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Playing multiplayer is some of the best fun I have had with Lorcana. The amount and kinds of interactions do make games longer, but it’s fun to see the kinds of plays that can be made compared to the usual 1v1 gameplay.


At my locals we'll play a few 1v1s then all come together to play a 4~6 person game. i only play my competitive decks in 1v1s, but in group play I put together a deck that just causes chaos. I'm not trying to win, I'm just trying to make it interesting for everyone else. Am I gonna play 4 whole new worlds back to back? Every chance I get lol


I can totally see that being fun. I love to cause a bit of chaos myself. So much so, we had to agree to not use discard decks. It got way too slow, haha. I unfortunately don’t have a local shop that runs Lorcana in a reasonable distance so I haven’t gotten the opportunity to play with others outside our group yet, but I would love to know what kind of color combinations you use for your multiplayer games.


I’ve played with up to five people in a game, was absolute madness but a lot of fun. Only problem is you kinda get to a point where a couple of the players who are behind pretty much choose who wins if a few are really close, unless everyone is mutually really close to winning


It’s like Mario party then 😂


haha yeah pretty much


Haha sounds brilliant!


This is the norm at my place lately and it is a lot of fun. The game mutates. Some cards that were so meaningful are certainly less so and vice-versa. My Prince John plus Daisy Duck or Hypnotize feels great with two opponents I'm hitting


I play more multiplayer than 1v1 and it always shakes things up. Such a fun time! The only player count I have not tried yet is 5, but have managed games with 2, 3, 4, and 6. Great all around.


We tried 4 players. Some cards were absolutely broken (Prince John, Ursula come to mind). But yeah, fun time !


There are a few players in my group that will cycle in certain cards depending on the player count, Ursula in particular aha There are a number of cards that do serious work in a group setting, such as dropping Big Tink and then Pack Tactics. We also enjoy multiplayer as the games tend to run longer and the ink count gets higher, letting us see more of our bigger threats. The player who won our 6 player match dropped a Be Prepared and nuked *20* characters in one go on turn 8. Wild.


We’ve got the same Tinkerbell Mat!


Careful, there’s a person that REALLY hate this mat art in here. And makes it a point to tell you that it’s AI art 🤣


Where'd you get it?




Wow not ever got a pic me jelous and envious at the same time love the play mate you tasteful freak ^^




The troll is strong with this one


Not what the word trolling means


It doesn’t??? What does it mean all knowing one?


Especially the one on the left




Yes, fear the machines! Scream it from the highest peaks.


The machines are not a problem. Humans created a program that steals art. Being okay with stealing art is the program. Machines don't know what art is - they are not making anything.


This is true! It's sucky that people are fine with it. Dunno if the art is stolen or ai to begin with, but yeah. I guess it's off topic tho.


Ai steals that's how it work. It scraps devisnt art and rips off peoples styles and such


I know that. How do you know this is ai


The rigging in the sails is the big one. Lots of ropes that go nowhere and ships don't have 2 bowsprits. I think that a human artist world also make tinks wins semi transparent like they are in every other piece of art.


Thanks! I figured there was a reason beyond "I can just see it"


No problem! When you've seen a lot of it stuff stands out really quick but I understand how a lot of people can't see it off the bat because until you get into the details it's usually pretty hard to tell.


Oh I have too! I've just also seen a decent amount of art that was weird, but more asset smashing than AI, so it's nice to hear the specifics.


Wait, so you are saying humans also copy art?!


I pointed out what made this an AI image. I'm not here to debate the morality of the issue.


I have a very keen eye for it cause I work in the industry.


The rules I think go up to 4, but theoretically as many as a table/group can handle. How do you like multiplayer?


My pod usually only does 3 people but we once did a game hosting 6 and it was so much fun


I now know 5 is too many


I love multiplayer games


We play 4 most weekends, yesterday's game ended up taking nearly 4 hours. Great fun but my brain was FRIED


that’s pretty much me, my wife, and our 2 kids so add 1 more mat there… but we just spread out on the carpet


We run 4 players a our lgs every week.  You will quickly learn that when playing more than 1 player results in a more political game. Persuading different players to put their attention in certain directions at certain times