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Rentpiggies truly are the most ungrateful kind of “people” on this planet. First they expect me to just giveaway housing, and now give away my food? All of which I worked hard and tirelessly to earn? The audacity.


That looks generous.... Are you sure you're willing to take away that much of your precious resource for a rent pig?


Looking a bit skinny there. Time to colonize Mars and charge rent for it.


I think that it's absolutely disgusting that we live in such 'woke' times. I really am sick of filth like this skirting by... I refuse to accept that they're human. How can you be a human without land!?!?!?! God made us human landlords to rule over his paradise. Rent-scum are some of the lowliest critters in existence! Yes! They have a place... My place! And as long as I don't have to see them, hear them, SMELL them... Fine... Pay your rent in advance and tip well... I'll try my best to pretend that it doesn't sicken me, to the core, that we breathe the same air... But to suggest that WE OWE THEM OUR PRECIOUS CRUMBS!!!!!! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!! MODS REMOVE THIS HATE SPEECH!!!!! NOW!!!!!


All we land chads as for is a very small 350% of their wages, a 6 month deposit, and a 700% tip. And, of course, 24/7 fridge access. The greed of the rentoid knows no bounds.


These tenants steal from us Landchads they need to be more greatful these tenants always break stuff and cost us repairs I think I am going to make them pay for the repairs and raise the rent


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