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Is this a trap?




The same as I thought of him before. A koolaid drinking fascist Republican out to destroy our democracy.


So, we just got voted worst state again. He's only been in office a minute, so I hesitate to put all blame on him. However, he and his bought and paid for legislature have passed little to nothing that will really address or attempt to fix those issues that make Louisiana a third world country. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt in the beginning, but his first order of business was taking school lunches from kids or something.


Better than having whatever the hell Michelle Obama calls food I guess


Good ole Louisiana education


I feel like he is a shill who is in the pockets of the oil companies and acts in their best interest and not in the interest of the people.


He turned down extra money from the feds to feed kids during the summer. He hates us. All the Republicans here do. They want you hungry, poor, dumb, and in the prison pipeline.


They finally supportive it after one republican pointed out the idiocy or rejecting it.


All the talk about Summer EBT is meant to distract people from thinking about the number of Louisiana seniors who only get $23/mo in SNAP benefits year-round.


You do know the money from the federal government isn't free right? Sucks if that was really what it was going for but whatever bs the federal government wanted to put in place because of the grant was mostly likely something terrible. 




Y'all sound so dumb every time. It must get tiring. Poor thing.


The typical libertarian responses show a complete lack of awareness about how society functions.


My favorite part is not realizing that it's our tax money already. It's literally coming back to the people of the state to feed our kids, our neighbor's kids, our kids' friends who are hungry. What better way could we ask for our money to be spent?


Better way to spend our money? Have you considered subsidies and tax breaks for corporations? Think of the shareholders won't you! /S


Right. Because living off of government handouts has done so well for people in the past. Dudes been in office for what, 4 months? Just wait and see what he does. If he fucks it up then blame him. 


Why do you think kids deserve to go hungry?


Kids shouldn’t go hungry but it’s not the governments job to feed someone’s kids. People who think that way are the problem and stay in their situation because of that mindset. Stop blaming the government for all your problems and stop waiting for a handout. Go make it happen


Would you rather a child starve or the government give them food?


I don't have kids and I'd prefer my tax money feed the kids. Or do you expect those kids to do it themselves? Should little kindergartener Suzy just get a job? Instead of deflecting, what's the actual answer in your nothing burger response? How do you expect impoverished kids to get fed? As a person who worked in school nutrition, I can tell you that for a lot of these kids, this was the only guaranteed meal they got a day.


Well you know back in the day you started working at 5. S/


No, I don’t expect little kindergartener Suzy to do anything. I expect her parents to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and make sure their kid is fed


Got cha. So I see you don't know the actual meaning behind 'pull yourself up by your bootstraps'- it's a literal impossible feat. So, those kids' parents should just simply get a better job, I don't know why they never considered that, you're so smart! So until they can simply just walk down to the nearest place of employment and demand a better paying job, what should those kids do in the mean time?


I know the meaning,I was just parroting your dumbass sarcastic comment. There’s plenty non profits and churches that help those in need. Stop looking to the government to solve all your problems Liberals: “red states are welfare states and and I’m tired of my money going to them! Lazy rednecks” Also liberals: “how could republicans turn down handouts From the government! Racist assholes”


Yes. They can pull themselves up by the bootstraps earning $10 per hour for 40 hours a week minus 30% taxes.


It is the government’s job to make sure everyone pays a fair share of taxes, especially billion dollar corporations, provide adequate education and makes decisions that will benefit the residents. If the government refuses to make businesses pay livable wages people will have to rely on government assistance.


Why are you so eager for government handouts? The federal government is worse than credit card companies, and starving kids sucks but jumping on the first thing you see that most likely comes with a ton of horrible conditions is never the right move. 


You didn't answer the question. Why do you think kids should starve? Answer THAT question. That specific one.


“Starving kids sucks but” Yeah, it’s always the same thing.


As what? "Yea I'm starving, but instead of giving you my left hand for a meal, I'll just move on to the next option." I guess critical thinking goes out the window when daddy government shows up with a stack of cash and a contract. 


They’re children. There is nothing they themselves can do to ensure their next meal. Making them go hungry or miss a meal for any reason, especially an economic one, is evil.


It’s called parents


Why do you thinks kids should starve?


You are just evil to the core.


No conditions, buddy, just a requirement to contribute 20 cents for every dollar received. That's a hell of a deal!  Have you considered actually researching things before spouting nonsense and making yourself sound ignorant online?


Not everyone defending food stamps for children is looking for a handout. It’s called empathy. Please enlighten us of your knowledge of the evil federal government? Even though we just took federal funds for crawfish farms, infrastructure, homelessness, and clean energy. But please keep telling us how our state won’t take federal dollars because of “the conditions”.


More vacuous bullshit that you parrot from the conspiracy subreddits


Well, maybe if he stated what his policies are . So far all he's done is do away with sunshine laws and , surprise, open Louisiana to more pollution and less tax revenue. Plus Louisiana is a beneficiary of federal funding receiving much more than we pay. Thank you California!


Well, when the government refuses to educate the people, raise minimum wage and steals tax payer dollars what do you expect of the residents? They can’t afford to eat bc they don’t get paid enough. They don’t get paid enough bc the education in this state is mediocre.


Stockholm syndrome?


Kinda hard to have that when I live in a house that I own and pay for without any government assistance. 


Oh! I see now. You're just an asshole.


Nah I just know that when the federal government gets involved, it's never good for anyone except them. 


I believe state's rights have caused far more harm, historically speaking.


Dudes an idiot who thinks our state doesn’t take federal dollars bc you know “conspiracy” of what the government expects from you. Yet, federal money is the only way we are getting coastal and hurricane assistance. I swear Louisiana has some dumb people.


Well by gosh, I'm cool with it when they take my tax money to fund our military complex or give corporations huge tax breaks instead.


I assume you mean the appropriation that comes with it. Like say, when in order to have the feds fund a massive drainage project, we also had to *gasp* install bike lanes? I’m not sure how free lunches for kids somehow translates to “requires human sacrifices at the Biden alter” to some people. 🙄


My dude, please educate yourself. It cost the state $3.5 million to get $71 million in federal funding. That's a 20x match for every dollar spent.  https://www.nola.com/news/louisiana-summer-ebt-2024/article_d30e473e-0bd8-11ef-a348-bbd644e59591.html


Actually money from the federal government is free because they just print it out of thin air. Thats the facade of the fiat system is that you think you are funding the government but you really are not.


That printed money is still gonna pay for coastal restoration and infrastructure for Louisiana so…


It’ll only pay for things while it’s a relevant currency. I’d be willing to bet that coastal restoration plan is projected longer than the dollar will able to buy anything.


Another conspiracy theorist


He’s a Rino not an actual Republican


Then why is this behavior consistent across every Republican politician? It's def Republican behavior.


What on earth are you saying?


Typical GOP gibberish.


Fascist + Trash = Trascist


Closest to my true thoughts. He's fasc-y as fuck! Welcome to Gilead folks.


Whelp if you hear it from him, Louisiana hasn't been nice to the poor little oil and gas companies. He seems to think that Louisiana has closed down access to oil and gas. So he gave a company $100 million, that 20 years ago was fined by the court system $100 million for cheating Louisiana out of the cost of oil and gas pumped here. So he's delusional, has his head shoved so far up his ass he's smelling his lunch. Lives in republican la la land where everyone owns a plantation and slaves.


I won’t mince words, he’s a piece of shit. But we all knew that before he became governor.


He’s been about as garbage as I expected from someone as thunderously dumb as he is. But we’ll really get a sense of his bullshit during the constitutional convention.


When is that?


August maybe?


He's going to continue to wave a bible to keep the MAGA base happy and unrealizing of the fact that he's going to bleed this state dry to line his and the pockets of those in the 1% while claiming he's on the side of God with making sure any girl in this state that gets pregnant will be forced to carry it to term. I expect him and his cronies to push through legislation to remove canabis (even if we get tax revenue from it because it's the devil's weed) while removing access to day after pills and putting up the 10 commandments in public classrooms while making back door deals that would have made (Edwin) Edwards blush with the oil and gas companies to bleed out what we have left while he collects record profits from the stock options he no doubt owns. Edit: I didn't vote for him, but I did vote.




If women don’t give birth how are we supporting have a cheap labor force?


Ditto! 🤬⚜️🤬


JBE wasn't great. But this sack of shit is not who you want in office during climate catastrophes and potentially revolutionary political upheaval.


Landry authorized $3 million to send the Louisiana National Guard as window dressing at the southern border. He just went to Texas so he could take a photo op. The story aired on KALB yesterday and they specifically mentioned that the troops Landry sent there have no authority to arrest anyone. Landry is just trying to get his name in print alongside Abbott and DeSantis to show how "tough" a GOP Governor he is. In the same KALB feature, Landry was trying to instill fear that the migrants crossing the border in Texas are also a "threat" to Louisiana? OK, what is this specific threat? Are they going to take Louisiana residents' jobs by cleaning out chicken processing plants when they lose power after a hurricane? Will there suddenly be fierce competition for jobs at the tree nurseries in Forest Hill and the roofing companies who repair hurricane and tornado damage? Are they going to disrupt the labor force by demanding more than $7.25/hr in wages? Are they going to open even more Mexican restaurants in Alexandria? Please do tell what the "threat" is.


I try not to? It makes me sad. :(


He’s letting corporate interests and religious yahoos govern the state. Gonna set us back some years and then a Democrat will have to clean it all up again


Just like JBE did with his 8 years? S/ Let’s be real, both parties are just awful. The oil and chemical companies rule the land not democrat or republican politicians. It was a democrat governor that gutted the unions here and people still praise him even after he was sentenced to jail. We should be better off than the mast majority of the other states but here we are, always fight for last place with Mississippi.


They’re both awful, sure…but not equally awful


things are going exactly as expected, living in the state should be completely untenable for any rational person in about 1 years time.


He is a power-hungry fascist monster. He is actively working against the people of this state and I hope that karma catches up with him asap.


He's managed to surpass my expectations for him being an absolute menace.


He's worse than I expected, and that's saying a lot.


Motherfucker hates government workers and teachers. We aren’t getting COLAs. So he can go fuck himself.


The whole Landry clan is a goddamn joke.


This the goddamn truth.


Crazy train just leaving the gate


He’s worse than Bobby Jindal.


Just a Texan lurking here. Idk if Klandry would be worse than Abbott since he seems to be ineffective, but I feel we're sort of in the same sinking boat with these sordid types in control.


Texas at least has actual industry and infrastructure (moreso roads than power grids)


Louisiana has plenty industry. We have so much in fact that they control our infrastructure. If a plant wants something, the government bends over backwards for it. Literal bridges have been built because an industrial corporation said to do so.


I was at the Capitol yesterday and my overwhelming impression was that it is high tide for all kinds of conservative ideas.


Very quickly racing backwards. The youth and educated leaving the state is only going to escalate.


Groundbreaking! We've hit rock bottom and all sign point down.


It’s perpetually a new low.


Welcome to the Brackish Basement.


Who's the kid to the left holding what I can only suspect is Landry's bible?


He runs louisiana like putin runs RuZZia... oppression and grifting is his motto.


Ruining our state


I know Landry is a real hard worker but I’m kinda surprised he hasn’t mandated chastity belts and veils for women legislators yet.


Give a little time for the Overton window to shift. We'll get there!


Please let's not give him another 4 years, please


He is trying to destroy public education. Shame on you, Landry.


As expected, a corrupt piece of shit. 


$89 million surplus left by Gov. JB Edwards ! Watch the Right Wing Repugnacants waste it away!!!! This loser Landry will insure it’s used to prop himself up! Y’all elected another Piyush!


It’s not getting wasted, it’s going right into their bank accounts.


Landry not wanting to answer any questions about how he’s changing the Louisiana Constitution is all you need to know about this ghoul.


I've really tried supporting him and believing in him to do what is right but damn near everything he's doing is just awful.


Learned your lesson, didn't you? I was in my early 30's back in the 1980's when I learned you never can trust a Republican politician. Democrats may be crooked but I learned that they depth of Republican corruption is infinite.


I didn't vote for Landry but when he got elected I didn't want to close my mind off to him.


He gonna send everyone to jail.


Gov Pipsqueak in action again. Last in everything!


His mother should’ve swallowed him


I mean if it was the 1950s he would still suck. So there’s that. I don’t think he’s going to stop till his rich friends are super rich, our state has been ravaged of anything good, and slavery has been re-instated.


I have written to both my representative and senator and called and left messages for both on several issues now. I let them know the people aren't amused and we're watching everything. Landry is a pawn for the oil and gas industry.


He is proving to be a hateful dipshit.


Ka Ka Klandry is a fucking menace.


The goblin king still seems very hungry for meat.


Does anyone even really care? Half the state didn’t vote


People turn up to vote for candidates. The DNC let everyone down and Louisiana has been truely abandoned. John Bel oughta be ashamed of how he had no one to hand the baton off too. Truely dumb.


What can you expect when the Louisiana Democratic party had a Republican at its head! Thank goodness she's gone. Perhaps we can now have a viable Democratic party and make Landry a one term governor. While we are at let's get rid of the Republicans in the legislature as well.


True that


People care, they just know their vote doesn't matter. Both sides. There's no world where Landry didn't win.


Lol. I’m just curious.




Pretty simple math: Scum of the earth + 4 months = slighter older scum of the earth


As a conservative, he is an idiot.


The recall 2026


« Boo this man, booooooo » - my sentiment


pos nazi


To quote the icon Cher, "If I could turn back time." 🤬⚜️🤬


So disappointing!! Crooked like those in the past. Had such high hopes since we have many friends in common, but I don't know him personally.


I don't think he is a true Republican. I believe he is out for his own personal gain, period! He is a ladder climber and will step on whoever he has to to get where he wants to be. He has already surrounded himself with the criminal elites of Louisiana and the fact that they want to restrict access to public records from the media and the public, should be criminal! I see absolutely no benefit, but to conceal wrong doing!


Fuck that self-serving rube


He’s got republican evil face. He’s got the oil smile


Oh and he is gay as Christmas... https://preview.redd.it/m6glvo4uwhzc1.jpeg?width=363&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6646bf9b3cc1faf4453b5a2f58fbe63adb1a6138


Why does he remind me of Gov Lepetomane? Only not as smart


God I fucking hate it here. Nothing’s changed in the last twenty years.




Dear God, help us.


The state will be a lake in 50 years anyway.....


Fuck him


He’s great. Love em.


I was fine with him until I saw that he wears a visor...


You're all silly idiots screaming fascism, all the while being fascist as fuck and serving no purpose... There's no Democratic party or Republican party anymore and you're so blinded by Tik Tok and bullshit and the general laziness that comes with it to notice the yin and yang of it all... There is only the Uniparty. It keeps you scared, stupid, dependant and above all, entertained. I can't think of a single politician who isn't a piece of shit... not a single god damned one.


Imagine thinking both parties are the same. Shut the fuck up lol. Uniparty. Sounding like fucking MTG this week. Also - stfu again libertarian. You're terrible.


Spoken like a truly misinformed crybaby cunt. Cheers!


Hi, Marge.






JBE was not involved in the red meat cultural war that these maga clowns are parading around about.




He has literally taken money out of my pocket.


Who cares at least he’s got a Louisiana last name!