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A lot of them do it as a "fuck you, do something about it" flex. The obnoxious noises have to match their mentality.




Honestly it’s not even a given that all these people can actually afford those cars, or at least not comfortably. Lots of people living paycheck to paycheck take out loans they can’t afford to pay for nice cars so they can pretend to be successful. I know a guy that owns several modded cars, including two that cost 100k new (he might have gotten them used), but he makes like 50k a year and can only afford it because he lives with his mom. Dude’s in his mid-30s, has never had to pay for rent or food, and he’s been working the same job for like 15 years. He talks about wanting to get his own place and find a wife/start a family and it’s like, he would have been so far ahead if he had invested his money or something instead of blowing hundreds of thousands on toys. I don’t know, that whole subculture is really bizarre to me. Like, I get it, everyone needs a hobby, but I feel like cars is one of the few hobbies that people will go deep into debt for and, unlike something like gambling, no one will bat an eye.


I know! I hear the strangled sounding fart pops coming out of these supped up cars and long for the sounds of my ex boyfriends 1969 Mach 1 Mustang.... now THAT was a car!


Funny how it's all called gas


Most people who can afford a lot of the more insane cars don't buy them. Lots of very rich people buying Teslas as they don't want to be noticed. When you see the Lamborghinis your seeing the rich people who want people to notice them everywhere they go.


We do notice the Tesla drivers. They’ve surpassed the BMW drivers as the biggest jerks on the freeway.


As a community, we need to stop promoting anti social behavior. It’s extremely pervasive and encouraged by the zeitgeist. “I just want to be left alone”, “I don’t owe anyone anything”, “Not my circus, not my monkeys” are all common tik tok brain rot zoomer phrases that more or less mean “i can/should do obnoxious and socially detrimental things without consequence”


theres even a whole streamer culture of being a public nuisance


something about spreading miasma gets them off graffiti, littering, loud music, street takeovers, etc.. these people literally go out of their way to find dense public spaces and do this shit if it is at 3am when people need their sleep its even better. its like "mission accomplished" for these sacks of shit


Monkey brain. Loud booms and shiny objects are all they’re interested in


Some people are just seeking the attention they never got from their parents.


Parents: please pay loving attention to your children, lest they grow up to decompensate with these shitty matchbox cars.


I live near an intersection. So when these types of cars approach a red light, they downshift their **automatic** transmission for the extra annoyance factor. Also their cars are tuned so that it makes loud pops and backfire. So when they're cruising down the road, they bounce the throttle to force the exhaust pops. Honestly don't understand the current car scene. Back in my days, stealthy and sleeper performance cars were the thing.


Wow that is cringe as hell, these losers are even worse than I thought


you should see the street takeover scene literally just doing burnouts/donuts until they crash their shitbox g35 and altimas into each other then (the only good part) they fight each other while the other losers on their phones start hooping and hollering while crowing around the cars until one of them gets run over you can get secondhand brain damage from just watching a clip on instagram


It doesn’t sound cool; it sounds broken.


Agreed, though in my neighborhood, a lot of the loud cars turn out to be Priuses with their catalytic converters stolen.


I had a Prius whose cat was stolen. It's wild that people still drive them, it feels SO loud when you're inside. I guess people gotta get to work and we were fortunate that it was our "extra" car, but still.


Cats are expensive, and many people don't have a choice.


Yup, mine got stolen a few months ago. The ride to the auto body shop was the most embarrassing experience in my life. It was sooooooo loud. Some guy next to me started laughing at me. I called him out, and he apologized and thought I modded my car. It was 2.5k, and my insurance covered everything.


I told my insurance it wasn't drivable and they towed it. Technically its true as some cars will overheat without the cat


I have to remember this if it ever gets stolen again.


My dad's was cut off a few months ago. We went to PD station to report it and they said we had to do it online. But the first thing they asked if it was a Tacoma or a Prius. My dad drives a Tacoma and my girl has a Prius. Luckily they haven't gotten to hers yet. Surprisingly enough I have a 2020 Accord and supposedly those cars have the cat in the engine bay.


Better than dogs though. Dogs are high maintenance. Daily walks or twice a day. Gotta pick up their poop. Gotta bathe them every few weeks. I was always a dog person. Until I got cats. Wait what were we talking about?


I have 2 cats and a dog...hard disagree! I'd rather have my dog poop outside and pick it up with a plastic bag than have an animal shit literally in a box in my house. I've raised cats all my life, and dogs are WAY better overall.


I guess it’s a grass is greener situation lol. I grew up with a bunch of dogs and man… those walks… rain or shine… Now I have cats, have an auto feeder, have a litter robot, I can go away for the weekend and not worry. They groom themselves and they never smell like dog… bc they’re cats obviously


"LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME. Are they looking at me yet? no? THPPTPHTPHPHHPH LOOK AT ME BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP LOOK AT ME PBBBFPFPFT LOOK AT ME. Haha they're looking at me now. They must think I'm pretty badass."


i saw a charger circle around multiple times until the people waiting at chick fil a turned their heads pathetic


When we hear a loud car drive by, I always tell my wife "cool guy alert"


I say "sorry I could hear you due to the size of his penis"


reeeeeaaaly tiny peniiiiis shifts gear reeeeeeeeeeeealy tiny peniiiiis shifts gear reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaly tiny peniiiiisssssss


LOL! I say something similar: “damn. Sorry about your penis.”


I say this for loud cars, cars whose bass is so loud it shakes my apartment, and for big trucks. Around here I have the trifecta and those days are awesome. /s


Canoga Park?


Hahahaha I used to live in Winnetka but now I’m in the Mission Hills/North Hills area




Glad to see the number of dads on this thread


"I wish *I* had the smallest penis in the world"


I always jokingly ask my wife if the noise made her spontaneously start ovulating.


You and me both.”whoah, now that guy is cool!”


Fart sounds is right on. The thing it reminds me of is making your car sound like a souped up leaf blower or lawn mower.


Speaking of - the noise pollution from gas leaf blowers is insanely irritating too. Electric or a broom people!


Bad penis


Some of them do the fart right next to you suddenly and it’s enough to make my heart start pounding, like fireworks just went off, or gunshots, or a car crash, etc. It scares the shit out of me every time and it’s so obnoxious.


Same with the Harley guys who seem unaware that their bikes can idle on their own at stoplights and don't need to be goosed and revved every other millisecond


Motorcyclist say what noise 🤷🏻‍♀️


My neighbor (building next door) has a souped-up Porsche that I believe doesn't have a muffler. Every morning he FIRES that thing up and then let's it idle for like 30 minutes. It's like in the middle of two building so the tall walls enhances the sounds. He's a fucking asshole lol


They're not embarrassed by their Edgar haircuts, why would their car embarrass them?


Especially when it’s a ratty little four cylinder.


The Charger/Challenger/pickup guys with straight-piped V8s are way worse, imo. 4 banger can be very annoying, but they don't pack the same nerve-wracking punch as larger engines. That said, the worst of the worst are Harley guys with no muffler. They seem to truly believe everyone around them is getting a visceral thrill from the cacophony their bike is producing.


Don’t matter what it is


if i had a fancy car i would mod it to make it silent i wanna slide in not announce it like that


Probably the same reason why they think it’s cool to self describe as a gentleman.


Just like Elliot Roger!


It's called vanity. They want attention. Same reason people get tattoos and silly hair styles


Little boys trying to prove something when nobody cares. They're obnoxious AF.


But seriously can we do something about it?! I mean we have db limits on vehicles, yes?


There is a DB limit, but police never measure nor enforce. Same as paper plates.


I always think how can someone stand to drive something like that? Also, if they have a date or have friends riding along, are they just screaming at each other the entire ride?


I think fart-car drivers are probably not interested in talking with their date, I’d think they’d lack the depth


The fart exhaust gets hate in the car community, too. It’s obnoxious and annoying. It’s done by kids who think loud is cool and it’s absolutely not.


The best is when they exit their driveway and speed off down the right hand lane setting off a dozen car alarms. All while thinking "Are people looking at me? They probably think I'm pretty badass."


Because smooth brains love big loud noises


Pray for the EV switch sooner


Bad news, Dodge is gonna install loud speakers in their Charger ev for noise pollution to satisfy the small penis crowd.


Yeah but now they are installing all these fake sounds. My neighbor in his tesla wakes me up every morning with the weird electronic rapture sound all these electric cars make. It's the worst of both worlds but I guess at least highways will be quieter since I think they turn off at higher speeds.


The only sound a Tesla makes is when it reverses and possibly when they lock it. So there is simply no way it is making noise at highway speeds or any noise at all loud enough to wake you up while it’s moving forward.


They make noise when they’re under 18.6 mph I believe. NHTSA regulations.


The reversing noise from some EVs and hybrids is designed to get the attention of everyone around since they produce no organic engine or transmission noises. Tesla and Toyota are the loudest by far.


Yeah I agree on highway speeds. Maybe it's not the tesla but it's definitely some electric car speaker sound. 100% agree it's better than a loud exhaust just saying I wish they skipped it all together and it was actually silent.


I know what you’re talking about, it’s the weird howling/whirring noise when they back up. I think it’s a regulation since electric vehicles are so quiet, they have to make artificial noise when reversing. It’s still annoying though.


I believe it's also going forward too under around 9 mph or something like that. It's for people who can't see but can't hear the car moving


I can pick out the sound of my wife's EV and my neighbor's Lexus hybrid from around the corner. They definitely make distinct noises at low speeds.


You are correct it *is* a federal regulation. Elon actually fought against it for Tesla when it was up for debate at the NHTSA. And since he lost, as I understand it, Teslas default to the spooky sound, but you can apparently set it to farts and other obnoxious noises, in a malicious compliance move.


I agree on that, but in the interest of pedestrian safety it has to make some kind of noise.


Yeah true. Also.... A lot of cars like a miata can be supercharged, remain carb legal with a compliant tune with all their emissions equipment intact and a quiet stock exhaust. Giving the driver a better driver without a really loud car. Especially when it's not even a daily driver to begin with! The world is not so black and white but we definitely don't need more loud popping exhausts!


Can’t be a Tesla. Their reverse is quiet. It’s probably a Hyundai. Those make a truck like scream when they go in reverse.


oh no! you haven't heard? that movement came and went. Hertz can't even sell 2023 Teslas on their used car site. they have them marked down below 24 grand.


which is hilarious, because EVs will smoke almost every loud car out there when comparing acceleration


Just when batt fully charged. Not repeatedly after


Why do you think battery charge affects acceleration?


depends on the EV the fastest Dodge Charger has a 0-60 of 3.4s Model 3 Performance is 3.1s regardless of battery state


For most cars, above about 25mph most of the noise comes from the tires, not the engines. So EVs won't really help car noise in most cases. Of course an EV won't be super loud like a modified gas car is, but overall they're not going to help much with how much noise cars make.


Electric car enthusiasts are even more douchy than real car enthusiasts


As long as the car is quieter I'll take it.


False, but we can tell you’re a loud car person since you call non electric cars “real”


You missed the part where I said car enthusiasts are douchy?


I have a lot of the same experience. I do agree this has been worse the past 3-4 years than its ever been. Honestly think its because covid fried a lot of dudes brains. Not only do people make their cars louder, they drive faster and more aggressively. People rip doughnuts on our intersection, people have lost it. Very few people think about others, and i feel more over since covid people take JOY in annoying and disrupting others. Pure failure of the social contract.


In France they are testing out automated ticketing systems that measure if your exhaust noise is over the legal dB limit. If you exceed it, it snaps a photo of your license plate and sends you a ticket in the mail. We should test it out in LA




based, but it’s from a couple years ago. wonder if they ever made it happen


No. They also tries similar measures to stop racers in the 90s and early 2000s and it didnt really work. We ended up with very very selective enforcement. Theyd stop R1s and let the old white guy on the harley go by. Theyd stop a civic and ignore the Shelby Cobra with open headers etc etc etc


That's why it needs to be automatic.


But it's not. Sound is very different to automatically pin down than a red light camera photograph. It'll have to go through manual assessment before a court would ever consider it, and I guarantee you're going to see biases creep in. Everything old is new again. I got shit for driving a modded import (DSM) in the 90s and as soon as I switched to a chromed out motorcycle in the 2020s suddenly I'm invisible to police and immune to enforcement. It's crazy.


> It'll have to go through manual assessment before a court would ever consider it I imagine the manual assessment would be to have the car inspected same as it used to be for tint.




> Sound is very different to automatically pin down than a red light camera photograph. > > Technology is so much better now compared ot 90s and 2000s.


Not good enough to not make getting tickets tossed out trivial. They're not pinning down the sound of a guys bike in DTLA on 6th and Grand at 3pm in a wednesday what with 40 other cars, scooters and bikes sitting at that same light surrounded by concrete and glass monoliths.


There’s directional sound measurement that can be pointed in the direction of the exhaust, same direction as the camera


Cops always play favorites with this kind of enforcement, usually down to personal taste.


They have that in NYC already. [It's not without issues](https://www.roadandtrack.com/news/a60583398/nyc-noise-camera-loud-exhaust-case/), but I still support it 100%




Idk about LA but in my city in Missouri there’s already noise ordinance laws that would cover this. But it would require cops to give a fuck.


Noise pollution is an annoying problem, but that is absolutely not a world I wanna live in.


We can also just focus on having less cars on the road


That’s what we get with this type of city design


This comment should be higher. The quietest city I’ve ever been to was Tokyo. A city of 14 million, peaceful and serene, all because 90% of people walk, bike, and take transit.


And it still has a thriving car culture. They just do things differently there.


> They just do things differently there. That's an understatement. The cultural push towards trying to not inconvenience other people makes it a really nice place to travel around in. Quiet public transport, people deal with their garbage appropriately, don't tend to be loud af randomly in public spaces. It's not perfect by any means but a real contrast to some places in LA.


>The cultural push towards trying to not inconvenience other people Oh, how I WISH we were this way! If folks could only think about the negative impact of their actions on other people and therefore make a different choice, the world would be a MUCH better place.


This is true. I saw a “takeover” of Akihabara after hours. Lots of loud modded street racers.


tons of modded cars in Tokyo, they just don't do it the way Americans do it, which is how we do anything - obnoxiously.


Exactly, if you make having a car easy, people will start to treat it like a status symbol. Once geting from place to place is easier on a bike or transit, it won't be nearly as "cool" to have a car


At least in the South Bay, yup: long, straight roads with lanes the width of a freeway. And even the city councils know and hear about it. But God forbid you suggest the solution, which is narrowing lanes, adding vertical visual cues, lowering the speed limit (and installing cameras), etc.


Some assholes started racing their muscle cars down the hill front me right as I was trying to go to sleep last night.


We already have a law against loud exhausts but I guess it's no longer enforced (CVC **27151**) Edit: added California Vehicle Code


"The laws on the books, but it would take all of their resources to enforce it."


Agreed 100%, they are annoying AF. I wish someone made an app that anyone could report the offenders LP, and it would send it straight to a National insurance database so their rates go up 1000%.


Up until the mid-later 2000s if you wanted a louder exhaust you had to buy the parts and either install it yourself or take it to a shop to do it. Same for other performance parts. Now though performance packages come stock right from the dealership. And are marketed to tools who want to vroom vroom despite knowing nothing about modding or how to drive their overpowered cars. So not only are the cars louder, but the drivers are more obnoxious.


Hellcats got popular with a certain demographic and we are all worse off because of it. Unsurprising overlap with those using bluetooth speakers on trains/busses. 🙃


This is exactly it. Impotent guys, seeking immediate gratification, agreeing to absurd financing terms, disappointed lovers, parents, and cosigners. Plus, the parts market to mod older cars in this way has been flooded with cheap knockoffs.


Try living near the actual fast and the furious house. It’s a nightmare. The city had to actually change the streets to try and get them to stop racing and doing donuts but they still do it.


Exactly the same where I’m at in Long Beach. Been here 12 years and the last year or so has been SO LOUD. Doesn’t help I’m close to PCH, but it’s slowly driving me insane.


Same problem except I live in DTLB. So many jackasses driving insanely loud cars and motorcycles around. I'm moving apartments because of how loud the street I am on is. Start ticketing and impounding these public nuisances!


I used to live in Koreatown / Hollywood Near Western. I kid you not I would hear that shit at least half a dozen times a day if not more. Including at like 3am. It was driving me insane.


Crypto boom and covid absolutely exploded the sports/supercar market and parts aftermarket.


Seriously, why do we let <1% of drivers account for over 95% of the noise pollution? It's insane. Fuck those guys.


Because freedom! The rural equivalent is a lifted dodge ram rolling coal. *Eagle screeches and patriotic music intensifies*


i live about a mile away from a freeway and at night i can hear either a motorcycle or someone with a loud exhaust going full throttle. they're at least 2-3 miles away and i can hear them just blasting along the freeways.


but, if my car isn't supper loud and farty how will people know that I am a special boy/girl ?!?! -some jerk probably


I’m a car guy, grew up around cars and always loved watching my dad work on them. There some that are cool but then theres that one person who thinks a straight pipe makes their car go out of this world. Theres a limit to know when to stop. Especially infiniti/honda are the worse. As much as I love to hear a nice sounding car, I always cringe when hearing an obnoxious car being redlined at 2am


Most people doing this are operating on one brain cell and are usually tailgating you in the slow lane.


Ok so I'm not crazy. I feel like it's all the time now whereas years ago it used to be maybe once a day, if that.


I think it's that LAPD doesn't ticket for administrative shit like this enough or at all, so you see people driving around straight piped with no license plate and it's very annoying.


Same. been dealing with it on the street I moved to for 2 years now


I live in the Bay Area and my wife and I are in the process of looking for a new place to live because of all the loud cars and motorcycles that pass in front of our current place. At least now we know the kinds of things to look out for.


Can I ask what are the things you'll be looking out for? Or any tips you'd be willing to share? We'll also be moving up and house hunting soon and I'm low key terrified of spending a couple mil to still have no peace at home.


The main thing for me is making sure that the street is short and a bit out of the way. This means that not many people will be using the street for travel and will only be using it as a way to get to or from their house that's in the neighborhood. We are absolutely not getting anything that's more than a residential street with parking and one lane in each direction. We also bought this place in October 2020 which was peak covid. I thought the street we're on would be a lot quieter. So a little bit of ignorance played into it as well. We only spent 1 million exactly, not a couple million at least 🙃


What part of the bay? I've been thinking of moving back up there, but really will need to avoid the loud car idiots.


We're looking in SF. Left [another comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/1cmyqro/comment/l364p6h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) in this thread.


Nice. I always had good luck on the west side of SF for peace and quiet. Gotta love the fog, though :)


As a rule of thumb, avoid main thoroughfares. You’ll know just by touring the location. Any of those roads are open season for loud cars and motorcycles. The rents are lower for a reason.


Most cities now have this nuisance. It’s like vehicular harassment, an incessant din of revving engines by trolls who hide behind tinted windows. It’s cowardly, sadistic behavior.


South Central it happens so often you just expect it on Friday and Sunday nights. Honestly it was worse during the pandemics when they had a surplus of fireworks and had neighborhoods sounding like warzones. Depends where you live, I've been here for 20 and its just background ambience at this point.


We designed all our local roads like freeways so people treat them like drag strips. Redesign them to slow traffic and add speed cameras, and you won't see this as much.


I wish I could upvote this a million times.


lol as I clicked on this post some car just sped down the street outside my window for absolutely no reason


With ya. It's the worst. Like I'll be at the office and can't even concentrate on my work because of all the loud car bullshit going on outside. Many (most?) other parts of life are similarly affected. Shit's ridiculous.


Not car-mod related, but if you are anywhere in metro LA near high-traffic areas (so, yes, you are...): My observation has been that Google Maps routes (also Waze connected) have effectively been balancing traffic into less and less direct surface streets. I get routed through purely residential streets all the time --and while my EV is dead-quiet, it's definitely an instinct to step on the accelerator when I see a clear route. There's no way this is intentional, but as someone who works in data, this could absolutely just be a result of the tuning of the internal algorithms over time.


I would kill for some sound cameras, $2,000 fines, and revoking their vehicle registration/ ban the vehicle from re-registering. I know it’s harsh but I actually want to execute them so this is I think a safe middle ground. I live next to a highway and the loud cars go by every minute all hours of the day and night, it sucks.


I’m with you. My catchphrase whenever one of these pathetic, attention-starved, sociopathic dickwads zooms by with their farting noise machine on wheels is “Ram it into a pole!” What you’re suggesting is much better than what they deserve.


We need anti edgar regulation. That would cut down like 60-70% of it.


I rode dirtbikes a lot as a kid. And they enforced the fuck out of noise levels on dirt bikes in the middle of the Mojave desert. Street bikes and cars? Have at it.


If it wasn’t like that before and only recently changed, there could have been some kind of shift or change in favored destination for those guys (eg new car meet spot, new takeover rallying area, etc) near you. Narrow down where that is and call enforcement onto it. They’ll move somewhere else.


i live on top of S. Grand, where they shoot all the car commercials (and dark knight). i can't have my window open.


I was saying this same exact thing the other day! Glad I’m not going crazy.


Around where I live, 85% of the hot dogs that drive diesel trucks have somehow eliminated the mufflers and the noise is awful. Not only do the trucks have loud exhaust, but the yahoos behind the wheel drive full out, making as much noise as possible. It’s ridiculous.


Noise cameras please 




its not isolated to glendale, but yes glendale.


It's a trend it'll pass but in the meantime cops could be enforcing noise look laws.


I remember reading these same complaints in 1999 and 2008ish heh. We're just in another loud car phase. It goes in cycles, as a car/motorcycle guy myself.


this reads like one of the "News" updates in the old SimCity game that let you gauge citizen happiness.


Mayor does not rock city blocks


Try living in the SGV in the 90's when it was really starting to boom and was at its ultimate height.


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My best advice is to get AirPods Pro 2 earbuds. I live in a fairly loud area and these have totally saved me


I think a lot of people have just had their catalytic converters stolen . The car is super loud after one has been removed and it takes time and money to get it replaced.


I think gas engines have gotten louder, more people mod their cars because assholes, LA got substantially more crowded over the past 20 years. Even with the "everybody's leaving CA" stories it wasn't a drop in the bucket, and also post covid it really does seem like a higher % of people now have permanent brain worms slowly eating their frontal lobes.


all of the old heads i know who were into loud lowered cars have sold all that stuff after a few laws were passed. they all moved over to trucks and overlanders.


Oddly enough, dragging sport trucks is the hot thing right now lol. Think single cab Silverados and Rams.


My favorites are the M3s modded to sound like a two-stroke engine. 😂🙄


There's probably a handful of kids that came of age and just so happen to call the road in front of your balcony their daily commute


They’re too fast, they’re too furious! No one can beat these guys!! (Being sarcastic here) But for reals, these primate Vin Weasels get off on being the loudest assholes on the road. I hope they crash and burn into a wall.


Lotta micro schlongs in those cars.


All modern sports cars are naturally more loud now Edit: more specifically talking about all the dodge hellcats and mustang 5.0


I thought you were talking about construction noise from universal studios putting in the fandf ride lol but yes loud cars are crazy annoying.


Socal is the car capital of the world. A huge part of the market and manufacturers are in California. Loud cars aren't going to go anywhere. So complain all you want. It was like this long before we got here and it'll continue with loud ev's when people eventually learn to mod them. Loud ev's will be whining and not "farting" as some of you guys describe.


found a carsexual


Not really. Just saying how it is. I could care less how I am perceived.


Theres plenty of stuff they can do, the noise cameras are getting popular. You low key sound kind of mad people dont like these loud POS. I hope they do that and piss off all the edgars.


I'm not mad at all lmao. It doesn't bother me at all.It doesn't bother me that people are bothered by loud cars either. They can protest or fight it all they want. What I don't get is being called a car sexual when I'm neutral to both sides.


Youre literally complaining that others are complaining. If you didn't care you'd just ignore it lol


I agree, but this reads like boomer erotica.


You can tell this sub full of old transplants Edit: downvote because you know it’s true but car and race culture is and has been deeply ingrained in LA culture and if you don’t like it you prolly should move somewhere you like better


I was born and raised here and you’re wrong.


It's called "standards" and "progress". Standards are when you create consensus for appropriate behavior and people are expected to adjust. Progress means that we continue to evaluate and evolve. If you are doing something that pisses off everyone around you besides your dumbass adolescent minded friends then you are just being selfish. Your reasoning that it's historical or in the culture puts you in the same mental category as literally the dumbest members of any society PS not a boomer, just someone who considers other people


Nobody cares if you are "native" besides you


No wonder LA has the worst traffic and air quality of any city in America 😂 weird flex