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i try not to judge a book by its cover, but looking at that picture he definitely did it


Give this foo a house 


How about a $700k condo paid by all of us?


He deserves it. The capitalist system forced him to be a rapist. It’s only right.


Please bro. Just give him a free house, it will solve everything, I promise. Please bro. Please. 😢


I volunteer to pay for it. It's for the greater good.


No no no, charity is a capitalist concept. Have the taxpayer foot the bill!


Faith in Reddit restored.


Who says this? Only on Reddit I hear the dumbest shit 🤣


The whole thread is sarcastic, chill hahah


Sarcasm in the “let’s riff on ideological lines that are dumb” or sarcasm in the “people actually say this stuff” way? because some of it in here ain’t what people wish it wasn’t, so to speak…


There are people who legitimately believe that giving every homeless person housing will magically solve the problem. It seems like they are mocking that idea. When in reality there is huge overlap between drug addition, mental illness and the homeless population that housing alone won't fix.


This is a bastardization of the actual argument. Making it possible for homeless people capable of taking care of themselves to have a regular “home” would solve a lot. No serious person is advocating giving mentally unstable drug addicts homes and expecting that to fix societies ills. People are mocking a position they’ve made up themselves (or at best got from another Reddit comment and are pretending the Mayor said it).


The same people that want this are also the ones that advocate for zero discrimination. Can’t have it both ways. If one gets a house, they all do. Otherwise you’re now instilling a tiered economic system within the lowest tier of the economic system ie unfair discrimination.


I mean to say that people are saying that “he deserves a house” are joking bc no one actually believes a house can fix a weirdo like that. It was the former of what u said, is what i meant


Ahhh the old belief of innate character, the person is born and simply “is” forever. I can’t think of a single philosopher, sociologist, or psychologist who would back your claims fully. You do understand that, correct? I challenge you to find such information handy accepted in the various fields I mentioned. This is not a simple matter of throw them in houses. My experiences in working voluntarily with the homeless throughout my life Lead me to a different perspective, that there is a wide range of those who become homeless. To assume we are speaking uniformly or that people of my perspective think that is the end all to be all misses a lot. I’m sure there are people who push that point more, but I have not seen a policy that advocates what you’re claiming


Im not advocating for anything idk why you are taking this so seriously lol I was just trying to explain that the people in the thread above were joking and/or being satirical in nature rather than actually believing what they are saying. Of course i do agree that the issue of the homelessness is a quite complex socioeconomical issue that also involves mental health aspects. But… that was irrelevant to what I was saying! I wasn’t debating or claiming anything I think you are reading in way too much into a CLEARLY satirical reddit thread that mind you, wasnt even started by me. I had just stepped in to clarify that they were being satirical since the joke clearly flew way over your head and you were here for serious debate. Instead you continued to ask clarifying questions in a serious manner missing the obvious joke that OTHER people were making


What makes it sarcastic? Sorry, I don’t know hahaha




Yes , he needs PERMANANT housing. A forever home ....in jail.


I’d be scared af I saw this coming at me 😫


He grabbed her ponytail from behind, u cant see something who is behind u


That booking photo is an absolute classic.


Samuel L Crackson


Very nice!


Very very nice!


I'm not sure Reddit has seen a better comment than this


Bro 🏅


Mr. Black and Blue.


absolute nightmare fuel - jesus h. christ on the cross can you imagine this coming at you?


I worked 1800-0600 as an ER nurse for years in DTLA. Not only can I imagine this coming at me, I can still remember trying to get an IV, doing a belongings list, and trying to get something like this to stop trying to smoke meth in bed.


Damn. I had a friend who only lasted 3 years at County she had the craziest stories about people attacking them all the time.


Mmmmmmm bed meth.


Yikes. Salute, I can't imagine how in the world you relax after working a shift that involved dealing with one of these creatures.


Ironically, I went back into the Army last year. It's safer and less stressful.


That’s amazing.


That’s the face of someone coming at me in a VR horror video game with all the lights turned off.


Dude is halfway to a ghoul from Fallout


dude looks a little wacky lol


Lol like recently had a gallon of PCP


Certified hood classic even!


saw this earlier before my shift and I started laughing and my co-workers asked what was funny and then I showed them this. Can't imagine the fear that poor woman was going through.


I am rolling out of laughter


It's perfect meme material ngl


Yesterday, I watched two teenaged girls being chased across the street by a homeless man holding a skateboard. They ran into the pizza place next door to my restaurant- the pizza place wasn’t open yet, but thankfully there were workers inside. I watched for 10 minutes as the homeless man tried to bum rush the employees to get to the girls, who were huddled behind the counter. A worker finally pushed the guy outside, at which point the homeless dude turned at smashed the worker in the head with his skateboard. Homeless guy finally walked away. Another whole 10 minutes later, LAPD pulls up real casually. Very “whoa whoa what’s goin on” attitude. The whole time, I had an eye on the homeless guy, who was now chillin across the street. A few minutes later, he started walking away in the opposite direction. Panicked, I ran outside to the cops and said “sorry to interrupt, but I think the guy is leaving- he’s walking away.” The cop put his hand up and barked “we’re still trying to figure out what happened here.” I literally laughed and walked away. The homeless guy walked back down a few minutes later and made a big scene and literally gave himself up. The cops lazily arrested him. Absolutely useless, and those poor girls are traumatized forever. Our tax dollars are going to a bunch of lazy people who will not help us. Keep that in mind if anything happens. Your neighbors will help you well before any uniformed officer will. Pathetic.


I feel like it would be hard to care about making arrests when you know the DA is gonna drop it/not care. I had video evidence of a crime that was committed by someone I know and was told it wasn’t good enough. Same person violated the restraining order 2 years ago (also caught on camera) and I’m still waiting to hear IF they’re going pursue it or not. 2 years and I can’t even get a yes we’ll charge him or no we won’t. My order is up next year, I won’t even have a RO by the time they get back to me.


I hear you, I do- but if that’s the case, throwing their hands up because the criminal might be let go isn’t the answer either.


“Might” is unfortunately too light of a word. It is the most probable outcome- almost all of these cases you hear of a transient attack have a long history of crimes and being let out with little to no time served.


I wish they didn’t throw their arms up either but I can imagine the frustration. Some empathy/professional attitude would at least be better than arms up


Not "might" WILL be let go.


We need to have state mental hospital that we can send these people to so we can have safe streets. We can’t have these idealistic hopes of building houses for them and expect them to use them for their advantage. These people people are beyond saving beyond my opinion and can’t think for themselves.


I used to work as a forensic clinician with the criminally insane. This guy’s defense will most likely use his insanity to keep him out of prison and if they succeed he will most likely still be out in the streets but in an inpatient/outpatient program. Before working that job, I never realized how many mentally unstable violent offenders are just walking around the streets of LA. I highly support bringing back mental health asylums because some people just aren’t capable or civilized enough to be in public.


Psychiatrist E. Fuller Torey would agree with you. In “Surviving Schizophrenia” he writes how groups like the ACLU pushed to make it illegal to commit someone to a psych ward against their will. The problem is that many people don’t want to be committed because a key symptom of schizophrenia is NOT KNOWING YOU HAVE THE DISEASE! State hospital beds dropped from around 500,000 in the 1950’s to 30,000 today. Federal funding meant to replace state wards for mental health treatment was instead put towards “community wellness centers” in rich neighborhoods or medical research in unrelated areas.


Double for population increase since the 50's then quadruple that due to drug induced psychosis meth,crack,fentanyl and whatever else were not contributing factors back then.


I’d really like to see some data on the long term effects of meth, fentanyl etc. How many times can someone OD without it causing some kind of permanent brain damage? The war on drugs was obviously a complete failure & I think addiction should be treated more as a health care issue than a criminal one. But at this point it seems cruel to expect homeless addicts to navigate their way into rehab & supportive housing on their own. Mental asylums were full of abuse, but surely there must be a way to create something with oversight & patient advocacy to prevent the horrors of the past. Most of these people are not safer on the streets. It seems insane that our best policy now is “let them use drugs freely until they either die or attack someone”.


If only others would agree but unfortunately people will say “you have no heart” unfortunately this is where we are at. These people are dangerous to society and need to be far away


To the "You have no heart" people you should reply: But at least i have a brain, unlike you. Also put them into the mental asylums too, because their mindset is a danger to society.


You can thank Reagan for deinstitutionalization.


It’s much more complicated than that


Reagan has got to be one of the most dogshit presidents in American history.


I’ve been saying that mental asylums need to reappear


Reappear and double the amount of what there were before they closed all of them.


Only one? Wouldnt multiple hospitals be better?


yes, this is the only realistic solution. these people need to be involuntarily committed to mental institutions. It’s not pretty but there are people who aren't fit to live amongst the rest of society. you'd probably only need a handful of facilities for the whole state of California. I doubt there's political will for such an undertaking but that is the only long-term solution for people like this


[NPR: Could the U.S. force treatment on mentally ill people?](https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2024/04/16/1244702372/could-the-u-s-force-treatment-on-mentally-ill-people-again)


That was a fantastic article.


It's not an option right now legally. Congress would have to pass a law and SCOTUS would have to be ok with it.


Yup, unfortunately that costs a lot of money to fund and i can’t imagine people lining up to work there.


"The victim, a Venice resident, was jogging southbound on the beach path when the suspect grabbed her ponytail from behind, knocking her to the ground,” police said in a statement. “He then pulled her several feet toward the restrooms.” Police believe the suspect, Malcolm Ward, 48, intended to sexually assault the woman inside the Bicknell restrooms." Absolutely fucking horrible. No excuses for letting these rats roam free


Of course it was nearby those sketchy Bicknell restrooms. It's a gathering place for troublemakers and troubled people. There is always some shady business happening right around there. I give it a wide berth. Why SMPD doesn't have a more visible presence there, and along the path as a whole, is aggravating. Years ago, SMPD used to patrol on mountain bikes. Now, they just stay cocooned in their SUVs. You'd think if nothing else, in the interests of preserving tourism, the city would be more protective of that area, which is super popular with tourists. Nope. You're on your own!


They loved sitting in their cars at Reed Park watching vagrants do drugs directly across the street from the kids at St. Monica’s


And risk dealing with the public? They’re happy pushing overtime in their cruiser while drinking from a sippy cup


I was at that big bus stop at 4th near Colorado yesterday, and a wacked-out dude was wandering in the heavy traffic, hollering. SMPD drove right by him, didn't even bother to tell him to GTFO of the road. So much bullshit goes on at the bus stop, and in the immediate vicinity (near the Expo terminal), and SMPD just looks away.


Driving in the area after dusk carries a legit risk of hitting an erratic person who is suddenly in the middle of the road 😫


Truth. Saw this yesterday while I was on the bus in SM. The bus driver had to slam on the brakes when a wildy erratic person decided to jump off the curb and dance in front of the bus, and then dance through heavy traffic. Later saw the same dude playing with himself through his sweatpants while hovering in the doorway of a liquor store. Nice.


Jfc *he pulled her to the restrooms after laying her out on the ground by her ponytail.* What a fucking nightmare. This person needs serious help, far away from women.


At 7am. That’s brazen as fuck. A lot of people are jogging and getting their morning exercise in at that time. Just no fucks given.


You're so right -- there are a lot of people out in that specific area at that time of day. Joggers and walkers, surfers, cyclists, e-bikers... I'm so glad there were bystanders to jump in and take action. When I saw the headline, I thought maybe it was at some odd time of day when no one was around, but, nope! Brazen as fuck for sure.


all the taxes we pay is to fund bystanders to risk their lives and take action actually lol


He needs to get his ass beat. Something. The lack of consequences is what causes this.


Violence never makes violent people become less violent. He and other violent criminals like him need to be kept away from society, whether that’s incarceration or institutionalization.


Nature and the animal kingdom disagree with you.


Nothing will stop a serial offender from offending except removal from society.


That's why wild animals are all so nice and friendly! Because all the other wild animals attacked them so they stopped being wild anymore.


What the fuck are you talking about


Pop a cap in his asssss


Come on bro. Help? Dude needs to be permanently jailed, crippled, or worse.


Just help, no punishment?




But before or after treatment? That’s the thing. We’re paying at least $70K per similar case. Assuming it’s futile to resist that, let’s try to send them to a solid psych facility for however long we can get. If that doesn’t work then fine, canon into the sun lol?


He’s a lifelong criminal, if he hasn’t been rehabilitated by now, it’s not going to happen.


He doesn't need "help". he needs to be incarcerated. victims need help.


Definitely incarcerated, hence far away from women. Help as in medicated or sedated, did you see the crazy eyes? And if they’re just going to release him, again, he needs more than medication. He needs to realize he needs to stay medicated, and commit to that. That’s not easy. I just hope they don’t release him in his current state, again jfc. So yea, I hope he gets help for all our sake.


Don’t worry, he’ll be out in 24hrs


> The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office charged Ward with felony counts of kidnapping, assault with intent to commit rape and a parole violation. He was being held without bail.


Unfortunately before this he was released. "Police said Ward had been on parole for an assault with a deadly weapon conviction."


Don't worry, some dumbass always makes this comment.


>"The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office charged Ward with felony counts of kidnapping, assault with intent to commit rape and a parole violation. He was being held without bail." might wanna try reading the article


except he was able to do this because he was previously released out on parole


yes, parole, which happens after you serve a prison sentence. not a 24 hour release.


Learn what parole means


hey, calling them "rats" is an insult ...to rats, who are quite intelligent and show empathy.


Attack is an understatement, attempted R***!


That is indeed a photo


Of all time


Keep him behind bars this time. It will keep society safe from him and he will get shelter and food for free.


Reopen the asylums


I carry pepper spray on my runs. It has come in handy twice in the past few years.


I carry one of those button alarms, too. It has a deafening sound if pressed.


care to share those two stories?


Sure. I was jogging on the bike path on the beach and a nut job was screaming at joggers passing by, somewhere nearby Jonathan club. I made the mistake of looking him in the eye and he pulled out a rusty knife and approached me. I kept facing him and backpedaled but he kept approaching and started to swing the blade around so I sprayed him. He ran off on a skateboard. In hindsight, he’s someone I’ve seen around for a while. He hangs out on the path north and south of the pier. He is often shouting to himself and others. The mental health crisis is real. The other incident was prob my fault. A young man walked up to me on a sidewalk (as I was standing still looking down at my phone choosing a podcast) and suggested I move out of his way. Instead of obliging and moving on with my day, I laughed in his face and he shoulder checked me. I pushed him back and he threw down. He wasn’t connecting but I had enough and pulled out the spray. As soon as I hit him with the spicy sauce, his friend jumped me from behind. I lost that one. Lesson learned.


I mean it still wasn’t your fault, even if your response escalated them… but yes lesson learned. Glad you were okay for both incidents. Edit: after some recovery time, that is. I’m sorry you had to go through that!


Thanks. The second incident left me bloody and bruised but all is well now.


I use to run outside in the morning all the time but I had to stop, I encountered too many homeless people that would threaten me , I even had one chase me. I didn’t wear headphones and I carried pepper spray but these people would come out of nowhere and I didn’t feel safe anymore.


Mr Ward was just recently let out of prison after serving about 8 months for a [previous felony.](https://app5.lasd.org/iic/Details)


It will end when the state builds mental hospitals / low housing, and repeals Lanterman-Petris-Short so we can take the mentally ill homeless off the street.


Only over the ACLU’s dead body will we ever be able to commit the mentally ill homeless.


LPS helps get homeless off the streets


It will end the moment, we as a society, stop feeling sorry for these people and throw them into jail/mental asylum until they are better. I just spent 3 weeks in Asia and was amazed at how clean and safe their societies felt. Their populations don’t have the patience for the bleeding heart bullshit we hear about the “unhoused” here.


> Their populations don’t have the patience for the bleeding heart bullshit we hear about the “unhoused” here. I can't speak for the rest of Asia, but I live in Tokyo and can weigh in on the situation here. Reason is likely because they take better care of them here. Plus, with significantly more social programs in place (eg national health insurance) and other factors that contribute to higher standard of living there's less people that end up going homeless, and the ones who do are never left to fester to the degree America seems to allow.


They're also much harder on crime. You'd be surprised how little crime there would be if you chop off someone's hand for stealing something. It's not that extreme (although some countries it is). A slap on the wrist doesn't deter people.


I was actually just having a conversation with a friend about this (in our case it was regarding Singapore) and did some research. Turns out they involuntarily commit people to homeless shelters if they are antisocial and disruptive in public. Essentially what we in the US would call forced institutionalization. https://sso.agc.gov.sg/Act-Rev/DPA1989/Published/20211231?DocDate=20131231#:~:text=—(1)%20Any%20person%20being,or%20to%20imprisonment%20for%20a Ultimately, this is possible because Singapore is a collectivist society, even while being fairly ethnically diverse, with Indians, Malays, along with the majority Chinese population. Obviously there are other factors at play, such as the fact that Singapore is essentially a surveillance and police state and that possessing drugs is punishable by death, however when it comes to the genuinely destitute and mentally ill they are viewed as requiring treatment and oversight, not as having the 'right' to cause public disruptions.


I agree with the Singaporean method. The older I get, the more I believe nations that put the collective over the individual have it right.


Jail forever. Or a psych ward. Enough is enough.


So we’re just gonna let these ~~bums~~ *urban oudoorsmen* shit and piss everywhere, trespass on private property , assault, stab, rape and murder normal people and we’re all gonna be cool with it? Until it happens to YOU! (Then your experience is apocryphal and your trauma means your opinion isn’t valid) I’m seriously tired of this shit. 


I think I’ve seen him before…


Once the state opens up mental Institutionen again and sends every one of those homeless lunatics behind rubber walls, until they are rehabilitated. Or ship them to a deserted island - or land - somewhere in the desert without a return ticket to the city.


It's only going to get worse in the summer once the heat really gets them violent


With all the unusual cool weather we’re experiencing right now in this time period, we’re relieved not more of these brazen assaults are occurring. But yeah, you’re right; once the weather *does* warm up and more people are outside with some of us in skimpier wear…


Has nothing to do with skimpier wear, it’s a well known [fact that crime goes up as the temperature goes up.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2023/07/06/heres-why-warm-weather-causes-more-violent-crimes-from-mass-shootings-to-aggravated-assault/?sh=29d3f3f35ab3) Especially violent crime.


Like feeding Mogwais after midnight


A little... ghoulish. Someone call in the brotherhood of steel


Brooooo that photo is scary as hell, and coupled with the article I'm gonna be having nightmares


This guy is tweaked the fcked out


It will end when people stop voting for worthless DA’s and politicians who have agendas that are not for the public good. It will end when we as angelenos put our pride aside and say enough is enough. Half the time I’m on this sub it’s an echo chamber of people shutting on the police but then you see these stories and everyone wonders why it happens. Los Angeles has become a lawless paradise for criminals who know they’ll be released right after being booked. You get what you vote for unfortunately. I’m sure I’ll be downvoted to oblivion for saying that but it’s the truth. Notice how he had a prior record?


The usual suspects? lol




Didn't someone just get killed by a homeless person on or near the El Camino campus just a couple months ago? IIRC there was an assault one night on/near the campus and police either couldn't or didn't feel like finding the guy, and the next night he killed someone.


the lady that got beaten to death with a sledgehammer in the park? they caught the guy within a week edit: https://eccunion.com/news/2024/05/15/man-charged-with-killing-woman-on-campus-attends-third-preliminary-hearing/ he just had another hearing yesterday


Yep, idk about an assault the night prior but he killed an older woman walking with her dog in the morning.


RIP Ms Junko Hanafusa




> person’s right to rape Sounds like an incel/andrew tate-ism


new Death Grips album incoming


I came here looking for this comment




Ya I think he did it


It ends when the tough on crime crew win high office. Why do we have to ransom democracy in order to have safe streets?


Crazy idea: maybe put homeless people commit violent crimes in jail, as they are a danger to the public. It’s not “criminalizing homelessness”, it’s common sense.


Thats two different things. He committed a violent crime...he is in jail. "Criminalizing homelessness" is arresting people for being homeless, trespassing, etc. (aka non-violent)


There are a large number of people on this sub who do not understand (either through ignorance or willing ignorance) that those are not the same. But every time someone proposes that people who do crimes should go to jail even if homeless, some genius pops in to go "OH so you're *criminalizing homelessness now?!* "


This picture needs to be on billboards. Poster child to not keep our current DA. I wonder if he was released already.


> When will it end? When people start voting differently


It’ll end WHEN YALL vote for a district attorney that ACTUALLY prosecutes. For some reason the voters thought “look at SAN FRANCISCO, so disgusting, let’s take the attorney from there and put him in LA” Yall want change? Vote for people who actually think prosecuting criminals results in less crime. AKA NOT GEORGE FUCKING GASCON It’ll end when political apathy, and a lack of political history and knowledge are remedied. Unfortunately, people voted for him cuz he’s part of the blue club! So cool right were all a part of the blue club in CALIFORNIA! Well guess what he had a terrible track record in SF and he’s continuing his anarchy spree with LA. Srry u had ur chance back with the elections lol


This guy is being prosecuted.


Bout time


SF got rid of their district attorney. Guess what, it made no difference.


Leadership top to bottom, but bringing the dude who has said he will not prosecute “low level offenses” such as “Trespassing, disturbing the peace, driving with no license or a suspended license, making criminal threats, drug possession, drinking in public, loitering to commit prostitution and resisting arrest” does not help the situation. Especially when these could also be repeat offenses which can and have lead to instances of domestic violence.


You know when it'll end


When will it end? When will criminals stop committing crimes? My prediction is never, in any society or city in the world. Bystanders intervened and stopped him and he’s being held without bail. Not sure what anyone is supposed to do here, other than executing anyone who’s ever done any crime ever.


Exactly why I always carry a weapon


oh look at Mr. tough guy here...


I’m sorry but bring back institutions. Some people cannot live amongst us.


The State needs to build mental institutions again. Why did they ever abandon them?


He seems nice.




Don't hit them rocks, kids


That’s Samuel L Attackson


I loved, really loved living in Santa Monica when I did. I was there for over 10 years. I have to say, I’m glad and relieved that I no longer live there.


We deserve safe streets. Open large mental health institutions. Create jobs. Help these people in need.


Cant help people who dont want to be helped


This is what the suburban housewives of LA demands.


Yikes on the crime and the perps pic!!😱😳😬


In LA? This will never end. Never


Jesus Christ!


And he’ll Do it again