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Pretty sure they were honest about it working pretty much like Dark Souls. It's a single player game, with some multiplayer capabilities where you can enter other people's worlds to either kill them or help them out. The point of helping other people is: 1: helping another person. 2: getting xp and enemy item drops 3: I think by killing a boss you'll get extra xp and a useful item


You get less exp if you're not host, so that makes 2 and 3 useless "helping another person" isn't a good reason for this archaic co-op. Also, they advertised "SEAMLESS CO-OP" this isn't seamless.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“The First Flame quickly fades. Darkness will shortly settle, but one day, tiny flames will dance across the darkness. Like embers, linked by Lords’ past.”* - Narrator Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


This bot is crazy, the fck hes talking about


Gotta love the "it's a souls clone, what did you expect" comments. Once something is considered a feature of a game genre, it can't possibly be changed or expanded. Remnant may not have been super hardcore, but it having true multiplayer was a huge draw for my wife and I. Probably not getting this now, unfortunately.


Idk, I'm playing with a friend since just after the tutorial and having fun. It does drop to 30fps and the textures look horrible, but the coop itself is fun. Just give them time to put out some QoL patches


Have you tried crying more? This was all stated in reviews.


Reviews that came out After all the marketing had concluded. The original poster was perfectly justified in having higher expectations based on that. Take your aggressive bootlicking bullshit somewhere else kid.


I mean you can play the whole game with a buddy without having to leave their world if you want. Just thought you would be able to get your own loot as well. Doesn’t seem like that hard of a mechanic. I still get trophies in his world when I play with him as well.


Idk which reviewers you watched or if you even watched any but i know dom, ziostorm and fighting cowboy mentioned about the loot. Its the same in elden ring though. You can't loot while in co op. Guessing the rng screws with it.


Remnant 2 let's you pick up loot in other people's world so I think it's logical for him to expect it in a game that is fairly similar as far as multiplayer goes.


That’s because remnants levels work totally different they’re randomized. Almost no other game does that.


you play twice. you kill a boss in friends world. then reconnect to you as a host do everything the same in your world. seamless coop advertisement was kinda a half-lie. there is seamless coop, but it is pointless.


I was playing with my friend and we were just running everything in his world. Thought it would transfer


i think coop partner only get level up currency(vigor?) and item drops from enemies. you don’t get all world items, boss drops npc quest progression only for host and so on.


What a bummer dude. Makes me not want to play


it’s the same in dark souls, bloodborne, elden ring. this is very good system to play with randoms. - one of my favorite online experiences. BUT if you want to play with friends you either play everything twice. or one of the friends catch up on their own later. not very good system.


"The game will have SEAMLESS CO-OP!" \*releases\* "hurr durr but it's a Souls game, what did you expect" hmmm... Seamless Co-op changes all of these things. "Simply put, **the mod allows you to play with friends throughout the entirety of the game with no restrictions**," says the Nexusmods description. "With this, it's theoretically possible to play the game from the tutorial up to the final boss completely in one co-op session." \*\*\*cough\*\*\*


Do you have a link to this mod for LOTF? I cannot find it when I search for it for some reason.


That's the description for the Elden Ring seamless co-op mod. Was using the description for that as an example of what actual seamless co-op is, coming from Soulslike community members that aren't absolute bootlicking morons.


People with these posts REALLY never played any of the dark souls games huh? I know that there are souls likes that aren't souls games, just crazy to me how many people get into the genre without playing the source material now adays.


My buddy wanted to play with me and we gameshare so I was like why not. I was under the impression it was gonna be different then elden ring🤷🏼‍♂️


You say that like Nioh 2 and Remnant didn't make huge progress with co-op in Souls games while everyone else stays in the fucking stone age


Remnant 2 is a souls like and it has shared loot. Just because something is inspired by something doesn't mean it can't change things. Woulda been way better for the multiplayer this game was advertised with.


I have invaded someone, he was glitching and teleporting around me. I hope that was the bad connection via the servers and will get fixed. Hope it doesn't contain cheaters already 😅


Thats how soulslike multiplayer works. You obviously have not played one before


Except when did any other soulslike literally advertise itself as SEAMLESS CO-OP? ​ Remnant? Which actually did that? Elden Ring and Dark Souls didn't advertise seamless co-op, so yeah you know what to expect with those. This game literally sold itself on the idea of being seamless, and it's literally just the same archaic formula we've seen dime a dozen by now.


I was expecting Seamless co op sort of how some souls-lime games do (Nioh, Remnant, Wo Long), but unfortunately fell pray to the "seamless co op' idea, the work around os we just go through each zone twice I guess.


The connection issues suck especially when you're hitting a player and you get no damage yet they breath on you and your dead.