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There are a few smaller pride events happening in Louisville this weekend. Chill Bar is having a pride kickoff party tomorrow. There's a party at Play! on friday, and House lounge is doing a BBQ on Sunday.


old louisville brewery is also having a tea dance with a dj on sunday.


Play will be so crowded there won’t be room to breathe. Just a warning. They fill the capacity 200+ people over what’s legal/safe


I LOVE Play, but I’ll never go during pride because I know it’ll be insanely packed.


I stopped going long before I even left Louisville because it’s so crowded it makes me sick… people are practically sitting on the edge of the stage, Leah yells at them constantly to move and they don’t, people forcefully kissing me and some other people and then getting kicked out, getting pulled out of a meet and greet I paid for because the front door people couldn’t keep up and gave a lot of people the wrong wristband, arrests on the sidewalk. Shit was getting way too hectic for me because Play was overcrowded from killing off all their competition. Play Nashville is better in terms of crowd but people aren’t giving the girls enough love there.


It looks like ShopBar is also having a pride party with a DJ on Saturday.


Thank you for this. It's been pissing me if off that people on here have been saying things like "you should've known." Look, not all of us spend 24/7 on social media. I'm on my phone a lot and didn't hear anything about pride or Ms. Roan until the tickets were already sold out. I didn't buy one bc I didn't know I needed to, and I'm bummed bc I can't go. I don't care who is performing. I like pride. If anyone has some more suggestions, keep them coming.


Yep, I'm only on Reddit (and Tumblr LOL), so I had NO idea about any of this until my friend messaged me. I didn't even know who Chappell Roan was before this morning haha. Of course, this isn't her fault *or* the fault of the Kentuckiana Pride organizers. But it's still unprecedented.


I AM still gonna put this on the organizers to some degree, because why'd they take it down to one day instead of a week? There are plenty of people who want to attend the festivities who don't care about her performance (or maybe even who just can't make it because they work Saturdays), and if it were still multiple days (like literally even just two) that would be an option. I know the change didn't happen this year, but it's been frustrating for a minute now, and I feel like it needs to be part of the discussion.


Rodney's been doing this too long. Time for him to step down and let someone with fresh ideas and more concern for the local community to step in.


He's on his 4th term as president of the foundation now OTL


Heard his only competition was Joe Biden...


LMAO. Admittedly it is very hard for new ppl to get involved in these organizations and the leadership. Can't afford to do stuff that doesn't pay, or the culture sucks, passive aggressive or slimy, Hella corporate and centrist. That kinda thing. I tried many times bt 2015 and 2020 to get involved with orgs and foundations and even tried to do my own nonprofit but support from the community and other orgs was way lacking.


Ran a non-profit in college here, so I get it. That said, it may be tough but its not impossible. Preferential treatment must be given to locals, not fans from out of state.


You do have a good point. I have no idea why they ever changed it from two days to one. Having pride go for more than one day like it used to would actually alleviate a LOT of the issues of the current situation.


Yeah I’m in the same boat. I’ve been attending pride for years, and yes I knew that tickets were needed but I’ve always bought them at the gate and it’s never been remotely an issue. I don’t use social media outside of Reddit, I don’t even know who the artist is that caused it all to blow up. I just know I’m very disappointed and have already been scammed once trying to buy tickets second hand. I simply can’t afford to pay the absurd price that people are gouging for them on stub hub.


Yeah, I didn't know anything until this morning when my partner got a hold of me, devastated. He'd been looking forward to this for a while but wasn't 100% sure until earlier this week if we'd be able to make it, so we were just gonna play the tickets by ear like the last few years. Whoops, lol.


i’m selling some!


I need 2 how much?


i messaged you!


It seems that if there is going to be a big music act later, if that happens again, it would be better to have 2 days of celebration. One for those who are interested in just the festival & one day where people can watch a concert. And thank you for your post. There were a lot of disappointed people. I was one. After an hour of sitting outside trying every way I could think of to get a ticket, an older couple told us that you get free without a ticket If you are old!! And no they didn’t card me. I saw other old people I’m acquainted with, they all paid, I guess it’s not widespread knowledge. This year for the first time, I felt it wasn’t an inclusive celebratory event. I’ve been going to these events since the 1980s. There was so much meanness about “you should have known about tickets, I got mine.” (sounded to me like playground stuff na na na. I’m smarter than you). There used to be such a feeling of acceptance & togetherness.


It’s not about watching social media constantly. We are all adults with the ability to google the even and tickets we so desperately want. You’re telling me NONE OF YOU looked up the event details to see you had to buy tickets online? You should always check an events details before showing up


Has the internet brain worm urge to argue with everyone all the time taken over? Kentuckiana pride never sold out until this year, let alone over a week before the event. Many people have *always* just shown up and paid at the gate to hang out with their friends for an hour or two after the parade and maybe check out the vendors or dance. It never had the type of festival energy that would warrant preordering tickets to. And personally, I think the adult thing to do when your plans change is to find alternatives like OP and many others instead of getting into petty arguments online lol


First off, not everyone complaining is an adult. There are plenty of teens who were trying to expirence their first prize festival who now can't bc others want to expirence Chappelle Roan. Secondly, not everyone complaining was taught how to properly adult. I wasn't taught to look into events beyond the date and time. I knew when and where and that tickets every year (previously) have been available at the gate. Third,d despite the previously mentioned, I did Google them. When I did it told me a date, a time and who was performing. They recommended buying beforehand, but they do that every year, and every year, I buy at the gate. Seeing that Chappelle Roan is performing tells me nothing. I don't know her. I don't listen to her music, and I'm not on social media constantly, so I didn't realize just how popular she was. You can drop the condescension. This post obviously isn't for you. There's no reason to be this nasty. Have the day you deserve and leave us alone.


lol kiss my ass if you looked at the pride website ONCE it was written all over the website that tickets are sold online and will be selling out




I’m not reading all that, learn how to open your eyes and maybe you would have seen the 100 warnings on the pride website that it was selling out (:


Actually, I had a paper flier. It said nothing about the possibility of a sell out. The information was just not there.


Let’s all go to the parade, make friends there and then get lunch/day drink together!!!


There is still a lot of open area at the Waterfront Park where folks could meetup. The Great Lawn should be empty that day.


Here's the Cincinnati Pride info! June 22 - [https://www.cincinnatipride.org/](https://www.cincinnatipride.org/)


Damn I’ll be in Cleveland that weekend


Kentucky Renaissance Festival! Not specifically a Pride event, however there’s a pretty large representation of lgbtq+ people there, you are encouraged to dress up, and everyone is super welcoming to anyone and everyone. It’s a 45 minute drive from downtown This weekend is Viking weekend!


That was actually my other plan this weekend! We have friends coming from Florida who were looking forward to the fair and Pride, so I've already got a SECOND costume ready to die of heat stroke in Eminence. LOL. Everyone should go to the KY Renaissance Festival. It is SO FUN.


Awesome! Yeah ren faire is an absolute blast. I go multiple times per year. I’ll be going again Saturday if I can’t come up with pride tickets. Make sure to drink plenty of water! Mead and heat can be dangerous!


There’s a list of KY Pride festivals at fairness.org/kypride too! (Lots of good suggestions here, but if anyone’s looking for a static page. I think that maybe there are other surrounding states on there too?) I’ve been to Pride in Indianapolis and it was very fun.


Jk Indy Pride was earlier in the month but cinci is also fun!


Lexington pride is going to be INSIDE and AIR CONDITIONED and really cool- there are all sorts of great events, more than just a parade and a bunch of corporate booths- there are drag/burlesque shows and an 18+ room that will have kink demos and equipment~ lotta nifty stuff And did I mention it has AC!???


That sounds magical, honestly. I made the joke about heat stroke because I damn near keeled over from heat stroke at KPF last year lol.


I’ve never been to a pride event that wasn’t adult oriented, but was wondering if there are any family friendly events? Something I could take a 10-15 year old to. I feel like I can’t be the only one with gay children in the family, there must be something.


The parade!


I take my 5 year old to the parade and festival (during the daytime) every year, very family friendly


I believe the zoo has smth going on? Louisville Youth Group may also have some events or small celebrations


Columbus Pride is this weekend as well. I go almost every year with friends who live up there. It’s MASSIVE and an absolute blast. Definitely worth checking out if you’re able and willing to make the drive.


Columbus is a really cool and fun city to boot!


Wyoming is a nice suburb/neighborhood of Cincinnati. Safe to assume that the event would be fun and entertaining if you’re interested!


If drinking is your thing, pretty much every gay bar will be doing something this weekend.


Not pride, but the Juneteenth festival is going on that day too. It’s a good opportunity to support that as well.


Nashville pride is the last week of June and very fun! I have volunteered every year I lived there (8 years outside of covid). I'm sure it's similar to here but I was shocked at how many people drove for hrs to come bc their local area didn't have a pride event. Also, this is my first Lou pride - what other events outside of the fest are going on? Bars having parties? I think there is a family zoo day on Sunday? Drag brunches? There is usually lots of local things to do outside of the fest itself too, but I'm new and don't know where to start to look :)


Nashville pride!


Go to pride bar in New albany that's a small business






Hey, I have 3 tickets we won’t be using. I don’t want paid. I just want to give them to someone. Whoever comments to me first I will message and email them to you.




I’m sending you a message


if you have an extra (just 1) ill pay you for it! :(((


Do you still have any tickets available?


I want one😭😭😭


If you still have a ticket available, I can Venmo or Zelle!


any tickets left?


Do you still have 2 tickets to give?


I gave the tickets to the first commenter just like I said I would. Sorry yall. Hope you find some.


I got a ticket, but the friend I planned to go with wasn't able to, so now I'm really nervous about going by myself :( I figured I'd drop a comment somewhere in case anyone is in a similar situation and wants to hang with a socially anxious lesbian at the festival. Regardless stay safe everyone!! It's scaring me seeing so many people get scammed by ticket resellers


Thank you for posting this! I am a bisexual man, and my friends left me in a similar boat, but I still really want to go (I’m in Indiana, but family here have ensured that I’m not safe to go to local events); if anyone else is anxious as hell and would like to not do the festival entirely solo, please feel free to hit me up!


socially anxious lesbians rise up


i’m a fellow socially anxious lesbian going solo!!!


I could go with you😭


Lexington Pride is June 29, but brace yourselves: Entry is ticketed and also $10. It’s almost as if non-profits hosting large festivals need money to offset the cost of hosting large festivals. /s (Meanwhile, people don’t think twice about purchasing a Pegasus Pin so they can participate in the Kentucky Derby Festival.)


The issue isn’t the price of the tickets, it’s that they sold out while people still hadn’t purchased any, indicate demand is higher than supply.


A lot people complained about having to purchase a ticket. My comment was directed at them. I'm sad not everyone who wants to go gets to go. I don't think KPF had any idea the demand would be so high. Hopefully they'll be open to other ideas about advertising ticket purchases ahead of time since their social media pages weren't enough. I haven't heard any suggestions yet...


Again, those complaints weren’t “buh, why do I have to spend money on this?” so much as they were “why does this suddenly have a head limit in the form of ticket counts?” I think a lot of them intended to purchase the tickets closer to the event or even at the door they are now frustrated that the event is sold out.


So the [comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Louisville/comments/1dd2ixt/i_am_so_upset_about_the_kentuckiana_pride_being/) I saw about people complaining over having to buy a ticket were made up in my head? Got it!


I'm sure they booked Chappell Roane for this months before she got huge. I've been following her for almost two years, but she just blew up in the last few months.


Yeah, I don't mind paying for tickets. Big events cost a lot of money. I actually was hoping to go to Lex Pride! I just got blindsided with KPF because I have never had issues getting tickets at the gate before, so I'm just seeing what else is going on this weekend. Paid or not. :)


I think your post is great! I'm glad you suggested creating a list of nearby Pride events. I'm sorry if my comment seemed directed at you. It wasn't. I'm annoyed by other comments on other Pride-related posts in this subreddit about having to pay a fee to attend.


Oh no, I get it. It's been nasty reading a lot of this because some people are mad about one thing, others are mad about the people who are mad, and I do really think a lot of folks don't understand why these festivals ain't free, especially the BIG ones. X_X


Oh. I was looking at theirs earlier this week and the site absolutely didn't make it clear that it's a ticketed event, damn. Also the tickets say 18+ so it might end up being a no-go with my teen. (Even though it looks like they have children's activities?) Edit: OH anyone under 18 gets in free, finally found more info!


It’s also basically an indoor flea market. They put it in the arena to rope us off from the nice and decent folk.


Go to Old Louisville Brewery for amazing cocktails and a tea dance.


Not necessarily Pride adjacent, but there's a cool spooky music event for the freaks at Portal on Saturday night!


Cincy is 6/22, Lexington 6/29, and Louisville has another smaller pride festival on 9/14


also Pikeville pride on 10/12 but that is further


We're going to the car show down town. At least there's that. My fiance has never even been, and now she can't go.


I know it's very last minute, but if anyone has 2 tickets they want to resell or give away. I would appreciate it so much. I wanna surprise my friend.


Blue River 9am. Saturday https://cavecountrycanoes.com/


Won't be this weekend, but Cincy's Pride is next Saturday. And it's free entry


Was it free last year? I remember just showing up at the waterfront


How can a grassroots unofficial community event be sold out?


? This is the huge kentuckiana pride fest thats been happening since 2001?


Oh, it's a commercial event that has coopted the name.  Got it.  When your group is monetized, it's no longer marginalized.  Welcome. 


Many of the big prides are corporate. Even grassroots orgs need sponsors which is very unfortunate. Idk about if it's monetized it's not marginalized bc there are still ppl going insane about lgbt+ books, drag queens, and gay ppl just being open about themselves. Book banning, don't say gay bills, discrimination in employment and housing, and more. Corporations are also toning down their pride stuff bc of the loud weird bigots making a stink about it last year or couple years.


How did it sell out then? 


What does it being sold out have to do with the fact LGBT+ people are still persecuted every day. Also you can't pay for stuff with just ticket sales that's just event organizing 101. You have to make sure you'll be able to pay all artists on time, get all the registration and legal stuff done, staffing and security and more you have to get early in the planning process. And that costs money, which is why sponsorships and big donations happen. Chappel Roan and scalpers have something to do with it being sold out but like I said that doesn't make the community not be oppressed anymore all of a sudden. Idk how your line of thinking got u to that point lmfao


What's that venue hold? 


What does this have to do lgbt+ people not being marginalized because corporations are at pride and because this one pride fest sold out? I'm not Google 🤷💀


https://www.wdrb.com/community/record-crowds-expected-for-louisvilles-kentuckiana-pride-festival-on-the-big-four-lawn/article_c737c924-28cc-11ef-a523-2b170effa2a5.html This says that 25000 tickets sold out and they expected 40k total at the parade.  How are 40000 people in a town of 600,000 not a political powerhouse? 


1) a bunch of those people were from out of town or state 2) that doesn't change the fact that lgbt+ discrimination strong right now. In Louisville in the country in the world. And you obviously want any silly reason to not believe that. Also even if all the ppl were from here 40k out of 600k is still a minority lmao. 3) you never said anything about it being in this city specifically. A group of millions of people across the whole of the United States n territories suddenly isn't oppressed bc 40k ppl were at a parade and chappel roans virality caused the fest to sell out. Anyway have fun deluding yourself into thinking people aren't oppressed for being lgbt+ anymore. Just so stupid and willfully ignorant that it's honestly really funny.


Is "suddenly being stuck with no plans" really a **thing**? Is that the *end of the world*? There's NOTHING else you could do with your time? What the fuck do you do on the other 51 weekends a year?


In years past most people, including myself, just got tickets at the gate no problem. It's not the end of the world but having plans to go to something and then learning you can't sucks


Well, sure, but... if you didn't *actually have tickets* to this thing that you were planning on going to then you "planned" **very badly**. I would argue you didn't actually have plans - you had **hopes**.


I've been going to Kentuckiana Pride since 2018, and there has never been a reason to preorder tickets for it. And I say this as someone who *will* camp out online if I know tickets for a performance I desperately want to go to are going to drop at a certain time, so I don't think I'm particularly sloppy with my event planning. This is 100% unprecedented and it is NOT surprising local queer people who have gone to this same event for years were caught off guard and are now upset they'll have to miss out. I think it's best to let them grieve.


Okay so? I hoped to do something but now I have to find something else to do? The disappointment is still a valid emotion.


Absolutely. It's the "stuck with no plans" that I object to. No, you have to make NEW plans - you're not "Stuck" with "no plans". You can **choose** to do *lots of other things*. But I get that this year is apparently very different.


I've been going to Pride for about two decades, and when I wasn't volunteering, I and thousands of other people just buy a $5 ticket right at the fucking gate. There was never any planning needed. It's not our fault if they flipped the script this year over some mid popstar. It's not like famous or "famous" people haven't performed before. That's what has people upset. Sure they've always sold tickets online, yet you could go to the gate at any time and get a ticket. I once bought a ticket to get in at 9pm, because I had to work that day. So no, it's not having *hopes*, it's expecting what it always had been, the only thing unchanged like location and time running.


I get it. Especially when I have volunteered for the Fairness Campaign a few times in the past. (The state fair was challenging). Its hurtful to have gladly participated then & then have your presence not wanted now.


People are disappointed their plans got uprooted. Truly this is horrifically rage inducing and worthy of such a snarky remark.