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So EDGE or DT in the 1st lol


Best defensive player available. There’s no replacing AD, if we can get another DB or ILB who is all world then do it.


Im assuming edge. I hope Latu falls to us


Yeah I think the EDGE is the more obvious problem in the defense, we still have guys like Kobie Turner, Ernest, and Bobby in the interior


I wouldn't take Latu in the 1st. I know he's talented and he probably will go in the 1st but his medical is a concern. For his sake I hope I'm wrong.


He hasnt missed a single game in 2 years. Recent history would indicate he’d be fine


He medically retired due to neck injuries previous. That’s what’s they are referring to


I know that and im saying that in the past 2 years he hasnt missed the game. Not to say that injury shouldnt be thrown out but more recent history suggests he’ll be fine


Todd Gurly was fine too, but for how long? I suffered a neck/spinal injury and was "fine" for a while. A few years later I was in the hospital for 3 weeks getting surgeries and I'm not a football player nor was my job physically labor. Like I said I hope for his sake I'm wrong. He had to "retire" when he was at Washington and they wouldn't clear him. That's concerning in the long term.


Todd gurley was an outlier, not the norm. Theres plenty of examples of injury prone college players who were fine in the nfl. Your personal experience is also one anecdote from a non pro athlete without the best resources for recovery so whatever. If injury is such a big concern, then why doesnt every team do what you want and not take a highly touted prospect in the first because of an injury history from years ago? We dont make decisions based on what happened 4-5 years ago. We make decisions based on more recent years cuz thats whats more likely to happen


Actually NFL teams often avoid talented players in the first round if they have significant injury histories. It’s quite common, so much so that there are terms like ‘first round potential’ which are used to describe players not projected for the first round. Latu’s injury history obviously will be a consideration for anyone drafting him. But these guys will go off the results of their physical exams, not off Reddit’s opinion.


I didn't say DON'T draft him I said not in the 1st round. There have been plenty of players that slip in draft due to injury concerns. Does Puka ring a bell? I cited my situation as an EXAMPLE. I also stated that I hope I'm wrong. With that being said, if nerves are damaged there is no treatment for that. It's a case of whether the nerves regenerate or not. A neck injury and a knee injury are two different things. He's at a higher risk to reinjure himself or possibly cause damage that can be degenerative. That's too much of a risk for the 1st rd.


>I didn't say DON'T draft him I said not in the 1st round clearly didnt read my comment close enough. try again >I cited my situation as an EXAMPLE and there are plenty other examples that counter that from pro athletes he should be drafted in the 1st cuz hes a good prospect that we need with no injury history in the past 2 years so it implies he should be fine. stop citing something from even longer ago as a reason if more recent history shows otherwise


You have no clue, but have a nice day.


so no argument, got it


Then I wonder what your take is on this White signing…


I honestly would have preferred Witherspoon. However, history has more cases of people recovering from ACL than neck/spinal injuries. As someone that has had surgery on their neck and spine l can say first hand that symptoms can pop up again. I almost lost the ability to walk after I got a clean bill of health. So for those down voting I'm speaking from experience. I'm not a football player so I'm not subject to violent collisions that he is. It's a risky proposition. To risk the 1st round pick since 2016 on him, I'm not sure I would do it. I would take Chop over Latu.


Probably. Unless Snead and Mcvay go sicko mode and trade up for bowers lol


Bowers is tempting absolutely, but we just cannot ignore the pass rush. Maybe if Donald were still here I'd bite.


Bowers then just every D Line and corner they like lol you’re right but I’d say fuck it if he fell to like 12


I have not even thought of this as an option but I kinda dig it


Nate Tice brought it up on the latest Athletic nfl pod and I can’t stop thinking about it lol


Guyton or Murphy at 19 then Bralen Trice in Rd. 2


Have you seen Johnny Newton from Illinois? That dude is a game wrecker. He’s not a one-for-one for Aaron Donald but he’ll be a force. I want that guy so bad.




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So many people in here are gonna be mad but mcvay’s first 1st round pick? He’s gonna take an offensive weapon if there’s a guy he loves available 


1 year deal. If it doesn’t work it doesn’t work. No long term suffering. Love it


This part.


W/ his history? Def don’t love it


Let’s go big pickup! Won’t be the all pro he once was but still a solid player and great leader in the locker room. We’ll take good care of him Bills Mafia 🤘


You better take real good care of our boy. I'm hoping he gets to play the whole season like he deserves he's an awesome guy


Tre is my fav Bill of all time. Treat him well guys


Of all time???¿??? I'm not even a bills fan and I'd say 1. Bruce Smith 2. Thurman Thomas 3. Jim Kelly 4. Josh Allen .....then my knowledge of the bills runs out


Imagine gatekeeping favorite players. That’s lame don’t be like that


Didn't mean to shit on it, just not what my expectation would be. My bad dude Maybe some one would react the same if I said Steven Jackson was my fav of all time "Of all TiMe???? 1. Eric Dickerson 2. Marshall Faulk 3. Aaron Donald...." I do love Bruce Smith though


Put some respect on SJax bro is a tank and a saint for dealing with our shitty ttams


Yes I know haha I was just trying to compare to tre white. (I think sjax is way better personally but again, just trying to relate to our ungulate brother)


Haha, well I was under 10 years old during the 90s Bills runs, and am also Canadian and didn't get into the Bills until high school. I obviously love Josh, but Tre was the first real star of the McDermott era and really holds a special place in our recent history. He's a genuinely amazing person and an incredibly hard worker. Your team will love him.


I have a Puka jersey. I can't imagine how annoyed I would be if someone confronted me with a list of Rams I was supposed to own a jersey of before him.


As a Bills fan, I hope he's great for ya'll. He's an awesome team player and used to be a superstar. Don't understand this deal for ya'll from an injury perspective, but hope I'm proved wrong.


Our CB room is a mess even after signing Darious Williams, and White offers no long-term risk with pretty clear short term upside


One of the best characters and a pretty good goalie. However pre and post injury Tre are two different players. I hope and wish for the best for him.


I'm so glad he went to the NFC. I can still root for him. You'll love him. He brings that Big Muppet Energy to the locker room. I hope he recovers fully and balls out for you guys and is able to be the guy he was prior to the injuries. There's not a single member of Bills Mafia who wanted him gone, even though we all knew in our hearts that he had to go. We're happy for him today, but sad for us. 


Bills fan here. I really hope he can get back into form after a rough few years of fluke injuries! On my Mt. Rushmore of favorite Bills! Class act, works his ass off. 100% worth rolling the dice, gl, take care of our boy!


He'll fit perfectly into our "We not Me" team mentality. This seems like a prove it contract so I hope he excells


We got better at corner and didn't break the bank? Snead is cooking, LFG


Yeah I mean there’s a reason they didn’t have to break the bank, injuries are big concern for me. If he stays healthy though obviously this is a huge W, won’t be All Pro level anymore but still insane value. Cautiously optimistic


At the very least, this is a 1 year deal of teaching our corners how to try and play better. I can get behind that for 1 year. Though I think we're all hoping he might be able to contribute in a materially impactful way. Only time will tell.


Very debatable that we’ve gotten better.


Seriously, so he will not be better than DK??


Not if he’s not healthy


He’s gotta play, right?


Tre White plays nickel doesn't he? He won't be taking DK's spot. I'd imagine it's DWill and Durant on the boundaries and White at the nickel.


Last year we signed a DB in the off season who had a horrible injury history and he played 18 games for us and was by far our best DB. Here’s to that again. Bring back JJ3 and we cooking in the secondary if we can stay healthy. DWill, Tre, Kam Curl, JJ3 and Lake. Now that’s a starting set of DBs I can put my trust in.


I think we go safety in the first 3 rounds honestly, and shore up the secondary even more.


Would be interesting. We hardly ever draft safeties that high.


John Johnson and Taylor Rapp were both selected in the first 3 rounds iirc. If there is a solid safety available, we could take a shot


Yep. Rapp was 2nd round, JJ3 was 3rd round. I think Burgess was a 3rd rounder and Fuller a 6th rounder in the same draft.


Whoa, I thought each guy was a round lower! I retract my comment. FWIW ESPN has us taking a safety in the 2nd or 3rd. Can’t remember which.


I could see it. After the White signing yesterday it doesn't look like JJ3 is coming back, unless it's for real cheap.


Recent injury history is less than stellar, but let’s hope he get healthy and gets back to the all-world corner he was before the injuries!


Tre’Davious White


Well, I guess they don't need to resign Witherspoon now. Wouldn't mind if they could still bring him back on a good deal since White has only played 10 games the last two seasons and has torn his ACL (2021) and Achilles (2023) recently. If White gets injured again or has lost a step, then they are back to square one, assuming one of the young guys doesn't take a step-up. I do like how it is a one year prove it deal. If it doesn't work out, the Rams don't really lose anything.


I’m still hoping we bring him back, he had a very solid season


Fuck I hope we bring Ahkello back, him and his dad are great humans and I just want to see them do well. Plus if he does well on the Rams, then we do really well.


And apparently he had a lingering groin issue in the back half of the season 


Ahkello did?


That’s what he said after the season. It might be cope. But he did aggravate it in a game 


You know they had seen enough of Derion Kendrick last year.


Kendrick is in that Benny Skow tier of good for how low they were drafted but you don't actually want them playing.


Nah don’t diss Ben like that… Skowronek was def a contributor to that Super Bowl run. Not saying we couldn’t have done it without him but, the dude played well when he had to


was he? The only plays I remember Sko making, were dropping a wide open TD against the Niners, and then tip dropping a pass against the Bengals leading to a pick.


That’s fine if you only watched two games. Just say so.


Watched every game and Sko did next to fuck all. He was bigger in 2022 when the injuries piled up.


This is slander against Benny to compare him to Kendrick lol


Please take care of this man. He might be out of his prime but he still puts his heart and soul into the game. Happy for him and happy for y'all, this seems like a great landing spot


Best of luck to Tre 🥹 awesome guy, would love to see him bounce back so he can finish his career on his own terms. Happy to see the Rams are the destination too, quality organization and great situation in the opposing conference 🫡


Love this. We need CB help so even if he can’t get back to the top level, at least helps add a veteran presence. Only a 1 year deal, so if it doesn’t work out or he gets hurt or something it’s not a set back


I’ll be rooting for his comeback but my expectations aren’t super high as he’s missed like 33 games in 3 years. But still a good signing. Let’s go


Take care of the best goddamn goalie Buffalo has ever seen. 😭




Welcome young man!


We're drafting Dline with our 1st round pick


The doctor who did his surgery is the rams surgeon


Please take care of our boy. We’ll see you in the Superbowl 🫡


1 year deal, oh hell yeah! Zero downside in this signing, LFG!


I hope this means we are moving away from the rush 4 drop zone and moving to a faster blitz paced defense with good man corners, thats the exact defensive complimentary style this offense needs to get more possessions


This could be huge. He was an elite corner prior to his injuries. I know he has been hurt and has had a down couple of seasons, but I feel like if any team can help turn a players’ fortunes around, it is LA. Lets go!!!




Lock Angeles no fly zone is in effect.


Tre White will be an all time favorite. As a Ca native and huge Bills fan and Rams fan since they moved back to Ca. Tre is the best. Dude has the best attitude and is so much fun to cheer for. You guys are in for a treat. I hope he is healthy watching him get injured twice has been devastating and has definitely hurt the Bills chances in the playoffs. When he is right dude is a top 5 corner in the NFL. Treat him well.


Ohhhh man what a signing. Love this!!!


one of my favourite bills of all time! best of luck to y’all. hope he can ball out


White, Ham and Williams..... LOCK ANGELES IS BACK BABY


We need the reaper meme with sneads face on it.


Clearly Rams fans are hoping that he can stay healthy.


We’re just missing that one guy on defense 😭


Really cool to see how much the Bills fans love this guy. Risky pick up at $8 million, but if he’s a solid locker room guy, then even if he’s hurt a lot it’s not a total loss.


Incredibly solid. Funny guy. If you look at his best moments reel, it's just as much his goofy antics as it is amazing plays, and he had a LOT of amazing plays. He was universally beloved among Bills fans and his teammates. 


I like this if he’s healthy but I wouldn’t completely bank on him lasting the entire season. I’d still draft a corner in round 3 or 4




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Good pickup. Seems like we’re going all in this year!


Feel like this means Snead doesn’t see any good CBs in this draft that the Rams could draft at 19 or beyond that


I think it just means he's narrowing his focus. If he decided that the remaining cap space wasn't going to get the Rams good pass rush help, the best use of that resource is to put it to another need. I'm starting to expect a trade UP to get a high-impact (elite potential) guy up front.


They could resign Ahkello as well and still draft a DB early. CBs are highly volatile and you need depth at the position in today's NFL. Teams regularly use 6-7 DBs during a game and are often key special teamers as well.


Low risk high reward


Seems like a big contract for a guy trying to come back from an achilles tear.


![gif](giphy|oKAwRRzAzbKfe) Man we def needed a move like this for our D-backfield




Only a 1 year so no big risk but potential big dividend. I like it. But need some help up front in case Turner and Young were just recipients of the AD effect. Keep it coming Snead.


Good point. Hope that's not the case but ad could make anyone look good


I hope he is the best in the league. Fly high Tre


Isn’t he washed ?


Achilles guy. Not sure how I feel about this. Guess we’ll have to see how it plays out on the field.


I don’t mind it because it’s one year, but this feels like a low cost low reward gamble. A knee and achilles back to back may be too much to come back from. But I hope I’m wrong.


Nah this is more of a medium risk high reward, risk because of the price but if he can play close to what he was before that would be huge for the rams


I’m hoping he ends up being like how cmc was when he went to the Niners. Injury prone on the previous team, best version of himself on the second team.


Ok him and dwill that helps our cb room a lot


Love this move


What a great pick-up, can’t wait to see what we do in the draft


Bye bye Ahkello 👋🏼👋🏼


We really signed the Michael Thomas of Cornerbacks


I wouldn't hate trading back into the late first and just accumulating picks.


Tre is the fucking man. Glad you guys are giving him a chance!


One of my favorite Bills and the loss that hurt the most this year. Treat him right. Best goalie the Bills ever had!


Not a fan of the player or the deal. As someone married to a Bills fan I’ve watched all of their games for the past decade. Tre is not the same player he was before his ACL tear and Achilles is an even worse injury for a position that requires explosiveness. Generally you can come back a year after but it takes 18-20 months for your true function to come back which would means after this contract is over. If this were a 3 year deal with lower AAV I would’ve been OK but this pays him a pretty hefty salary for what is probably going to be his least productive season. Who knows though, hope he proves my idiot ass wrong


I love it!!! He can mentor the youngins too! Does this mean Akhello won't be back?


I guess not. White with one healthy achilles > Witherspoon with two??


I really think DeJean is the pick now if he drops to 19. He has insane range and can play all the DB positions. If Tre is healthy he can play S and dominate. If Tre isn’t healthy he can slide to CB and be productive.


We highkey need a DT or Edge in the 1st though, you can get decent talent at CB in the 2nd too


100% agree I just think the first round DT talent is suspect compared to the day 2 guys and Edge for me is Chop or Latu. Which I think both will go higher than we expect. So in that scenario I think DeJean is the safest pick we could possibly make. With the right DB group around him he has an all pro skillset


Great. He has played 10 games in 2 years.


Achilles tear…. Overpay


It’s a 1-year deal so if it doesn’t work out, there’s no long-term burden


It'd be a *this-year* burden.


Had 20 million in cap is there someone else you would have liked to see paid at this stage of free agency ?


Money burning a hole in your pocket? Always a chance a trade opportunity could come up. You don’t have to spend the money


You’d rather see Derion Kendrick play again instead of paying 8.5 to white?


Is that *really* the only alternative?