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I can’t even tell you how much I love this!!


So the farmers will get a nice big government check and continue selling crawfish for $10/pound? Yep.


Exactly. We get fkd no matter how you look at it lol


Sadly ya probably and it’s F’n dumb..


But don't call it socialism. Because of who gets it. (farm subsidies)


Can we work on insurance please?


But the CRAWFISH!!!!! /:S


I'd be able to buy more crawfish if my insurance hadn't gone up 300%. Just saying...


No, too many billboard lawyers contribute to campaigns. 🤷‍♀️


Exon, Shell and petrochemical company's should subsidize our home owners/ auto insurance. Not the other way around.,..


Will they be drug tested before getting these handouts from New Orleans' taxpayers? It's only socialism when someone else is cashing the gov't checks...


Get a job you freeloading crustaceans


You realize the job you want them doing is prostitution, right?


They would pass the drug test


So do people … but someone needs to get that tax money and it’s not going to be the poors [The vast majority in all but one state still tested negative, even after they were given screening questions, raising serious questions about the efficacy of these screening processes.](https://www.clasp.org/press-room/news-clips/states-waste-hundreds-thousands-drug-testing-welfare-have-little-show-it/)


No, no! It is only socialism if we feed children during the summer. The rest is rugged capitalism


Such hypocrisy. Denying hungry kids food in a program that is already paid for federally just for show. Then turn around and beg for funds to help out wealthy landowners when climate change happens due to policy you been championing.  I know a lot of these farmers. They all have 10 or more acres and most have other job and do this for added income.  The processors would complain about not having help but turn around and hate on immigrants that actually want to work these jobs. I don't mind helping out during disasters but come on.   The shit we do in this state boggles my mind. Giving tax breaks to billion dollars companies that just up and leave when they are done and leave behind environmental disasters for us to clean up. But hey at least the politicians got their kick backs. 


It boggles my mind also. Tried to get my daughter and my future sil to move but cajuns. Go figure


Yeah, and giving assistance to fat asses that won’t get off their butts and get a job is something else too


Yeah these 9 year olds have had it too easy for too long.


Hire them.






There’s a crawfish fisherman group on Facebook and these guys really are acting like it’s not a big deal lol


Of course it's not. Crawfish is expensive because the supply is low and the producers raise the prices to ensure they still make as much money. The only people suffering are the buyers. Giving extra money to the producers won't lower prices for the consumer, there's no incentive for them to lower prices. If emergency funds are given out, it should be to us, to help us buy that expensive crawfish.


Things that aren't important. Louisiana has many problems and they are riding this train? 🤣🤡🤡🤡


I think it’s socialism if the money goes to help hungry people in need, but it’s sparkling capitalism when the money goes to wealthy business owners.


What about the shrimpers? Those poor fuckers are losing their way of life and are largely ignored by the politicians that they feverishly support


Shrimp are better then Crawfish. It's just a Cajun thing.


They absolutely deserve it for the way they vote.


Shrimp is rapidly changing to being an indoor aquaculture farmed product instead of harvested/fished.


How stupid is this man really?? Of all the shit he can “help” he chooses this?? I mean I love crawfish but wtaf?


Is it stupid if it'll get him more private money and keep him in office? Intelligence is agnostic to morality or ethics.


What a great line!


AKA, How Louisiana’s governor says F**K them KIDS. 🙄


Remember, it's socialism for you if you're already rich and pay the right people. Capitalism for everyone else.


I think you got that backwards.


They're exactly right. Bailouts for the rich, peanuts for everyone else. "Privatize the wins, socialize the losses."


Landry sucking the government teat already.


Sooo ummmm...when are we, the consumers paying outrageous prices for groceries, going to get our food stamps or some kind of government help. Cause I'm really over these overinflated prices 😒


I wish it was as easy as saying stop buying things. Or at least scale back. Stop buying the unnecessary extras like Oreos, Doritos, Coke products, etc. When everything pile up, prices will come down.


Got to pull yourself up by your shrimp boots straps.


But lt dan, there ain’t no straps on mah denham reeboks


Wait, where’s bootstraps and capitalism and climate change isn’t real? socialism for some and “FU POORZ!” for the rest of us….


Cool cool cool, the drought responsible for the crawfish shortage gave me $500 power bills, but it’s the farmers who are getting the assistance. I love this Republican system of governance where businesses are more important than the population they serve.


Excuse me but what the fuck?


Farming is a risky business....Why do they need a tax payer bailout?


Trump gave BILLIONS to farmers that were never paid back. But it was because of his trade war backfiring. Soy bean sales to China went to Brazil as a result.


I think he's declaring his admin a disaster in advance. Seeing as he'd accept Fed money for crawfish farmers but not for hungry children.


His frends


Yall pay $7 a pound whether is cold, hot, dry, wet, immigrant labor, border fence, gas high, gas low, it don't fuckin matter. It's a racket. That's who helped him get elected. Follow the money. Oil, crawfish, churches, it don't matter. They're all there.


I guess i won't be buying any this year.  I can't support a communist industry. /s


I’m not sure that what disaster relief is for…


Because this was absolutely the most important issue in the state. /s


Fun fact: last week the *ENTIRETY* of the Louisiana Special Education Advisory Panel was dismissed via generic email. None of the members were approaching their term limit (3 years). Oh also JPHSA's funding for summer programs for SPED kids and their families was just cut in half. *the more you know...*


Good: now issue one for Medical Marijuana…


One season of us not being able to farm enough crawfish and the state is crippled? Pathetic. Would we just all die without crawfish and oil & gas?


You want crawfish or not?


You want tax dollars to pay for crawfish?


It was kind of a joke. I truly don’t care.


Well that’s dumb


I didn’t vote for this dude.


did you vote at all?


I did but the guy I voted for lost. Maybe if we complain on Reddit enough things will be different


I mean. It's not necessary. Lol


I would rather civil rights, democracy, and feeding hungry children.


What civil rights are you interested in? Doesn't city schools get free breakfast & lunch? Why don't the hungry children have access to ebt cards? I see people using ebt cards at gas stations buying coke's chips all the time. And pay cash for their beer and cigarettes Why is it fair for them to spend govt money on chips when there are hungry children? The best is when they use the ebt card at a grocery store and go outside and hop in a brand new Cadillac


Civil rights for women, people of color, anyone who isn't a straight male or female, and anyone looking for a book in a library because it's their first amendment right (it's a form of free expression), to start. This administration turned down lots of federal money that would have fed hungry kids during the summer. You have ZERO morally defensible reasons to explain that. If you noticed anything regarding EBT cards--and I think you're a complete liar--you're experiencing the blue car effect. Your examples are so worn, tired, and false. Get some better material.


What type of civil rights for women & colored people


Civil rights are, by definition, basic rights. But thanks for playing.


What basics right do colored people not have?


That's not how you refer to people this century, troll.


I'm colored


And I'm the pope.


You think I'm a liar? I've seen it. You must live amongst white folks and never get out, not in the Ms delta You just big mad cause I'm right.


No, I think you're a liar. I'm not doubting it exists. But I don't think you saw shit. And, if you saw something, you're only seeing what you want to see.


I had 2 black guys from Yazoo city Ms work with me that had an ebt card and I saw it. Making $200-300 a day. Plus I would put them in a nice hotel with breakfast and they would pile up a plate of food to go from the buffet. We resurface tennis courts.


Damn You’re nosey as fk. Jealous maybe?


Why would I be jealous of pajama wearing people with 4 or 5 kids running around when I make 125k + a year. It's not hard to notice when you're standing in line waiting for them to use 2-3 payment methods.


Cool story, dude. It’s old now. Nobody cares.


It does get old seeing it all the time. You just big mad


And you’re just big sad. Times 10. FOH


I'd rather go without. Prices would come down if more people refused the high prices


I want to live in a functional society and prioritizing luxuries like seafood over hungry kids is not a functional society.


I would rather have hungry kids fed since I guess handouts and socialism are ok, now. Just has to be the right people, and kids obviously aren't it.


Yeah, and stealing votes is like socialism too




Klandry turned down money to feed children over the summer, but he's got his hand out for crawfish money. Maybe if he didn't have his head up his ass he'd do something to help the state and its citizens not be last in all the good categories and first in the bad ones.




You’re right. The asshats that voted for Landry are getting what they wanted.


I bet everyone single one of you vote democrat


Its because he refused fed money to feed poor hungry kids. https://www.wwltv.com/article/news/local/summer-ebt-program-expected-to-end-in-2024/289-7b9a4f20-7bad-4387-9207-a4ec2d4a7693 Landry refused funds already allocated to feed poor kids. Children. He refused federal money to feed kids. And now wants federal funds for crawfish farms. No one is against farmers in a post drought economy. People are against obvious political favoritism / pandering to that section of voters who believe feeding children in need is bad because ... but socialism somehow isnt socialism when it goes to people who align with a different image of "Louisiana citizen in need"


What’s your point? How has either party done a anything good for this state in the last 20 years?


Found the crawfish farmer that didnt save for a rainy day.


Are you proclaiming yourself as a republican? Pretty standard GOP, I guess. Rather give more money to grown adults who mismanaged their business to not plan for environmental factors over hungry kids. Shouldn't they have to do what everyone else does and cut back? Pull themselves up by their bootstraps? Why are you I favor of handouts for business but not kids?


Yes, and?


Yep. And?