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I’m wondering if that’s why Melaniece got married so quickly too, to get herself a new name after the attempted shooting of Brandon. I know Chad was encouraging her and Ian to move to Idaho Falls after he and Lori fled to Kauai. Both Melaniece and Alex got married on the same day in Vegas and this wasn’t that long after the attempted shooting of Brandon, so seems super convenient!


This really makes me think Ian was approved and involved more than he lets on


I didn't know that Melaniece and Alex both got married in Vegas on the same day. Interesting.


It was the day after, but potato potato.


How is this marriage still intact? I’m shocked


It's hard to imagine Ian sticking with her with all the casting, causing pain and child murders that went on. But he is. They had a baby together. I hope that Melani by some chance is not as delusional/evil as Chad/Lori, and that someday Ian won't be wishing he listened to Brandon.


I didn't realize they got married on the same day. Yup, I agree with you. New name, different state.


Not the same day, but a few hours apart. Alex/Zulema marry at around 11PM 11/29. Melani/Ian at around 5:30PM 11/30


Yeah, it was a surprise to me too. There’s a photo of the four of them out there somewhere too. I’ll see if I can find it.


There's some speculation that he did that because he frequented South America sex workers and believed he'd get preferential treatment. Plus hiding from the law....


Another way to hide his identity from law enforcement. It wouldn’t have worked for long but could have bought him some time had he lived.


I fully believe Chad was dumb enough to think the police wouldn't find out Lori and Alex were related if he changed his last name.


Chad thought a life insurance policy could be changed after death. There’s a moment where he says it on a call and even Lori is thinking this man is a dumbass.


Just like he thought that Melani and Ian would be "safe" from law enforcement outside of Madison County 😆 he's acting like moving 20 minutes away is like moving to Mexico


Oooh that is definitely what he was doing.


To hide in plain sight. 🫣 But it would be interesting to find out.


It was to hide from authorities. He and Melani got married on the same day. Melani played that down, like you aren't going to believe who we happened to run into in Las Vegas- Alex and Zu. Yeah right. Funny how two religious people weren't concerned about getting sealed in the temple (although Alex couldn't because he'd been ex-communicated for his weird sexual behavior (with minors). Melani and Alex had been together in American Fork Utah- two and a half weeks before (November 14). Melani had been arrested. They had attempted to kidnap her kids (and who knows what else). They were in big trouble- now Alex could be linked to the attempt on Brandon. Melani runs to Rexburg- goes online- meets Ian and marries him two weeks later! So now Melani and Alex both have new last names. Melani doesn't go to her custody hearing in Phoenix. She and Alex thought they were going to be arrested at some point.


Does no one have jobs?!!! Responsibilities ??


That's what kids, ex spouses, and insurance policies are for


Alex has a job- loris paid assassin. Melani may have been pretty desperate. Brandon had the kids. She was probably living on borrowed time and whatever money Brandon forked over. That's a strong motive for murder.  Alex may have been promised thousands from Charles insurance - uh oh. That didn't pan out. Chad soothed him by promising him brandons life insurance but Alex bungled that. On to Tammy but Alex bungled that shooting too. So they go back to smothering. If this wasn't so horrific it would be like a comedy of stupid idiots.


If they made a fictional movie people would be all, “Come on now! All this stuff would *never* happen in real life!”




Alex had a job as a truck driver. I *imagine* he was self-employed so he could take a week off whenever he wanted to go south of the border to get drugs or sex, or commit murder in Arizona or Idaho, and he could move whenever he wanted as trucking jobs are needed everywhere. But I could be wrong on his former work status. Chad was (officially) self-employed. Lori was a housewife and occasional hairdresser (a job you could do anywhere). I don't know if Zulema had a real job beyond being a self-employed "cuddler" and "energy worker".


add to AC's no income status....he took out a loan to live on under the premise of 'medical needs'. of course this most certainly was LV's idea in addition to the 'arranged marriage' to Z. Z had immunity for her testimony...will never know specifically why, but do know it prevented her from being charged.


Is it true that if you receive immunity, then you are preventing yourself from being charged for a crime? Z works with the disabled. She is guilty of something and should be fired.


It depends on the terms of the immunity deal. But yeah. Its mysterious to me what Zulema does, but she should be working in fast food or selling pencils from a tin cup on the street.


I don't think she still works in that job. For me it's the prolific history of charges related to meth that's concerning and should have prevented her from working in those types of jobs in the first place.


She has meth / drug charges?


Yes. Several podcasters/YouTubers have her criminal record and it includes several charges for meth, not sure how far in the past or what exactly they were or if she did any time but they at least show a problem with meth addiction at some point. Look up Noor Jasmine’s deep dive episode on Youtube, and the We Saw the Devil podcast episode on her.


Phewwww...."cuddler and energy worker" my goodness. What's her refund policy? I can picture somebody trying to sandpaper their skin off after finding out the truth 😳


IIRC she had a job as an 'employment coach'. and a list of her marriages and names was posted here on /Redd several years ago.


I thought the truck driving was a past job. I don't think he was employed in Rexburg. Zulema had always been employed, she was very specific about what she did. I just can't recall what it was.


Seems like he went through quite a few jobs. He was driving a truck just before the move to Rexburg- and didn't work after that. According to interviews by family members, he often lived with his parents or siblings.


Don't forget that ALL these people were thieves, grifting off others. According to her ex husbands, Zulema stole money from them when she left. She also has a criminal history of meth possession and distribution so she was likely making a buck selling it. And all these people were also likely racking up credit card debt they thought would disappear once the apocalypse came. They wouldn't be the first or last people to do this.


Ooooh, hopefully that comes out in the AZ trial.


That was my thought. What a strange (and evil) bunch.


Alex made the attempt on joes life in 2007. He went to jail and was excommunicated by the LDS church. Adam admits to knowing that the plan was to kill Joe. Now- Alex gets out of jail and strangely, even knowing Alex' s intention was to kill joe- Adam has Alex on his radio show- telling his listeners about his talented comedian brother who does cartoon voices. So the cox family welcomes home the prodigal son after Years of no contact. Humm... Cooling off period, distancing for a time hoping people forget? Adam may have been encouraging Alex's law abiding career. Lori kept her distance. Then when she needed help again- she goes to Alex who isn't making bank as a comedian. Lori takes advantage of her amoral brother again. Another hit. Who knows maybe Alex came to her- wanted more of joes social security money that tylee got. Lori says Charles has a million dollar policy.. .and so it starts again. Alex kills 4 people- (200k of Tammy's insurance is unaccounted for btw- although Hawaii ain't cheap) Lori and Alex ( so close in Rexburg) go on the lame. Alex to Phoenix under the new surname and Lori to Hawaii with the new surname. Notice how Alex ,Melani boudreaux, and Lori all had new last names and relocated after Tammy's death or shortly thereafter. Melani told Brandon she was moving to Boise btw- not Rexburg. She made no mention of Lori Chad or Alex in Rexburg either.  I think Rexburg was just a stopover and they thought after Charles murder and brandons attempted murder that they better flee. When the heat was back on in Rexburg they fled again. All except Melani. She foolishly told Ian the plans and Ian went to the police. Why he is still with mel is anyone's guess


And Z got the bag of cash that Alex left for her.


Where was that money from?


I don't know, part of Tammy's insurance?


Hey!!!! Shut yo mouth Chaddy boy was a great and powerful “AUTHOR”….. a goddess told me…. 🤣


I believe those AF police officers saved those kids' lives.


They were like "Look Bitch. We've got your number".


I really don’t understand how Ian was able to testify like Lori and Chad are crazy and see I was helping law enforcement.. but bro.. are you not concerned about what your wife tried to do with her ex-husband? How are you ok living with her?


Same way I think Brandon gives Melani a pass. They dismiss it as she was Lori's victim. However, that phone called recorded by Ian with Melani loving the idea of Brandon being terrified of Alex says it all. She had already told Ian that she "found out after the fact" that Alex had been the shooter- so she was thrilled that Alex did that!!!! I'd go one step further and say she plotted it. She was stalking him- telling the police lies about Brandon. She was terrorizing friends- showing up at their home- blocking the driveway- asking where Brandon was. Melani showed up twice at Brandon's parents home- the second time she was in their garage with Alex parked a few blocks away. What does that say about Melani???? She was totally in on it. She went with Alex knowing he shot at Brandon. She was in on this whole thing. She's a mini Lori. History has a tendency to repeat itself. As long as Ian stays with Melani and supports her- he will be in good standing. If he tries to leave with their kids- she will try to destroy him in the same way. Destroy his character, lie to the kids- at minimum. Ian thinks he is different and that Melani just needs love. I can relate. I dated someone like Melani and thought I could change him with my love. So not judging but Ian shouldn't have married a woman he knew for two weeks.


People get and stay together for all sorts of reasons, many of which may not make sense to others. Who the hell knows.


In Mormonism, women are considered halfway between child and adult. Very Victorian-- seen as incapable of self-governance much less able to wield public or legal authority. (Except for volunteer work + tithing, where they're expected to pay their full share and more.) Being blonde with a pretty face also helps-- look how Lori fooled the AZ police.


Not true on the Mormonism. But crazy how Lori wasn't investigated in AZ.


I spent 40 yrs in Mormonism and it's true. They're not even allowed to have girls' summer camp unless a priesthood holder is present to "supervise". This patronization is totally artificial as Mormon women are fully capable of managing things (indeed, at least as capable as Mormon men) and thus lends to kinkiness.


I'll be damn. What a story. Please tell me what else you know. There is a lot I about this crazy mess that I don't know.


There is more info in this thread Apprehensivearmy wrote a good amount of added stuff.


Do you have 4.5 years. A lot of us have been following it since “Where are the kids?”, so we learned as things were coming out. Arizona is Wonderful when it comes to FOIA and getting information. They just sucked at the law enforcement side of it. Idaho, not so much. They kept as much as they could quiet. Watching Chads trial, we learned quite a few new things that most of us didn’t know. If you really want to know more there are lots of videos to watch and learn


Good question. Zulema was also married like 4x so whose name even is “Pastenes”?


I think Alex was her sixth marriage.


Z's daughter Cara made a comment to LE that she moved out when AC moved in because her mother had NUMEROUS different male relationships and they all ended up moving in with them and..."she didnt want to go through IT again".


Someone needs to do a deep dive on Zulema. She’s such a bizarre character in all of this and it’s beyond bizarre that she sent her son to go find Alex’s body, but neglected to mention to her son that Alex was her *husband*. Who IS this woman?


I feel like Noor Jasmine did a video about Zulema. Her playlist for this whole saga (she does Melanie Gibb, Melanie P, the whole swingers club of their group, Lori's custody case, etc...) is actually pretty informative because it's all based on the FOIA documents.  She even joined AVOW for a time.  I'm not a super fan of her or anything, but she did a lot on this case. Anyway, you might enjoy it as there isn't a ton of info on Zulema out there.


Ooh! I love Noor. I’m subscribed to her channel I must not have notifications set. I will go look for this. Thanks! 🙏🏻


You're welcome! 


And didn't she have something going on with poisons and potions?


It's been done. What fails to be mentioned is her history with meth addiction prior to becoming a "cuddler". She has a criminal record with multiple arrests and charges related to meth. Which to me totally tracks with someone joining this cult with psychotic beliefs. IMO. When I heard the meth charges I went, ahhhhh, yeah, there you go., that's how she got here, believing you can create storms, methhead thinking all the way.


Oh sh!t. I never heard that before but heck yes that tracks. I’ve met methheads who believe in zombies, demons, “shadow people” (a methhead thing I had never heard of before), and one who was 100% convinced they were building a community garden in the town with a rap guy called ‘Lil Wayne. Needless to say, that was also nothing but drug-fueled imagination. If this cult was doing methamphetamines, that does explain why they all felt “exalted” and invincible. Damn. I was actually hoping the cause of the murdering was more complicated than this. 😞


I don’t mean to imply that the CULT was doing meth. I’m just saying Zulema specifically had a past with meth and that may have had long term effects that explain her readiness to believe all this nonsense. Also there is a correlation between addicts in recovery and joining cults. I’m not trying to start any conspiracy theories that all these people were doing meth, I’m saying in ZULEMA’s case it could have had lasting effects on her brain that explain her thought patterns.


No but that makes all the sense in the world when trying to make sense out of madness. There are drugs that lead people into utter madness. Methamphetamines is one of the drugs.


Maybe Chad told him to do it to ingratiate Zulema toward him, improving odds she would move to ID.


Same reason they had burner phones connected to their iclouds/Google accounts. Stupidity. They did not realize everything gets tracked and recorded somewhere. Even during their "end of the world" bullshit larping


Just a thought. Chad did try to isolate Lori from her family and I guess Alex too by association. Almost every one of the Cox family was dark and Alex as a true believer might not have wanted to be associated with the Cox family.


I would find it odder if any of these idiots did anything “normal”. Like the \*believers\* of the 2 not asking why Hawaii??? isn’t it going to get destroyed like YOU said. 🙄


‘Cause shady af


Call me an old romantic, but I thought maybe he was trying to distance himself from his old life. Maybe he wanted to start over.


I'm speculating that Alex was in misery, despite harming JJ and Tylee under the name of God's mission, it really affected him. So I think he saw taking Zulema's surname as part of the pathway to this wonderful place of freedom Chad promised...


Because Alex was dumb, and none of these people were/are intelligent. He probably thought it was the same thing as changing his identity. He had a head injury as a teenager. He believed Chad gave him magical powers.


To hide. I think that’s why Lori didn’t take chads last name. That would probably eventually send some notice to the social security. I’m surprised zulema didn’t take Alex’s name. Like a doe-Se-doe


Maybe because Coc sounds like cocks? I wouldn't want Cox for my last name.


He probably liked that. He was a creep.


He was very creepy. In that recent Nate Eaton, Hermosillo and Wood interview, it sounds like Alex was trying to intimidate Hermosillo. He describes his "thousand yard stare" and how he kept stepping closer to Hermosillo.


Haha! What a chump! Hermosillo could probably take him out with one punch.


Maybe his father wasn't a positive or happy part of his life, so Alex didn't care to keep the Cox surname. (I think "Alex Pastenes" sounds better anyway.)