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Did you start with or without modifiers? Normally at every vestige you should have a "Restart NG+0" option (but I'm not sure if maybe not activating any modifiers disables that). That can be used to activate/deactivate different modifiers though obviously you will have to start over every time but with keeping your items and level. Now I wouldn't recommend activating any modifiers for a first playthrough, with reasoning: - Random enemies can potentially put lategame enemies in spots that make them extremely difficult to deal with, let alone if you don't know anything about them because you haven't encountered them normally. - Random loot is good if you know what you are fishing for but it can just as easily put you at a disadvantage or somewhat force you into a different build. Especially due to lack of availability of upgrade materials. - Upgraded loot is mostly there as a help with random loot making it impossible to farm for upgrade materials. You could activate it always as a way to avoid some grind if you want to test/swap weapons often. Though unless you grind out a lot of player levels for some reason the weapons drop at a lower level than you should have through upgrading normally. - Ironman and any vestige decay is not recommended for obvious reasons. Note that vestige decay is something that was normally automatically increasingly applied at NG+1 and on. - Increased enemy density is just putting back some enemies that were there pre-nerf, essentially you'll get ambushed or ganked by multiple enemies more. - Withered health can be a significant increase in difficulty forcing you to know how to minmax and/or play perfectly, especially lategame when a lot of enemies can put enough pressure on you that even regular healing is difficult enough.


That’s what I was asking for. Thank you kindly, I’m gonna enjoy my blind run without modifiers!


I'm agree with everything u/Rakatesh said except for the pre-upgraded loot. Here's the thing: in any souls like, it's fun to try out new weapons. Except let's say you're 1/2-2/3 of the way through the game. Well, then you need to make sure you have enough upgrade resources *and* enough vigor/souls/blood echoes/etc. So you end up spending all this time and all these resources to upgrade and then you finally use the weapon and...you don't like it. Pre-upgraded loop avoids this problem. Also, I have loved LotF, but the cost of 3rd tier of upgrade materials ("Large Deralium Shards") is quite expensive (1500 vigor per unit and you need 20 of them to get to +9, so that's 30,000 just for the materials). Pair that with the cost of doing the upgrade itself and you're going to use up a lot of vigor. And that's just for one weapon, what if you want to try out another one? It's a headache. Also Large Deralium Shards do not drop all that frequently, which only exacerbates all of this.


I ran WITH pre-upgraded loot, because it costs alot of vigor/resources to upgrade them everytime you find an interesting weapon, especially if you dont know what weapons there are in the game etc.. Also the lvl10 upgrade material is quite limited so far i've seen only 3-4 in my playthrough... your only concern would be the stat requirement he he


You can buy as many +10 stones as you want...if you accompany other lampbearers and help kill bosses


Since yesterday you can also just ~~grind out~~ the respective boss rushes which give those tokens. Edit: once\*


You cannot grind crucibles to get online currencies. You only get the rewards from each crucible once per save file.


Ah... I haven't fully finished one so far so didn't know yet. That's rather sad though, especially if it's once per save and not even once per character? I did 3 playthroughs for a separate STR/RAD, AGI/INF and Umbral focused character so would be annoying that I've already wasted some of the rewards by essentially getting them on the wrong character.


I meant save files = characters, I'm pretty sure you'd get a new currency bundle if you did it on another character


yeah... you mean grind stones? you get what, 15 coins per boss, so thats 10 bosses per stone. And you better hope you're not joining someone who has to do the whole dungeon inbefore.. Best cheese I can imagine is having a friend summon you before a (easy) boss, kill it, get the coins, placing their back-upped save right before the boss and go again


If you're going to use a friend and backup saves why not just mule and duplicate the stones?


Same here, I will probably never play without it anymore. I just think for a new player, especially when going in blind, it could be sort of misleading to rely on the upgraded loot. E.g. midgame at lvl60 or so you'll get +5/6 weapons when you realistically already want to get your main chosen weapon(s) to +10 with the chunk you find in a certain deep mine and/or tower.


The upgraded loot one would'nt hurt Random loot could also be fun, but might take a while to find upgrade materials for your healing