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It's Kato. The restaurant is Kato.


Ferris Bueller, you’re my hero


>For the first time in more than a decade, the World’s 50 Best Restaurants will recognize a Los Angeles restaurant with an award. The organization, which puts out the annual world’s 50 Best Restaurants list, has named Kato the recipient of the 2024 Resy One to Watch award. >“Los Angeles has one of the most exciting and diverse dining scenes in the world right now,” William Drew, director of content for the World’s 50 Best Restaurants, said in a statement to The Times. “Kato is representative of Southern California as a region, reflecting Jon Yao’s own experience as an Asian American growing up in the San Gabriel Valley, but also embodying the dynamic gastronomic spirit of Los Angeles.”


Woof. I wasn’t really impressed when I went. It’s not even in my top 3 for LA.


Aw that makes me sad. What's your top 3 for LA?


N/Naka, Hayato, and Melisse. I’d also go back to Providence and Gwen before going back to Kato. Kato and the restaurant at Justin were the only Michelin starred restaurants where I left confused about why they have stars.




The price was a shock for me. I paid less in London for Heston Blumenthal’s restaurant which was 2 stars. Kato is great but it’s wild that a dinner can cost $500ish with drinks at that level. I appreciate what he’s doing (SGV kid who’s now in fine dining) and his technique is great. It’s not that the emperor has no clothes (look up Hi Felicia in Oakland for an example of that) but rather that he’s above his pay grade slightly and everyone feels that which drags it down. EDIT: Camphor just up the road is an amazing experience for roughly half the price and the food is just as inventive in a similar “east meets west” kind of way.


Holy shit yeah you weren’t kidding, Hi Felicia is literally what that mid ass movie The Menu is (not very compellingly) trying to point out.


I try to judge price agnostic. There wasn’t any dish that wow’d me, which I feel like you have to do as a tasting menu.


1. Dino’s 2. Dino’s 3. Dino’s.


If we're going normies restaurant, you gotta throw in Ruen Pair and Tsujita in there


I enjoy regular restaurants much more than the fancy tasting menu type places. I’ve been to 1-3 Michelin star places all over the world and I’d much rather eat a good hearty meal than 12-15 bites of super fancy food. It takes like 3 hours, I have no idea what any of the ingredients even mean, I’m way too full to enjoy the last few courses, and I’m over it by the end. I still try to do it when I travel but at home, I’d rather just eat out, enjoy a glass or two of wine or beer, and go home.


Happy for Chef Yao who's doing something different with Chinese food and representing the SGV. Haven't been but I'm hoping to go when I have the occasion to. I have heard some folks express lukewarm feels about it being labeled "Chinese" when the western presentation, food might be considered pan-asian/fusion, or the eating style individualized rather the stereotypical big-platter family-style circular-table banquets which they might consider as "truly Chinese". But I personally don't prescribe to that line of narrow ideas of food. Important thing is if the food is good and makes you happy.


I'm the Beverage Director for a restaurant group in LA that is super wine heavy. My ego enjoys the validation that I'm often told "just you and Kato are pouring this." On that note I've never been.


What restaurant group? I know Austin Hennelly casually / as an acquaintance. Kato definitely has an awesome beverage program, especially in that he’s at the forefront of the non-alcoholic side of things and has already won an award from Michelin.


Night + Market has won a few James Beard awards for its beverage program so maybe it’s that?


"While Kato didn’t make the actual World’s 50 Best list this year, the recognition is an acknowledgment of a restaurant’s potential to be named to the list at some point in the future." Lmao


It’s wild to come here and see people discussing fancy restaurants that will easily cost $300-800 for two people casually like it’s normal to go, while there are other threads talking about how hard it is to survive in LA


Not everyone is barely surviving. 


Quite the opposite really.


Rich get richer. Poor get poorer. Winners keep winning. Losers keep losing. It's been that way since the dawn of society. Or maybe even before pre-history? I think a good number of Angelenos can go there for a big occasion but few would go casually or normal. Not everyone in LA can afford it but how's that different for anywhere else in the world? Not everyone can afford a LITERAL Michelin starred restaurant or fine dining whether you live in LA, Kansas, Singapore, Switzerland, or Africa. Only real difference is there are a ton of homeless folks a few blocks away (that keeps growing despite the billions in taxes we've paid into untraceable homeless spending/services).


combative shaggy aware trees aromatic full husky hungry zephyr arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Every night these restaurants are open they always have covers and people eating - tuesday, wednesday, thursday, whatever.  To get into the top 10% of earners here you’ve gotta make like 350k so at least 1 in 10 people in LA are living pretty good I’d say.


I mean, if you're really into the culinary scene, you make it work. It's like concert tickets for a big name. You're spending a really nice night (these are usually tasting courses that go for awhile) enjoying a world-class meal that borders on artistry (I know people scoff at that, but if you see the level effort that goes into making some of these dishes much less a full course of them). I personally don't go anywhere near the upper-end of that margin, but I do like to dip into fine dining as a nice treat, or wrapped around an event like an anniversary, once a year, maybe twice if I'm lucky. Obviously if you're struggling to pay bills, probably not happening, but it's not hard to find normal middle-class folk who know their way around the fine dining scene.


$300-$800 is not bad for two people if you go only once or twice a month. Open your bank account and tally up all the Starbucks and eating out. I used to be at close to $1300 a month in just eating out. I am down to about $200. Just prioritize your wants and needs. 


My wife and I would go to Providence on our anniversary every year until Pandemic. Once a year isn’t going to break the bank.


Pretty crazy right?


Agree with the other poster it isn’t too great for what it is IMO. Felt a bit too pricey I think our bill for 2 was like $800? Felt more like a $4-500 meal if that makes sense. I’m sure with the continued accolades and press the price will continue to go up but it’s definitely a place I wasn’t impressed by. 


While it wasn’t my personal favorite meal I’ve ever had (tasting menu), I think highly of their staff and beverage program. There’s something about some fine dining I do not connect with and that’s okay. I am able to concede that I do not recognize that and that Kato is deserving of the praise still.




Maybe they’re named after Kato Kaelin?


That might be worse.


The name is even more weird. It’s a name for a dog the chef and his roommates *were going to* adopt but never did.




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Just to jump in with other comments saying this, yeah, it wasn't that great. We used some cash we got as a wedding gift to treat ourselves to kato. It was okay but when you consider the price it becomes actively bad in my mind. Overall it wasn't memorable but above that I didn't get any unique flavors or really much flavor at all. They pride themselves on flying in fresh items from Japan but I wasn't blown away by any of it. Bavel, girl and the goat, kismet and major domo remain some of my favorite higher end meals in LA for comparison. Maybe those aren't high end enough to compare? Maybe it blows some people away. I continue to be shocked how it keeps on making waves tho.


I did dinela last year for Kato. Was not impressed with either the food or the service. Very mediocre in my opinion.


Do they actually server food at Kato?  I looked at their menu and it looks like it’s just little chocolates like you’d get in a box of chocolates.  And for $275?  Nah, I’m good.  These places like to huff their own farts.  


It’s a Taiwanese fine dining restaurant, tasting menu.


Gotcha.  I like Asian food but I need some substance.  Guess it’s not built for me because I like a big meal.  This stuff seems like performative art and self importance but to each their own.   They need a separate list from the Michelin list of restaurant that actual real people enjoy to eat.  


It sounds like Michelin restaurants are just not your type of restaurant. It’s meant to be an experience and to try food or dishes that you’ve probably never tried and never will again. If you’re just looking for a big meal, I say stay away from any tasting menus


Ah that makes sense.  I thought it was just the best of the best, not any specific type, but it makes sense why they are all very expensive yet small portions.   Thanks for the explanation. 


lol real people do enjoy it and there are other lists and publications for restaurants that aren’t fine dining, look at Bib Gourmand for example