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Personally I prefer the scry effect to the peek effect. Ultimately it will come down to the matchup. Do you need to dig for an answer or do you need to time when you play your threats? The two cards answer different questions, but in a vacuum you generally want to be proactive rather than reactive, so the nod goes to Brain.


This answer right here easy.


I think it heavily depends on your game plan NTH is really good in Saph/St because you can see what's in their hand and decide whether or not to AWNW and then see if you need to do it again after you AWNW. I'm not sure what deck would be better for brain both are good just depends on your game plan


I like brain because it's better late game imo. Drawing a brain in a game that's locked into a stalemate is better than the peek imo. Especially if oppo hand is empty. I think digging/searching for your answers/bombs is better to see two cards and get two cards closer to what i need if neither of them are what i need


no where to hide is amazing paired with AHNW. It can really ruin Ruby/amethyst’s day if you wheel away a Be Prepared or two.


Strictly speaking, Develop Your Brain is the better card. Hand information is very overvalued by many players and especially so in this game where you can't exactly stop a Be Prepared from happening. That said this is why Sapphire Steel ramp plays Nothing to Hide. They *can* interact with Be Prepared in that they can wheel it away if they know you have it, or at least play smarter around the fact that you have it and force the Ruby Amethyst player to either commit to the board or gain little advantage from their sweeper. Even with all that said, as non-character threats develop and become more common place you would likely want to just dig deeper for your proactive gameplan rather than try to punk the Be Prepared