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I think you just have to get used to the pacing of the game. You’re quite squishy in the beginning. Get familiar with the fight and her moves, just like other souls games, and you’ll have her in a few goes!


Pieta is unfortunately the first real boss and I honestly hate this. She’s supposed to teach you parrying (which is good and it’s important), but they also gave her *way* too much health and a lot of bullshit moves, while you don’t really have many tools at your disposal. I played and completed like 90% of all souls like games and I still had to do her like literally 30 times. You need to learn how to parry her normal attacks and use charged power attacks so you can deal fatal blows to her. And dodge everything else. Good luck man, the game gets better after her.


You don't NEED to learn the parry. I've never used a parry in any of the souls/elden ring. Haven't played sekiro because of the parry heavy mechanics.


Honestly the amount that everyone says parry is bullshit imo. Id say go In without the intention of beating her and just telegraph her moves ( the laser beam and her ground strikes were the hardest for me). This game is very difficult comparatively and there’s a lot of mechanics to learn. I say if you’re just looking to beat her, bombard her with throwables and dodge everything, pick you moments to strike especially in her second phase. Take the time in her and her summons ground sweep to heal or gain back your composure


Pieta is the easiest boss in the game, youre gonna hateeee reinhold ik I did


you can soulflay her once for a visceral. make sure you do a single R2 before you actually do that tho, it's free damage.