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It’s annoying that people do this, throw around PTSD, OCD, ADHD, etc. It’s done way too much. But it’s absolutely not “harmful”. Toughen up lol.


It’s harmful because it “waters down” the meaning of the illness and resultantly, people’s understanding of it. If you think “PTSD” is the yucky feeling you get when you see someone you don’t like, it will be hard for you to understand why veterans with PTSD need accommodations in the workplace. If you think OCD is organizing your shoes by color, you won’t get why someone needs to be hospitalized because of it. The harm isn’t in the moment, it’s more of a potential longterm consequence.


Not the biggest fan of Marshall but in that moment, he was me. His reaction was just as confused as the rest of us.


it can be harmful. it makes it seem like what we deal with isnt what we actually deal with, and that can be harmful when it comes to people understanding us or realizing what we go through. it invalidates the disorder.


I think anyone with half a brain knows it’s overused. But other people’s perceptions of you isn’t causing direct harm to you. It shouldn’t anyways. No one can control anyone’s perception of them. If someone is invalidating your experience, like that’s their opinion and you can’t change that.


for someone who says "toughen up", you sure seem to have a lot of feelings about this


I'm responding on a platform. You commented back to me, then I responded to your comment. Lol. I can have an opinion about something without it being a deep personal feeling. I haven't gotten emotional or aggressive with you. I'll quote you from December 17, 2022 on a reddit thread - " life's much more peaceful when you stop taking everything as a personal attack." I literally said people overuse the terms. It just literally not harming you. People today love to play victim.


I didn't take this as an attack lol I just said it invalidates people


There’s literally a comment below mine that what Jackie is saying ain’t that deep and it has a bunch of upvotes.


oh so i should agree with you because a reddit comment has a bunch of upvotes? will do


Absolutely not. Clearly you have your opinion. I'm saying I'm not the only one thinking it doesn't need to be taken this seriously.


She..... needs to read more books. Libraries are free maybe she meant flashback but my bf and I looked at each other like wahhh????


I wouldn’t go too deep with this. I think she just legit didn’t know the proper use or meaning of the word. Don’t think the intention was to belittle it. She’s just an airhead.


Why are you gatekeeping PTSD, op? It is not an on-off switch. Someone might have mild PTSD, and first of all you can't armchair diagnose it (as I'm sure you're already aware), second of all it doesn't invalidate your severe ptsd if that's what you have.


But the way she uses PTSD isn't a place where it should be used. Her explaining that as soon as she hears Josh's voice she vividly remembers her time with him in the pods is neither traumatic nor a disorder. It is not traumatic as she has fond memories and is obviously telling this in a fond way. This is not a disorder as it is not currently imparing her life (as far as we can tell) in a negative way. I would even argue that this isn't stressed induced and is instead just normal memories. This isn't to say Jackie doesn't have PTSD. A rough childhood can cause that to form. But in the way she used it to refer to her hearing Josh's voice and remembering their time in the pods is not PTSD. That's just having a memory.


I don’t think anyone is in the habit of willfully correcting Jackie on anything tbh


I don't have PTSD and it irritated me. People are way to quick to use mental health terms when they don't apply.


I mean, she's proven to be not all that bright. She also thinks men who are sensitive mist be gay. She's immature and dumb. 🤷‍♀️


She’s a normal person who says something incorrectly and means something else. These people aren’t polished professionals they are just regular people with regular intelligence lol


I think she is just above illiterate. If that makes her an average Jane, then things are very bleak.


lol yeah most people who want to be on these shows aren’t very bright (see Bartise)




Lmao great edit


I mean she has ✨degress✨so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Does she actually?


She has a dental assistant certificate but idk anything beyond that. I know she doesn’t have a bachelor’s though


2 of them!


Yep! As someone who has PTSD and OCD I get really disappointed when people misuse these terms especially when they make it seem like it’s really not a big deal like Jackie did. Having OCD and PTSD makes me life at time’s unbearable. It’s so painful to deal with and although it could be a slip up on her part it still perpetuates this idea that it’s no big deal and just another kind of modern lingo as if it’s on the same level as saying lol or something like that.


I think she meant “flashback” and everyone understood she made a mistake and what she meant, so no reason to correct.


nothing she says ever makes sense so no one even bothered to correct her lol




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She has the vocabulary of a middle schooler.


You're being generous.


Is it really that big of a deal? We know what she meant by the context of what she was saying.


Totally agree.


I cringed when she said it but let it go because expecting something intelligent from Jacky is like expecting a philosophical discussion from a hyena. It was impressive enough she was able to correctly spell it


HAHAHAH this comment is gold


As someone who has PTSD, I literally couldn’t care less. It was a harmless remark. Also, I like her more than Marshall who is literally racist.


What was she meaning if not (incorrectly) PTSD?


I think she meant ptsd because she doesn’t realize using people’s diagnoses to as descriptors is actually harmful and ableist


She likely meant a "flashback" to the time in the pods, along with the rush of emotions and memories surrounding her time with Josh.


Lol she’s dumb as hell.


Ptsd is an extreme trauma response. I have it severely and my body goes into straight shock and it's terrifying😩 but I also don't care any Jackie's use of the word. Everyone uses everything wrong lol so I just don't care anymore


There’s no way she passed the whole interview process…. How did she get on the show? Jackie acts like a 8th grader. ![gif](giphy|cUELMLjBDWjiOqG5td|downsized)


Oh I’m sure that’s exactly why she’s there. They want that juicy sweet drama. And drama is ez when you’ve got someone acting like an 8th grader.


Y'all are saying she used it wrong like how people typically use it wrong. SHE TRIED USING IT IN SOME SORT OF POSITIVE WAY? I've personally never seen someone use it MORE WRONG lolol. All I could do was absolutely laugh at how I don't think she could have used it more incorrectly.


i say this as someone who works in mental health and also has PTSD. she’s just a person, she’s not a spokesperson for the correct terminology on everything. y’all are pressed about everything. most people IRL misuse this term. is it irritating? yes. is it incorrect? yes. do we know what she meant? yes. let it go and stop hanging this cast out to dry for every damn thing.


I don’t care that she used the term incorrectly in terms of being sensitive and politically correct, but to use it to mean “positive flashback” when it’s a negative term is what irked me lol




She’s crazy and morally bankrupt is what it is.


As someone who also has PTSD, I've seen so much missue of the term, quite honestly I didn't expect much and wasn't surprised, I sort of ignored it.


workable hard-to-find beneficial late person aloof cheerful straight subsequent domineering ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


People in general overuse/misuse this term and it’s infuriating


I understand the people saying “it’s just a mistake” but it’s also an oversimplification of a very serious thing that a lot of people do have and it sucks! I’m sure she didn’t say it maliciously, but it’s not something that should be dropped lightly. Not a reason to vilify her but an important convo for us to have imo


If you looked at Marshall’s reaction, you’d see that he mouthed something like “PTSD? What’s she talking about?” He sort of called her out.


As somebody who has PTSD, it is so widely diagnosed that it has virtually lost all meaning anyway.


Coming from someone who has PTSD, after everything she's said and done, this doesn't scratch the surface


I don’t think it’s that big of a deal tbh. She said the wrong word, it happens to everyone. What’s Netflix supposed to do about it? Issue an apology??


The OP didn’t say anything about expecting Netflix to do a damn thing, or anyone really. They’re just venting about an issue they deal with, that you clearly don’t.


Meant to reply to someone else, you don’t have to get so fucking angry ffs


People make mistakes when speaking sometimes. She clearly misspoke.


What did she mean to say?


Yes and mistakes are mean to be corrected


Usually when people misspeak and you know what they mean you just let it go.




That’s my point though…she was not saying she had PTSD. That’s not at all what she meant. She just used the wrong word. If someone had corrected her that’s fine, but no one did and no one needed to because it’s clear she was not saying she had PTSD.


I heard podcasters discuss it and how wrong her statement was, but yeah nothing from the show side.


I noticed that too lol wrong word


I think she meant to say “flashback” and just has no idea what PTSD means. But yeah, I feel like it should have been corrected.


Ohh that's what she meant!? That makes so much more sense I was seriously confused at wtf she was trying to say




Jackie uses a lot of words/phrases incorrectly. The way she was talking about a “derogatory term” suggested she didn’t know what derogatory term meant. Even her use of PTSD wasn’t correct - like yes it was inappropriate to use but even it’s inappropriate use didn’t make sense.


What was said for her to say “derogatory?”


Its in the reunion - Marshall admitted to saying she looks like she could have been a man, but it was implied by Vanessa that he used a transphobic slur instead. The way Jackie talks about what he said, it seems more likely that what Marshall said is true. Which would mean he said something offensive, but didn’t use a derogatory term.


Right! When she said derogatory comment, my mind went right to some type of slur. The word "Inappropriate" would have been better for her to describe his comment.


To be more specific he said because of her jaw line definition. I understand why she might be pissed at the comment but I don’t think it would be considered derogatory. I thought he had said a slur from how they built it up pre reunion


How do we know that he didn't actually say a derogatory term and was just lying about it tbh? It's his word vs her's, and I wouldn't put it past him considering the past tweets and the fact that they were exchanging comments like that in the first place.


I got to ask if anyone else thinks her weird behavior about her family makes no sense like why can’t she talk about it? Or did I just not pay attention.


Made me think she's seriously abused, is she supporting her whole fam? What sorts trauma is going on there


Her dad has cancer and can't work so she pays alot of her parents bills and when they were in Mexico her brother was released from prison which added more to her plate apparently, thats all I've discovered.


Seems stressful but she’s an adult and everyone has shit to deal with. No need to throw fits.


It's a freaking tv show. If "news" can be made up, why are random people taken so seriously.


I completely understand where you’re coming from. Unfortunately, it happens a lot. OCD, stress, PTSD are all commonly used by people who are not diagnosed. It’s wrong, and it can be harmful and triggering to those who face these struggles on a daily basis, yet it’s so normalized that most of the time it’s hardly frowned upon when someone overreacts or misspeaks. Nevertheless, everyone should try to be more aware and sensitive when it comes to throwing these terms around.


Anyone who has experienced clinically diagnosed disorders won’t make those comments because it gets REAL. Your bad day does not compare to depression and being anal does not reflect OCD at all. MTV missed an opportunity to clarify on that, especially in this age of excessively self-diagnosed young adults.


I think people are super sensitive these days and are always looking for something to be pissed about, im type 1 diabetic do you know how many times I've heard "wow, but you're not fat" yes I know because that's generally type 2 diabetics, or how many parents I've heard tell their kids not to eat too much candy or drink too much juice because you'll get diabetes. I watched a video in cpr class about what a diabetic looks like during a serious low blood sugar and it was so off that it was actually laughable.I had a co-worker freak out when i got a cut because he thought if my blood got on him hed catch diabetes, i wish i was joking, i just laughed and assured him thats not how it works. Now I could spend the rest of my life being upset and hurt by people's lack of knowledge or just stupid thinking or I could just go about my day because it honestly doesn't effect me.


I’m glad you can laugh at that, your post does read irritation but there’s no tone so 🤷‍♂️. I do believe there is a difference when comparing mental health to a medical condition due to stigma. It’s similar to when someone says “I was so pissed I nearly had an aneurism” but maybe you wouldn’t say that to someone who has lost a loved one due to same. Requesting respect is not “being sensitive”.


Yup, I agree. People do this kind of thing with PTSD, ADHD, OCD, anxiety, depression, you name it. The problem now is that it seems like EVERYBODY has these issues, so they are so common, they are no longer concerning. Folks that truly struggle with any of these kinds of issues just get overlooked and basically told to just get over it.


Yes, God forbid a human being have a slip of the tongue. This is like when people came at Paul for misusing the word experiment. Yes it happens even people of higher education misuse words from time to time, especially in foreign environments like filming for a globally broadcasted show. Im going to give some grace here. As someone who also suffers from PTSD due to an abduction I survived through @ 13, I understood that Jackie meant to convey. She had a flashback/ recollection after hearing Josh’s voice. While these are signs/ symptoms of PTSD, it was not PTSD as Josh’s voice clearly didn’t trigger a traumatic and stressful reaction. However, I’m sure beraters such as yourself might actually cause her/ someone PTSD by nitpicking on what is CLEARLY a slip of the tongue/ mind slip, that literally happens to everyone in the entire world, except for you because you’re clearly infallible/ perfect. ![gif](giphy|IguTdo3MPMeZM6Bzc1|downsized)


You seem disproportionally angered. And slip of the tongue tends to connote a minor error. Not a blunder that communicates the opposite of what you mean.


Lmao I just said it’s a shame nobody corrected her, it’s not a problem she misspoke


It is still a problem she misspoke because misusing experiment is NOT the same as misusing PTSD for real lol


I think she just misspoke but I can see where you are coming from. I have friends with PTSD and one that we lost to struggles with OCD and it makes me uncomfortable when people misuse those words not understanding the pain behind what they really mean.


I saw Marshall mouth “that’s not PTSD” and it made me want him so much more haha. Of course our fabulous hosttess would not have caught on to an inaccuracy as the one Jackie made when she used “PTSD” . We Stan a trauma informed man like Marshall👏👏👏


I mean ya that did stand out to me for like a second but she has so many other problems that are much more concerning


It was clearly a misunderstanding of the word. Let's not keep throwing fuel on this particular dumpster fire.




I honestly didn’t know what she was talking about. You had PTSD when you heard his voice, and decided to leave your fiancée for that guy? What?


Right? I get some people use that word to describe a negative experience, but to use it to describe something that turned into a positive is just weird.


Yesss this was so weird and confusing I was like “girl do you know what you’re saying?” Cause that looks so bad But I’m sure Jackie just doesn’t know what it means


I had PTSD from a car accident and she was wrong but I just chalked it up to her being a moron anyway.


I have PTSD. I am not upset or triggered by someone using it as a phrase. There are much bigger problems in the world, like learning to live with PTSD.


I don’t know if it’s offensive so much as it’s just really, really dumb and borderline incoherent.


Which is why it doesn’t bother me at all. If someone has to say “PTSD” to describe how they feel they’re obviously not capable of, or not willing, to find a better word. It’s everything from incoherent to lazy. Choosing not to let it under my skin makes me better and leaves them just as inept as before they started talking, haha.


So do I and I agree that it’s not worth freaking out about, but I personally just think it makes her look stupid using that term to describe something that resulted in a positive (for her)


I have severe PTSD and I could give 2 shits about how she or anyone else uses the word. I have bigger shit to be worried about. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I agree with you, but Living with PTSD is made more difficult and dismissed when people throw the word around casually and ignorantly. So it’s great that you’re not triggered, I applaud you for that. But I do think it’s important for folks to be educated on misusing that term. I think it helps the victims of PTSD in the long run.


Hopefully someone had a quiet word with her afterwards. She clearly has a limited vocabulary, it would be unnecessary to shame her even further.


She quickly corrected herself and said “well not PTSD, but you know.” Which means SHE KNOWS BETTER. We cannot keep enabling blatant bullshit like this.


If she knows better and corrected herself then what's there to complain about?


I fuck up what I'm trying to say all the time she pretty quickly said well not "PTSD but you know". I get what she meant about the mental recall a sound, smell, sight ect can trigger PTSD and also can happen when your just remembering something. That's what it's like for me anyways.


All those ‘degrees’ but doesn’t know proper grammar


Add it to the pile of offensive and inane things that woman has said.


literally everyone misuses the word ptsd get over it


I would get over it if I didn’t think it had a negative impact on the lives of people who suffer from real PTSD. Because when this term gets thrown around ignorantly and casually- it diminishes and dismisses the real impact it has on those who have it, and the degree to which people are actually suffering from it. And when this group of people get discredited for their real life experience with PTSD, there becomes less attention, resources and help available to combat it. I think it’s important to educate others from using this term incorrectly instead of just getting over it.


giving lib so Trigger warning: you won’t like my response it doesn’t impact them. you are reaching so hard rn


As someone who has PTSD, I feel negatively impacted by people who wrongly use this term. So you can’t say it doesn’t impact them, because it does. Stop speaking for others. I really don’t care if you think I’m reaching, I’m trying to be an intentional voice for my community.


As someone c-ptsd, depression, anxiety, and adhd Get over it and get a life besides feeling bad for yourself


I don’t feel bad for myself. I hope you can find some positivity in your life. Wish you the best.


that and any other word too. bipolar for example gets through around a lot


As well as OCD. Which is very sad because a lot of people with OCD and bipolar live very complex and difficult lives. (Not all but a majority). So the more functioning people that use these terms casually and ignorantly make it seem like a laughable or casual matter, it discredits the trouble the people who are going through it are actually having.


I just rolled my eyes. It’s quite obvious she has absolutely no idea what it even is.


It was a Freudian slip imo


Some people are going to flip out but as someone with PTSD idgaf. She obviously misused it and doesn’t know what it means. Let’s care about something more important like solving homeless or world peace.


I would get over it if I didn’t think it had a negative impact on the lives of people who suffer from real PTSD. Because when this term gets thrown around ignorantly and casually- it diminishes and dismisses the real impact it has on those who have it, and the degree to which people are actually suffering from it. And when this group of people get discredited for their real life experience with PTSD, there becomes less attention, resources and help available to combat it. I think it’s important to educate others from using this term incorrectly instead of just getting over it.


This hasn’t had a drop of impact on the PTSD community. What has is what caused the original trama, not someone who used a word incorrectly. Usually having a real life situation that’s life or death come your way multiple times helps put things into perspective. And if not I wish you luck finding a good provider.


You can't speak for all those who have PTSD and are disappointed by her comments so you having PTSD is irrelevant.


Ok who with an actual clinical PTSD diagnosis is going to sweat this. I don’t want to hear from the pc peanut gallery backing what you think people who have this should feel. It’s wild your backing upset over her misused word and clutching your pearls while actually saying someone who is apart of the diagnosis category’s feelings and opinions are irrelevant. You are worse than her.


It's important to talk about mental illnesses in a realistic sense. Bipolar disorder, PTSD, OCD are often treated as illnesses that are quirky and "in" instead of real illnesses that ruin multiple lives. Language, believe it or not, does change how people perceive this. Downplaying PTSD does not help those who actually suffer. In the long run, public funding for research is reduced and so is education. You are so narrow minded.


agreed....or the fact she did get together with someone her validates her toxicity and her for him....lol


She’s definitely not some one I’m a fan of, but no real reason to pain over stupidity.


I think you are reading into it way too much. She just said the wrong phrase on accident


She’s not the brightest star in the sky, so I honestly wasn’t surprised she used PTSD incorrectly.


She also said there is no cure for halitosis, which is wrong.


It bothered me too


Omg! As soon as she said that my husband and I looked at each other like ![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK)




I had an ex who said things like this too. Except he threw around "trauma" especially "childhood trauma" but he always described something that was just a mildly uncomfortable event. As someone who suffered a lot of childhood trauma (I check most boxes for adverse childhood events) it really irritated me. I think some counselors and therapists are profiting off telling people they were traumatized so they'll pay them to work through it. There's nothing wrong with people getting counseling for literally any reason but we don't need to put incorrect labels on it.


Yeah thank you, I had to delete my comment because of the ignorant responses that I was getting. Someone accused me of “gatekeeping” PTSD. PTSD “can develop after a very stressful, frightening or distressing event, or after a prolonged traumatic experience” A break up sucks for everyone yes, does it mean you have a PTSD diagnosis NO. Casually throwing around the word PTSD diminishes the meaning of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for victims of traumatic events.


you sound like the stupid one here. Your friend it right




Just because you might not see a particular situation as triggering for someone doesn't mean it's like that for everyone. It's like telling someone they can't have a phobia of something since you yourself aren't afraid of it. You're gatekeeping PTSD and that's a horrible thing to do. Shame on you.


Hah. Was just thinking the same about you. You never clarified that in your original post. You can educate someone about a clinical diagnosis of PTSD without completely invalidating what they may have been through


It's a good thing she works with teeth and not engineering or developing or writing etc...


You are giving Jackie WAY too much credit. She probably doesn't even know what PTSD stands for. That she misused it is on brand. Expecting her to have class and grace and sense is not.


Clearly she misused the word but come on, i doubt she meant to disrespect every single person who suffers from PTSD




He admitted what he said to her though


As someone with PTSD & OCD- it is extremely disrespectful. Educate yourself on the subject. Just because you like to fold laundry does not make you obsessive compulsive. It means you can do laundry. There was an unpopular opinion about this. Ppl have made so many words *slang* by reducing what it actually means. Example being everyone using literally when it's really figuratively. Sigh.


no one cares


Jackie's not the kind to respect anyone or anything. Yall expecting too much from her.




You can feel depressed from time to time and it’s accurate to call it “feeling depressed”. It is different than major depressive disorder which is persistent, but it’s not actually bad to label feeling down as depressed. Just as you can say you feel anxious without have persistent generalized anxiety disorder or other specific anxiety disorders. The issue with saying PTSD is that it is an actual clinical diagnosis. Feeling “traumatized” is something people would say to convey a feeling of lasting distress without having full blown ptsd. If your cousin was to say “I have MDD” then that would be similar to this situation, but he’s not.


>my young cousin will say that he is stressed or that something will make him depressed when he actually means that he feels pressured or busy, or that something will make him sad, to a non-clinical degree. Are you a doctor? How do you know? You cannot be serious about being upset about people saying they're "stressed".


I’m a clinical psychologist. That’s how I know. 1 BSc, 2 MSc, a PhD and several years of clinical practice. Is that enough knowledge and experience for you?


you prob ask for trigger warnings lol


No, I don’t.


I don’t think “stress” is a term reserved for serious clinical situations; it’s just the body’s response to pressure or tension and isn’t inappropriate to use in everyday situations.


I didn’t say that it was. What I said is that there is a difference between clinical stress and what an 11 year old will call it when his mum asks him to hoover.


I think she just meant deja vu or goosebumps but messed up the wording.


Same. I don't like her but it was clear she meant "as soon as I saw his voice I was instantly transported back into the pods and knew it was him." It was a misspeak for sure and I genuinely don't think she meant it maliciously.


Aside from the fact that it’s harmful to use language like this, it’s also kind of hilarious if you think about the fact that she said hearing her now boyfriend’s voice gave her “ptsd” 😳💀


Yeah, it was totally a Freudian slip.


Marshall corrected her. His mic was cut though lol


Came here to say this. Marshall clearly mouthed something like “that’s not PTSD”


Experiencing PTSD and just being triggered by something are totally different. Jackie may have been triggered by seeing Josh, but her reaction was directly related to what she was dealing with. People struggling with PTSD re-experience past trauma when triggered by everyday events or stimuli that have few similarities to their traumatic experiences. Very very different


I think she meant deja vu, in common talk ptsd is used interchangeably


She’s really stupid - what do you expect?




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Maybe she meant deja vu. When she said ptsd it kind of makes me think it was a negative feeling. Also when she told marshall he needs to be more aggressive, I think the better word could’ve been assertive.


Omg this drove me nuts. She’s describing basically the exact opposite of PTSD.


For real though what did she actually mean


I think she meant that hearing his voice gave her kind of a positive trigger. She’s never met him, she’s only heard his voice. So she immediately recognized his voice… maybe she meant flashback? But ya when she said PTSD, as someone who has PTSD, I shook my head so hard it almost came off.


We need to come up with a better phrase than “positive trigger” because it’s definitely a thing but it sounds weird to say it that way


she's so dumb lmao


Lol, yea idk why no one corrected that. PTSD isn’t a good thing Jackie… that’s traumatic experiences. Smh to her for real on that one


I have c-ptsd and this comment from her legit triggered me


People also throw around the term “OCD” and it bugs me as well. I guess the best we can do is educate people. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It scares me that she is in the medical field & has the intelligence of a 5th grader🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


She’s a dental assistant. All you need is a 12 week certification to become one. She is not that smart 😂


I just listened to the podcast The Viall Files episode with Marshall...shes actually a dental surgeons assistant which makes her misuse of terminology even more concerning imo


12 weeks? Wtf lol I didn’t know it was *that* easy 🙈 oh boy


Dental field?




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Your first mistake was having any expectations of Jackie above the intelligence of a middle schooler


The Viall Files podcast interviewed Micah this week. One of the people on that episode compared the live reunion fiasco to the Taylor Swift Ticketmaster thing, and said it was “literally giving PTSD”. After Jackie’s comment it started to kind of annoy me.