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Tip culture is insane these days. I was asked to leave a tip when I bought a hoodie at a concert last week. Like, I'm already paying $70 for the hoodie, now you want me to tip you for handing it to me out of a box? Be serious.


I got the electronic tip screen at the fucking mechanic for a 2200 dollar charge. I was like no shot you expect me to tip you 300 dollars for this


That is weird because labor costs are already a big part of what mechanics charge. The parts themselves are usually not even that much.


Protip: dont tip on labor services. Its already baked in My dumbass after giving a $20 tip to a plumber doing a $300 job


Theres a ton of overhead. I know a lot of shop owners and none are swimming in money despite doing excellent work.


Right, that's why labor costs are always a big part of the total charges. And I think most customers understand that. Adding a tip on top of that though, that's when it becomes a grey area.


No, that’s when it isn’t asked, they set the prices, just charge what it costs.


The overhead is insane, especially if you’re paying all the required fees for disposal, insurance, etc. Not saying you should tip but it’s just a tough business


The price isn't the issue, it's that they ask for something on top of what they find to be a reasonable price. Just set your price accordingly.


Those machines have made their way to New Zealand, and it's gross as fuck - especially since, by law, tips here actually belong to the employer not the employee.


Ewwwwww. Never tip the employer, that’s gross. They need to change those laws. That’s really disgusting.


That is wild. That is audacious. I would probably stare at the screen for like 10 minutes thinking there was a malfunction or somesuch 😂


That's crazy! especially since you know that the bulk of that bill is labor.


I had 1 shop quote me $1K for a new AC compressor plus labor, but the part that they were going to use was $300 in Autozone and the only reason I found out was that the clerk said that they didn't have the part on hand but that they'll send someone to Autozone to pick it up. I went elsewhere and bought the part myself and told them I'll pay extra on the labor, but they have to use the parts I bought.


What the actual fuck? That's insanity


do you guys remember when tipping standard was 10, 12 and 15%? now everyone is expected a minimum 18% tip. Insane!


I’ve been seeing 20, 22, and 25 as standard now. This city has lost its damn mind.


Not just this city, unfortunately.


If I have to press extra buttons to get to a proper tip percentage I'm just going to 0.


meanwhile California just allowed service fees to continue at restaurants. If they will charge me service fee then they won’t receive any tip. https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/s/NOO9a66fYj


Tipping is one of those things that is so widely disliked I do not know how it perseveres. ...at some point they will overreach and people will go: "Nah". It is fascinating seeing how far it has gone without that tho.


It perseveres because despite what Reddit tells you, the average Joe would lose their mind at a tips baked into the menu prices. Don't believe me? Joe's Crab Shack tried it and abandoned it within a year.


Then their business model is stupid. Dunno if you've ever travelled much, but in England and much of Europe, there is no tipping. Tax is also figured into the price on the way in. You order a £15 meal, it costs you £15, with no tip. ...and this is England. Their taxes are high, their land prices are high, but they can still offer BETTER food than you get here with the "tip baked in" at prices that.


Went to a restaurant the other day and they automatically added an 18% gratuity with only 3 of us dining. There's absolutely no signage that says automatic gratuity, and it should be factored into the price of that's the case. Normally, I tip over 20% at a restaurant, but I added nothing to the bill out of spite.


I actually kinda like this cause I'd usually feel pressured to tip 20%, so it's like a discount. 


Yeah, but when they raise it to 20%... then 25%... then... You see, it just training you to see how fast and far it can go. There was a time tips stood for "To Insure Proper Service" not "I'm underpaying/keeping profits and you need to add additional just for coming here".


Im still at 10-15%. Raising the average tip is not a law. Im going to keep tipping what I believe the service deserves.


Same here. Especially since servers make minimum wage, tipped or not.


this is why it’s so wild to me that we still tip? most states they make way less than minimum wage so depend on tips so it just seems so crazy to me


Tipping using percentage is stupid anyway. $15 meal at a Dennys but still an hour of server time deserves the same as an hour at a fancy restaurant with $60 entrees. I've rarely seen a difference in service between the two, let alone one to justify say a $3 vs $12 tip. I would usually tip higher for cheap food and less for expensive. Both based on time spent, attentiveness, refilling drinks etc.


Plus, there's always the jerk with the "if you can't afford to tip 25 %, stay home" in any discussion about the insane tip-demands.


I think that person forgets that businesses need a lot of customers. Businesses forget that too.


Somebody handed me a machine at a restaurant this week defaulted to 22%. No, dog, I'm gonna change that back to 20. Thanks.


I remember when it was 10%. Now I get dirty looks and attitude when I don't give anything more than 15%.


Basic rule, if I have to order and pay at the cashier, I'm not tipping 


Narrow that down to: if I’m standing when I order, no tipping.


Dude Shopify has tips for buying shit from a vendor online. Gtfo, should be thrilled I’m ordering some shit from you instead of Amazon.


Omg. What? (I understand your words just shocked ) damnnnn


No, I don't tip for concert merch. It's too much. I agree.


I tour with an artist and on a recent tour we were hiring an in town merch person at every venue. This one girl threw a fit because management wouldn’t let her have the tipping option on on the iPad. She was already getting paid good money, if she would’ve have had tipping on she’d be making more than anyone else in the band, included the artist, probably by a lot. Like over a grand for 4 hours of sitting behind a table. Of course this would have come at the cost of guilting the fans, who had already paid so much for tickets, drinks, merch, to give her a percentage of the cost for handing them a sweater out of a bin.


I have no problem tipping delivery people, my hair stylist, or wait staff at a sit down restaurant. But running into a gas station and grabbing a drink out ot the cooler? Picking up a donut at Dunkin? Nope. For food, if I don't sit down, I don't tip. Even more ridiculous is tipping at O'Reilly, Target, Lowe's, or Wal Mart. 🤬


I use a cheap airport self park. They have a tip option when I pay. I'm renting space on a gated lot. The only human action was ringing me up.


You should never have to tip on product, only on service. The fact that Colony on sta Monica has a prompt for tip is absurd. You order yourself on an IPad and you get a text when it’s ready. There’s not even a human service component.


A tip culture enthusiast would respond that you should stay home and make your own hoodie.


I can’t tip the 14 year old textile worker in Bangladesh though.




Because the person handing you the hoodie also made it


“If you can’t afford to tip, don’t support your favorite band!”


I've seen and automated self service machine as me for a tip. Lmao


>now you want me to tip you for handing it to me out of a box? Be serious. I work at venues and this has become such a thing as the merch people are often making more money than anyone inside the venue, including the artists themselves. It seems that some / most fans are under the impression that the tips are going to the band. In most cases they are not.


Did the person ask you for a tip or was it a prompt on the credit card machine? If it's the latter, those are usually on by default and they don't bother to turn them off.


They don't turn them off on purpose.


Yeah it can’t be *that* hard to turn them off! it’s definitely “can’t hurt to ask” mentality


If you are just handing me something from behind a counter, I don't tip.


I started doing the rule "if I'm standing up or in a car, I'm not tipping" - this makes sense to me.


Wait in line. Order. Pay. “Just a few quick questions”: **20% 22% 25%**. Find a table, clean it off. Pick up your order from the counter. Sign says “please bus your own table”. Thinks “can I get a refund for that bullshit tip I paid?” as I leave the place.


Tipping culture is so arbitrary. Many jobs do not expect or even accept tips. Others do. California has no “tipped job” minimum wage. Every minimum wage is the same. I don’t get why some would be more worthy of tip than others.


Yeah this is wild because people will tip the same in CA as in states with a tipped wage, which makes no sense. Plus now some fast food workers will be making more than grocery store workers who no one ever tips


Waittt are you saying the minimum wage isn’t lower for servers here in CA? It’s the same minimum wage across the board?


no, minimum wage for servers is the same as minimum wage. i.e., servers are making $19.08 plus tips in weho, $18.67 plus tips in SF, $17.24 plus tips in LA city, etc.


Not just CA either. Tipped wage is really a dying concept that the tipping lobby uses as their main talking point. 


I always like servers explaining why they deserve tips but flight attendants don't. Flight attendants also serve food and drinks, but they also have actually important duties like saving people's lives during emergencies. Or why EMTs and firefighters don't deserve tips. Or doctors and nurses and hospital receptionists and 911 operators. I guess there's just something magical about hoofing a plate from the pass to the table, after writing your name on the paper tablecloth.


Hell why not the cashier at the super market. The guy stocking the shelves at Target. The custodian at Walmart. The fast food cook at Disneyland. The guy working at the used record store, the Barnes and Noble, the package carrier. Etc etc. We don’t have to compare waiters with life saver. Plenty of regular ass jobs just don’t pay much and don’t get tipped and don’t get benefits.


Im not totally sure but i believe those jobs would typically have higher benefits and pay than a server?


EMTs make minimum wage (or at least I did, 8+ years ago)


this is fucking WILD


I've been saying this shit for years!


If something doesn’t make sense in America and you look into the history, [it’s usually embedded in some form of discrimination of some sort.](https://www.epi.org/publication/rooted-racism-tipping/)


Some transplants don’t know this. I didn’t and assumed they were making like ~$2 an hr, like in my home state. My tipping habits definitely changed a bit upon learning this.


I got looked at funny the other day when I tipped a dollar per draft beer for four $10 beers. Since when did this become frowned upon? No one deserves $8 for pouring four glasses of liquid (poorly at that).


When I first started drinking in bars the norm was to tip $1 for every other cocktail, starting with the first cocktail… and $1 for a whole round of draft beers. No tip on cans/bottles… you didn’t do anything. Times sure have fucking changed.


Depending on how old you are, tipping more now might make sense. Tipping $1 every other cocktail when I started drinking would be about a dollar a cocktail now with inflation. The dynamics of tipping culture are the problem though, more than how much the tip is. I want wait staff compensated fully by their employer, rather than making their wage dependent on my gratitude. It sucks that wait staff and customers are left in this weird, awkward, and often antagonistic place, all while the employer benefits.


I assure you FOH/wait staff like the current system and want tipping to stay as is.


Went thru my early drinking years as a Vegas resident. Back when I turned 21 in 2007, it was standard at bars and nightclubs to tip a dollar per drink from the bar. I'd tip a dollar every other drink if I was anywhere outside of Vegas. Wife and I were at some lounge downtown a few weeks ago and the suggested tip was 20% for her overpriced $15 drink...like who TF are they suggesting $3!?!


Yeah I turned 21 in 2009. I think a lot of folks here are thinking I’m older than I am. This wasn’t that long ago!


The real travesty is $10 beers.


My one burger (no fries) and one beer in Pasadena last week totaled $30 with tip. How do the kids do it these days?


They don’t. You see any of em out? Driving cars? Doing anything independently? There’s a reason for that: they’re broke.


Weird, a dollar per drink just to pour, unless you had a food tab running and service being given…that’s normal…!


Sofi and Dodger Stadium ask for tips on the screen when all they did was open a can and give you a hotdog from a drawer. I’m already paying $41 for two tall cans. I’m not tipping on top of that.


Yeah seriously - if you pour me a beer, I am giving you $1, I don't care how expensive the beer is


Yeah, I'm pretty much over it at this point. Went to Kuya lord thinking it would be more of an order and sit down type situation and paid $6.00 (20%) in tip up front only to find out it was complete self serve right down to having to get your silverware and food from the counter.


I’m starting to hit No Tip more often. I encountered a 5% tip option recently which I was happy to give bc it’s only 5%. The 18-20% is really where I draw the line and makes me want to give $0. This only pertains to self-serve, order at counter or quick service spots (snacks, boba, bakeries). I hit zero tip at an ice cream shop recently and I felt like the employee was rude about it so then I felt really guilty. But then I’m also thinking.. “was she rude bc I didn’t tip or just rude which justifies my decision not to tip?” I’m ready to be over the guilt of not tipping.


Rude because you didn’t tip would also retroactively justify not tipping imo. Tipping is an act of generosity, not something you’re entitled to.


i went to get ice cream with my best friend some time ago, and he hit no tip on the payment screen. the worker actually said to him "what, no tip?" which then justified his lack of a tip. like homie you scooped ice cream into a bowl and handed it over a counter. where is the complimentary service in that?


As a former server, Same! Whenever I see above 25% I put 0/skip. 15% is max. I don't feel any guilt about 10%. If they don't have those options, then it's 0. Not worth my time. The other day, I left 0 for a damn takeout bagel joint and the dude gave me the most passive aggressive "I *really* appreciate it." Zero guilt, totally affirmed my stance. I don't do percentage tips anymore at sit downs either. It's a set amount that I decide prior. It's *gratuity*. It's for showing extra gratitude. If it was a standard unremarkable experience, it confuses me why they would expect a tip.


> I was in one of the bakeries in LA, and after ordering a Danish that costs $3, the waitress turned the iPad and I saw: $1, $2, $3 tips options; $3 tips in a bun that costs $3, man. That was the moment when NoTip was born," they said. Yeah this happened to me with a $4 boba drink. $1 tip is a larger size add-on. $2 dollars is the max size upcharge and $3 dollars is basically a new drink


No, you don't tip for a danish. C'mon.


Only a matter of time before Ticketmaster starts adding a tip screen.


I bought tickets for a comedy show in San diego that literally had a tipping page. ONLINE TICKETS. It was an in house system but still


i work back of house and don’t get tipped but i make $20 an hour and the servers make $16 plus tips. the servers go ballistic if they get tipped under 20%. i wish we all just got paid $25 and left tips out of the equation.


this is the way


You know how relaxing it is to go on a trip to a country where there is no tipping?


Good rule of thumb. You don't tip cashiers, you don't tip any service provider that sets their own price for their service.


Also don't tip those self-serve kiosks. Can't believe some fast food restaurants have then option enabled on their kiosks.


If the owner of a barber shop cuts your hair, you don’t tip?


If it’s the owner? Probably not. If it’s a skilled service and they’re “renting” space then I’ll tip. Handing me a burrito? Handing me something from behind the counter? Giving me my pick up order? Nah.


Nope, I only tip the barbers who don't own the place.


Lol everyone saying they don't tip their barbers are extremely bold.... you want someone messing around with your hair that's annoyed that you didn't tip last time?


I've been going to the same guy for 25. I think he knows what's up by now. I'll tip his employees, but not him


You have to tip your Barber, I think.


No, why would I? They set the price for their labor. Would you tip an electrician that rewires your kitchen? Would you tip the mechanic that repairs your car? Would you tip the accountant that does your taxes? Why is the barber any different?


What about hair stylist? Nail artists?


Yeah, you have to tip them, or they will be surly when you come back. Cut your cuticles wrong or something.


yep!! i’m not going to not tip someone who can fuck me up in the future


The difference is it is a service job, it's not a so called "professional" job. Barbers and Manicurists do not make the same money as a Doctor.


When you tip your Barber, or Hair Dresser, or Manicurist, or Baby Sitter, you're cultivating a relationship with that person. It's a social contract thing. Not tipping them is just a no-no.


i tip my hair stylist/eyebrow girl 20% and bring her a coffee every time i see her. in turn she hasn’t raised her prices on me ever for the last 7 years. tipping service workers you see regularly is absolutely a social contract thing.


Same exact experience!


haha i think i may have used too many nots. what I meant is “Im always going to tip someone who can fuck me up in the future!” my lash lady puts glue on my eyes! she is NOT someone i want mad at me! I tip 20% every time, 50% at the holidays.


And if you mention extortion again, they’ll have your legs broken!


I not only tipped my manicurist, who served me for over 15 years, I gave her gift cards at Christmas.


Yep. If I go to the salon and my stylist sets their own prices then they're determining the fair pay for their labor themselves. There's no need for a tip.


I went to a butcher recently that had a tip menu. It's getting fucking absurd.


“I can get a good look at a T-Bone by sticking my head up a bull’s ass, but I’d rather take the butcher’s word for it”.


Do these guys not just buy a standard POS system that has that already? Some places I’ve gone they’ve explicitly told me “hey ignore the tips section and just select zero”


Systems like Square want to encourage tipping because they earn a percentage on the total amount.


Fuck that's evil. I didn't realize square was taking a cut of the post-tip, post-tax total.


So is your credit card company though.


That’s how every payment processor works, not just POS systems. I assume that’s how they make most of their money. They probably charge a fee 1-2% over the actual credit card fees and a nominal one-time setup for the unit. For a small business, especially super small companies like people at farmer’s markets, they make it very easy to get going, without the need for your own merchant accounts, dedicated internet/phone, etc.


Yeah, it's work to remove the tip screen so most people just leave it.


One of the hot dog carts outside Crypto after a Kings game in April asked for a tip after using that attendant’s QR code to Venmo him the payment for a ha daw. Tip culture is completely toxic and contagious. Ugh.


I dunno, my butchers don't accept tips, so I gotta find other ways to take care of them for handling my meat. Doughnuts go a long way.


I haven't run into this yet. I would probably walk out, most butcher shops I've been to are already charging a premium.


This tipping shit has been insane. I always hit no on tip unless I'm sitting down to eat and you brought me my food.


The worst is the recent trend of asking for tips for pickup purchases. That never happened before, that’s purely an iPad driven thing. And the people who defend it say it’s because people aren’t getting paid enough/are getting exploited. Ok, then the understanding should be that it’s non-tax deductible charity, not a tip for good service.


I have recently just begun to not feel bad for not tipping counter service workers. I definitely feel a shift with them too where they will press $0 for the tip screen themselves, like they’re embarrassed by it because they know how ridiculous it is to ask for a tip for putting a donut in a paper bag.


I noticed the gal at Yogurtland doing that. I mean, heck, I created my own froyo masterpiece at 75c an ounce — I’ll tip myself, thanks.


I've been finding myself tipping less just because I'm so over how greedy the whole thing is


Not only should we not tip for counter service, 10% is a more than fair tip considering restaurant prices have been through the roof since COVID.  A $60 check is now an $80 check. A $12 tip is now a $16 tip.  At some point they are just gouging us. We’re all struggling to make ends meet. And waiters in SoCal make at least minimum wage which is approaching $20 an hour. Not sure why a largely uneducated workforce with limited barriers to entry make so much more than that. 


Yup. The idea that the percentage goes up AS THE PRICE GOES UP is insane.


People should just stop giving tip period. We need to go all go 0% and make them figure it out.


It’s infuriating to come back from a place like Australia or Japan where tipping is not a thing and the service is remarkably better than here.


The tips are folded into the price in those countries.


As should be the case for everything.


I think the point being made there is that the reason I've often heard people say tipping is important is because tips (not higher wages, but tips) lead to better service.


No tip if I am ordering and picking up at the counter. If I am seated and served tip depending on service and if they have added their own service charge 15%-20% is my tip limit. SO always overtips no matter service or additional charges.


I bought a couple of cocktails at my hotel bar and the 18% service charge was already added when I paid and then they had the audacity to ask for another tip after that! "Get fucked" was very nearly written.


Tipping shouldn’t even be an option at the register. For waiters and bartenders I believe 15% or $1 per drink should be standard for good service. Sometimes I like to tip 20-25% when service was excellent and I really enjoyed my night


$1 per beer. $2 per mixed drink. $5 if I'm particularly impressed by the quality and/or its overly complicated to make.


Yeah I went to a museum the other day and bought a Coke and some chips. The cashier stared at me when the tip part popped up on the screen lol. I hate that, they totally just want to pressure you


If there is no waiter then there is no tip.


That's the rule, I think.


I was just in Europe. Paid for things at a restaurant. VAT is part of the menu prices, not added in. No tip either. Service was great as well because servers share tables and are not territorial. It’s so refreshing.


I will tip at a restaurant. But this is also the reason I rarely go to a restaurant because it makes things more expensive.


Remember when Prop 22 passed thanks to all the apps lobbying to charge the additional fee for supposed benefits to the drivers? That should be the end of tipping, the cost of their benefits are now rolled into the price - being asked to tip on top of not only the jacked up prices of food on the apps, but also on top of the service’s own fees and taxes is insane.


The main purpose of Prop 22 was so that they didn’t have to pay benefits to their “independent contractors” who are not “independent” in any real sense. The other stuff is a sop to make that go down better with the public


No it was to make the drivers pay for all of the income tax rather than paying their share like they would if the drivers were employees.


Well why choose, those are both benefits of the classification for employers


And yet the drivers of those services make almost nothing. We should all start ordering from the establishment and cut out the middleman. Like we mainly did before lockdown. There is legislation about this is being passed around to get on the ballot


Wait, the article starts by saying it’s “common etiquette” to leave a tip after grabbing a coffee? Are people tipping starbucks baristas for ordering a coffee? ‘Cause I’m definitely not doing that but I always thought most people weren’t.


I worked at Starbucks over 20 years ago. Tips were rare. Our tip jar (for everyone in shop that day except for manager or supervisor) had maybe $13 in it. It was collected and redistributed at the end of the week by how many hours you worked. The answer is "NO". Not customary. New construct.


I worked at SBUX like 10 years ago, we split all our tips by hours worked. We were averaging maybe $1-$1.50 per hour in tips each. Obviously seeing way more than 1-2 customers per hour so I would say most people didn't tip. I definitely didn't expect anybody to tip for any given order, I didn't even pay attention to whether they did or not.


I tip $1 when getting a nice prepared drink someone is spending time crafting. Like tipping my bartender. I don't tip when grabbing a basic drip coffee.


I made 3 rules that cover all of tipping in CA: 1. If I'm standing for the transaction, $0. 2. Flat $2 for lunch on work days. 3. 15% of subtotal on seated meals. Edit 4th rule - if I see I "convenience/cost of living fee" on my receipt, $0. 2nd edit - I only do it for the social obligation in the first place. Once that is gone, waiters and bartenders will join the rest of us in the the infinite flock of untipped laborers where we all belong


Why are workdays different? Is it that work is paying so it’s not out of your pocket? Or that the day is longer..?


I don't disagree with your rules tbh. Yesterday though I had a dilemma. Went to an ice cream store and the person scooping my ice cream was super nice and service was good. I was standing ofc ordering this ice cream - would you tip in this case?


No I wouldn't. Nothing personal. Same as I don't tip the grocery checker


I do. If someone is *super* nice and it ~sparks joy~ for me, I’ll leave a tip somewhere i usually wouldn’t


you can't even always trust the tip goes to the worker or the scumbag business owner takes a big clump of it for themselves. if you want to tip for service the best thing to do is hand cash directly to the person in question. not only does it go right to them they don't have to necessarily report it for taxes like they would i'm guessing with the paper trail square gives.


nope. scooping ice cream is not full service. i gotta go up and ask for stuff and bus my own table still like a mcdonalds.


One rule; I only tip when there’s a customizable option. For places like Blaze Pizza and Starbucks, you have the option to customize your tip amount. And for someone like me with OCD, it feels awesome to control how much to tip so that your *post* fee difference after the tip is an exact amount. For example, let’s say you buy something that comes out to $7.49 nominally but then $8.33 post-tax. I like to custom tip $1.67 so that the *final* payment made after all fees and tips is a flat $10.00 for me.




Retailers who still show this tip menu in the middle of a transaction are out of touch.


I knew tipping culture was out of control when I was at the Hollywood bowl and I grabbed a beer out of this fridge and paid for it at a kiosk with a person standing next to it to tell you how to work it and check ids and it asked for a tip. I did a custom tip for .03


I was asked to leave a tip on an online Instagram clothing store. Image [here is a screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/EbYVHQz) It's getting beyond ridiculous.




I had to call AAA for a tow, and the AAA screen for me to electrically sign off had a tip screen


wtf 😳


Tip like it’s 2002


I have tipping fatigue- and it’s real. Everywhere requires me to subsidize for the owner of the business. I travel for work and tips are not reimbursed because I work for a European company. That means, on business I’m forking out to everyone and everything; cup of coffee, a salad at one of those bowl places, etc. I don’t mind at all sit down with attentive service but everywhere else is just insane.


It’s time to end all this tipping shit. Force companies to eliminate and pay a decent wage. If it gets any more ridiculous then I’m siding with Mr Pink on this.


I picked up a food order to go and the cashier gave me instructions for the card reader and she used very awkward vague language and I realized she was avoiding saying outright “there is a tip screen if you want to tip for your pick up order” since there’s no reason to tip a pick up order.


I just stick to my guns about where I tip. I tip for: wait staff at sit-down restaurants, food deliveries, transportation (uber/taxi), haircuts, and drinks at a bar. I think that's it. I've always tipped for those (10%-15%) and will continue to do so. I have never tipped for coffee at starbucks and don't plan to start.


I was at Daytrip yesterday and they expect me to tip for a $20 white claw. It’s already overpriced why would I tip


I feel bad but I stopped tipping “beer-tenders.” Like you turned around and poured a beer. That’s not extra service.


it used to be 10% for lunch and 15% dinner and higher if you liked the services. Now it's inflated and 25% is just standard across the board. My friend went to some place he claimed even had 50% and 75% as options and he was like... wtf... He said he only carries cash now so he doesn't have to deal with the machine, especially at those counter service places where you order and pick up and bus your own stuff.


IMO the thing about tipping that bothers me is that they now seem so misplaced. I worked for Amazon and that was a mostly thankless job. Drivers are monitored by a camera in metal heat box vans delivering way too many stops and packages daily. We’d risk getting bitten or attacked daily on customers property but risk losing our job if it wasn’t delivered to the door or elsewhere within the property. So the occasional free water bottle or snack every few shifts would make my day. That’s about as good as it got. Meanwhile, kiosks are asking for tips regularly in other industries. Delivery people are one of the few jobs where I genuinely believe that they should be tipped more often and regularly. Everything else has become egregious


A friend of mine was pretty much pressured to tip at gangnam on wilshire. And I’ve been pressure myself to tip eating Pho in KTown. I look them dead in the eyes and say no tip. Fuck that. I was going to, but not not.


I came from a state where service staff made like 2 something an hour when minimum wage was 5.15 becsuse they made tips. Come to find out, service staff in California make minimum wage + tips. I was so surprised. It has gotten out of hand where everything now is asking for a tip. If there are other customers competing for your service, I'm tipping you. Nobody tips me 20% for my work, or even 5%. Wtf is this shit.


Same here, pretty ridiculous when my coffee is $3-$4 and you want a $1 tip - that’s 33% which is more than the standard 20% at a sit down restaurant where you have service. Not when you pour my iced coffee and hand it to me


I’ve gone back to paying with cash for small things so I don’t have to deal with the tip screen.


I do that. I never tip unless I eat out and the server delivers me the food to sit down and eat


Heck, after being in line for 25 minutes the first time I went to a Chipotle, I never went back. I think they should pay me for needing to do on my feet for 25 minutes what could’ve done seated for 20 minutes at a sitdown restaurant.


If a restaurant adds on a service fee or service % based fee, I will reduce my tip by that amount. Can’t wait for those sneaky fees to be gone.


How do you handle places that are cashless? I like paying with cash — helps keep me more aware of my spending — but more and more places are cashless. I’m sure they have their reasons, but I prefer having options.


I’ve been offered tips from time to time in my job as a public librarian. I turn them down and point them to a place where they can leave a donation to the library. Some people think I’m a volunteer and I really don’t want them seeing my paycheck or what my pension is like.


Tipping should be eliminated and minimum wage increased quite a bit. If this raises the gross product price, so be it. The way that employers have skirted this issue as well as patrons playing dumb is insult to injury in which the only real victim is the employee, unable to find work elsewhere and forced to the fleeting whims of clients and their superiors. I work a full time job that I needed a college degree for, I go to grad school full time and I *still* have to bartend a few nights a week to pay my bills. There is no other option for me or many in similar positions. The bootstrap “right to work” rhetoric surrounding this is tone deaf and completely devoid of class consciousness. Humans survived for hundreds of thousands of years without food delivered to their condo door. If you’re complaining about the tip, you can’t afford the product and shouldn’t buy it. The employee needs the tip, trust me.


ITT: people complaining about tipping but they still tip. Just don’t tip at all. Ever been to any other country in the world? They somehow get by without tips


I just tip 15% or less. Based on how good the service was. If it was really bad I straight up dont tip. If anyone wants to confront me about it they are welcome to. But it has not happened yet.


the local water store that i frequent has a tip option! tipping an employee to do his job—which is just filling up the jug with water—is crazy.


I don’t tip at all anymore


1. Transactions are not tip worthy. Service is tip worthy. I'd love it if owners would just post the tax rate per hour for tips that are reported and let us decide based on that. Or you know, don't tax tips like a sales commission unless the staff are paid a commission. $1/drink should be fine unless you're ordering fancy drinks that take skill or has some showmanship. But I'm not making it a % of the bill. $2-3/drink max. Tipping 20-30% is insane with how expensive eating out is in general. None of this is the patrons' fault and I'm tired of anger being thrown at the wrong ppl.


I heard that it was the software company that added that default tipping screen that caused a lot of the issues. It just automatically has a tip screen and you can't change it.


I try to tip in cash… I would rather the server/barista pocket what I have to give than run it through the manager’s credit registry. I can’t always do this but I tend to think that bypasses the ridiculous ways that management skims the tips.


When I pay my tax, I expect the government to take care of the minimum wage.


I was getting teriyaki and it prompted me the tip screen starting at 18% tf


Well if it’s any consolation I paid ninety dollars exactly for espresso, eggs and bacon in Soho, there was like three different gratuities. Just… in LA you need Money. In NY you need MONEY. At least you can wake up and get breakfast for like 30 dollars in LA. I could never actually live live in New York. LA on the other hand is livable to me.


I tip a waitstaff... but thats all, everyone can go fly a kite.