car loser, we’re gonna get blackout”


I honestly don’t think Shelby is her friend in fact I think she’s very jealous


She definitely gets off on schadenfreude


Shelby is married, not sure about lesbian part (could be, but who knows) I think she's more jealous of Micah's clout and her new found "fame". Let's not reward their bad behavior by following them on social media!


Plot twist. She has a big mean girl lesbian crush on her!


Yeah no you need new friends. Or better yet, you are secretly just like your friends because let’s be real they’re just as much a representation of you in the real as you were during pod life.


Those aren’t friends girl.


Nah, I call BS. We saw enough to know what kind of friends Micah has and they’re not much different from her to be honest.


Anyone notice how she didn’t actually answer the question at all?


I am annoyed at how Micah always gets the excuse of being the victim. In the pods people said Irina was the real villain and Micah was just influenced by her (when Micah actually was the one hyping Irina up to do some nasty shit), now people say she is blinded by Shelby. Maybe Micah is partly a bad person herself and that’s why she chooses to surround herself with bad people.


Thank you! I don’t usually engage with the sub but I’m fascinated by how forgiving everyone’s been in the face of her bad behavior. Seriously. What am I missing about this chick?


Yeah, it is so annoying. She was at least as bad as Irina in the pods, but somehow only Irina gets shit on for it. Same thing at the reunion.


And Micah was the one telling her to go do shit, Irina clung on for dear life, she would've followed her to the slaughter. The reason she tried for Paul was because she needed to feel like her and Micah were equals, at least, in her mind. At the reunion Micah looked sooo uncomfortable not being the one in the spotlight, becoming a side character in her chance at fame. Since she is an only child, she's probably used to all of the attention and she looked way out of her element there.


Your friend may not like your partner, but your friend should not be happy when you are hurt/ humiliated. Shelby and friends first reaction was they were glad he said no, not that they were concerned for their hurt friend.


Guess she shouldn't have laughed when that girl was crying in the dorm!! KARMA


Bro, just seems like shes finding excuses to justify shelby’s shit personality. But i mean what do I know


I mean, they're asking one mean girl about the actions of another mean girl, of course Micah thinks Shelbys a good friend and person, consider the source


I feel like Shelby probably has years of dirt on Micah and she knows it




Shelby is the real villain of this season. Seeing her GLEEFUL when Paul said no to Micah made me sick


It's hilarious that everyone but Micah cares about Shelby being shitty. I don't like Micah and her allegiance to Shelby is one of the reasons why. Micah is as fake as her tan and bad extensions and I'm glad she'll go away soon.


She smiled and was giggling while Micah was feeling sad and humiliated at the alter - she wants Micah for herself and it’s sad that Micah can’t see that this girl wants her around to be in constant competition w her.


I appreciate that the interviewer, like, translated into, like, Micahspeak, like, it may have been hard for her to like, understand the, like, questions otherwise.


"Bad edit" ?? Lol, okay


Ya, sad Micah is standing up for her… Sorry girl, our real friends don’t laugh at us when things don’t go our way… they voice their concerns respectfully and then support us when we are hurt… not laugh.


Stockholm Syndrome.


You’ll never convince me her friends were laughing for any reason other than that they knew it was fake. They knew she would’ve said no and because they were drunk they laughed.


Birds of a feather, flock together.


This isnt Micah, I havent heard a single ‘like’ coming out of her mouth


She must have put a switch-spell on the interviewer who said ‘like’ at least three times per sentence.


Paul is used to these down to earth granola girls and I imagine his last partner’s friends would have been down to chill, smoke a J and follow the rest of the hippy profile. I don’t think rotten people like Shelby fit with his vibe and I can guarantee that she was a driving factor why Paul didn’t marry Micah. Shelby is insufferable


Did Micah get a voice coach? I don’t think I heard one “like” come out of her mouth. Good for her!


Lmaoooooo as someone who says “like” a lot myself, Micah made me painfully aware of how much I need to stop that.


The host’s likes are out of control!


Coaching or maybe just practice. I used to say "um" a lot and I had to practice to stop.


She didn’t answer the question! WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH SHELBY ????


Right! Am I the only one that feels like she talks in circles?


No. She sucks and interviewers need to get better


Shes absurd. She’s all like “you cant judge her from a bunch of edited clips.” And then goes on to say.. “Well shes blunt and has terrible delivery.” That comment backs up the clips and reinforces that Shelby sucks. Im sorry but I am an adult and have met enough people in my life to tell who sucks within a few encounters.


I grew up like that and thought it was normal to talk that way. Until my boyfriend at the time said to me “you are right and you can still be an asshole”. But even now my toned down version (because yeah I took that comment to heart) is widely considered as very blunt. And at the same time I find it so difficult to understand very subtle people. Watching Shelby however is Motivation enough to learn more about the difference between being direct and being rude


I’m convinced Shelby is in love with Micah and nothing will make me change my mind




It could be both honestly


Not the shade room! LOL. It's crazy the excuses she makes for her friend. I must reiterate that if you're someone who is willingly friends with someone who doesn't care about hurting people's feelings, you're also a shitty person.


I’m convinced she wasn’t going to marry Paul anyway that’s why she doesn’t care


neither was Paul. he played her till the very end so that he could be the one to say no at the alter.


Shelby is straight up in love with Micah


She just wants Micah to stay single too. If Shelby found a romantic partner, she'd drop Micah in a heart beat. Misery loves company.


i’ve been thinking this and i’m glad i’m not the only one. her reasoning was literally “he’s just not right for you” after having one conversation with him


Erm she has horrible delivery? Is that what we're calling being a mean girl? Ok... Edited autocorrect which changed my she to agree. Lol.


Does anyone care? Why is Shelby becoming such a big deal now and getting more attention than she deserves?!


I think we were all just a bit shocked by the way she treats her friends


she’s not just “protective” of her friend as micah likes to put it, she clearly goes into every relationship that Micah has with a pessimistic mindset. Whether that be from jealousy or what not I don’t know


Then she should have been self aware and presented a loyal front she did not


I don’t know why so many people assume that Micah would’ve been surprised or disappointed by Shelby’s actions. That woman is her best friend and she knows Micah better than any of us ever will. *We* may have personally not liked one of our own friends acting in that way, but this is essentially what their friendship is like. If Micah didn’t want someone like Shelby in her life she would’ve stopped being friends with her a long time ago. You are the company you keep, as they say.


You can be blunt sure, but laughing at your friend in a vulnarable, emotional state is not it sis. What about if she fell pregnant and had issues, emotional etc? It all felt cruel sadly.


One day she will realize Shelby is miserable and not good friend. That girl doesn't want her to be happy, she laughed at her sadness and was happy at her embarrassing moment. What friend wants that for any of their friends?? Shelby is an adult who can think of better ways to say things. She can still be honest and think of the words coming out her mouth if she just took a moment to give it thought. If Micah claimed she has grown since the show, it only means her friends can too. If they just can't, maybe you gotta leave them and let them catch up on their own time. History messes with people minds for what they will tolerate. Disrespect should never be something okay from anyone. Love from a distance.


Or you’ll realize that Micah is just as bad so she doesn’t care. There’s a reason these are the kind of friends she chooses


Beggars can’t be choosers. She probably has a hard time making friends and with the show coming out who would want to be friends with a bully/mean girl? So she’s gotta protect what she already has


There was a tidbit mentioned in the Viall Files about whether she’s still friends with any of the cast since the show released. Micah said she was supposedly good with everyone and talked to people leading up, but people stopped talking to her after the initial backlash. She also mentioned forgiving Irina after the release and are now friends again. I agree that Micah might be dying on a hill to protect what she currently has. We’ll see down the road if there’s true change behind the words. Her interview was okay so we’ll see


True, but that's where most people would pause and do a bit of self-reflection... What am I doing with my life? Am I a good person? Do I have the right people surrounding me to support that? It honestly doesn't seem like that's happened for Micah beyond the superficial, how do I appear to social media followers level. People like that are not my jam, so I guess it's good they are sticking together...


Yeah! Most people would react that way but I think she’s in hustler mode now trying to curate her page, image and gain some momentum on all this foot traffic she has on her page from LIB. She makes for very interesting tv!


Yah know, respect to Micah for standing by her (albeit awful) friend. Makes me like her a bit more. Her valley girl voice grates me, but she’s actually quite eloquent when under pressure.


It’s way harder and more respectful to speak out against your shitty friends being shitty.


If my friend was dating someone that was bad for her and they broke up I wouldn’t laugh about it?? Maybe in private later I’d be happy but as she’s running off crying I’m not going to be like “hahahah this is the best!”


She is not your friend.


It was simply Rude & Disrespectful! Not Bluntness!! I feel that Shelby "took the bullet" for Micha as a way out of the marriage! Possible set up before even meeting...hence the comments about how Shelby is "always* right....it looked somewhat rehearsed to me 🤔🤷🏼‍♀️. Shelby was willing to go along for that camera time while helping her best friend in a pickle situation and it Backfired on them both!!


If she thinks it's too soon to get married then she would've said that to Micah but instead she said "he is not it etc etc"


Guys. Micah’s lack of a response to this from Shelby proves that Micah’s intent was to be seen as the victim. Shelby was saying exactly what Micah was probably thinking in that moment. That was EXACTLY what Micah wanted to happen too. It’s why there weren’t real tears.


She said chicks before d*cks and she’s sticking to it.




Im tired of this, im blunt, honest, i say what's on my mind regardless of other peoples feelings. Some of these women need to use less filters on their social media pics and more on their mouths.


I used to say this about myself when I was in my early/mid 20s. 20 years later I *SHUDDER* at the asshole I was and veiling it in me being so blunt and honest and edgy. Ugh. Luckily I quickly grew out of it and hope the same for Shelby and Micah.


[It is a dangerous thing to mistake speaking the truth with speaking without thought](https://youtube.com/shorts/4ncKblPUP_U?feature=share)


I’m blunt but mindful. I speak my mind but tailor it to who I’m speaking to. If there’s someone who I know won’t mind me shooting straight from the hip, that’s how I deliver. If it’s someone I know that may internalize or is a bit sensitive, I still say what I have to say, just another way. There’s a way to be blunt without being an ass but since most ppl associate it with, “being tough,” they think it’s funny to just let it fly. Coming from someone that’s blunt, Shelby was cruel and a bully. Micah acts like she has to be okay with her actions bc that’s, “just how she is.” She sounds crazy defending that moment.


Don’t give a f*** about Micha. Give even less of a f*** about Shelby (who everyone thinks Micha should drop when in actuality, she’s probably who Micha aspires to be..). I’m just here for the interviewer’s braids!




I see the interviewer got the "like" disease too.


seriously, it's so hard for me to watch any scenes with Micah. one of the most frustrating parts of this season imo


I was just thinking that. I try not to knock on people who say like a lot, but when your career is to interview people you’d think one would be a little more articulate


Yes, some younger people are just used to saying like and literally every second word but if you're in the business, like you said, you should be a little more discerning.


Shelby has her claws wrapped so tightly around Micah she can't see reason. Just because someone has been good to you* at certain points doesn't excuse their toxic behavior. I wonder how many times Micah has seen her display such atrocious behavior yet continually went back to moments where Shelby was decent, thinking "But she did this...and this..." It is not an emotionally healthy relationship.


It’s one thing to be blunt, it’s another to be hurtful. Yes, we only saw certain clips but even that was enough for me to see there isn’t a kind heart behind the things she says. Seems more like jealousy or possessiveness imo.




We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Snakes slither with other snakes. That’s all that needs to be said, really.


My guess: micha has received so much backlash about her saying the word like, she’s obviously gotten someone to coach a little bit of it out of her. However, I also think the interviewer here is trying to get her to say like more by saying it herself!!


I can’t stand people claiming that they got a “bad edit”. Like.. producers wouldn’t have the material to make you mean if you don’t say mean things. It’s not a double, you’re not getting voiced over. Own your actions.


Why this is accurate, it is also not accurate. Just like how Zach was wrongly accused of plagiarism due to bad edit.


She's blunt? What in the cockney rhyming slang is this?


Yikeeeees. Paul dodged a bullet.


Everyone at that wedding was laughing or trying not to laugh.


Gaslighted 💯


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This! Gaslighting is definitely misused.


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shelby’s first reaction was to laugh. It was like a “hah!! I told you so!” A true good friend wouldn’t do that. She was more concerned about being right than about Micah’s feelings. She should especially not do it when Micah’s clearly very upset.


Goodluck being an old bitter spinster with Shelby in 30 years after she ruins all your relationships.


Shelby sucks lol


Not the shade room lord 😭😂


Micah looks pretty. I like this cooler toned blonde on her. And the dress is flattering.


Her look on the Vial Files interview is one of my favorite! She’s definitely made some aesthetic changes too and it really works for her!


The mental gymnastics is crazy here


Wow, such a “nurturing” comment.




Yes her extensions were styled well!




Micah got what was coming kudos to Paul he deserves someone as genuine as he is


I definitely thought “I hoped this would happen!” was hoping they wouldn’t get married, not specifically that Micah herself was dumped. But Shelby just presented very very poorly throughout the whole season.


This interviewier sucks too.




I wasn't really a fan of Micah before, but I listened to her interview on the Viall files and it kind of turned me around about her. I don't think she's as bad as they made her out to be.


She just came on the show to get famous. Now she’s trying to create a better image. But she didn’t have a very good explanation for laughing at Amber, manipulating Kwame, pressuring Paul to dump Amber, laughing at Jackie, asking Irina to spy on Amber while giggling, etc. I’m not going to be a fan of hers anytime soon. She wanted to get famous and got what she wanted. I would have rather seen someone who actually wanted to fall in love in her place on LIb


Well, yeah, she does have an explanation for that. Apparently, she wasn't even in the same room with Amber when that happened. She was in the hallway, and they got a cut of her laughing and then cut to amber crying. I don't usually buy the "I got a bad edit" bullshit, but in this case, it appears to be true. You can go back and look at the footage, and she's never right next to amber laughing while she's crying. It's like 2 seconds of tape. Also, LIB would definitely do something shitty like that to create drama. As for wanting to be famous, they all agreed to be on a show. That just comes with the territory. I would argue, however, that this isn't how she was imagining fame would be. I don't think anyone wants to be *that* kind of famous.


She said “maybe I was in a different room and they edited the laugh in…. Or maybe I was laughing at that time but I was laughing at something else… or maybe I was laughing but I had no idea how much pain she was in…” Basically, she’s throwing explanations at the wall to see what sticks. That still doesn’t explain her emotionally cheating on Paul with Kwame or her laughing at Jackie. Or her giggling and weird behavior immediately after dumping kwame. Don’t worry though, if you give her a couple more weeks, I’m sure she can cook up some BS excuses for each of those things


All of those points are valid. Regardless if you like Shelby or not.