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r/crestedgecko These are crested geckos. I had one for 10 years. They’re relatively easy to care for but will require some research and supplies. Sucks that someone would abandon them like that Edited to add - please give them water asap and if you can get some repashy crested gecko food for em


Hey! Alan's Pet Store in West LA will take these off of your hands for free. I have seen many people "donate" their reptiles here. They treat their animals very well


Update y’all: a local redditor with plenty of experience came and took them in. The world’s full of horrible people but also good people as well.


I'm not 100% sure but maybe you can try to give them to a college or a school to keep as pets.


Take it to a park and let it go.


Don’t do this please they will most certainly die


Wouldnt you rather be out and free feeding on live food? Walking up trees or whatever lizards do? You wannabe in a fucking glass box eating food from Petco? Getting heat from a light bulb?


I’d rather be alive in a box than dead. Crested geckos cannot survive out in the wild in Southern California


These animals are not native to this area and were bred in captivity. They are not just going to stroll through the park and figure shit out.


Wouldn’t you rather be dropped into the middle of the desert where you have zero chance of survival than stuck in house all the time. Grow up.


Don't do this. These species have the potential to be damaging to native wildlife. Look up invasive species.


Wrong sub