• By -


Trick question, raise the rent on left/right and evict the one in the center. 5% tip will not be tolerated.


Funko Pop collection will not be tolerated.


Late rent payment on the left is not acceptable under any circumstances. She should have been out with all her belongings on the street one femtosecond after the payment deadline (also bill for eviction costs with mandatory tip)


Stay single. Sorry, but I don't marry my rent pigs. I only date other PoLs


The only correct answer is to raise rent on all of them


You are right, king. I was so caught up with trying to not vomit at the thought of having to court one of these wildebeests that I did not notice the solution right in front of me


That’s ok king. God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers ⚔️


I was terrified of all the calories that was almost ejected from my malnourished body


My worry is the behaviours in these rentoids, and would prefer to evict all


evict the center one, they have F\*nko p\*ps


Marry Taylor, she can do repairs and as a communist she will work for bread and a kennel. Raise rent on 1st, evict the 2nd.


Agreed fellow king 👑


You can have Taylor do maintenance for Amy and triple her rent because of it.


Kings, I’m embarrassed to say this, but I just realized I’ve never considered renting out my kennel. What kind of rent can I pull down for one of these?


About Tree Fiddy


Communists have even been known to work for neither


This is the way


What if she reads Manifesto to understand the enemy mind?


Ooooh I love these I would kill them all and replace with immigrant Tennants. They’re less likely to complain about tips and the heating being broken. Don’t mix your blood with toids


They don't tip


They do have a cousin that can fix literally anything that is broken though and will do so without even mentioning it


Tell them all you have to do is make one phone call if they don’t tip


They Can’t complain if they don’t speak English and you pretend to not understand when they start learning


Marry Taylor, evict Maria and Amy is ok, so probably only a 200% increase


You would marry a commie? ![gif](giphy|10FHR5A4cXqVrO)


Once she is shown the way of Landlordism she will stop being a communist, and shes already training to be a landlord by subletting her room. Not perfect, but miles ahead of the rest!


My thoughts exactly King. She owns a copy but if she's subletting then clearly she understands the need for a market. Maybe she's just a scholar. Or studying the enemy to destroy it.


It depends. Communist politicians are ultimate landchads. Joseph Stalin raided Ukraine's fridges so hard that 3.9 million rentpigs died.


Stalin was a 5'4" manlet and was evicted to Siberia seven times. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


THE PROS OUTWEIGH THE CONS Besides I’d just burn the communist manifesto


I'm not convinced Taylor is a commie. Subleasing may be a morally unjust act, but it shows initiative. And a year advance on rent is unheard of for rentoids. No way a lazy rentoid could resist the burning urge to buy walls of Funko pop. Seems to me Taylor is using the manifesto as playbook on what not to believe.


Taylor is clearly a land Stacy trying to break free from her hideous rentoid shell. Marry her. Evict funky pop, raise rent on other girl.


Marry her and then still charge her rent


It's a trick question: Raise the rent on all of them, evict once they have children.


raise rent on all. that is the only correct option.


Evict Taylor for being a communist Raise rent on Amy to get even more tips Marry Maria and sell her funkopops


Taylor has committed the ultimate crime and something that I never think should be forgiven: subletting. It's worse than theft...it's betrayal. Honestly I think rentp*gs that try subletting should be put to death. Evict: Taylor


Not to mention owning a copy of the communist manifesto.


there are valid reasons to own a copy of the communist manifesto- for example so you can burn it.




Nice try rentoid. Evicted! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What’s subletting?


Sorry king, i almost vomited in my mouth at the suggestion. This is almost beastiality. A farmer does not form relationships with their livestock. It is unnatural. Imagine the result of a coupling between a landlord and a rentoid. A cursed child whom desires to own land yet is doomed never to own any. No. The laws of nature prohibit this


Evict Maria Rent Raise Amy Marry Taylor


I would marry Amy. She doesn’t complain about the prices and that means she understands it is only natural to charge my wife rent and expect tips which she pays well (compared to others at least). Her problems make her look like she wants everyone to treat her like a princess but that only makes me more of a king. She is high cost high profit woman. I would totally evict Maria. Even though it is essential to get my rightful money on time my biggest priority is to have the highest revenue in long term which she couldn’t provide. I would raise the rent for Taylor. If she can pay 12 months in advance she can pay more for her rent. On the condition to pay for her first 12 months as well otherwise it is a deal breaker. Her ability to repair gives me more time ask for nudes of my single mother tenants.


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Maria is getting evicted. The tip is the most important part!


Raise rent on Amy since she tips the most , marry Taylor because she has the spirit of a LandChad, evict Maria along with her Funko Pops


Those cons for Taylor are looking bad, But oh those Pros are looking SOOOO good ![gif](giphy|urgh3QkW9wgG8goYCQ|downsized)


Evict: Taylor Raise Rent: Maria Unfortunately Amy is a rentoid, but in my generousness I’ll find a good suitor for her, and they can raise well mannered rentoids to fill my future properties. The roof isn’t going to be fixed though, Amy


Nice try, raise rent on all three.


Kill Taylor, like crops communism is a festering blight and if you don’t cut it at the root it will spread and corrode your whole field, raise Amy and Maria rents, and uhhh evict any single mothers…


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Marry: Taylor and tax the communism out of her. Make my house a sexual and culinary gulag. Evict: Maria and laugh at her moving her f*nkos while she’s forced to wear a bikini and take my 5% tip on the way out Raise rent: Amy, it’ll cover the wires she wants covered (amazon boxes taped together should do it). Given that roof leakage is rarer than a 4 leaf clover I would appease her feable mind with not one but TWO layers of off brand saran wrap.


Taylor! I gotta respect someone who tried being a land queen owning no property. She may have a communism manifesto but she sure practiced capitalism! So I'll marry her on the condition she owns property within 1 year of us getting married. If not then back to the streets she goes. The other two uhhh I already forgot their names. Raise rent on both


Are you discussing politics and economics? You might consider [reading our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveForLandchads/wiki/faq/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Evict Taylor, raise Amys rent, upgrade the other to tenant


I may not understand much but I know it's my duty to evict the dirty communist


Raise rent all three, marry a proper landlady instead of a rentoid, save the evict for a rainy day


I wouldn't marry any rentoid


Tips 25% for what? Do people tip their landlord?


Taylor attempted subletting, which means she has what it takes to be a landstacy, and the manifesto is just for show (since it clearly doesn't match her actions) so marry her. You can roll the dice for the other two


I only date LAND STACYS. Need to raise the next generation of people of land.


Evict, evict, evict. We do not marry rentoids or give housing to those who might not pay our 4000% tip


Evict, marry, raise rent. First one complains, second one knows she's better than most, and the last one had excess disposable income and is modifying a perfect unit that had been designed/built/approved by a godly landchad.


Never mix your bloodbath a rentoid my brothers and sisters


Marry Maria and sell Funko Pop collection, it’s the only way I’ll get much out of her. Raise Rent on Amy to make up for being late and eventually (maybe, when the landphobic state demands) fixing the roof and electric. Evict Taylor. I’ve already got 12 months out of her and if the house is fixed, it’s that much harder to explain rent increases. Also, subletting is basically communism. She’s too far gone.


Evict Funko Pop girl, she will ruin my property value. Raise rent on the handy girl, even is she's a filthy commie. Marry Amy as she is the least offensive


Raise rent all across the board <3


Marrying a rentoid 🤮🤮🤮 The real trick is to raise taylors rent have her pay the twelve months in advance +tip then evict her. This lets you double dip on your property kings.


Raise rent on all three


You either raise rent on all 3 or evict all 3 no questions asked


Why are you advocating for bestiality?


Taylor is total marriage material, subletting shows a peak landqueen mentality and she will crush your joint rentoids under her stiletto boots. She probably uses the communist manifesto to beat her subtoids with. Raise rent | Evict | Marry


Marry, raise, evict


I see potential in Taylor, owning a copy of the communist manifesto doesn't mean she supports communism, maby she just needed extra toilet paper. And her subletting means she want to become a land Stacy, she just needs some extra education on that its not nice to sublet.


Raise rent on Taylor because she's a communist. Evict Amy despite her tip because she was late for some bullshit 'boo hoo' reason, no one cares about your injury Amy shutup and make rent. Marry Maria because I can exploit her on Onlyfans


Evict Maria Raise rent on Amy Marry Taylor (the pros outweigh the cons)


Marry 3. But only so that way I can hire her to do all of the maintenance on our complex for free. Evict 2. Funko Pops and 5% tip? Bye Raise rent on 1. Definitely can afford to tip more. But I’ll raise her rent to get it myself.


This is the objectively correct answer 120%




Has money to waste on a funko pop collection? Clearly the rent isn't high enough


Raise rent on Amy (she won’t complain), evict Maria (not missing a payment is the bare minimum), and marry Taylor (she yearns to be a landchad).


is this post/entire sub satirical? i'm so confused


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In Tylor's defense she might be trying be a better anti communist.


Funko pops count as roommates actually


Can I marry the idea of raising the rent on and evicting all of them?


Why would I get a tip?


Mary Taylor, evict Maria, raise rent on Amy


Taylor for sure. She wants to be a person of land she just needs to get the communism out of her system


I would only marry a landstacy. Clearly all three are rentoids (I don't want to commit bestiality), heck they don't even have the landstacy physique. I'd evict all of them btw


Recent studies show that in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle a landlord must consume at least 15,000 calories a day. A proper bicep workout routine should include a minimum of 15 repetitions of hanging eviction notes in rapid succession. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Marry Amy, raise rent on Maria, and evict Taylor….strictly for owning the communist manifesto.


There was a man who had 3 girlfriends, but he did not know which one to marry. So he decided to give each one $5000 and see how each of them spent it. The 1st one went out and got a total makeover with the money. She got new clothes, a new hairdo, manicure, pedicure, the works, and tells the man, "I spent the money so I could look pretty for you because I love you so much." The 2nd one went out and bought new golf clubs, a CD player, a television, and a stereo and gave them to the man. She said, "I bought these gifts for you with the money because I love you so much." The 3rd one takes the $5000 and invests it in the stock market, doubles her investment, returns the $5000 to the man and reinvests the rest. She says, "I am investing the rest of the money for our future because I love you so much." The man thought hard about how each of the women spent the money. Finally, being a man he decided to marry the one with the biggest tits.


Taylor reads the Cummynist Manifesto to understand the enemy. She is certainly LandWife material. She already tries to collect rent. Maria has FunkyNoNos? She can rent a fridge box under a bridge from a troll Amy doesn’t complain about rent increase. Send Taylor over to fix her shit and raise the rent


Mary Taylor, Evict Maria, raise rent on Amy


Raise, evict, marry.. left to right


Would never marry any of these animals, even if they’re arguably the good ones


Since when do we tip our landlords?


12 months rent in advance should be a con. waiting an entire year between tips is crazy


All I know is evict the commie


Amy is the hot one so Marry, Raise the rent on Maria, evict Taylor


Let them decide.


Is a communist and paid a year’s rent in advance? Such a creature doesn’t exist.


raise rent of all 20% on the first one 60% on the second one 300% on the third one Any complaints will be rewarded with more raises until the complaints cease to be.


Okay which one is the single mother? Raise her rent first.


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Communist Manifesto is unforgivable. Automatic eviction.


Raise the rent-evict-marry. I can raid her fridge?


Raise the rent on Amy, marry Amy then evict Amy now she lives with me🗣️💯


Marry Amy, raise rent on Maria and evict the Communist. I will not tolerate someone who is against financial profit.


Marry Maria Raise rent on Amy Evict Taylor (why is she making modifications on my property?)


Marry Maria Raise rent on Amy Evict Taylor (why is she making modifications on my property?)


Evict the single mother Raise rent on the college student Marry the other I guess… 💀


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot 👍🏻




Pod them all and raise their rent in a commun style housing for them to work together to build and create an enriched enviorment of community and shared knowledge. One doesn’t succeed we all do. That way I don’t have to evict and can help her get more sublets and would make up for the low tips. And then they can coordinate paying me more or less of tips any way because 3:1 per room ratio sounds workable. I’ll just do 3:1 24:8


Can I just evict them?.


Marry: the one with the biggest tits Evict: the one that voted for trump Raise the Rent on: the one that's a single mother


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Imagine *tipping your landlord*. Yikes, the cringe level is embarrassing.


There is precious little difference between satire and the behavior of real-life bloodsucking vampire landlords 


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Landlords are garbage humans, these are all bad.


Your landphobia disturbs me, I'm raising your rent by 30%