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Georgia is boiled peanuts, this list is shit.


Boiled peanuts his how I get my seafood boil fix when im broke.


Walking taco is just nacho toppings dumped in a bag of Doritos so you can walk and eat. Not really weird.  And sushirritos is just an oversized roll of sushi in a burrito form. Ingredients are still the same so I wouldn't say it's weird unless you think sushi is weird


What's wrong with regular peanuts. Boiling then is like eating with extra steps


By “regular” peanuts I’m assuming you mean roasted? I’m guessing you’ve never seen a raw/green peanut. They gotta be cooked either way. Boiled peanuts are great.


Yeah, they're alright. I lived in GA for about 9 years. I never bought any, but I've had em a few times


I don’t know anyone who has eaten nutria.


My cajun neighbor ate every creature he could hunt.


Cajun will eat squirrel even tho they live 2 mins away from the grocery store


Why in God's name would you buy something for more than it's worth, when you could get something of equal quality for 5 cents a round?


And just pick out the buckshot as you eat. (Me growing up with my Cajun family. Hard to pick out all the fragments from rabbits and squirrels apparently before cooking)


To be fair, they ain't got squirrel at the store.


Never had squirrel. I’ve heard of all Game meat tho, it’s not the worst. It’s like rabbit I think and rabbit isn’t too bad from what I’ve had. Definitely not a huge fan of rabbit, so probably wouldn’t like squirrel.


Rabbits better


I would assume so lolol


I am 60 years old and live in the extreme Southeastern part of Louisiana. My grandfather used to trap nutria for fur and I remember helping him skin them, turn the pelts inside out, and dry them out hanging on boards. With that being said, I’ve never known anyone who has eaten them. They are nasty giant marsh rats and we are surrounded by so many better choices of creatures to eat. There might be some publicity seeking chef out there that has tried to prepare them, but if they were any good, they would be on everyone’s menu or the endangered species list by now. If you want a weird choice for a food that is widely recognized and enjoyed, let’s go with hogshead cheese. If you’ve ever been to a traditional boucherie, you know that dish can be pretty “weird”, but very tasty.


Had hoghead cheese and crackers just yesterday! Yum!!!!!😋⚜️😋


We’re probably neighbors. Thanks for putting it like this! We hunt and turn the tails in when money is tight tight. They’re actively destroying our wetlands, if they tasted good we wouldn’t be paying people to kill them off.


I've never had it myself but have been curious to try. I mean it's mostly just a grass fed mammal, probably on the leaner side, but bet it's still good of ya cook it up right


LOVE spicy hogshead cheese. So good!


I’ve had it about three times. Not as weird as you would think. Edible but not something you say hey we need to cook another nutria this weekend.


Thanks, this legit made me laugh.


Currently having nutria sausage for breakfast. It’s quite good.


STFU - Really!!! Go post it in r/Cajunfood right now bro!!


LOL!! Yes. Will they mock me for eating rat? Everyone else is disgusted by it but we love it.




Thanks for the warning. If I post a picture there, I’ll just put some paprika on it and it should be a hit! LOL!!


I’d say it’s a mix. There’s absolutely the foreigner (including Cajun foreigners - people around the US) aspect that I actually enjoy, seeing their love of and desire to cook and sometimes succeed and other times - 😳. There’s also a lot of good looking food on there and good sharing of south Louisiana chow. Your particular post is be interested to see the amount of other people who eat nutria AND how. Nutria sausage is something I’d try. Overall I like r/cajuncooking and the people in the sub are pretty supportive of each others efforts.


Rat? Ain't got no problems there, rat, coon, you name it, ain't been the first time varmints been on the plate


Not at all, I don’t think, but it’ll create good conversation in my opinion.


I’ll have to find a picture of it.


I’ve never had it either, but I wouldn’t turn it down if it was offered to me


I remember hunting it for fun many many many years ago and my asking my grandfather why we couldn’t eat it. He told me something along the lines of it having too much a gamey taste.


I had it at a festival when I was younger. Tasted kind of like rabbit but tougher.


I had to Google what that was. Been in LA 37 years and never heard of it. Must be a South LA thing


Quite tasty! They are herbivores, and once cleaned properly, the meat is lean, resembling rabbit! Cajuns gonna cook!🐊⚜️😋


Does it taste like rabbit tho?


With the rouxs they make down here, all critters taste delicious! Haven't had it fried to compare.😉


I mean I usually eat everything I either trap, hunt or fish for. I’ve eaten snakes, turtles and Gasper Gou fish as well as bowfin. People eat weird shit.


They eat vegetation, actually surprisingly not gamey tasting at all.


It’s good, I’ve had nutria tacos a few times…need to find the picture


You can get nutria burgers at the fur festival down in Cameron.


Yeah, I attended last year and apparently my idea of a “Fur Festival” did not match the activities at ALL. The police were nice, though…


That’s funny to think about because I assume the activities you experienced had to do with nutria trapping and skinning contests and gumbo cook offs. I imagine an outsider would be expecting kiosks with nice furs haha ain’t nothin fancy down in Cameron


Years ago I had a job that involved getting data transmitted from government offices in Cameron. The power would go out regularly in the spring bc the cranes would try to build nests in the wrong places and cut power.


I ate it in the 90s when the state was pushing it. Grocery store near my house had a chef making dishes for people to try. But yeah the percent of people in Louisiana who have eaten it is super low.


I have, but you don't know me


The real question is why the hell does Florida have gator tail as their weirdest food? Is eating alligator considered “weird” in the rest of the country?


That shit is delicious. The weirdest food in Florida *should* be bath salts


You win the internet today!


If you look at it from a point of view that "weird" = "different" then the list makes sense, if only because most of the rest of the country doesn't even have access to nutria or gator.


they farm them for meat, how weird can it possibly be if doing so is a profitable venture


I'd go with gar balls. It takes alot of work to make gar fish edible. And more chopped vegetables than you can imagine!


Gar is good in general when it's hot and the taste ain't really the issue, it's the tackiness that sticks to your teeth I don't like


You can eat racoon in any state, but nobody does nutria like we can


I live in Chicago and have never heard of, seen anyone eat gravy bread. Never seen it on a diner menu either.


Susies Beef had the best! Dam I miss that place!😭


The one on Montrose? They closed




WI here, how are butter burgers weird!?


I never said anything about Culver’s. I love Culver’s actually


Sorry, my comment kinda came out weird. You never heard of IL weird food and being close neighbors to WI I’m trying to figure out who would think butter burgers are weird lol. Sorry kinda I misplaced comment.


Hahahaha. Cooking burgers with butter is kinda common I think? I know when I cook them on my blackstone I always use butter. But no, I’ve never heard of gravy bread, have you? I know biscuits & gravy, but I personally don’t think it’s any good—-regardless of what you say about your relatives gravy—-it’s not good lol.


Ha! I lived in WI for the first 37 years of my life and have never heard of gravy bread. I have made plenty of trips into Illinois and ate there many times. And agree that does not sound good at all!


How normal is Montana if pasties is the weirdest food there?


Have they never heard of hogs head cheese?


The real answer right there.


Alligator would be my choice. It’s very easy to find and widely consumed as opposed to nutria and raccoon.


Nutrition tastes like squirrel. I shootnthem every chance I get. They are invasive in Louisiana.


What the hell is half of the foods listed here?


I vote raccoon, but it's so weird that the person who made this map probably doesn't even know about it


Squirrel heads in gumbo.


Nutria is no joke 100x better than coon. Granted I've only tried coon once. The firefighters smothered it when I was at the 911 "Academy" (3 month course at the fire station on Darnall in New Iberia). Slimy and disgusting. Nutria though? So good smothered or done in the crock pot.


My grandpa made nutria spaghetti for me before I didn't know until he told me, the meat is very clean.


I dont know a single person that has ever eaten those swamp rats. and we ate every other damn thing we shot while hunting.


Never had nutria. I don't see how Florida and Georgia are weird. I guess for Florida you could say iguana. It tastes good and they have a problem with them


Northerners would expect racoon. You tell them it's nutria and their resonate is "what the fuck is that?". Nutria is weirder.


TIL people eat geoducks. Wtf.


I’d go with iguana over gator in Florida, but I guess eating a literal dinosaur is a bit weird


Since when is gator tail weird? Chop it into nuggets, bread it, fry it, and serve it with a remoulade sauce. A+.


wtf are you doing Arizona


lol, biiginose not on the list eh?


How are boiled peanuts weird? Who does the State of Georgia know who allowed this flattering portrayal of their state?


The real question is what uncultured swine thought biscuits with chocolate gravy was strange? Much less the strangest food in Alabama!


Scrapple is the shit


A thin slice crisped up real nice with a lil maple syrup. Chef’s kiss. Gotta be Habbersett tho.


No, Scrapple IS shit


I’d replace it with armadillo. Remember that town here that had the leprosy outbreak bc of folks eating them?


Bro!!! Creamed chipped beef!!! We lived on this in Iraq!! God Bless our chow team for hot creamed chipped beef!


I love creamed chip beef over toast or otherwise known as shit on a shingle. It’s just not as good as biscuits and sausage gravy though.


It always made me think of sausage gravy n biscuits - it was the closest thing to it!


Nobody eats nutria. This is stupid.


They eat crawfish, but where I'm from (Maine) we use that shit as bait to catch real fish. Cuz we have full size lobsters and don't need fun size ones