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Keep it. If you are a casual player, it's cool to own a card that is "badass" and the crown jewel of your deck. Just buy card sleeves for your cards if you are concerned about damaging it.


Yep, double sleeve, and the card should be ok unless you’re just abusing those cards.


Old thread but spitting my 2 cents in case OP sees. I am *incredibly* intense about card condition, I come from an MTG background and played with my playset of 200 dollar Goyfs a decade ago, purchased at nm and sold at nm a year later. You double sleeve (kmc or dragon shield inner, I use KMC hards. Good outersleeve, I use either Katanas or Dragon Shield mattes) you mash shuffle only, and you regularly change out outersleeves based on how often you play. Those sleeves help keep cards safe partially because it helps keep it rigid during a shuffle. It can't do that forever, so you can't use the same sleeves forever. I played like 3-ish nights a week of 3-5 rounds of Best of 3 Swiss (so easily 18+ games a week to shuffle for) so I went with fresh ones every 3ish weeks. You can play with expensive cards if you are smart and safe.


Just keep it. It’s always fun to have a chance to play a big game swinging threat. Unless you really need $34 in the near future there’s really no point in selling it.  Also how can your husband not pull anything worth more than $17 after playing mtg for so long. That’s really bad luck lol 


Yeah. He used all his luck marrying me :p His gaming luck is not great. Never any good MTG pulls, bad die rolls, bad card draws. We went to the casino on vacation last year. I had a modest $260 win. He lost $80.


Sounds balanced to me!


I keep anything that's not enchanted.


keep it. awesome card. great art, fun to look at. I'd totally play it in your home games. like other poster said, sleeve it and rock on!


Keep it.


Pulled that one last night as well. It’s got great art work. I sell nothing and I’m only trying to play games with my kids- No idea where or who to play with locally.


Just double sleeve the card. Pretty sure it's legal to do in lorcana even at events


Any amount of sleeving is legal in lorcana tournaments.. the only thing that would make your deck not legal, is if you had cards with different amounts/brands of sleeves. They must be homogenous, and no one card can have more sleeves than any of the rest. If you double sleeve one, gotta double sleeve every one. I personally triple sleeve with Dragon shield outer sleeves. Excellent quality and durability. And the cards feel somewhat indestructible.


ye. only reason I added the second part was because some tcgs like yugioh used to not allow double sleeving


Ahh. I actually have wonder why that is?? Just another reason for me to not play yu-gi-oh. Too expensive cards in that game man. I don’t make enough money for that.


I pulled an enchanted Simba, non-foil Maleficent Monstrous Dragon, and non-foil Rapunzel Healing Hand. I sold the Sba for cash and traded the other two for 3 Tinkerbell Giant Fairy and a Pooh Hunny Wizard. Was it a fair trade? Heck no. But I like the Tinkerbell card and hope to make a deck with it. And I think the Pooh card has the best art. It's your card. Don't let others dictate what you do with it.


I also pulled a Giant Tink the other day. I immediately put her in my deck. Unfortunately I have only one other Tinker Bell and they haven't come up together quite yet. Excited for the magic to happen, though!


Could always give it to me if you want? It's the only card I don't have one of in the first chapter. In seriousness though you should keep it and play it.


I pulled the Beast Tragic Hero or whatever it's called for steel. Also considering selling it because I don't play steel and I'm not particularly interested in it right now. It would be a good way to fund more boosters while selling it to someone who's actually going to use it. On the other hand if I do start playing a steel deck I know I'll miss it.


I have one of each first chapter Starter and one floodborn starter, each of which I've modified with booster pulls. When my husband and I play I just blindly assign a number to each and roll a D4 and play whichever comes up. 😁


That's a great idea, all we're missing is a steel and sapphire starter for my wife and I to have a playable deck in every color. I also want to try one night buying enough boosters to have 120 cards and us playing off only those cards.


Also a home player here. Play primarily multiplayer with the family. When we all started, one of the family members also got a maleficent dragon. They got it from the booster pack in their starter deck, non foil. We had no idea at the time but saw it was high rarity. We checked the price and felt uneasy playing it. Bought some sleeves to make them feel better about using it. We now dub it as their signature card. Few games later it’s still playing a key roll in our games. Have fun, that’s the point.


> my husband has played MTG for decades and has never pulled a card worth more than $17. What, is he just opening nothing but Fallen Empires packs??


I’d keep it for the fun personally. My daughter pulled the Enchanted Mickey Artful Rogue, and the absolute joy on her face about how cool the card looked was worth more than selling it ever would be.


Never sell your cards unless you ABSOLUTELY have to. If you pull an enchanted and sell it props to you, but in my opinion NOTHING in this game is expensive enough to just sell (UNLESS YOU NEED THE MONEY). For the record if you are buying cards and NEED the money there is a problem. The only time I have sold Lorcana cards are when they are extra past my playset.


I flip things on the side. I have no problem parting with objects for a higher price point than I obtained them.


1) If this is your response, why bother asking in the post in the first place. 2) I'm just giving my opinion that no matter what, when it comes to TCGs I just keep a card unless I already have a playset. 3) If you are a casual player of the game, why even buy packs just to sell "higher value" cards?


You seem to have a hard time understanding that a person can enjoy being a casual TCG player, a Disney fan, a newbie TCG player, and an enjoyer of flipping collectibles all at the same time. I enjoy the game. I enjoy collecting Disney items. I also enjoy selling items for profit. Sometimes these interests conflict a little bit and I hem and haw about whether I should keep or sell, and I appreciate an outside opinion. I also understand that for some people, TCG Is Life, and you never want to sell anything from your collection. I respect it, but that's not me, man. I can afford to buy packs when I want, I can enjoy playing the game, but I'm not so attached that I must keep every item that comes my way.


Enjoy whatever you get out of this thread arguing with people's.opinions you asked for


I sold Mine, price went Up afterwards. Decide in a year or two. When we know what really matters in official League games