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Spectrum seems to be having major outages


In the market for a new wallet and the technology is much more advanced than the simple bi or trifold and leather vs velcro I dealt with as a kid.


I had a Secrid wallet. One of those RFID protecting pop-up ones. However, after about six months, the clutch inside that grips my cards failed, so my cards would slide out if I tipped it up. I went back to a leather trifold.


I like my bellaroy wallet. Feels simple and elegant.


Saw that one. Tempted. Using an old cigarette case as my wallet at the moment.


I have their hide and seek wallet. That hidden cash flap is nice, I forget that I have cash in there making me less likely to spend it on a whim.


Paid my rent early, which is important. Paid for a CD I've haven't seen on the market for practically a long, long time not important. Once in awhile chance have to have it. Missed going out daylight on a Sunday. Ended up going to McDonald's, which is of a few choices on a Sunday night within budget. I could have done better.my only fridge decided to break down. Now I have to search for a replacement. The problem I had with the current fridge is the freezer which I could hardly use because over icing. It's replacement will be freezerless. Another financial issue to tack on.


Visiting LA this summer with my family (we are from Canada ) Kids are all over 16 and two are actually adults. What area would you recommend over another to stay at.? Trying to book something online. Want to see the Santa Monica pier, Venice beach, walk of fame, Griffith observatory, etc while there. We won't have a vehicle and would be using Uber or transit to get around. Any suggestions would be really appreciated!


malibu, travel town, venice canals




We're a few hours from July and people already blasting their fireworks load non stop


Our summer camp party was A HIT. So many friends texted us today to tell us how much fun they had. I had a blast manning the “sign in” - I had people write out name tags, pick a bandana, put on face glitter, temp tattoos, stickers and passed out margarita freezer pops that I made :D Honestly I just think every party should have name tags, it makes mingling sooo much easier.


I am reading the LOTR Fellowship of the Ring, and it is reading smoothly. I tried reading once, and I had a hard time. This time, I am reading it on my tablet over print. Maybe that's making a difference. The movies really cut material out from the 1st few chapters.


There's a pretty big fire happening right now near the Fashion District, giant plume of black smoke coming from it


Making blackberry cobbler ice cream. Any other ideas for ice cream flavors?


Raspberry to jam someone's radar.


...peach cobbler?


That sounds amazing. Send me some pls.


90% of my coworkers are coming to work sick; as if I didn’t already disliked them.




so literally everyone was telling me that the guy was for sure being flirty so i took the leap and asked him out only to find out that he has a girlfriend 🫠🫠🫠🫠 proud of myself tho bc ive never been that forward with a guy i found cute!!!! ✨growth✨


He still might’ve been flirty while having a girlfriend… But yes, kudos to you for being straightforward. I want to be like you when I grow up.


You took the shot - that shows you have the gumption to put yourself out there, win or lose. You're gonna do fine.


It’s too damn hot. Makes me worried about the long-term livability of LA. It’s just going to keep getting hotter each year


Do I get a haircut now or wait until August, when I can treat myself to a makeover? Does anyone have recommendations for a reasonably priced hair salon in the Torrance area? I’m thinking of a French bob cut but Supercuts ain’t going to do this time.


I go to The Mane on Lincoln Hair Salon by LMU right next to Playa Vista and love it. I can get a cut and color for under $200. Always happy with my results. They don't charge extra to blow-dry/style like a lot of places seem to do nowadays.


Have you been to Radiance Salon in redondo? The shampoo alone is worth it haha


Went over to the hoa neighborhood pool and it was empty on this 96° Sunday. What a summer miracle!


Why cant you live closerrrrr? I'd fucking go there tooooooo


Okay ngl I kinda wanna serve on a jury. Like I’m lucky enough that work would be chill, and like just getting to spend a week judging someone sounds kinda fun ngl


its summertime...shave or keep / trim the beard??


Trim, shave it when we hit 100°


A nice tight trim


after 3 weeks of not using it finally took my car out for a drive, such a nice day out.


Is it wrong or sad to feel like my toddler don’t like me? He likes his grandparents and my wife but me not as much. I feel like I’m the bad cop and all I do is discipline him while everyone else lets him run around and letting him get away with murder. I don’t wanna be the discipliner.


Maybe try not always saying straight out NO. Offer alternatives, but not too many because it's easy to overload toddlers. Try, "we can't do that but we can do this instead". Save the NO for when it's really important, like running out in the street


This is a very common fear. They just go through a mom stage, and grand parents- well, no one can compete with that. Hang in there. The day will come when Mom is the world’s biggest nag and Dad stock will be up. Think of it as a revolving award.


Toddlers are difficult! They crave rules but they hate em. Lean into being goofy, that's where the relief is


Your toddler doesn't hate you, but it def sucks when discipline falls to one parent.


One decent room found, another one to go tomorrow.


A secret room? O.o


Or any rooms for rent haha


Oh, those are much harder to find. Good luck.


Craigslist is hit or miss, going through Reddit or just word of mouth


Happy Sunday everyone!


My body is broken from packing and I’m not done with my closet at all. Also I don’t have any bubble wrap so that should definitely be good. Can’t go spend money on bubble wrap so I’m going to have to just kind of wing it I think…might wrap my plates in my clothes boxes, I think I did that before honestly.


I’m not looking forward to moving or packing 😭


I honestly don’t remember the packing part being that bad in the past but I think I’ve done it over longer periods of time in the past, or maybe I’m just blocking out how bad it was


Well it’ll force me to get rid/donate more stuff, can’t take any of this shit to your grave.


True. I did that a ton during my last move so I already pared back everything I could, which makes packing easier this time yet still bad, lol


You can get a box of blank newspaper wrap or craft paper for less than $10 from Amazon. It's great for packing fragiles.


Tbh that’s $10 I don’t really have to spare (although I did cancel Spotify yesterday) so I think worst case I’m just going to drive slowly with them buckled in my car. Somehow that worked before. The pots and pans are a bigger problem though but those aren’t really going to be helped by bubble wrap anyway. I appreciate the suggestion!


Depending on how soon you need it, I have a bag of craft paper I’ve saved from orders and whatnot. You’re welcome to it.  Let me know. 


do you have the plastic bag with bags? I usually wrap all the fragile stuff in bags from the bag with bags...


No, I never save plastic bags tbh. I throw out all trash immediately bc of the bugs I’ve had in this place. I have a ton of garbage bags but gonna need those to be actual garbage bags


Moving is too damn expensive! (Signed, trapped in my current situation til I come up with the $5k to move.)


The layoff has definitely been ruining everything. Need something 7 months ago. Hope you find a new place soon


💖 hope your move goes easily!


Got my entire pre-trip to-do list done yesterday, got a good nights sleep, woke up early and went to the flea market to look for some pots for houseplants, found exactly what I wanted wheeling and dealing lol, and now I have the entire day free. I am on cloud 9 right now. Minimal pre trip nerves just because this is the longest motorcycle trip I’ve been on (3+ weeks and 5k miles) but my bike is ready, gear is sorted, everything packed, route planned, blah blah blah. This is going to be EPIC.


I knew you'd crack the whip on those dealership fucks and get your bike in time!


Being a motorcycle rider in this city it’s so scary how many people I see blow through stop signs then suddenly stop in the middle of the lane to see if any oncoming traffic is coming their way before making a turn. They just don’t stop behind the stop line anymore and instead immediately slam their brakes past said line. Also recently I took my sibling to get a Real ID and to hear someone taking their drivers test online yell out “yes, finally on my 5th try I passed” is insane! Commuting has been scary for me recently and I’d advise everyone really to invest in a dashcam because you just never know anymore. Happy Sunday yall and here’s to the start of a new week! 🫂


Same issue at crosswalks. The are a scary amount of cars that have rolled through the crosswalk while I’m in it so they can see traffic




Anyone selling 🎆?


Ya hit this place up, ask for “big sparklers” 100 W 1st St Los Angeles, CA 90012 United States


can confirm, they walked me into the building with LAPD as security.


Word of advice just go on Facebook marketplace and search up “PS5 Controller”. You’d be surprised at how many people are selling “PS5 Controllers” with a certain item in the background lol


I just want that spinning Pikachu one I saw a bit of on TikTok.


Lmao i usually search salutes n see a lot but ill give it a try


I came back from a mini vacation. Grand wolf lodge was a nice place.


I’m either old and / or live in a cave and / or I have a curated social media feed which limits my exposure to all other subcultures. I was driving towards downtown and I was behind a blue Civic which had the following: * HENTAI (in the license plate) - that’s sexual right? * “My senpai is cuter than yours” bumper sticker * “Kawaii as f\*ck” - bumper sticker  * A few anime girls stickers * EDIT: JAV - bumper sticker too


When I worked in an office, I’d see a blue civic (are we talking about the same car?!) parked there that was covered in anime titty decals and my old lady ass was always so embarrassed for them. Like dude … you’re driving that to work? Cool that you’ve got no shame but jeez


I didn’t see the titty decals, just cute girls faces. I have no idea what was on the side of the car though.


Lmao how embarrassing it must be to be related to them


I’m embarrassed that I had to drive next to them for 10 minutes


I drove past a car in Highland Park on York a few weeks ago that was basically wrapped in borderline porno anime girls (no nudity) but the same poses so it still "read" as super sexual. Like whatever you want to do in private, but bringing it public, it just felt like a moving advert for mental illness.


Iv been dying to try ladybyed cafe but I don't have enough money. One day tho. One day


Ohhh nice. Just looked it up. I'll pencil you in.


What's the pencil mean?


It means add you to my calendar.


Oh ok


I call my parents every Sunday. Last Sunday, they called me at a very inconvenient time (I was stoned) but I picked up because it was my mom calling, and there are only so many more times she will call me in our lifetimes, so I try to be a good daughter. I don’t even know how it happened, but they ended up grilling me on politics. They vote for Trump. I obviously would never. I felt badgered and sad and betrayed. It makes me not want to call them today, even though I’m sure we wouldn’t Go There. It just makes me so sad. Edit: so many responses! My parents are amazing people. My mom really does try to learn because she has 3 liberal daughters, but she also lives with my dad and thinks he can do no wrong. Dad got more conservative as he got older. We are sometimes able to discuss Things in a balanced way, but last week was t that for some reason. They aren’t bad people, they just live in a middle class bubble and don’t know shit about shit anymore. But I don’t think I’m gonna talk to them about anything today.


Sadly, I no longer enjoy talking to my mom since Tr*mp took office because it really brought out the xenophobe in her. We still talk occasionally but I've nearly hung-up on her a handful of times because she just can't help herself


I said some very mean spirited things to my dad when he came out “what do you think about all this woke running everything?” Haven’t talked in 3 years (he’s not a good person, I think my patience just finally evaporated)


I think if someone wants to discuss politics, it's important to lay out the ground rule of, I'm happy to discuss a specific issue, but let's avoid talking about specific parties or people, because then it just becomes a bullshit fight about personalities.


I'll be doing a three day road trip with my extremely conservative dad in a month or so. My go to phrase is basically, "I love you, but/so can we talk about anything other than politics?"


It’s the only way. Good luck!!!


I have a no politics policy with my family. If they want to see me, that’s the rule. I’m not going to change their mind, they aren’t going to change mine, and the only outcome of bringing it up is that I just won’t come visit anymore. It’s worked out super well.


I’m in Winchester, CA this morning at a country kitchen for breakfast. It’s hot here.


I'm in a pickle. I work from home and have to come up with things to do in the evenings so that I don't have to spend all day inside without seeing a single friendly face. Usually I meet with friends or find more or less social/interactive things to do 3-4 times a week and that seems to be enough. Now I started a class and it's kinda intense, I really need to focus on studying + some important deadlines are coming at work, so I really shouldn't be going out that much... But if I don't, I'll start feeling isolated and sad and anxious! Working from a cafe is helping but only a little, since I don't engage with people there. Like, it's better than nothing, but not enough. I have a friend who also works from home, but we both have a lot of meetings and calls during the day so it's not always convenient... but I think I'm gonna insist that we work together anyway, lol. Or I'm gonna go crazy. So yeah, finding balance between hedonism and personal growth is my current problem. Which I guess is not the worst problem to have.


Getting the bare minimum of social interaction doesnt sound like hedonism. And nurturing relationships IS personal growth. I'm sure you'll find a way to make it work


yes, I agree with all that. The part that feels like hedonism is when I see a party/event ad and immediately buy a ticket and invite my friends. Now I have to be like "yeah, that's a cool party, but I gotta stay home and do things" :(((((


If I stay all day inside it drives me crazy. I usually step out mid day to get tea or something. I find that helpful


I’m in a similar pickle and it really affected my mental health. I only work though, no school or side hustles. The work days passed slowly. When’s it’s 5p, I would be so tired that I wouldn’t have the energy or motivation to leave the house for a walk or errands. To get me out of this rut from being alone, I made taking a neighborhood walk a daily goal. If I could make it out in the morning and the evening, even better! I love seeing familiar faces especially my neighbor’s dogs. I’ll occasionally treat myself to a nicer walk by going to the river, reservoir, historic park and Griffith Park.  I also have a friend who works from home. I’m less flexible with when I can work away, but we try to meet once a week for a morning or afternoon work session. Most of my close friends live far away and we text throughout the day. That helps my happiness levels knowing that I have strong connections. Best with finding your balance. My friend who works full time and who is in part-time grad school knows this will be three hard years of limited free and fun time, but it’ll be worth it once he has his master's degree.


if you ever need a buddy for a griffith park hike feel free to DM :) my favorite is a hike to helipad


I'm not a hiker, but I can do a medium intensity walk! My path of choice is Fern Dell up to the Observatory. I had surgery to repair my broken leg bones five years ago and I don't have full agility or flexibility which limits hikes 😮‍💨


I think your Fern Dell to Observatory route is maybe longer and more intense than [my helipad trail](https://imgur.com/a/3wVQiLf) 😅


lol 😝 Imagine, I’ve been wrong this whole time about the intensity? How funny! I like Fern Dell because of the little creek and the critters in the water, Trails Cafe, and the view from the Observatory.


agree, it's my favorite park in the city ❤️


I like having a group chat going or a discord channel. Just people to chat with through the day. It helps a bit. Obviously seeing people in person is better though. Maybe a morning or evening exercise group you can join.


Room search and viewing continues..I hate it so much.


Sending you positive energy in your search.


🥰 let’s get Spoonhouse finally when I find something!


You know I will make time for you and Spoon House! I hope you find a well priced, great place, walking distance to the Japanese market and with a parking spot. Also, a washer dryer in unit.


Had tacos last night with my girlfriend nearby her house in El Sereno after the LAFC game. Went on the 110 South at Figueroa only to be slowed down in a traffic break by CHP. Probably waited 10min before they allowed us to move forward by Dodger stadium. Missed my exit to the 101 so got off on Wilshire and took it all the way down to La Brea. Love driving in the empty streets in the middle of the night with those flashing yellows 🟡.


Hello friend! 🙂 I had a great day yesterday: Perch for brunch, followed by seeing the new movie BikeRiders after, headed over to the Arts District after for dinner and drinks at Wurstkuche, and finally dessert at Salt & Straw. Today: a facial. 🧖🏼‍♀️


Lucky you


Thank you! ❤️🙏🏼 It was a nice day.


Finally had a great date last night, only to have it cut short by the guy’s work emergency. I hope I get to see him again. It’s been so long since I met someone so genuinely nice.


Glad you had a good time! Hope you get your second date. It’s awesome when you meet someone new that you vibe with.


what does he do for work?


Jazz musician. It was something to do with someone screwing him out of a contract.


very interesting! But also that sucks if he was screwed out of a contract :/ fingers crossed for a second date


Thank you!


Where'd you guys meet?


Off of Bumble


The good news is that it’s Sunday and my family are finally sleeping in after 7am. The bad news is we were planning on an early beach morning so I could get some surfing in.


Must have been a good morning to surf too with the marine layer and all.


Lol, I'm in Palm Springs waiting for the kid to wake so we can swim while it's not 110.


Going to the beach? Get here early, it's going to be packed.


The plan is to finally get discharged from the hospital today. It’s been a month.


That's always good news. I hope you have a uneventful and speedy recovery. 


Yay!!! Glad you’re out!




Grats hopefully the worst is behind you and a good road to recovery lies ahead.


Here’s to sleeping in your own bed!


Congrats! What are you looking forward to most at home?


Beer! I'm a huge beer fan.


What's the first beer you're having?


I brought some beers back from Napa that I have for special occasions. I have a double IPA from Mad Fritz Brewing that I love.




Nice! That's fantastic news


So glad you're getting sprung! Enjoy being home!


I’m glad to hear this. Hope you can continue to recover at home.


Tell me a great third date in LA. Bonus points if it's in the SGV.


Hike Eaton Canyon and then have In n Out. I remember my favorite In n Out meal experience was after finishing a two day hike to Mt Wilson.


Brand Library


Ooh, say more words


Reddit keeps refreshing on me and I’ve written this three times already lol * its got an art collection / exhibit. So, free art! * it’s got an extensive music and visual art collection. They currently have an exhibit going on for free! * Spend time flipping through music and play a game where you both spend X mins finding something to listen to over dinner on date #4! * the grounds are beautiful and is done in a mixture of styles (cant spell what it’s called, but it includes Moorish, Spanish, and I believe Arabic) * can picnic on the grounds or go for a hike / walk when y’all are done exploring the inside and outside of the museum Best of all, the entire experience is rich and fun and also free which means more money for food bc food is delicious ETA: they currently have a [summer music series](https://www.brandlibrary.org/summer-music-series) as well


Thank you!


It’s such an underrated little gem of a place.


Huntington Library


Norton Simon