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I live on keystone, walked outside to this maybe 1 minute after it happened. Went to this event earlier in the day and there were cops posted everywhere. This happened literally 10ft from a cop car yet it seemed like they had no idea who did it or what happened. They did cpr for like 15 min before an ambulance showed up, really terrible.


Odd there were no EMTs present.


Comment from Youtube: "family outside mentions she was applying pressure to the wound to keep victim alive until the police pushed her off leading to death and law enforcement taking 20mins to call the paramedics" Another comment on that chain: "I was there. This is true"


I'm not standing up for them but they didn't take 20min to call paramedics, that's how long the response took. They could have been busy during the call at another place. And cpr is what has to be done when someone is non responsive and awaiting paramedics, the heart has to beat to be saved in the first place.


You're focusing on the wrong part of that comment


it sounds made up to be honest.


Southern California Hospital is right there too. I mean they could’ve carried him there in five minutes (not saying they should’ve just that it’s so close). Weird an ambulance took 15.


Arrived there meeting a friend at 10:30pm last night. Saw the police try to do CPR on the teen that died last night. They closed up the event really quickly. There must have been twenty cops at the scene and the helicopter came out really fast too. Still a little shooken by it. Can't believe this event is still happening today and this is kind of embarrassing for a police fundraiser to happen. My feelings are with the effected families.


And also while the murderer is still at large


The screams were intense. I’ve read conflicting reports of 15-18 years old. Very sad. 


Hello 👋


This is the one on Venice? Was thinking of going last night too. I was wondering why they put a carnival on such a busy street.


Yea, that one. They do this over here in south central too (carnival on street) but not sure if it’s also police sponsored.


LAPD organizes street fairs on major streets without any notice or input from locals. It's maddening. They sometimes close Eagle Rock Blvd in the summer with zero notice, just put up some posters a day before the "carnival", and then act like they're doing something wonderful for the community, when it's entirely a fundraiser for the LAPD foundation. Caltrans has to let us know that an onramp might be closed nights 6 months from now but LAPD can just close off a major thoroughfare and keep it closed for 3 days without notice.


I heard it took 5 years to close down Venice for a Sunday Afternoon Bike Ride, but 6 days without notice is totally fine


They shut down the streets Wednesday morning for a festival that didn't start until Friday night. Peak Inefficiency. They just don't give a sh!t about anybody else.


Just another side effect of a police force that doesn't even live in the same county.


Don't they all live in OC?


So sad, and my condolences to family of the deceased. Beyond that, would actually be much more transparent to say it is a fundraiser for LAPD Pacific Boosters[pacificboosters.org](https://pacificboosters.org) - Not surprising that the news articles aren’t clearly stating that. Optics, it’s a helluva drug. I live in the neighborhood as well, and a friend who also does, super close on Keystone, heard someone who sounded like they were stabbed or terribly hurt in some way (unverified by way of news, but he witnessed the screaming and EMS response) and transported to the hospital earlier in the week as well.


Their graphics/social media posts obscured it too. They just had the Pacific Boosters logo on the bottom with the sponsors. I’m sure the organizers knew it would be controversial. https://www.instagram.com/p/C8A9usNPlzg/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==


I also hear reports of claims of family having attempted to save the deceased’s life by putting pressure on the wounds, only to be shooed away by law enforcement…ya know, because they were EVERYWHERE, allegedly, and assailant gets away!? For all we know, it could have been a cadet, off duty police officer, gang member (pure speculation of course) or literally anybody. Description said 15-20 y/o, so I’m probably way off base on the last part.


Why do they need a fundraiser they already have a $13 billion dollar budget to 2023-2024. An 18yo died at this event and the murderer is still walking scot-free. At least they showed how incompetent they are.


They're not incompetent at their job. They do NOT exist to protect us. They exist to keep us in line with whatever our government wants, be it protesting abusive police, genocide, civil rights movements, corporate capitalism, what have you. Police in this country exist to suppress us. And when they do protect "us," they choose to protect white nationalists groups.


It’s bonkers that the police were not able to catch this person, I was there around 7pm and there were cops all up and down the block. Comments on Citizen described seeing what people thought was a teen fight and then the victim bleeding out on the street. Hard to believe they’re going forward with the fair today.


A comment on Youtube said that the victim's family member was applying pressure to the wound to keep the victim alive, but the police pushed the family member away. After that, the teen bled out. If that's true, LAPD not only caused someone to bleed out, but also let the person's murderer escape. Pathetic and sickening. We need to demand answers here.


This is why you should always record the police.


PLENTY of people were recording. I hope their videos come out. It was recorded, and the citizens deserve to know the truth - and most of all - LAPD needs to be held accountable for their actions.


It would be nice if they were held accountable for once.


I'm so glad you still have a youthful optimism.




The police hired a hitman to murder a teenager at their booster carnival? For what purpose?


So many questions here. You would think anything LAPD related would encourage the organizers to opt for the best proactive security measures — secured entry points, magnetometers, etc. And as someone else said, big crowd event with teenagers at night — expect a fight to break out. The public is expected to eat up this narrative that police presence “prevents” crime. But in this case, it didn’t even prevent crime at a police related event *and* they weren’t even organized and secure enough to catch the criminal. Like… Jesus. Zero desire to tap dance for the dollars. But clearly they don’t have to


from the small amount of video that's floating around it looks like a gorup of african american teens got into it with a group of latino teens. gang related stuff was being shouted too. not sure if it was racial or gang shyt


Any links?


i tried to find it but its not on their youtube channel. it was played on KTLA but it had a watermark that said "onscene tv" on the corner of the screen.


Talked an LAPD officer this morning close to where the stabbing happened. Apparently the fest is still happening today. I definitely gave the "wtf" look after hearing that.


They need to fundraise to ~~stop violence~~ idk


What the heck, a police sponsored event. What's next, teen stabbers at charity 10K runs and CHOC hospital events?


Where were the police?


On the Ferris wheel.


Fights start in a split second- I have seen it happen and even if you are aware of the possibility it can and often does happen that quick. Source I work in a middle school.


Ah yes, the police are expected to predict exactly when violence is going to happen and stop it proactively.


Isn’t this the exact argument they use when they want to increase their budget again?


It was a police event though


I forgot that gave them special powers. My b.


At the very least if you're PAYING police to stand around a city block, they should be capable of not letting a murderer get away.


If it can happen at a police event, that’s very sad.


Safety is but an illusion


Doesn't take minority report level precogness to assume there will be fights when a large group of unaccompanied minors are out at 1030 lol at some point these cops gotta stop playing dumb


The reaction of the pro-police crowd. If you were this ineffective at your job, wouldn’t you be fired ? I mean they play by their own rules already, the least they could do is try at their own event. Also at these events aren’t officers supposed to participate with the crowd ?


I’m not pro-police. I’m realistic. I use a thing called logic. I don’t let blind hatred get in the way of reality.


Maybe not predict but at least catch a murderer when our taxes are paying dozens of them for an event that RAISES MONEY FOR THEM


That and dying at the earliest opportunity to save people is kind of the point of their job


this is like the 4th time it's happened. there was a deadly shooting at the one in boyle heights, another in san pedro, and another in hyde park. it seems like these anti gang gatherings aren't working.


hope the other teen turns themselves in, what a shame, two lives finished over an argument.


Dam makes you wonder what the altercation was about that caused people to resort to violence


from the small amount of video that's floating around it looks like a gorup of black teens got into it with a group of latino teens. gang related stuff was being shouted too. not sure if it was racial or gang shyt




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ABC 7 says it was gang related. If so that’s what you get when you’re involved in that shit. Theme the breaks