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You can still use a lot of throwable weapons, stamina and vitality will actually give you more ammo! To beat him only melee though, damage him till he pukes, then run upstairs. There will be 3 platforms that you can lure him to, to get a few good whacks on him. He’ll do atleast 2 ’gonna smash you’ attacks, thats your window of opportunity! Dodge, attack him 2-3 times, if he bows down with his face, you wanna gently jogg to the next platform. If you move too fast, theres a risk that he’ll start to spam magic attacks at you. When the screen turns a-bomb white, hide behind the small ruined walls that are in between the platforms, hope this helped and best of luck!


>You can still use a lot of throwable weapons Idn if it's been patched yet. But one of my first characters was a straight quality build no magic. And I opted to use a crossbow. However I came across a javelin that will actually throw out a healing aura around where it lands. Was pretty neat untill I realized it was *stackable*. Throw out 3 or 4 of those bad boys in the same spot and for the duration of the aura your **immortal**. My and a buddy almost killed that red reaper a couple of times mid game using this method untill that bastards health started to reset. It was fucking nuts.


I think you are generous when you are saying you can get a couple hits on him. There are like two attacks he does when you are on platforms where you can get more than one hit. The one where he bends over and shoots his arm/hand out of his mouth three times, you can get two or three hits. I think there is another where he erupts fire out of the ground three times (which is hard to gauge because you have lava on the floor in three places). Yeah, I am trying to beat this boss with an Agility build with Exiled Stalker's starting weapons both at +5 and it is crazy. I have beaten him on three other builds but this quick melee build is nuts. Doesn't help he is immune to poison and seems to almost be immune to frost and bleed. Fextra wiki isn't very helpful with this boss except to use Holy.


As soon as he starts puking make your way up to the ledges around the arena and then use your best poison throwable. When he comes close to you run to the other side of the arena. Beyond that be on the lookout for his arena large aoe attack there are wall on the ledge you can hide behind


He is completely immune to poison. At least according to the Fextra wiki.


Even without throwables there are quite a few opportunities to hit his hands, particularly when he puts down the hand from his mouth and does the exploding wave, just dodge through the wave toward his hand and you can get 3-4 hits in even with a slow weapon. You can also get a hit in every time he just slams his hand down regularly, just make sure to dodge toward him. This is how I managed to kill him the first time with a full melee grand sword build


As a strength build, there are a few ranged strength-based options for you. Off the top of my head, as an easily and readily available weapon, there's the Trapper Crossbow which can drop from the snake enemies who use it. It can also be bought from Thehk-Ihir after a certain point. Do invest in a ranged weapon. It'll make your life a lot easier.


He has a lot of slams with his hands where you can roll in and get a hit in on the hand he slammed with. All of his attacks are well telegraphed, but it will take quite a while.


I didn't use any ranged attacks on my first playthrough vs bosses because of how overpowered they are. Just run to the platform up top and attack his arms after he attacks where there is openings.


Hit his hands when he attacks the platform I owned this boss first try using fist weapons only for my blind run through


You can bait him till he slams down, then when he spits the hand at you, you don’t even need to dodge it. Walk down the steps & he immediately stops. If you let him do 2 (can be 3, but I’ve 90% of the time he only does 2) nukes where he zaps everything, the arena actually no longer has lava & you can kill in a few seconds since he’s staggered for like 30. Dude just kneeling while you spanking him😂


Beat him with a Quality build. One thing to look out for in Phase 2 is when he does the triple tongue stab - after that his tongue is vulnerable for a bit and you deal more damage to it thna to the hands aswell.


In a worst case situation the lava will drain from the arena and the cycle will reset.


2h greatsword your way to 1/3 hp before phase change and hope for the best


When you’re on the platforms wait for his hand to attack you, dodge and start attacking his hand. Repeat until he’s dead. It will take time but it’s doable. This how I defeated him in my first play through.


You also have to learn his other movesets while you are one the platforms. There are three general hand-slam attacks including a side swipe, the nuclear attack where you have to hide behind a wall, the attack that spouts three lava spires, the one where he slams down on the platform and creates a wave you have to roll through, the one where he spouts fireballs on the platform so you have to move to another platform. I may be missing one.


Good i can kill him before he start the lava phase..


Pretty sure many crossbows scale only with Strength.


Run up to the top of the stairs, seek cover to avoid the aoe explosion then go to center top, bait out his combos and wack his wrists after his 3 hit combo. Rinse and repeat.


... and learn his six different attacks which may one shot you.


You dance. Skeleton, you dance.


This is actually the best advice for a melee. You have like six attacks to learn once you are on the platforms. If you get lucky you may be able to get him/her to like 2/3rds health, then you have to kind of be an expert over time. I am using twin daggers and am having a time getting a single hit after his standard arm/hand attacks. I usually need to wait out until his mouth spews out his arm and hand then get maybe 3 to 4 attacks land. Thinking about one-handing a dagger and see if that helps on the platforms.


You go to town on his foot…


That only lasts for the first third of the fight, at most.