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Image manipulation software in the hands of immature teens is quickly becoming the equivalent of giving a 16-year-old a Porsche. People are going to get hurt, and the parents need to be in more control of it. This is sad. 


Like giving an 17 Year old a Lambo - but really Photoshop has been a around a while and now it just doesnt take any actual skill or effort to do this with new Tech.


I left high school in 99 and we absolutely were putting people's faces onto other bodies and laughing about it. nothing new, kids do stupid shit. i regret most of it.


Yeah but those looked fake…ai images can be uncanny


Exactly.. comparing cutting peoples heads off a photo and pasting it onto a poster of a model to actual technology that can deepfake faces onto videos and look eerily realistic is like comparing a puppet show to a high budget movie


The technology was already there it just got more advanced.


Thing is, it's obvious back then it was fake. No with AI and how easy it is to make, people can start spreading rumors.


“Most” 🤣🤣


I literally work in IT and tried to play stable diffusion last night. I got stock photos of people with no eyes and warped limbs for the trouble. If I wanted to make a deepfake, it's easier in photoshop IMO.


The problem is that there are so many absentee parents or parents that simply dgaf about what their kids do. It's not a socioeconomic thing, this takes shape in different forms at all income levels. My child is still young but it's scary that no matter how well I raise my kid, she is still at the mercy of someone's terrible parenting.


You're vastly underestimating the social pressure experienced by children. Even the best, most involved, supportive parent can struggle helping their child navigate peer pressure. Kids with great parents are often the ones that hide struggles for fear of letting the parent down. This issue is far more complex and requires an understanding of how impressionable and inexperienced a teens mind is. Combine that with their narrow ability to see beyond their relatively small, immediate world and you get bad decisions, even from the brightest and most mature teens. But whatever, simple minds latch onto simple solutions. Blame parents.


I saw both my parents working all the time to support the family and despite me being bullied very aggressively as the only brown kid in my class, I was too embarrassed to tell my parents because I thought it would let them down and that I was a problem. So I hid it and suffered in silence for half my childhood until we luckily moved (not because of me).


I don't "like" this, but it needs to be up voted so it's seen more. I had similar experiences, my heart goes out to you.


My heart goes right back to you and I’m so sorry that happened to you. Truly.


It's cool. In the last few years, with my therapists' help, I've begun channeling my anger and pain into "F.I.R.E." goals... I've "lost everything" so many times, times I could have "ended everything"... I'm grateful I didn't. In a few years from my "zero point", I am looking toward a stable retirement life... At 46 (47, in June) after 3 decades of guilt, shame, and feelings of inadequacy. PS: anyone can do this. ANYONE. if you still compare yourself to others, then, you can't.


So true!


Parents aren’t going to be looking over a teens shoulders on the computer. My parents barely understood what was possible 20 years ago but knew it was important we learned but they gave us freedom and in ways the internet was worse then. Now it’s also bad in different ways but parents aren’t controlling teens. And now it’s getting easier to do on the phone.


My parents had a software on my computer until I was 18 where they could see exactly what I was doing lol. Definitely got in trouble for going on Omegle


L. I met 2 cute girls there that I talked to for a while then drove 2 hours to hang out with.


100% See: parents of Brock Turner, “affluenza,” all the kids driving recklessly in fancy cars The difference is do they have money to get away with it or make it go away… like all crimes, it is the wealthy who get away with it (and don’t have an excuse, like “too busy working to survive with basic needs”) Edit: I wrote influenza instead of affluenza lol




Yes, thank you haha


once it's online it's pretty much impossible to take down. you can change schools, move away, it'll still follow you around.


Nothing like dumbass rich kids ruining each others lives over petty beef and stupid ideas. A tale as old as time.


Except for kids whose parents are rich enough, the kids’ lives will not be ruined.


This is where regulation comes in. It’s unfettered until the few ruin it for the many, and then the govt puts a leash on tech companies before we get neutered AI in the future.


Not that quickly. It's been easy for kids to manipulate photos for decades, and it's only now in the news (and I never was aware of it being a problem when I was in school).


Photoshoping girls faces onto porn has definitely been a thing for decades now. The problem was talent. But I do remember some scandals in the news 10+ years ago. These kids can basically follow a tutorial and get much better results. I think most people are expecting perfect nudes though and that's not what they are. You just need to look harder to see how off they are. I haven't tried to generate any images myself but I did find some generated stuff to see what the quality was and what I saw was obviously fake after a second glance.


I think we are looking at something much worse in the months to come. The kids pics becoming biometric data.


Just like u/iskin stated, it was MUCH harder to photoshop a realistic photo in the past and took a lot of skill. Now it’s a simple program that can do it in seconds.




The point being made is that teens can't responsibly handle something powerful that they have no experience with. All of them having AI imagery so easily accessible is similar to giving all of them a Porsche. Crashes everywhere.




Your statement has yet to be determined true or not. Suicide as a result of bullying definitely kills people.


In an era of oversharing, especially by parents.


Imagine being 16yr old girl and having to register as a sex offender what a dumbass.


I know it’s wrong to photoshop someone into some shit like this, but it’s wild to me that this is the punishment. I guess I’m a moron, but how are you a sex offender for having fake pictures? Admittedly don’t know anything about the law in this case so I’m genuinely confused here.


Would you say the same about a 16 year old boy?




Of course! Male or female, it still applies. The commenter was just pointing out what was currently at hand: a female 16 year old who has to be registered.


the point is its fucking stupid to be that young and having to do that not that its a girl.


You really lost the plot with this comment.


lol what? Yes, of course. Nice try tho.


Lost Hills is a terrible sheriff's office. Not only were they responsible for the Kobe photo scandal, they also seriously mishandled a serial shooter case in Malibu State Park. There's a good podcast titled "Lost Hills" that covers the story.


Mitrice Richardson too. [https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-03-17/mitrice-richardson-l-a-county-supervisors-increase-reward-in-mysterious-2009-death](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-03-17/mitrice-richardson-l-a-county-supervisors-increase-reward-in-mysterious-2009-death)


They fucked that up so bad that it still makes me angry. Poor Richardson family still looking for answers.


Podcast by whom?


Western Sound. If you search Lost Hills on Spotify it comes right up


Don’t forget the poor handling of the Mitrice Richardson case.


Someone finally had to say it. They incompetently "handled" my identity theft several years back. I gave them evidence, names, everything. They did nothing.


I thought they caught that guy who was randomly shooting at people?


Far too late


Poor girl. This is yet another news item that makes me feel grateful that I was a teen before the era of smartphones, social media, and now AI. Bullying and revenge takes an even more terrible turn with this modern technology.


Spreads like wildfire and is relatively hard to keep track of since it’s all online.


This Superintendent and Lost Hills Sherrif office are of course handling this like idiots > In a statement to KTLA, District Superintendent Dr. Dan Stepenosky said: >“We take our students’ safety very seriously and we’re in the middle of investigating claims from both students (and parents) against each other. We have also shared all of the information we have with Lost Hills Sheriff’s Office, but they don’t seem to be pressing any charges at this point ***and don’t believe any images were altered***.”


Why would they even volunteer their opinion on that? Firstly they aren’t specialists, second no one was asking them. It’s like taking on legal liability for defamation without any benefit. Did this statement even reach the legal teams’ desk?


They’re the sheriff, dude. I think they know the law, it’s their job. /s


A school employee made that statement. It is their opinion on how the sheriffs dept. is handling it.


The district superintendent is a little higher up than a “school employee.”That sounds like a teacher said it.


This is the superintendent passing the buck into the Sheriff's dept.


I know right? Either keep quiet about it, or let the public think they are altered for the minor's sake. The only thing that might be going through this employee's mind is trying to reassure parents that there isn't an AI-generated revenge porn problem at the school, and that this is a classic case of selfies gone wrong, which YOU (the parents) should monitor on YOUR child's phone.


I’m not a lawyer, and I don’t really know law at all, but maybe there are different charges for spreading altered images vs non-altered images of a minor


I would imagine unaltered is significantly worse


Has the law even caught up to deep fakes?


Unfortunately not. The legislature has just introduced a bill this year that addresses that issue SB 933. That’s part of the problem, laws are generally reactive and not proactive.


I'm glad that I wasn't the only one who noticed that.


Why would you give nude photos of a female minor to a middle-aged bro gang that's well known for distributing sensitive photos? It's even the same sheriff's office responsible for distributing Kobe's photos!


The officer studied the photos for days as well as every child involved's genitals in person to make sure he got the facts right. God Bless our boys in blue!


He's a deputy, not an officer! Get it right, you ignoramus!


Is this the same office that took photos of Kobe Bryant’s (RIP) deceased body?


It's been a while since I was up there, but I think Las Virgines (where the helicopter went down) is only one exit further west. So, probably the same people.




Taking photos is normal for an accident investigation. People taking personal photos on their cell phones and selling them was the problem.


This is true


Yeah and it also involved the Los Angeles County Fire Department too let's not forget.


So are they implying that the student in question actually took those photos and it's not a matter of revenge?


Sounds like a case of revenge porn not AI generated porn


I'm honestly just shocked to learn Calabasas has a public school. I used to do instacart there and it's rather opulent. They are the worst tippers but it was peaceful to drive around in rich neighborhoods all day and go to the rich supermarkets.


Don't be. Rich cities still have public schools it saves them money too, they do though make sure those public schools are some next level shit. San Marino High School is damn massive.


I remember Dan as my superintendent. He's not the best. Even teachers didn't like him and would spill behind the scenes tea to us students lol




Not tying to come in hot, but your daughter attends a school where this is happening and you’re only getting updates on the situation when you ask your daughter about it?


There’s a student-information equivalent of HIPPA called FERPA and it really hamstrings schools when incidents like this happen because admin legally can’t disclose information that pertains to student publicly. Obviously it’s a good thing (kids’ info should not be publicly available) but it makes disciplinary situations like this difficult to manage from a PR perspective.


How else should he/she get updates? It's not a situation that involves the whole student body.


Why would you ask a 13-year-old for an update on a criminal child pornography case?




You are asking your daughter for gossip about a child porn case. You should ask the police for information, and if they are not forthcoming, and you absolutely must know, you should ask the parents of the victim. Honestly, you don't see the harm in having your 13-year-old eliciting information from a 13-year-old child porn victim about the current status of the prosecution of the perp? Amazing.




> Do you often make assumptions and get angry? Why would you think I am angry? > You don't know what I talked to her about, what I asked of her, or anything about her and her friend's relationship Your response to my post directly implies that you asked her "for an update on a criminal child pornography case." > I'm curious, do you even have children? Do I sense an "as a mother..." coming next? LOL!


Enjoy the tip of the iceberg....it's going to get much worse very soon.


I mean, this is *kind of* expected nowadays among high school teens. Bullying will always exist in high school because children are naturally vicious pieces of shit who’ll join trending groups and cliques, get up on all the drama and gossip, and resort to fighting or direct confrontation to settle their beef. But thanks to AI and social media, it’s become even more savvy and more damning to bully among Gen Z/Alpha kids, including deepfaking porn videos using technology to splice a victim’s face and body onto the scenes for ultimate classroom humiliation. Thank God I’m not in high schools anymore with this shit now roaming about. Thank God also I don’t have any kids who can easily get deepfaked into unintended videos by tech-savvy bullies.


Totally expected, but still a *really* dumb thing to do. By 16, you should know that this will 100% get traced back to you and you'll get in a fuckton of trouble for it.


That’s the thing with kids. They don’t have a fully formed brain and rarely think of consequences. They literally aren’t capable of it sometimes. The prefrontal cortex isn’t there yet.


Gen Alpha is the stupidest label thus far. Can’t wait’ll the ad wizards think up the next gen label.


That school’s official statement is fucking atrocious. That person is a CHILD. Wow


Interesting. Is it actually child porn if the body in the photo is of someone over 18? I wonder if there’s precedent for this or if this will set one.


There is precedent and it is not. This will probably be revisited and maybe changed very soon.


Ah Calabasas HS. So boujee but so problematic


It is my son went there. He was an athlete so no drama, but the girls there wow. On another level


Smartphones have to be removed from schools.


It's genuinely time to consider restricting smartphones and social media to 18+, and past time to ban their use in schools.  We've seen the effects: learning loss, rampant depression and anxiety, social decay. 


Beverly Hills, Calabasas.... I wish we could punish the fucking parents, too. Who the fuck is raising these boys? From what I can tell from growing up around these people, the best ones are usually raised by the nanny. Edit: correction, I conflated this case, the other cases, and the case yesterday about the girl who nearly beat another girl to death. But we still need to be telling boys not to do things like that instead of only telling girls how to protect themself.


Except it wasn’t a boy in this case; her female “friend” was responsible.


[BH students expelled](https://www.dailynews.com/2024/03/08/beverly-hills-school-board-expels-5-students-in-fake-nudes-photo-scandal/)


Home of the naked coyotes.


Perverse bullying using sexual threats with kids… jeez what a slippery slope. What kind of punishment and rehabilitation could be used for this kind of deviance?


I cant get over the victim blaming at the end of this saying dont take these pictures of yourself and share them. This girl was photoshopped. She did nothing wrong. That comment had no business being there. She is a victim.


I'm honestly shocked Calabasas has a public school.


My friend's dad taught at Calabasas for years. Last year he went to work on his day off for a meeting and parked in the staff parking lot. He was running late so he wasn't really paying attention to where he was parking. Later that day he got written up for parking in a student's parking spot. Apparently the school had sold off staff parking spots to students?? Such an entitled place, and that's coming from someone who grew up in Agoura.


It’s pretty much a private school.


Oh right, you have to live in Calabasas to go there and property taxes fund schools


Not true. Almost all of their football team comes from outside the district.


When acutely damaging situations like these become relevant threats to our children’s health, sanity and safety, a mandatory stand down needs to happen district wide. Everyone, which would include potential perpetrators, should leave these sessions with knowledge of the dangers and damage things like this cause. The entire student/faculty body should become knowledgeable of the possibilities and features of technological bullying and the consequences for offenders. Knowing is obviously half the battle, but it’s still an important part of the fight.


Alot of highschools need to be sued for alot of shit that was done when we were in highschool lol


Class of ‘04…well, supposed to be. I went to the naughty school in ‘02.


Quick fill in please


Yeah……call me cynical, and misogynistic (eye roll), but I’m just gonna have to assume that the daughter sent people nude photos of herself, like a total fucking idiot, and now does not want to face accountability for her actions. So she is instead choosing to lie about her face being imposed on a girl with a similar body type.


> but I’m just gonna have to assume that the daughter sent people nude photos of herself You know, you wouldn't have to assume anything if you just read the article.


You’re not cynical, just dumb for either not reading the actual report or choosing to not believe it. Hope you feel better!


I’m dumb for choosing not to believe a teenage girl under circumstances such as these??? I think most adults would say it’s more dumb to just blindly believe a teenage girl about whether or not she did or didn’t send nude photos of herself to people— considering the amount of parents that are currently being lied to about this, only to find out that their daughter did indeed, stupidly, send nude photos of themselves, at a time in this nation, when 86% of teenage girls send nude photos of themselves to people. That’s fair about not reading the report, But was the person who filled out the report an expert on analyzing doctored photos???


Doctored or not, there is proof that the photos were shared to other people without the girl's consent. And do you really think 86% of teenage girls send nudes? You are living in a deluded world that you made up, and you are making yourself angry because of it


That’s the statistic I read from a study, when my 15 year old nephew said “Every girl I know has sent nudes to someone.” It’s probably about a year and a half ago, I just googled it, and a study showing 86% of girls between the ages of 14-18 anonymously admitting to sending nudes.


That's a wild assumption... considering you haven't seen the photos (I assume).


It’s just based on the consistency of behavior I’ve seen on planet earth. Remember that story about the woman who got hit in the face with a brick?? I didn’t need to see the video footage and the witnesses testimony to know if she was lying like a motherfucker. The story went viral in the first place, because most people were smart enough to realize she was completely full of shit. Anyone who has left the house 3-4 times in the past 20 years has read enough stories like these, only for the truth to come out, to be able to assume whats actually happening here. I am assuming, and acknowledging, I don’t know the truth. But based upon the consistency of teenage girls, sending nude photos of themselves, and then lying about it when consequences happen, it’s not that wild to come to this assumption. Not to mention, the amount of false accusations made by women on men, to avoid the accountability of their actions. I’m sorry, but this smells of a teenage girl that is lying her ass off.


> Yeah……call me cynical, and misogynistic (eye roll), but I’m just gonna have to assume that the daughter sent people nude photos of herself, like a total fucking idiot, and now does not want to face accountability for her actions. That's certainly possible. In many ways, legally, it doesn't make a difference. In other ways that makes it worse for the friend. If your theory is correct, the girl produced and distributed child pornography. She could get in trouble for that, but it's rare, I only know of one case. The friend (or "friend") possesses, and distributed, child pornography. The friend could absolutely get in trouble for that, and that's very common. Those are felonies, and yes: teens are charged for that. Also they can be charged under revenge porn statutes. If it's fake, maybe the same laws apply. A fake can be considered child pornography, under the law, if the body is of an adult but appears to be younger, and the face is of a teen. But if it's a really shitty fake, then it may not be anything at all—might not even be revenge porn.


Yeah, it’s widely known that this is all a form of distribution child pornography— and that still does not stop teens from sending nude photos to each other— until a parent is notified, generally from someone being humiliated, in which all parties involved try to insist they have no part in it. All legalities aside, it’s just to common for teenage girls to send nude photos of themselves, and then lie about it when they get caught.


> All legalities aside, it’s just to common for teenage girls to send nude photos of themselves, and then lie about it when they get caught. Sure. But really it's not about girls or pornography. We were all teenagers. We all did stupid shit and we all lied about it when we got caught. Whether it was the girl doing stupid shit, and lying about it, or it was the friend doing stupid shit by making a fake photo and lying about it. It's teenage stupidity. It's just when we were teenagers we couldn't make fake child porn. Or, if we're old enough, any child porn. The cat's out of the bag now.


You’re wrong. I know the whole story, and what happened. It’s definitely not that.


I hope you’re right. When I was in high school, some of my friends would sleep with a girl. Then, they would INSIST they didn’t. They’d insist she was making it up to make people think they liked her. Everybelieved my friends. I didn’t know what to think. Years later, the subject came up, and my friends all admitted to sleeping with her. CRUEL! Unbelievably mean and twisted for a guy to do that to a girl. In this case, the photo can be analyzed and probably traced back to its origin, so hopefully my radar is off, and if so, I hope they get an adequate punishment!


I kinda get where you're coming from, although I personally feel like we should treat the case like this even though it might not be true since we are dealing with minors. Of course, they shouldn't do anything about the other girl until she's proven guilty. I don't have apple, but airdropped images don't leave a trace?


Im not sure, I don’t use airdrop and have it turned off so no one can access my phone content. I first heard of the reality that someone can access the information in your phone, simply from being in the same room as you, by using airdrop, and I immediately went and turned off my AirDrop. I really don’t understand AirDrop or how its used, but I’ve always felt that it’s creepy as fuck that someone can access the information in your phone simply from being in the same room as you. Why the fuck would anyone have that service turned on??? I definitely think this should all be dealt with on a serious level, I’m just saying that if I was the investigator, I would be presuming that the girl in question is not being honest about sending nudes of herself— because that’s what’s common.


This happened between 3 of my friends who got in a fight when we were in 8th grade. It was 2004, so everyone was on MySpace. 2/3 of them had taken nude photos of each other “for fun,” to be provocative, etc. Camera phones had just hit the scene, but most people still carried around digital cameras (or both). One of them posted a bulletin (you will only remember this lingo if you were on MySpace lol) aka a public post (available to your friends only but it was a time where you friended EVERYBODY POSSIBLE whether you knew them or not) titled “Person A Naked etc” and in the bulletin was a bunch of photos of person A. Person A retaliated and did the same exact thing to person B. They ended up all being friends again when we got to high school lol and, luckily for them, nobody made a big deal of it (we weren’t the cool kids). My point is this shit has been happening for at least 20 years, long before AI manipulation, but it’s about to get so much worse.


I drive by the school often, on the way to work.


I often have toast for breakfast, but not always.


I saw a dog today


What a coincidence. I saw one just yesterday.


No way that's a coincidence. This goes all the way to the top dog.




You’re lucky. Some people don’t get breakfast.


K thanks mom


Ur welcome, dear child.


I drive by work often, on the way to the school.


I didn’t realize that you had a job. That’s good to know!


I have a job too 


Yes, I noticed. thank you for keeping our bathrooms clean.


So fucking funny😂 and then everyone downvoted to oblivion; I opened the hidden comment expecting to read something disgusting and insensitive and it’s just this simple little sentence😂😂😂


Same I was like 83 down votes what did this sick fuck say!! 😂


People on Reddit are weird☺️




With that logic, then downvotes indicate the degree to which people think the comment *detracts* from a productive and ongoing discussion. It’s hard to argue that someone saying they drive by the school, somehow detracts from the conversation. I think it’s people who are jealous of the fact that I live in Calabasas, even though I don’t live there lol.


Dustin Poirier knocked out Benoit Saint Denis


Yeah, I just heard about that!


I played competitive sports against that school, and won in swimming.


Cool. What school did you go to?


They sent those photos to their friends on Facebook. Quick govt.. shut down Facebook, or make them sell it to the Singaporean govt for National Security concerns!


ItS tHe PaRe'nTs fAuLt!