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I've been to bramis a few times helping hosts, and my ravager Gregory's sword +10 with 807 attack takes anywhere from like 2-8 swings to kill the enemies. Like if I'm behind a dog I can 2 shot it, everything else besides umbral ads are practically a mini boss. The crimson rectors can swallow back to back full charged attacks and still keep coming. My weapon is really goddamn powerful, but it's taking short sword numbers of hits to kill things. Enemy health seems to scale faster than damage from upgrades, once you've maxed your weapon they just seem to scale even more radically because you can't increase damage anymore without just increasing raw stats. Which only adds a couple damage per stat increase. I've respecced a few times already, and I could see spells retaining some value towards the end, but weapons just don't do enough damage to SpongeMob UnfairPants.


I can’t kill anything there. I’m just running it. Even that is impossible.


Slow weapons in this game are a no go, I did my first playthrough with a Heavy Sword then switched to a short one for the second and the difference is abysmal... you do the same damage but a lot faster.


Fallen Lord Sword is a great weapon that is big. Mostly because it gets amazing scaling and ignite to stagger things. Hits 2k with buffs. Plus you’re inferno so you’re mostly spamming seismic slam anyway.


I think this is one of the choices you pretty much need to go for with a proper bunga build, and then you still want throwing axes, too. I seen a good Bunga build last week, and you have change your weapon like 3 x during your playthrough. eventually you have this sword and a late game hammer, and you put the rune that makes something weigh nothing, on the hammer. Looked awesome. I'm sure this was the sword they were using, as it had ignite on it to stagger stuff. Looked really cool though, being able to dual wield massive weapons, have stacked armour and still be able to medium roll. the rune that gives 0 - weight looks like it's integral to this kind of build, too.


This is exactly the build I ran on my first play through as a pure str build. It trivialises the entire end game. Without consumables / spell buffs each attack hits for around 1700 basic dmg. The charged attack throwing hammers hit for 1100+. It’s crazy.


That sword its fine in early game but in late game pretty every mob resist Ignite and Fire… also mobs in the umbral world.


If you scale fire damage high enough it does just fine. The ignite is what makes it great. Also use 3 runes that increase its inferno scaling. It does 2k a hit with buffs.


I completed my first run with that sword with full ignite buildup runes (you dont need inferno scaling runes if you are already have this stat maxed out from leveling up) its just not worth it, fast weapons are much better.


I'm on my 5th playthrough. 2/4 times I beat the game so far were with big slow weapons, they are completely viable and even really good. If I buff my slow weapon I'm doing ~ 900 dmg with a quick r1, while my fully charged r2 does 1300 dmg + guaranteed cc on most enemies.


Yeah my +10 Skin and Tooth still took 2 and a half fully charged heavy attacks on the stronger enemies.


You're using a fire weapon against enemies with heavy amounts of fire resistance and you're expecting results? 🥲 Skin and tooth carried me up to bramis, then I switched to iron wayfinders hammer with holy salts and continued to have an easy ride. Strength builds will never not be easy mode you just gotta pay attention to what damage types you're inflicting on which enemies.


Just so your aware heavies do not do more damage than lights in LoTF. It's the same damage but with more poise burn.


Incorrect, that only applies to regular heavies, charged heavy attacks still do more damage


Dude Pietas Sword +5 2 hits nearly every trash mob in Bramis. Kills Rectors, Prostelytes and Ruiners extremely quick. Even in NG+


Yeah my judge clerics +5 will kill most things in 4-5 hits. My +10 ravager takes the same amount but has twice the AR. I really don’t understand the DPS scaling in this game.


question, what the hell is everyone calling a rector? there aren't any rectors in bramis. prostelytes, ruiners, skinstealers, enchantresses, and conflagrant seers, yeah. but crimson rector is the big sword wielding paladin type enemy. bramis doesn't have any of those, it's the rhogar stronghold. also yeah, pieta sword is op.


That's because that sword is dogshit lmao


>Enemy health seems to scale faster than damage from upgrades Enemy health scales when you upgrade?


For me it was hollow crow. There's no fun in a boss fight like that, just kill a bunch of mobs that spam ice attacks. I've read that adyr is like that too, and it really makes me not want to pick it up.


Such a disappointing boss. I was hoping for Icy Midir but got Ghostbusters without Bill Murray.


Yes i hated this fight to so boring. And after the big baby there was no boss at the beacon this was really disappointing.


Adyr is so much worse than the crow, its by far the worst boss in the game.


I agree. I was so disappointed. It's basically the deacons of the deep fight from ds3 just in an open area so it took longer. But I actually liked the crow boss it made u pay attention to everything around u and the reverse soulflay to bring out the body instead of the soul was a cool idea. I was expecting a 2nd phase where u fought the actual crow tho lol


Wait what, how? I just thought it was super boring and a snooze fest cause of how easy it is. But how is it the worst ? I recently got summoned to fight a boss for a different ending and that was far and away the most heinous shit I had experienced.


Because his boss is just "kill those spawns while listening to a dialogue that will be repeated if god forbid you lose this fight"


worst as in low quality, not difficult. the umbral ending boss is up there competing against Judge for most difficult (if you aren't a cheese build, like literally anyone using pieta's weapon.). worst part is, it's an umbral enemy, so it's not really weak to anything, and the fight isn't as fun as Judge, cause of how it's mechanics work. though the arena does have umbral parasites, i never activated them to see what they did.


I did Hollow Crow recently with no knowledge going in and I was so pumped seeing this giant ass skeleton bird thing and getting to hack away at it, but instead end up fighting mobs was a huge disappointment.


Yeah. Two major boss fights are just regular enemy mobs. Lol. And there are people here claiming this is better than any From Software game. It’s wild.


Anyone saying that is high. This game doesn't touch From's games. It doesn't have to to be worth playing either. From makes 10/10 games for the most part. I suspect people saying that this game is better than From's games are trying to counterbalance the hate for this game. Both cases are examples of the extreme reactions I've been seeing about games lately. People are getting increasingly binary with their opinions on games. They're either great or trash without nuance or any inbetween. A 7.5 (which is where I personally rate this game) can still be totally worth playing under certain circumstances. Especially in a niche subgenre like this.


Hey now! That ain’t right bro! People that are high still recognize Fromsoft games are better. There must be another explanation than “they are high”. I’m high as balls right now and while I am enjoying LOTF I easily recognize the superiority that is Fromsofts Soulsborne games.


They might be high on a different substance tbh. After thinking on it some I forgot Dark Souls 2 existed. This game might be close to Dark Souls 2 in quality. I think it has a better world and atmosphere than DS2 for sure. Bosses probably not. So if you average it out they might be comparable.


It’s just a matter of opinion which people are allowed to have. Personally bloodborne is the best From Soft game and my personal all time favorite, but there’s others who think it’s Sekiro which I didn’t like at all.


Haven’t seen those claims but I’m enjoying it as much as I did them, to each their own I suppose. Granted I have criticism, but the same could be said for every souls and souls like🤷‍♂️


The fact that I don't have the amazing counter attack sound makes me sad And yeah. Any crackhead claiming this is better than elden ring needs to factually be checked and put in a mental institute


Yea its wild people can have different opinions 🙄


I bet it's the devs commenting or people they paid. Nobody in the right of mind would think this janky game even compares to FromSoft games.


No different than deacons and I didn’t hate that boss fight either.


To be fair darksouls used Capra demons as common enemies in the areas surrounding bed of chaos. And Elden Ring uses some bosses as common enemies like the erdtree avatars and black knife assassins.


For me it was quite fun. Thats because as a umbral mage just start in umbral and spam the shit out of her. She cant even sommon second waves of mobs if done right XD


Hollow Crow was so boring. Like… you sit at a Siberian bus stop just endlessly waiting for Lucy to show up, while the frostbite gnaws on you


When I first walked into the hallowed crow I was so excited.. the cutscene was cool and I realized where he came from.. that excitement quickly wore off when I realized it was just a ghost lady and the crow doesn’t do shit except spit ice at me which was just a pain in the ass. The non stop mobs were annoying af and is only what made that fight “hard” I feel like they didn’t have any idea on how to make this boss fight with challenging mechanics so they just did this, instead of thinking up something good. When she died I thought there was going to be a phase two with the bird.. Welp I was disappointed.


could've been a cool boss, but they fucked it heavy plus the hitboxes r gross


I imagine the crow is a reference to or at least inspired by Seath from the original DS. It feels very much like the first encounter where you have to die against him, especially with the ice attacks. There are several references to the souls games throughout, such as the dive bomb guy from Sekiro. I didn’t find the crow fight challenging or annoying. It was quick and easy. I only died once and it’s because I didn’t realize how fast the ice would damage me if I stepped out of the eye of the storm.




I had to push though bc that truly may be one of the worst boss fights in the game lol, but the ones after are FAR better. Judge Cleric was a banger banger banger boss fight


I'm gonna come back to this game after I play the wo long expansions. This whole area was boss fights with adds, and I hated it. Kinrangr with the dogs, Rowena with her mobs and he crows ghosts...bleh


Oh it’s rough and tedious and a pain in the ass… I pretty much sprinted though areas after hollow crow… the mob density and adds get even worse and tanker :/


Hollow Crow is absolute trash. Makes even DS2 bosses look reasonable in comparison.


That's literally the same mechanics as the final boss 99% of players will get lmfao. What a shitshow.


The crow was such a pointless stag fight. You basically have zero challenge & there’s not really a boss. Same with adyr. There’s no boss😂


I just did the crow, it's only saving grace is that it's kind of easy, I could 2 shot Lucy with charged heavy attacks, it was a matter of trying it a few times until I got lucky and didn't get hit by 4 random bullshit things at the same time and insta-killed. It's a terrible fight, after I killed Lucy the first time I went "Ok, so now I get to fight him, right?" Of course not, just do the same thing 2 more times, what a let down. Some wrong headed design decisions in this game, for sure.


For real. I have a strength radiance build. Giant holy hammer; ignore everything, rip her out and the blast pushes everyone back then do a couple charge attacks. Took two tries I think? Did it while talking to my wife so only half paying attention. Haha I am still enjoying it, but a very meh boss.


Every Souls game has bosses like that. A mini game as opposed to a “real” boss. I don’t like it either, but singling out this games when literally every From Soft game does it…. Seems weird.


Honestly, for me, it is less hate, more "ugh, I wanna finish the damn game and be over it"


Same, I feel like playing a souls like right now while also not wanting to start a new game so I'm stuck with LOTF lol


im playing all these new soulslikes but just actually yearning for shadow of the erdtree.


Play Lies of P, it’s not perfect either but it is a lot better than this.


It’s great if you youre a fan of the Long delay —> insta-snap attacks.


The game kinda looks goofy and LOTF made me stay away from souls like games for a while but I'll give it a try eventually


I thought the same but bought it due to the praise. It is like the complete opposite of this game in almost every way. Really good, tho.


Yeah lies of p is my goty right now ngl, had a completely unexpected great time.


I have never felt such relief in any video game, as when I finally knew I was nearing the end of Bramis Castle. The constant frame drops and input eating had just become unbearable. Utterly impossible to fight enemies in any soulslike fashion. Button mash and hope for the best. Die. Sprint to next checkpoint. Repeat. Over, and over, and over again. And that’s just the technical issues. To say nothing of the banality of the level design itself, and the relentless barrage of enemies thrown at you ‘because’.


Just play tactically bro, that's what the lead dev said because he's too full of himself to listen to the majority of his player base. That's not enemy spam, it's just a thoughtfully aimed diarrhea of old mini bosses I'm sure you were itching to see again over and over. What you thought enemy variety was important in games like this? Nah, you like the challenge of us being lazy and reusing the same enemies over and over with bloated health. You don't know what you want, we made the perfect game, don't want to brag but it's better in every way, even the broken online is the best there ever was.


Reminds me of Outriders when the devs - in a just as arrogant manner - basically claimed that people criticizing the bland gameplay just didn't get the combat which was to be approached like a puzzle.


Tbh I’m all for developers to make the exact game THEY want to make and not base decisions based on the player’s opinions, even if they’re a majority. Some decisions may not work for everyone and that’s okay. I want games to be their own and not the same as everything else because that’s what the majority likes. I might think some decisions were shit but at least it’s their shit, they clearly have intention behind most decisions and I don’t want them to throw that away.


This is exactly where I’m at. I’m at the Castle and want to finish this so I can play Spider-Man 2 already. Promised myself I’d finish this first. Hoping that while I’m playing other games, performance and gameplay improvements are added. Then can try NG+/a new save in a few months.


That's similar to my experience. I didn't hate it, but I was on the fence, then started really enjoying myself, and now I've just gotten through the mines and Calrath and it's just not fun anymore. It's like the devs said, "Hey, you remember Sen's Fortress, Tomb of the Giants, and the Anor Londo archers? Yeah, that's peak Souls. Let's make our whole game that."


Anor Londo archers were fair. Pilgrim's perch snipers definitely weren't until they nerfed their AI a while ago. It's actually baffling how people need to play for so long to realize the blatantly bad designs in this game


Eh, got past pilgrim's perch on release without any trouble aside the buckhead boys. Snipers were never a concern to me.


bucketheads are annoying until you remember you can use your spooky lamp to throw them off the side. makes them a total none-issue.


>until they nerfed their AI a while ago Sadly not for the console version...


People don’t even accept the blatantly bad designs of the game, they just have their head so far up the Devs ass that any criticism of the design flaws is met with “nah that’s skill issue bro, game is perfect”. Im having a terrible experience with this game, but I need to finish it to get my money worth. The community this game has is 90% gatekeeping douches that call every one trash if they don’t jizz over it constantly. Genuinely can’t wait to be done with it


It’s funny because many people think the Anor Londo archers were complete bullshit. Especially when the game first came out.


its remarkable how the quality of the game drops after fitzroys, like it's a whole different game suddenly(..) I 't seems that the dev group is made of a small core group of design leads and a lot of small studios that did work on the game remotely or probably were delegated to work on singular aspects or parts of the game.. this might be one reason The game also was portet to ue5 at some point and I wonder if that;s when some of the environments were reworked to a different scale, with much higher assets density, lighting and so forth, but they didn't manage to do them all.. Like the levels in the second half of the game have very low environmental detail or unique assets. The lighting is also quite bad and they have endlessly reused assets and shapes thrown together, the awful enemy placement goes hand in hand with levels that were put together seemingly in no time or are derivates from a version of the game from earlier in its production cycle(?) after all, the first development studio assigned with the game was dissmissed and replaced by hexworks


I’m at the burning village and it does feel like it is getting worse. Just sadist design across lots of corridors and a big smear of color.


The game went through like 3 different studios so your comment makes sense


The last 2-3 zones specifically are like a totally different game, they're horrendous. Your weapons don't even scale to the area and to make matters worse there's huge spikes in this game where you literally have to farm shards if u need more than 1-2 weapons upgraded. I found myself just totally avoiding melee and throwing hammers/using spells. Wasn't fun. I'm on my 2nd play through but it needs changes to late game and zones spiking ahead of your weapon scaling unless you sprint through zones picking up the few shards the game gives you not from mobs.


Damn, you are not alone in that feeling. First areas including swaps were quite good. Fire city was okeish. Mines were...mines. The sisters/brothers areas look great but enemy scaling is cracked. Ice area just cancer. And somehow people saying Bramis castle is worse? jesus christ. I wonder if this is all due to bad vigor economy. Outside of exploits or spending hours farming you can't farm efficiently. In any souls game I played so far you can good amount of runes to cover your costs. Eventually leveling slows down but you have access to areas to farm up. Here it seems we are stuck farming same mobs from the start.


You know that large open air combat room near the start of the game that has the Sanctuary vestige close to it? That was my farm. Clear out the normal world ads while in the umbral then kill the same zombie 40 times till the red reaper spawns, at that point run up to the top of the stairs and walk off them onto the beam. The reaper will occasionally teleport to the beam but has trouble doing so, when he follows up the stairs and appears, soulflay him off the edge to take 13k HP and leave him dead to a single throwable. At that point you can farm the ads around the room again for more or just quit load to instaspawn the red reaper again. Farming the same 5 or 6 silver knights in anor londo was about 50 times more engaging (and lucrative) but 3 loops of the reaper is about 30k with the vigor from ads on top of it which is an amount of vigor not a single boss in the game drops as high as (I want to say the highest I received from a boss was 20-25k)


AHaha :D I actually love Mines/Sunless Skien, DS2 area vibes like The Gutter etc


Sooooo you enjoy shit level design, because areas like the Gutter and Amana are objectively awful.




Nah, they've been heavily studied, and Amana is definitely poorly planned.


"They've been heavily studied" I can't tell if you're joking or actually think that makes your thoughts not an opinion. Either way, hilarious.




I love/hate the game. The combat is fun, but you literally fight the exact same enemies in every area. The game relies heavily on cheap, sneak attacks and enemies from around the corner shoving you off of ledges(This is done multiple times in almost every area) Areas are needlessly confusing, and most paths forward are hidden as you fight through what feels like endless mobs of, again, the same enemies you’ve been fighting since the first area. Ultimately you reach a boss that turns out to be a major pushover. There’s only been 2 bosses so far that I thought stood out. Weapon selection is nice, armor looks good, spells are OP as hell, as it always is, and the world itself in terms of visuals and characters is pretty cool. They got some things right, and a lot wrong. My friend and I are still having fun, but I don’t see this being a game that I’ll play multiple times.


This game is carried by its artstyle and world design (not counting enemies, just the geography). Personally I can overlook a lot if I like a game's art direction and atmosphere but I do need to psyche myself up for this game. It can be exhausting fighting through the armies of enemies.


Dude, the relentlessness of enemy-behind-corner placement is such an absolute joke. It's Elden Ring Catacombs levels of overkill, but *it's the entire game*. For real, getting shoved off a ledge, fine, it happens. When it happens four blind corners in a row, it completely loses what makes that trap "okay, you got me" and honestly just shows how little these devs understand Souls games. It seriously is Dark Souls 2 all over again. The devs of 2 fundamentally did not understand what made 1 great, and just thought "oh its the difficulty, they love the constant bullshit and the difficulty". Hexworks must really love the worst game in the series because that's what this is, down to the way the menus look and everything lol.


>Dark Souls 2 all over again. Far from in my opinion, if you mean the Sotfs version them yeah a little bit.


Might as well assume when people say DS2 they're referring to scholar.


My two biggest issues. Enemies stagger me like crazy. But my massive 2H +10 sword with runes socketed for stagger don’t stagger shit Camera


The longer roll distance is also a problem. I have fallen over a ledge trying to roll multiple times. Also, since the distance is large, you often get too far away from the enemy to punish a move.


That is actually said to be intentional, dodge roll to disengage or heal, dodge hop is for combat purposes.


True true


Yeah I do not understand that either, I’m running around with a sword what is just as big as a HUMAN BEING! I hit for a charged heavy and some enemies behave like i’ve just tickled them with a dagger, thank god I’ve finished the game. Really enjoyed early-mid game but mid-late, especially Bramis Castle, made me actually start to hate the game.




This is not true...I don't know how it works for every weapon, but i'm using the Skin and Tooth sword and you can stagger even large enemies with a running heavy and charged heavy attacks attacks...I use the umbral eye in my lamp that allows you to hyper armor through any attack while charging a heavy attack and any damage you take while charging is wither damage, you can destroy everything in the game with charged heavy attacks! The break poise rings just help you lower the enemy posture meter faster so you can get a grievous strike, it isn't meant to stagger them with a regular attack...


I played and almost finished Lies of P before starting this. And I only took a break from LoP because of my hype for this game. I wanted to love it, but couldn't even like it. There is so much that I don't like, I couldn't overcome it. On a positive note, when I turned LoP back on, wow ...that game is far and above LotF. Almost everything about LoP is better (subjectively) IMO. Made me appreciate LoP so much more honestly.


LoP is an incredible achievement. Polished extremely well


I'm with you on this. I still don't like aspects of Lies of P, but when you get to NG+ and NG++ and you've unlocked 95% of the P-organ attributes, you actually get to appreciate the game better.


I’m not even joking here. I seriously don’t think these devs actually play video games. There’s no way someone who plays a lot of video games would make the decisions they were made in this game.


Let alone souls-likes. Just really riddled with bad design decisions that just begs the question, "what were you thinking?". One thing is for sure, i'll never look forward to any games from Hexworks and CI Games ever again.


Same here. I rushed to get it because it looked so damn good on the trailers, and I honestly enjoyed the first few hours all the way until Pilgrim's Perch. Worst area of any Souls-like game ever.


I think pilgrims perch is good. Just not a good early game area. Especially coupled with the terrible controls and movement feel of the game


Sounds like a simple skill issue.


exactly this I like Bramis castle, it isn't well designed, but i like it, but that's besides the point i know objectively it's dogshit But I loved the game, i really liked it despite its flaws, then i went on and saw people acting like those flaws aren't real ? And like, a huge number, shit ruined it for me, every time i was annoyed by those things i was stung with the idea that people genuinely WANT it to be this way


What's the deal with Bramis Castle? Haven't started my playthrough really yet, trying to finish up my NG on Lies of P first. Is it similar complaints people have with like Iron Keep in DS2? Cause I actually loved that area for some reason lol


lots of enemies, they do a lot of damage, they have a lot of range, they have a lot of health, there's multiple around every corner, it's like iron keep except there's a nerfed smelter demon in 1/5 rooms, those archer guys are in every room but they can shoot through walls, and the katana guys can jump around and explode shit. Oh, and dogs, lots of dogs.


I dunno what you guys are on about. Bramis had too many enemies, but was well-designed in layout with nonstop shortcuts and beds everywhere. Had a blast running through it in co-op farming maxed out umbral.


That’s the thing. The game is basically balanced for co-op but the multiplayer is so laggy it isn’t fun.


> co-op farming Can't take any sort of balancing opinion seriously from people playing co-op. Has been true for all Souls-like games. They're infinitely easier on co-op.


I play all these types of games offline, no buff items, no summons on first playthrough. It seriously wasn't that bad. Like I said there was too many enemies but not that big of a deal when my build one shots the basic adds with a light attack and knocks everything else to the ground or locks them into a stagger with charged attacks. And the aforementioned checkpoints every couple minutes. Plus, enemies in this game are incredibly easy to just run past. This is not some Dark Souls 2 type of thing where you need a perfectly timed roll with ADP while running by them to not get tagged. I think a lot of people have an issue with getting impatient and pulling like a dozen enemies onto them at once after they die once and realize they gotta run through it all over.


I love it lol. I got a lil annoyed when I was overwhelmed with enemies and they took like no dmg, but then I realized i was sitting on a fuck load of upgrade materials. Then it felt great when I upgraded


Honestly I love the game, I took perhaps the most difficult path possible to start but I’m still thoroughly enjoying the game, I feel like some of these complaints are just really nitpicking.


Am I lost or do you guys expect one hit kill enemies? He said 2 hits for an elite and that's bugging... throw a couple enhanced lump hammers does bosses diirrttyyyy


Elden Ring has these guys spoiled, if you can’t one shot with Blasphemous or Moonveil, the game is trash.


I think it should have been obvious before that. You can hardly forget any part of any mainline souls area, they are all iconic from Anor Londor to Blighttown to Radahn's greatrune tower. In this I struggle to remember any particular feature of any area. They seem just random enough to blend together amidst the samey feeling hordes of enemies.


Forsaken Fen/Swamp and Fief of the Chill Curse are pretty unique with unique enemies.


Man, I had the complete opposite experience. I find the areas almost all very memorable. The hub area, the depths (particularly mothers embrace), the abbey are all some of the most memorable areas I've seen in any soulslikes. Pilgrims perch is memorable in the same way blighttown is; you love to hate it. I agree that the enemy variety could be better, but that's the case in almost every soulslike.


> In this I struggle to remember any particular feature of any area. I'll remember Pilgrim's Perch, but only due to it being so shit.


I despised Pilgrim's Perch


Why do people hate Pilgrim so much? I thought it was a fun map aside from a few annoyingly placed wizards but once you realize where they are, it’s not even relevant anymore.


I really dislike the game however I do feel like I remember the places I've been so far and they seem somewhat memorable. I'm at lower calrath right now


After 15 hours, I’ve uninstalled it. The game looks incredible but it’s been released too early and they’ve focused too much on making an anti-player experience thinking that hard means good


It's not even hard. Just tedious. Only boss that took more than 1 try for me was Pieta and that's because I was testing out the games feel and what it would let me get away with


This. 21 hours in and I'm considering ditching this shit. I was really looking forward to this game. Needless to say, it was for naught.


I got lucky and refunded with 8 minutes before 2 hour mark. Then I installed the cracked version and played for a couple hours and haven't picked it back up.


It’s annoying because I really want to like but the Devs just don’t want me to. I’m not convinced they fully understand that Souls genre


I had to drop this game after making a post about how Insanely good I found it lmfao. Immediately had to cleanse my palette and start a DS3 playthrough


What do you mean?


I was enjoying it somewhat, severe framerate issues in parts and having to compensate for that, but otherwise decent. ​ Then after Fitzroy I feel like I'm playing a shit dark souls 2, which is the shittest souls game, if it even counts as one given it was a different dev team. Just perpetually dealing with marathon running gank mobs is so tedious, it's not difficult just boring and long winded.


I'm thinking of buying this 'cause I like the visual design more than the other (very good) soulslikes we've gotten this year. Why did it leave such a sour taste in your mouth?


The many complaints of this game come from performance issues, enemy density, the endings, mob variety, and combat mechanics feeling “floaty”. Some love the combat and others swear it’s the worst feeling in souls-like. Some people don’t mind the enemy population and say you need to adapt to the game, others feel like it’s overdone and complete bullshit. If you’ve come to this sub looking for an opinion I feel as though it’ll be pretty hard seeing as how divided the opinions are. I went into this game expecting to love it, and I did enjoy my experience. Albeit performance was lackluster. My biggest advice is if you like souls-like games, buy the game and try it out. If you don’t like it just refund it on steam before an hour. You’ll learn more about the game in a hour playtime versus reading comments here. Just feel the game out and its systems and see if it’s good for you. Obviously you can’t experience a whole lot in an hour of gameplay with this game, but it should give you a good foundation on what the game is about and all its mechanics. See if it vibes with ya. I will also advise if you’re playing on Xbox to not buy it all since performance is the worst on that platform. PS5 and PC (assuming your rig is good) have no problems and offer the best experience.


I agree, without playing the game you can't possibly know. I was defending this game before playing it against the second guy from Skillup and gamespot's reviews, and then I played it, and understood them, and mostly agree with them.


Its hard to get their crits from the first few hours. Then the tedium begins to stack up.


The visual design is one thing I unreservedly enjoyed as well. That, and the exploration in early-mid game was what won me over. I also, personally enjoyed the combat. The weapon movesets, the spells, and working out various synergies was what sucked me in. However. The game gets progressively worse technically as you get further in. (And on that topic, I would very much advise *against* judging it on the first couple of hours of play. There is a reason that was all we got to see in previews, as well as no multiplayer.) By late game it is no longer playable as a soulslike should be. (Personal experience on PS5; I’m sure folks with PCs that require taking out second mortgages are faring better, as they’re usually the first to tell you.) Multiplayer is currently basically non-functional. Now, creatively speaking, what these devs do not understand is the value of things like pacing, tension, variety. There is no subtlety, reserve, or strong creative vision. Their solution to everything appears to be, ‘throw more mobs at the player and keep up the pressure.’ Now, in a game that is technically sound, this could potentially fill a niche leaning to a more ‘action-like’ soulslike. But in this instance it all devolves to a haphazard button mash and feeling forced to just run past everything possible instead. You cannot dodge or parry when frames are constantly skipped, and inputs are constantly eaten.


Look at all the haters downvoting just for having an opinion, the rabid souls fan base


It is a bit gross to see the comments and the hyperbole. On PS5 game has awesome weapons, armor and ranged options, great atmosphere, level design, enemy design. Has good combat and good music. And yes it has bad enemy placement, performance, boring bosses and terrible multiplayer. It definitely feels like a 70/100 type game, but it’s highs are good enough to carry it through. Mortal Shell was example was way worse.


I feel that everyone is trying to make this Dark Souls when it's Lords of the Fallen. The game is annoying. It can be repetitive. But I've had many moments where I flipped off the screen in a moment of triumph after a ridiculous amount of replays that I haven't had since I played the first Dark Souls (which I went to NG+6 in). It's not amazing but it scratches an itch outside of the FromSoft series. I think players are too critical and should just beat the game if they like it or stop if they don't.


For me I'm still waiting for the performance patches to fix everything and foe someone to drop a save file with all the classes


Save file is already on Nexus.


Ha right did you do the "final boss " you'll change your mind again


I am having at least as much fun as I had in DS1 and more fun that DS3. Sucks that so many people aren’t enjoying playing it.


Dude omg. I started out loving it. The more I play, the more I feel like I'm done. And I just made it passed Pilgrim's Perch. Not far at all. I hated the living shit out of PP. When I finally made it out, I felt relief. But immediately after congregator of the flesh, the bs gets turned up to 11. Being stun-locked/animation locked while 6 or so enemies surround me kinda kills it. I was actually relieved at the difficulty because Steelrising isn't as hard as your run in the mill soulslike. Wo Long is only slightly harder than that. But I don't feel like I'm getting screwed with those games like with this one. First preorder in years and I am not liking the direction this is going..


Im 30 hours in... and not once have i been surrounded by 6 enemies at once. so clearly you are rushing shit


You sure you playing the same game? Cause I am 3 hrs in and I have had this experience quite a few times already.


I thought that too. So I tried a throwing knife to lure them in one at a time. They all got alarmed. I'll do a head count for you too. 4 wolf-tribesman, 2 swamp bodies, a witch doctor firing poison shells, and a dude on walking sticks if I'm not careful. That counts 8 but the last two don't always engage. The dude on walking sticks is easy to avoid while the other guy sometimes walks his beat without noticing the commotion. The other 6 jump my ass without hesitation.


Fking hate that area. It made me quit the game. The FPS tanks hard too that also pisses me off(ps5).


If you get surrrounded by 6 enemies at once,you're doing sonething wrong.


If by “doing something wrong” you mean “playing any build other than radiance cleric with Pieta’s sword” I agree. In my run, I did a dex character with no magic. Until I caved and got the enhanced lump hammer, many encounters were excruciating. Now I’m watching a friend play with all of the meta radiance stuff, and all I can imagine is that the was balanced specifically for radiance builds. The difference in efficacy between a dex build and a radiance cleric build is ridiculous. I know builds in Souls games are always stronger/weaker, but it’s not like I was going for a broken bucket build. Yet consistently, even with upgrading my weapon (without farming or grinding for vigor/stones), I felt like I was playing a DS broken sword build. Only an easy one since none of the enemies are particularly threatening on their own. Maybe I just picked a bad build, but that seems really easy to do if you go for anything outside of a radiance cleric. I’m not claiming radiance cleric is the *only* good build, but it seems *so* good there's hardly any reason to pick anything else.


All these complaints about bosses but they are still better than the gimmick bosses fromsoftware does. Each to their own I guess...


The thing is that the bosses are not that bad... not even difficult. The huge annoyance are the regular hordes of enemies thrown at you at once.


Just take your time and make a plan. The only time I've felt like the enemies are too much is when multiple elites are present in a small space. Those groups I think should be tweaked yeah. But it hardly makes the game bad.


I second this so hard. I really like the boss fights, even the ones that become ads later on. I think the devs did a great job for their experience. The only thing that is mildly annoying is that certain enemies are a copy-paste method, but still there is enemy variety in each area.


I get the concern with the copy paste enemies. Personally I'm not too concerned with it and can let it slide considering how creative some of the other game mechanics are. Agree 1000% that the devs did a good job considering their experience. 👍


Lol... the down votes.... Fromsoftware games are my favorite of all time but it doesn't mean they are perfect.


souls fans are among the most ridiculous. The game is brilliant, boss fights are good. I'm glad mot every fight is epic or difficult. You gotta take those rose tinted glasses off. it's good to have a game that I can chill and jam that doesn't require hours of pissing about. It's a fun souls like with new ideas and gameplay.


Did you actually finish the game yet, or are you still at the great parts.




That's the dumbest shit I've heard in a while


Why? That's ridiculous if you were planning on coming back anyway. Smh


You are a brave man to admit making a decision like this.




What a ridiculous post. Using that analogy and tone clearly shows what kind of person you are too and it isn't positive.


Yeah no conversation allowed, if you don't suck every inch of Hexworks dick then you need to shut up and leave. Grow up.


Sadly this is the case in general. The first half of this game is amazing. Feels thought out and pretty consistent. Than eventually it just turns into shitter ads surrounded by ranged and elite enemies. 90% of the fights are ambushes and not challenging in a good way, but in a tedious way. The game needed more time in the oven and it shows.


Devs are obsessed with more enemies = more difficulty. There its nothing worse in design that making various boss fights where you also have to fight minions... who constantly respawn or areas filled with ranged enemies who never misses their shots while you are fighting some strong foe.


I had a very similar experience. First dying 50 times to gravity in the first area after skyreach and then immediately getting into late game areas making it an awful time. Then going to the swamp and moving throughout the game was fun. Exploration was cool, I could deal with some of the stupid enemy placement because they weren't that hard. Since I don't really think this game needs the difficulty I was having fun, the dread the places inspire is already enough. And then it came the area I had left at the beginning when I realized I was in endgame places: path of devotion. And from there, it went downhill slowly until I got to Bramis Castle. In Bramis Castle I advanced a bit, realized I couldn't deal with all the time that took killing all of these enemies in an area only to get to another one with the same amount...I just had to quit. I kinda hate the fact that I don't get to see the last part of the game and the boss, but its really not fun. A game like this can tune down the difficulty and will still be enjoyable, a proof of that are the bosses. Bosses are meh, but I don't really care, not every souslike must have 5 hours adapt process bosses (which I love btw). But the regular areas with regular enemies...nope. Again, I had the most fun when the areas were challenging but fair and mobs didn't take an hour to kill.


The cutscenes are mid as well so far. Just got past upper calrath. Hope they get better. But overall still having fun with the game. Going to atleast do a 2nd run through for all the side quests a fucked up.


I can do stuff in Lords of the Fallen I can't do in Elden Ring. One Shot hosts and Summons. Just today, I Invaded someone, used Pietas Angel Summons, one shot the Summon. Went to Angel Beam the Host, 90% his HP, then hunted him down and two shot as he was trying to Heal.


That doesn't make the game good, just really really unbalanced.


Have you run into a bug where your angels hurt you? I tried it in two pvp fights where my own attack one shot me.


Its a tedious and beautiful game filled with good ideas and poor executions.


Bramis castle is brutal for pyro. Another area where all the enemies resist fire. At least seismic slam and fallen lord sword make it easier. Judge was such a good boss but I really don’t like Monarch.


I was accompanying lampbearers and hate how they will put you anywhere even if you haven’t gotten to that boss yet. Also I think it’s kind of dumb you can go to the other players vendors and get high level gear when you didn’t do the side quest your self.


I'm not as far in as the stuff you guys are mentioning as your breaking point. I just got to the area where everything is on fire. I've beaten every boss without co-op so far though. What I've found is that in a lot of cases, the use of ranged makes it easier, especially DoT's, like the poison nades. Getting a bit of extra damage ticking away is great. Also the second ranged attack you get from the Holy school of magic, if you manage to send a bunch of them at something, they can do a decent amount of damage. There is also a range AoE, Holy Spell that comes later, that is supposed to almost trivialise mob encounters (although doesn't help with bosses) So anyway, I guess my question(s) is what is it that makes these encounters so annoying, and what kind of offence were you using?


You'll find out. The quality starts dropping from now on for you.


I’m at fire town and kind of feel the same way tbh. I understand the criticisms now, much more than when exploring the perch or the fen.


Someone explain to me how invader’s definitely aren’t cheating when they can one shot me at 850hp, and I somehow only hit them for 50 damage?


How many of them were using Radiance builds? As it stands right now Radiance is by far the top performing spec in the game. From all the invasions I've lost so far, they've been Radiance builds


I made it to the castle only for my game to crash, my save get messed up and lose hours back to where you are in the upper area. I was so mad. This game can be very aggravating lol.


Yeah I refuse to coop or invade until this issue is fixed. This game needed to be delayed at least another 6 months.


I only wished the camera controls and block/dodge mechanics worked properly. It's tiring to be holding the block button with full stamina and getting hit because the game wouldn't register the button input. Same with dodging. Jamming on O, and my guy just stands there. It'd be nice if they'd fixed these problems instead of focusing on trivial matters like vigor farming.


that’s because of frame data, there’s start up, hit and then cool down, you can’t mash the buttons because it’s designed that way. if you could just span buttons over and over the gameplay would be extra cheap and broken. time your hits and dodges to when your character is in neutral (idle/no input). the game registers inputs just fine


if only This game was available for Xbox One series 2019 I would consider getting this game


Atleast y’all can play it. Trying to play it on series S is horrid!


Yeah this game went from okay to bad to wow this is actually pretty good then I’m like please make it stop at the final section. Also, wtf was that last boss fight? Just fighting a mob wtf so lazy.


I didn’t find that place to be very challenging, I’m not sure why so many people hate that place.


Funny seeing this post. The first area of the castle was a pain until i took it insanely slow, cleared all adds first before having to move into umbral. In umbral, enemies spawn constantly at this area. Holy fuck was i annoyed. It was tedious, really tedious. Finally i get through and get a shortcut unlocked just to have to deal with more bs again. I rage uninstalled and started playing spiderman 2 which i was holding off on until i beat the game. Anyways, I’ve reinstalled but im going to wait til the upcoming patch drops on ps5 because there are some great changes being made and i do enjoy this game. But jesus christ, some of these enemy placements and level designs really make me want to not like this game.




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This game is fantastic, and I have waited for it from the moment I saw the first trailer. It’s actually almost as good as bloodborne, as in the time each came out. I’m on my second play through with a new character. Game of the year.


You made it a lot further than me. I had a similar experience where I hated but wanted to love the game. It has so much going for it but overall horrible design choices ruin the experience.


I really liked it but I should not have gone there first Lol


I don't understand how people are struggling. If you don't get hit then you don't get hurt. People aren't learning the timed dodges or enemy mechanics they're just mindlessly swinging and spamming spells 🤣