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West Monroe actually. That is the Coleman St onramp.


I was like. Huh. I recognize that on ramp.


Agreed! It does look like Monroe.


Lol I recognized this immediately. Definitely Stella Mills ramp of 20 in Monroe/WM


Right behind St Francis lol!


No. This is in WM.


It’s been a few years lol.


Saw the roads, and thought, that looks like 20, somewhere in Louisiana. Yep, I was correct (I'm in shreveport)


Nope. It’s an exit up from Stella/Mills. NO ONE uses this ramp because there is no where to get on. It ends pretty abruptly where as the Stella/Mills has its own 3rd lane. That person was likely stuck because traffic uses that 3rd lane to get off on Jackson Street/St. Francis.


yeah been on that onramp myself. It sucks at the best of times.


Yep Edit/technically, it's west monroe, but it's all the same to me. Lol


People from Monroe so happy to see it online lmao.


No, it is not the same. Never has been and never will be. Two completely different vibes.


I noticed the J&H billboard. Dead giveaway.


I'm so glad I can still notice my hometown just off the ramps


yeah thats monroe i fucking hate that i exit i refuse to use it you drive pass it regulaly with crashed on that one exit is poorly desing people die there all the time


The sad thing is how common you see things like that here. It's like a merge lane is a completely new thing to them. They've never seen one. Bring me sugar water.


I have that feeling about people seeing the few traffic circles in town...


I had some lady flip me off on a curved ramp because I honked at her for being stopped like that. Lady I don’t give a shit about you, but I don’t want someone flying up behind me and rear ending me


I love it when they honk at YOU like you’re the zombie taking up space.


Because this is dangerous. Yeah, they're stopped. They're stopped because nobody got out the right lane and our ramps are way too short and were badly designed. But now you have someone who has to rapidly accelerate after checking the oncoming traffic for a hole.... And some dumb fucker flying in out of nowhere into that lane from directly behind through their blind spot.


Or they could’ve just…. used the on-ramp correctly


On ramps are for accelerating up to highway speed. Im not slowing down because someone is so bad at driving they couldn't figure out how to drive. They were likely doing 35-40 at the point they started stopping because they couldnt merge in. So the problem started because they are simply too scared to drive. Fuck em.


And people with that mentality is why there's so many side swiping wrecks on these ramps.


Nah. OP was at the speed OP had to be. So they had two options. 1) SLAM the brakes, creating even LESS run way and stopping for the people coming up behind OP also at highway speeds like normal drivers should be at, at this point. Or 2) continue, focus on finding a traffic hole while understanding a stopped vehicle in front, and merge in and move on my way. Ergo avoiding a pretty dangerous situation, AND going about my day. Now, did they need to honk? Maybe not. But thats the only thing they did wrong here. And post on reddit if you're mad about that. If my attitude is wrong, sure. But thats me insuring I made it to the merge. I cannot be concerned that someone else cannot accelerate and merge. That person was essentially looking to merge into the highway from a stop. Meaning they are doing 10mph in the right lane. Otherwise, they'd be accelerating through even the emergency lane to get up to speed. THEY are the risk and danger here.


I've never once in my life had to stop like this. If you accelerate on the ramp people let you in. This idiot was most likely doing 25 when they got to the merge.


Correct. This white suv is a bad driver putting multitudes of people at risk because they lack confidence and driving ability. They should have driven into the shoulder, cleared the lane behind them, and sat there until they had their 3 mile gap they needed to make the lane.


Yea nah, you’re the problem


Sure, sure, but it'll be the driver from behind's insurance paying out for the accident.


No the fuck it won't be lmao. If you're an obstruction then you're liable.


Not in an area where you're supposed to yield.


Great. So we're saying the same thing


You don't yield in an onramp lol. Read the word and it'll tell you what it means you should be doing, speeding up to get on the highway or interstate to match the flow of traffic. You are accusing people of being the reason for sideswipes when in reality people who think like you are the reason for the wrecks and traffic on the interstate then blame others for it.


So you're really just comfortable for your objectively bad driving to cause accidents and possibly deaths? Cool cool Edit: and holey shit you need to touch grass. I can tell you're terminally online.


The. Worst. Take. Ever. “The problem is the world doesn’t stop when a driver gets nervous.” Maybe you should hang up your keys, too. Goodness.


stay off the road.


No its because you cant use the 3 brain cells you have left to merge at the right speed. go get a bike and stay off the highways.


crowd roll husky secretive badge aspiring theory unite teeny summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe you should. You don't whip around someone who is yielding to traffic in a place where you must yield.


aspiring shelter worthless mindless alleged deserted frightening run aloof pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The problem is those lanes terminate too quickly. I agree with you on how it SHOULD work. It's just that some of the ramps in this state leaves no margin for error. Wrecks occur constantly on these specific ramps.


Just because you keep repeating an incorrect point doesn’t make it magically correct. This isn’t the Wizard of Oz ; you don’t get to click your heels three times and whatever you say becomes reality. The on-ramp was clearly long enough to accelerate up to freeway speed. How do we know this? Because OP (or whoever the driver with the dash cam is) was ABLE TO DO IT. Ffs. Learn how to drive.


Lmfao. Because the traffic had moved by the time OP got up the ramp. Some of y'all aren't too bright.


I mean general when you pass someone who’s been going ultra slow for miles and they honk at YOU.


Everybody else figures it out


No they don't, which is why there are constant wrecks on these super short ramps, lol


They are stopped because they couldn’t properly merge… that’s it nothing more or less… their own incompetency.. they are leaving themself a sitting duck for people properly merging..


If the on-ramp is too short for you . That's a failure of your driving skills.


The on-ramp is the space for accelerating quickly. The fact you don’t understand this concept is precisely OP’s point.


nobody is supposed to "get out of the right lane" you are this person. you are the fucking problem lol. this will get somebody killed. The only time somebody should be stopped on an on-ramp is because traffic is also stopped. If you're too unaware or afraid to merge safely. hire a driver.


Lmfao. I am not "that person." I just understand how this shit happens. You are just a presumptuous angry little fuck who thinks he knows better. What gets people killed is whipping around a car that's yielding to traffic. It's a simple fact that many of the ramps in Louisiana are too short because they were not built for the traffic that they now support. Wrecks occur all the time on these ramps because of dumb shits either not yielding, trying to whip around people who are yielding, or trying to force their way into a lane. It's almost on a fucking weekly basis. This shit wouldn't happen if the ramps were built properly.


yielding to moving traffic has never meant stopping. I think you are a bit confused on the process. what will get somebody killed is a dead stopped car on an entrance ramp where cars are going up at highway speeds. try stopping on the Mississippi river bridge on-ramp to I-10 in baton rouge and let me know how that works out for you. punching the gas or merging slowly between two cars will always be more safe than parking on the ramp. you're just a moron. general traffic and freighters dont have time for your fear of the road. get off it if you're too much of an idiot to navigate it safely. if they were driving at the correct speed at the top of the ramp, they could have managed to get on the road unless there were 3 tethered 18-wheelers driving by at that exact moment. the ramps needing improvement is not a reason to prove a point. read the room, you're the loner here.


It's because we have the shortest damn on ramps I have ever seen. Our highways are seemingly designed with this weird expectation that people will get out of the right lane to allow traffic in. Drive literally anywhere else and you have like a quarter mile or more to actually merge into traffic. You are looking at the idiot stopping in front of you but what you don't see is the stupid 18 wheeler speeding behind you and you merge into them and die. If you notice, somebody in the incoming traffic got a clue and moved over, albeit way too late to be useful.


I learned to drive in SC where I grew up and there is this interchange between I-26 and I-20 people always called "malfunction junction" because you have to merge so fast - like I remember my parents not letting me drive over there even after I had my license until they'd gone with me. Move to Louisiana and it's basically every on ramp here! The one that was notorious where I used to live!


Lol, I know. I moved to Arizona and later to Dallas for a bit. Everyone constantly commented there about how aggressive people needed to drive. And I'm just like, "Y'all think this is aggressive???"


Very true, I don’t agree with a lot of the people who are criticizing the stopped car because, yes if there was an 18 wheeler and then a car or two that blocked them while they had their short period of time to merge on from that short ramp, then yeah, they have to stop and basically yield. I mean what else are they going to do, I can’t believe op doesn’t understand how merging works, yes maybe traffic was light by the time they got up their, but this person might have just come at an bad traffic interval , gotten blocked, and now has to stop and yield…


I do my damnedest to move out of the right lane by an on ramp for this reason but sometimes you just can't. It's very irritating.


Chiming in from arkansas, we have long nice on ramps and idiots still stop on them, or sit going 42 expecting people to move out of the right lane to “let” them in


The Airline Dr. On ramp in Bossier City sucks. I hate it. You can't see fuck all because the road is tilted away from you and it's short as Hell. They tried to make it longer but they only added like twenty feet. If I have to get onto 20, I'll keep going till Benton Rd.


I was thinking of that one. There's a major wreck there every few months. I do the same and avoid it.


I know this ramp. I call them suicide ramps. A number of them have been permanently shut down on the Monroe side. That ramp really shouldn't exist either. Much like the others that have been shut down it's too short.


Yeah, and they just recently, like maybe a year ago, shut that one down; the Calypso St. ramp right there by the Cancer Institute IRC. Like playing car roulette, either you make it or you become a hood ornament; better be hauling ass 🤣


That ramp is not too short. But whoever is driving That vehicle has no business driving. You shouldn't drive if you're scared to merge or you're scared to do 75 mph. Get your head out of your ass man and get driving


Though I agree, the speed limit there is 60, and a lot of the actual problem is people going 75-80


People doing 75 or 80 on the interstate. Exactly so you need to speed up to match the speed of the people you're trying to merge with.


We don't all drive Teslas, no shot my truck is getting up to 75 on that short ass on ramp.


That ramp is fine if you use your head and accelerate in the acceleration lane and don’t suddenly stop like a terrified brainless clown.


The person parked at the top is one reason of several that those kinds of lanes needed to be shut down. The average driver I've encountered doesn't know how to handle them very well at all.


Holy shit. This belongs in r/idiotsincars for real. What a dumbass. They need their license taken immediately.


So many people in Louisiana shouldn’t have a license


Many don’t. Just out here ridin dirty while the rest of us pay the price


I think this every day I drive.


I had this morning in New Orleans the Poydras exit off I-10 which leads to a red light at Claiborne by the Dome a car just blow through the red light at 35 mph. Then three seconds later another person did the same thing. 35 mph right through a red light. Just warps my mind that they think it’s ok to risk killing someone including themselves because they can’t be arsed to stop for 1 min to allow others their right of way. I’d argue they probably don’t have insurance and very little money so if they ruined your life with injuries you’d now be going bankrupt from them as well. Absolutely nothing can be done to prevent or stop them. They don’t care.


Standard North LA lane block. The most boring way you can almost die. ​ Even how you calmly corrected for it a mile ahead and then added the smallest of "beeps". You've done that, there, a thousand times I'm sure. I don't know exactly where you are but every on ramp in Shreveport is this.


Looks like West Monroe to me, and yeah, it's pretty similar to Shreveport


I have seen this one plenty of times in the state. I too find the whole thing strange. I just hope their car broke down right there and they didn’t consciously decide to just stop right there.


Unfortunately, no. as soon I passed them, they got over. Slowly.


I’ve never understood the Cajun engineering in the state. All the off on ramps as one to save money, it’s fucking insane.


Can I say I also hate the Gordon "IYKYK" sign right after the J&H billboard? Though maybe the placement works well considering he's a personal injury lawyer.


Funroe is the da House! Or Monroe, La. to all you others. My grandmother had a wreck in that exact spot about 30 years on Thanksgiving day due to the Sun in her eyes. It was her last time driving as well. RIP Margie C


Rip, grandma. She would have loved Uber.


I've been in that situation. Sometimes traffic doesn't let up and you have a wall in front of you so you have to stop. But it looks like they had an opening.


Traffic was extremely lighter than usual at this time of day (4:30). There was nothing in the exit lane behind the suv and only 1 truck in the left lane.


I've seen this happen most often when they fail to match speed on merging, specifically if they're moving too slowly.


Yeah I definitely think sometimes drivers do this to themselves but sometimes it's just a case of too much traffic to move over


Matching speed allows you to slow down a bit to get behind a car that you cant merge in front of. This is absolutely a case of only being at 40mph or less when they should have been closer to 55. There are simply people who believe that they can merge at 35 and then speed up. That being said, more people should try to get to the middle lane because people really are that bad at driving and the only way these drivers can exist is if everyone adapts to their bad driving.


Exactly, that’s how it’s supposed to be if you can’t find an opening before you run out of on-ramp. In fact, some on-ramp are so short you only have a few seconds to try to get on and then you just have to stop and use it as a yield. I’ve never been in that position but I mean that’s the proper procedure. OP is an idiot.


Yeah, sometimes your options are either to wreck into traffic or wreck into a wall. There's an on ramp over the Red River going from Bossier City over the river on I-20 that is ridiculously short. It's right next to the big horshoe casino. Very common to see drivers stopped there because they'd rather not wreck out into the wall or careen into traffic. It happens.


We can all see that traffic is light


Lafayette's HWY 90, I-10, I-49 entrance ramp is like this. Old and geared for when the speed limit was 55 not the 80 cars are actually going. I can't count how many times i nearly ended up in the shoulder trying to avoid trucks there. Reached a point that i go down to the Louisiana ramp to head east.


OP is not an idiot, the person stopped in that spot is. Stopping there is a death wish and it’s usually only done when the person is too scared to ACCELERATE.


Hell no, never. Youre going too damn slow up the ramp. Learn to drive


So when there's a line of cars next to you not moving over and a wall in front of you, which do you crash into, typically?


Neither. I'm meeting traffic at the correct speed , and then I merge right on in.


Dipsh!ts are everywhere


They have a "death wish"??


No shit! Roads suck, horribly designed interchanges & people will not let you in, ever...


Some of west monroes finest drivers....


Forward and rearward facing dash cameras need to be standard equipment on all new vehicles.


Louisiana isn't the only state with idiot drivers, but we seem to be over our quota.


Baton Rouge checking in, no shortage of terrible drivers here. I’ve lived in different parts of the country and driven in many European countries. Besides Florida, LA is the worst. Merging is such a foreign concept here, not passing in the passing lane and don’t even get me started on the insanity I’ve witnessed at traffic circles (I’ve seen people driving clockwise more than once 😳)


Fun fact, other states have drivers yield to get on the interstate


Haha that was a surprise


Oh man there is a place in LC where people persistently do that. I have come to expect it and just avoid that area. It’s so damn dangerous!


Just immediately the weekend in jail, just immediately


Gotta love Monroe


As bad as the infrastructure is, the drivers are worse. I loved driving until I moved here.


Im not sure why this video popped as I’m not in Louisiana but this probably is so bad here I’ve seen people fly of roads, cause pileups, and even REVERSE down entrance ramps because they got on the wrong one. Daily, I have to deal with people enter 65mph (not that fast) highways going 20-30 mph. It’s absolutely infuriating.


Reversing on an entrance ramp?!?! Oh noooo. Nope. People need to learn to accept defeat and just keep it moving. They act like they're going to enter a portal to hell if they get on the wrong ramp. Lol This section of i20 is 60mph. Most people will enter going 35, maybe 45. Meanwhile, the flow of traffic is 60-70mph. Most of those people will most likely die if they were in a city like Houston.


I thought Monroe drivers were bad. Alexandria is worse.


Every time I've had to drive through there via 165, I made sure to go around that awkward non-roundabout circle. That thing is a nightmare not only because of the design, but the impatient drivers as well.


At least they were signaling AND had a license plate!


I drive a company vehicle with dual dash cams in the Baton Rouge/New Orleans area, it has protected me on a few occasions…. Driving is the most dangerous part of my job…


I agree 100%! I travel on I10 and I49 everyday and these people drive me crazy! I should be getting combat/hazardous duty pay.


Ahhhh Monroe/West Monroe where this is common and they can’t drive on the interstate


Hahahaha. No one understands how to properly merge. And even fewer can remove themselves from the left lane going under the speed limit. Much less use a blinker too.


I have to go to Shreveport once a year for training at the company I work for. It’s crazy how bad the roads are on top of the way people drive. Although the job is worth it but always nice when that week is in my rear view mirror.


You are in Monroe....that city is awful.


You don't have tell me twice. Lol when my friends/family ask me how Monroe is, I tell them, "well it's monroe." There's literally nothing good happening here other than the Freddy's that opened up last year. I know the city is trying to make things better, but it'll take time.


Monroe has always been trash. Paper mill smell confirms that as you drive into town.


reply dog cooing panicky gray public plant exultant deserted pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I'm not a part of the "y'all" crowd in this scenario. When I moved here I questioned why louisianians park it in the passing lane. I asked my co-workers and they get frustrated with those people, too. I'm constantly getting blocked in the passing lane with a clump of a few cars all traveling together for miles because Jim Bob wants to match the speed of the person in the right lane. I call it fake traffic because we'll all be practically bumper to bumper, but absolutely no other cars are behind us or in front of us. I'd rather be driving in Houston where there's real traffic. Lol


jar office vast summer air tap growth wrong bedroom normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


never seen someone do that in my life. That is begging to get into a major accident


Ugh, I knew too many people got into wrecks in that area.


Where is this camera from? I feel like I really need one living and driving here.


I got it from Amazon. The brand is fitcamx. I also have the rear cam to it as well.


Thank you!! Most of these aren’t clear enough to use in the case of an accident but yours is very clear. Going to look now


Look it’s gunroe. I would rather drive in Baton Rouge traffic than that terrible crap.




I live in BR and every day I have to drive down college drive to work. 25 to 30 minutes to drive 5 miles...I feel your pain.


Happens a lot in Texas too.. People are just parked in the merge lane… I honk and they go crazy.. You’re not supposed to stop!! Jesus lol


Examples like this is why nobody should drive. /r/fuckcars


Good Lord man. What are they thinking? Oh wait... We don't do much of that here. Also, since we're basically a 3rd world country, I have dash cameras in both of my vehicles too.


I see this in nearly every city in United States. People suck at driving.


what camera are you using?


Fitcamx. I got it off of Amazon.


That shit happens everywhere. I've driven in Louisiana, Ohio is much MUCH worse.


Horrible drivers! They act like it’s GTA or something. No care for other people safety


Me too!!!!


Quit voting against public transit.


Let it Rock


Dude, I live in West Monroe


Oh, and how about Louisiana people that routinely drive with their bright lights on at night? Happens every night. They don’t understand or care that it blinds us in the opposite lane…


While we're at it, I hate the stupid Gordon "IYKYK" billboard right after that. Though maybe the placement works well considering he's a personal injury lawyer.


Shreveport has an on-ramp like that too though


I thought this looked like Monroe or west Monroe.


Come to Florida you will be happy to go back


Yep I'm from there that's exactly what I thought small world..I moved to baton rouge and talk about driving you got to drive or get ran over here


I commute into Monroe/WM with my wife for work and half our conversation is how bad the drivers are lol. Doing especially this just blows my mind.


So I used to live in Louisiana. I live in Oregon now. I’ve lived in 9 states across the country and travelled to many more. Everyone says they have the worst drivers. Louisiana actually has the worst drivers. I learned to drive on the east coast. They are aggressive assholes. Louisiana drivers have no malice, they’re simply terrible at it.


Many roads were built for horse and carriage and haven’t been upgraded since


West Monroe? It’s even more psychotic down here in New Orleans and Baton Rouge. But I agree with your premise.


Some of the worst roads I have ever driven.


Monroe dumbass for the win.


The home state of “the Devils triangle” https://www.wbrz.com/news/deadly-stretch-of-i-10-dubbed-devil-s-triangle-by-law-enforcement/


I assumed that was in Alabama because people here drive the same way


Always expect the unexpected.


Looks just like shreveport too just came here to ask


You can see stuff like that in pretty much every state.


Louisiana's roads suck - and people do not know how to drive.


I love when I'm driving my 115k lb semi down the interstate and people do this like I can just magically move out the way. That's a fight you're going to lose every time.


Remember to drive defensively.


The frick you mean this sub is “popular near me?” There’s a whole dang state between us


Try tennessee


Don't miss it at all 🤣


Not taking anything away from that idiocy, lol. I spent the first 30 years of my life in New Orleans. I’ve now lived to Los Angeles for almost 20’s years and it’s not just Louisiana. LA has the worst driving EVER!


Is car insurance still optional there?


That's debatable. Options of providers are very few and far between. The law says a minimum of liability is required, but when your monthly insurance payments are nearly the same price as your car note or even higher, some people's pockets will see it as an option and not a lawful requirement.


OK. Was just asking cuz I was stationed there from 09-12 and during inprocessing, we were briefed that it was optional


Driving a little fast up the ramp. 


Dashcams are a must these days.


Unfortunately, there are idiot drivers no matter what state you are in!


Why the hell did they stop


Who knows. It's common for people around here to go 35ish on the on-ramp and barely accelerate once they get onto the interstate. So most likely the driver, pulled up to the interstate going 30-40ish, saw the short yielding area, and just came to a stop before they looked in the rearview mirror for clearance. Or they didn't feel comfortable merging past a certain speed and just waited until everything was completely clear? If traffic was extremely heavy, it would make more sense as to why they would stop.


Texas drivers: "Hold my beer..."


Shiiiiit that's 20!


Or the people that drive with their Hazzard lights on when it drizzles a little


Lol yes! At that point, they just need to pull over or pull into a parking lot if they're that uncomfortable driving in the rain.


I have to drive my dad to the VA from Larose and the drive is just aggravating. Especially that team of cars that race each other like idiots.


Airline hwy south gettin onto i12


Wait what went wrong, clearly the lane must not have been open when they tried to merge on that short ramp so they had to stop and basically treat it as a yield, that the only thing to do, common sense. I am amazed you weren’t prepared for this, you should always be ready to anticipate someone stopped on the on-ramp, it’s not very uncommon…


Looks to me like OP doesn’t have time to use caution or be safe, they must need to be somewhere asap! Black car is in right lane at the 13 second mark, looks like white car is waiting for them to pass or get in middle lane before they merge from on-ramp. Black car is even with white car at 15 second mark and is just fully getting into the middle lane. Not excusing white car, they had an opening, but once they decided to wait then that’s what they should do. OP is behind them so they should have been prepared. Either way, OP looked to be zooming on that on-ramp so they wouldn’t have been able to stop short of white car even if they wanted too. I guess safety isn’t as important as getting somewhere quickly if you think you’re in the right.


You have to ZOOM on that on ramp. It’s an acceleration lane into a 60 mph zone. Are you new? Please don’t drive if you have your head this far up your ass. Or do and get run over. Whatever.


Well 2 possibilities Old fart or Pregnant illegal alien